

中文摘要 PM2.5及臭氧問題已成為我國公眾相當重視的環境議題,隨著工業發展及都會區車輛密度增加,國內空氣品質受到明顯的衝擊,國內外研究亦指出,當曝露在過多的PM2.5環境中,容易使心血管疾病與呼吸道疾病之發生率與死亡率增加,因此如何降低空氣污染物濃度與空氣污染防制策略,逐漸成為政府相關單位與國人需要共同努力的方向。 本計畫配合好鄰居條款,今年度計畫分別完成PM2.5及臭氧之跨區(縣市)交互影響比例,針對PM2.5縣市交互影響,雲嘉南空品區與高屏空品區PM2.5濃度受其他空品區影響較為顯著。臭氧屬於二次污染物,故本計畫建議以空品區尺度來進行臭氧評析,北部空品區本地貢獻佔11.4%,竹苗地區本地貢獻為8.3%,中部地區本地貢獻為13.8%,雲嘉南地區本地貢獻為13.1%,高屏地區本地貢獻為12.3%。 另外針對國家空氣污染防制方案(NIP)及各縣市空氣污染防制計畫(SIP)之減量效益及歷史空品政策進行評估及驗證,透過近程空氣政策防制方案(108年-109年)實施,105年19縣市實際濃度為19.2 μg/m3,經本系統模擬近程空氣污染防制行動方案,模擬濃度則降至17.5μg/m3,改善比例約為9%,而109年實際觀測濃度為14.1μg/m3,實際改善比例為27%,顯示氣象及其他減量條件(非本土的人為排放減量,如境外、生物源等)影響比例可達18%。透過空品政策減量效益驗證,本團隊建議空氣品質政策須納入氣象及其他因子之影響比例,以彈性的方式來訂定未來目標,並非以單一數據為完成指標。 除此之外,本計畫辦理兩場訓練會議,邀請各縣市環保局承辦及相關計畫顧問公司,以實務教學與案例解析為主。本研究之工作成果能提供環保署及縣市環保局政策制定之參考。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質決策支援系統、空氣品質政策、空氣品質模式模擬


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 7200 千元
專案開始日期 2020/07/06 專案結束日期 2021/07/05 專案主持人 賴信志
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 邱慶睿 執行單位 長榮大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 台灣區域性空氣品質防制效益分析計畫.pdf 18MB 期末報告公開版

Benefit analysis of air quality control stradigies in Taiwan

英文摘要 Air pollutants such as PM2.5 and ozone have become a global issue and are getting more public concern. In Taiwan, with the rapid development of industry and the increased density of vehicles in the urban areas, air quality has significantly deteriorated and been paid attention to. Previous studies showed the increase in the deaths and morbidity of cardiovascular diseases and respiratory diseases could be attributable to increased exposure to PM2.5. Therefore, the strategies for decreasing air pollution concentration is an important issue for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Environmental Protection Bureaus (EPBs) in Taiwan. This project has assessed the impact of PM2.5 and ozone between counties by applying Response Surface Model (RSM) system and evaluated the effectiveness of National Implementation Plan (NIP) of EPA and State Implementation Plan (SIP) of EPBs applied in recent years. The observed PM2.5 in the base year, 2016, was 19.2 μg/m3, and the modeling results showed the PM2.5 can be reduced to 17.5 μg/m3 (-9% compared with 19.2 μg/m3) if NIP and SIP (2019-2020) were implemented. The observed PM2.5 in 2019 was 14.1 μg/m3 (-27% compared with 19.2 μg/m3), which revealed that the impact of meteorology and other emissions (e.g. transboundary anthropogenic emissions and biogenic emissions) can contribute 18% to the difference. In addition, if PM2.5 standard (15 μg/m3) is needed to be met, an extra 20% of emission should be controlled except for existing NIP and SIP. Based on the assessment results, we suggested that future NIP and SIP need to consider the impact of meteorology and other emissions and achieve the goal by considering more flexible and multifaceted policies. Besides, we hosted 2 training workshops in Taipei and Tainan and invited the consultant companies and officers from EPA and EPBs to operate the RSM system, and the training can provide practical support for EPA and EPBs.
英文關鍵字 Air benefit and cost and attainment assessment system, Air quality policies, Air quality modeling