

中文摘要 本計畫執行內容包括強化再利用管理、掌握金屬資源循環量能與例行性資料統計與機構管理等三個主軸。在強化再利用管理方面,本計畫就再利用前、產品認定、產品流向管理整體管理策,擬定再利用精進策略;並就強化機構管理、產品品質及最終流向管理等面向,協助修正公告「應進行流向追蹤之事業廢棄物再利用產品」,研擬修正再利用法規。另蒐研歐盟推動資源循環相關法規制度,包括歐盟周全規劃之廢棄物終止認定方法學,荷蘭建立之建築物拆除程序及建築廢棄物再利用粒料產品認證機制等,供作我國參考。在掌握金屬資源循環方面,就國內銅、銦及鎵三項金屬循環進行調查,發現銅與銦較具國內資源循環潛力,鎵則較難發展國內資源循環。在例行性資料統計與機構管理方面,持續勾稽比對再利用產品申報,輔導業者依法申報。定期出具再利用相關統計報表並進行分析,以掌握再利用量能,另辦理30家再利用相關機構訪視作業,以掌握產業界現況。
中文關鍵字 金屬循環經濟、事業廢棄物再利用、機構輔導


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 7400 千元
專案開始日期 2021/03/03 專案結束日期 2021/12/15 專案主持人 藍森崇
主辦單位 廢管處 承辦人 潘淑華 執行單位 環資國際有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 成果報告.pdf 16MB

Promotion of industrial waste recycling management policy project

英文摘要 The scope of this project includes three major items as to enhance waste recycling management, to grasp metal resources recycling capacity, and the routine management of statistical data information and recycling organizations. In order to enhance waste recycling management, the project has improved the documentation management before recycling processes, identification of recycled products, and product material flow management to improve the overall recycling management policies. In terms of reinforcing the management of recycling organizations, the qualities of products, and the management of tracking recycled products to the end use, the project also assisted in amending the list of industrial waste recycled products designated for tracking, as well as in assisting the draft amendments for recycling regulations. The project also studied EU resource recycling related regulations and policies, including the comprehensive methodology for the determination of end-of-waste criteria, and the Netherlands certification scheme for construction demolition processes and the construction & demolition waste recycling aggregates products for our references. In order to grasp information on domestic metal resources recycling, the project has conducted survey on the recycling of three metals as Copper, Indium and Gallium and found the existence of some potential for domestic recycling of Copper and Indium, however with difficulty in domestic recycling of Gallium. For routine management of statistical data information and recycling organizations, the project continued its work in auditing the reported data for recycled products and assisted companies in their reporting according to regulations. The project has conducted periodical statistics and analysis of data related to recycling to hold information on the capacity of recycling. In addition, the project also conducted site visits to 30 recycling organizations to get hold on current situation of the industry.
英文關鍵字 Metal Circular Economy, Industrial Waste Recycling, Organization Consultation