

中文摘要 本計畫依據行政院環境保護署「環境教育法」、內政部「志願服務法」及本縣環境教育行動方案內容,辦理環境教育及永續發展各項推動工作,貫徹嘉義縣環境教育政策精神「行動環教357走讀學習在嘉義」,進行環境教育教學及推廣,以期達全體縣民實踐環境教育,各項工作執行摘要說明如下: 一、環境教育專案 配合辦理環境節日及其他環境教育相關活動,並配合製作彙整地球日、世界環境日、世界清潔日等環境節日活動成果冊,活動包含: (一)【子計畫一】嘉義縣環境教育博覽會計畫。 本計畫已於9月16日假中正大學辦理完成,當日活動內容除邀請環教夥伴進行環境教育成果展出,同時進行環境教育職人講座及國際環教交流學習座談會,參加對象主要為嘉義縣老師、學生、環境教育夥伴及一般民眾,當天超過500人次參與。 (二)【子計畫二】農村環境教育的情境產業體驗。 本計畫包含二場次活動,簡述如下: 1. 第一場次於4月22日假頂菜園農村博物館辦理完成,活動主題為「農村廢棄物再利用-重現阿祖ㄟ灶腳」,參加對象包括古民國小師生、新港社區居民及退休老師,共計60人。 2. 第二場次於10月14日辦理完成,活動主題為「農村廢棄物再利用-草編體驗活動」,參加人數共計60人。 (三)【子計畫三】嘉義縣沿海環境教育Kahoot大PK計畫。 本活動於4月21日在布袋國中與新岑國小辦理完成,參加對象為嘉義縣沿海國中小學生、老師及一般民眾,比賽分成國小、國中、成人等三組,共計310人參加。 (四)【子計畫四】越在地越國際-農村社區環境與國際生環境永續交流。 本計畫配合環境節日及其他環境教育相關活動辦理,包含二場次活動,簡述如下: 1. 第一場次假船仔頭藝術村文教基金會於3月21日辦理完成,活動主題為「平地社區森林體驗趣」,參加對象包括國際學生(印度、馬來西亞)、環保(教)志工及一般民眾,共計46人參加。 2. 第二場次假船仔頭藝術村文教基經會於9月18日辦理完成,活動主題為「國際環保交流相逢朴子溪」,參加對象包括南華大學國際學生(史瓦帝尼、印度、越南、馬來西亞等國家)、東石高中師生、社區民眾,共計84人。 (五)辦理第8屆國家環境教育獎說明會及初選作業。 已於4月19日上午假創新學院辦理1場次國家環境教育獎地方初選啟動說明會,當天共有11單位與會,分別為民營事業組向禾休閒漁場、團體組社團法人台灣國際學術交流協會(邑米社區大學與邑山社區大學)、學校組南華大學、社區組埤前社區發展協會、機關(構)組台灣菸酒股份有限公司-嘉義酒廠及個人組嘉義縣中埔鄉和睦國民小學陳振興校長與築夢森居劉朝維環教師,後續並依據委員意見持續輔導特優單位進行資料修正,以利參加國家環境教育獎複審及決審獲得佳績。 (六)辦理環境知識競賽初賽。 已於9月25日(六)於中正大學完成地方初賽辦理,共211位選手報名,並選出4組別共計20位選手,後續參加11月份於逢甲大學辦理之全國賽事。 (七)辦理環境教育繪本徵選及推廣計畫。 環境教育繪本徵選期間自110年7月1日至110年7月31日,繪本投稿件數為15件,其中2件不符規定,共徵得13本繪本,於8月19日完成繪本評選作業;後續於10月2日辦理繪本說故事工作坊,並配合環保署於10月22、 23二日參與全國繪本嘉年華,其中繪本「娃要回家」並獲得全國繪本嘉年華會人氣獎佳作之殊榮。 (八)辦理寒(暑)假期環境教育營隊計畫。 分三梯次辦理,於8/16(一)及8/17(二)、8/18(三)及8/19(四)、8/20(五)及8/21(六)假中埔鄉築夢森居探索生態園區及東石鄉向禾休閒漁場環境學習中心辦理完成,參與人數共計80人。 (九)執行環境教育基金會計系統(含署BAF系統)管理及操作維護,協助基金支出及核銷工作。從1月20日起,已於每月25日前,完成上個月基金預算數之環境教育基金會計系統(含署BAF系統)管理及操作維護工作。 (十)協助辦理臺美生態學校推廣計畫。 已聯繫嘉義縣21所註冊臺美生態學校之相關學校單位,並請嘉義縣政府教育處協助發文給嘉義縣各學校單位,於10月19日安排輔導人員前往大埔國中小,協助學校銀牌申請。 (十一)協助宣導、輔導及推薦轄內公立機關、民間團參加永續發展獎。 今年度因疫情嚴峻,行政院國家永續發展委員會暫停辦理110年度國家永續發展獎,目前已有四個單位提交資料,預計參與111年度國家永續發展獎之選拔,已辦理8場次宣導活動,並協助完成跨局處亮點會議簡報與縣長之環境永續宣導短片拍攝作業。 二、辦理環境教育志工培訓: (一)辦理環境教育志工增能訓練及運用計畫於4月21日假嘉義縣阿里山辦理環境教育志工增能訓練,共計40人參與。 (二)辦理110年全國環保志(義)工群英會全國賽參賽工作。 本年度全國環保志(義)工群英會全國賽參賽工作,因COVID 19疫情取消,工作變更辨理「嘉遊~環境教育真有趣,走讀學習在嘉義」,活動分三梯次辦理,於9月30-10月1日(第一梯次)、10月18-10月19日(第二梯次)、10月28-10月29日(第三梯次)假嘉義縣阿里山森林遊樂區辦理完成,共計80人參與。 (三)規劃辦理110年嘉義縣環保志工群英會初賽。 全國環保志(義)工群英會全國賽參賽,因COVID 19疫情取消,工作變更為以趣味競賽形式辦理之「110年度嘉義縣環保志工群英會」,於9月4日假荷苞嶼生態園區辦理,共計150人參與。 (四)辦理至少1場次環保志工成長訓練,增進志工環境教育知識及技能,提升服勤能力,於5月13日假嘉義縣築夢森居辦理完畢,參與人數37人。 (五)辦理各環保志工隊幹部聯繫會議濟志工隊評鑑及環保類志工獎勵頒獎。 已於1月27日協助規劃訂定「110年度嘉義縣環保志工隊評鑑計畫」,另於4月底、8月底、10月中完成3次各鄉鎮市環保志工之書面評鑑工作;因疫情影響第一次實地訪查延至與第二次訪查一起辦理,並於8月完成二次各鄉鎮市環保志工之實地訪查作業,10月底完成分數統計,並於11月16日辦理頒獎作業。 (六)辦理購置環保志工服勤裝備 已於3月與4月份分批完成POLO衫、背心採購及點收,8月份完成志工帽採購及點收。 (七)辦理環保義工日環境教育體驗學習活動。 因新冠肺炎疫情分為三梯次辦理,於10月5日、8日、13日於馬稠後環境教育中心及雲嘉南濱海國家風景區辦理環保義工日環境教育體驗學習活動完成,共計80人參與活動。 (八)環境教育志工運用,至機關、學校、企業及社區環境教育宣導服務至少100場次。 協助推動環境教育達363場次,分別為學校宣導13場次、社區宣導19場次、設攤宣導24場次、235環境教育綠能生活館宣導231場次及其他宣導76場次,環境教育宣導人數達19,285人次,服務時數達1,204小時。 (九)協助推動環保志工業務及運用,以參與環保局各項環保活動。 於3月31日協助辦理1場次志工低碳飲食咖環保,在地食材尚蓋好-環保志工廚藝秀活動;9月26日協助辦理1場次布袋好美里沙灘淨灘暨海洋廢棄物調查活動;9月28日協助辦理1場次志得其樂~環境教育作伙來!馬稠後環境教育中心培訓活動,共計3場次。 (十)協助招募環保志工完成訓練(志願服務基礎訓練及特殊訓練)。 本計畫已協助南華大學分別於9月5日及9月12日辦理環境教育志工團基礎訓練及特殊訓練,訓練人數達14人。 (十一)協助本局辦理衛生福利部志願服務資訊整合系統環保志工相關資料建置、環保志工業務推動及成果彙整。 配合環保局協助鄉鎮市公所辦理志願服務基礎訓練及特殊訓練課程,納保收編志工計有環保志工1,322人、環境教育志工51人。 (十二)協助辦理地方及中央志願服務評鑑工作。 於110年1月25日協助環保局準備相關書面資料, 5月6日完成相關書面資料之彙整及簡報製作,並於5月7日在環境保護局4樓禮堂進行本縣評核工作,協助環保局獲得嘉義縣志工評鑑第一名的殊榮。 三、協助本縣環境教育基地維護管理: (一)因應環境教育在地需求,協助綠能館參訪事宜。 於每周二至周六上午8時30分至11時30分、下午1時30分至4時30分執行綠能館解說導覽服務等相關工作,因應COVID 19疫情,綠能館於110年5月18日閉館,7月27日-7月30短暫開放,但7月31日因嘉義縣群聚疫情,又進行閉館,最後於8月10日再行恢復開館,累積入館人數1,586人次。 (二)志工導覽運用。 環境教育志工協助導覽235環境教育綠能生活館宣導共計231場次。
中文關鍵字 環境教育


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 7480 千元
專案開始日期 2021/01/07 專案結束日期 2021/11/30 專案主持人 施文華
主辦單位 嘉義縣環境保護局 承辦人 李秀雯 執行單位 德汰科技顧問有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 110年度期末報告.pdf 24MB

110 Annual Chiayi County 235 Environmental Education Implementation Plan

英文摘要 In accordance with the Environmental Education Law of the Environmental Protection Agency of the Executive Yuan, the Volunteer Service Law of the Ministry of the Interior, and the county's environmental education action plan, this plan handles environmental education and sustainable development promotion work, and implements the spirit of the environmental education policy of Chiayi "Action Environmental Education 357 Day Study in Chiayi", to carry out environmental education teaching and promotion, in order to reach all county citizens to practice environmental education. The executive summary of each task is as follows: 1. Environmental Education Project Cooperate with environmental festivals and other environmental education-related activities, and cooperate with the production of a collection of environmental festival activities such as Earth Day, World Environment Day, and World Clean Day. Activities include: (1) [Sub-project 1] Chiayi Environmental Education Expo Project This project was completed on September 16 at Chung Cheng University. The activities of the day were not only inviting environmental education partners to exhibit environmental education achievements, but also holding environmental education staff lectures and international environmental education exchange and learning seminars. The participants were mainly Chiayi teachers, students, environmental education partners and the general public participated in more than 500 people on that day. (2) [Sub-project 2] The Situational Industry Experience of Rural Environmental Education. This project includes two events, which are briefly described as follows: (A) The first session was completed on April 22 at the Dingcaiyuan Cultural Artifacts Hall. The theme of the event was "Reuse of Rural Waste-Reappearance of Azu’s Stove Foot". Participants included teachers and students of the ancient Republic of China, residents of Xingang community, and retired people. A total of 76 people. (B) The second session was completed on October 14. The theme of the event was "Rural Waste Reuse-Straw Weaving Experience Activity", with a total of 60 participants. (3) [Sub-project 3] Kahoot Big PK Project for Coastal Environmental Education in Chiayi County. The event was completed in Budai Junior High and Xincen Elementary School on April 21. The participants were students, teachers and the general public from coastal elementary schools in Chiayi County. The competition was divided into three groups: elementary school, junior high school, and adult, with a total of 310 participants. (4) [Sub-project 4] The more you are here, the more international you are-the sustainable exchange between the rural community environment and the international living environment. This plan is coordinated with environmental festivals and other environmental education-related activities, including two events, briefly described as follows: (A) The first fake Chuanzaitou Art Village Cultural and Educational Foundation was completed on March 21. The theme of the event was "Flat Community Forest Experience". Participants include international students (India, Malaysia), environmental protection (teaching) volunteers and the general public, a total of 46 people participated. (B) The second Fake Chuanzaitou Art Village Cultural and Educational Foundation Conference was completed on September 18th. The theme of the event was "International Environmental Protection Exchange Meets Puzixi". Participants include international students from Nanhua University (Swadini, India, Vietnam, Malaysia) And other countries), the teachers and students of Dongshi High School, and the community members, a total of 84 people. (5) Handling the 8th National Environmental Education Award briefing and preliminary selection assignments. On the morning of April 19th, the School of Innovation held a briefing on the launching of the National Environmental Education Awards for the local primary election. A total of 11 units attended the meeting, namely the private business group Xianghe Recreational Fishery, the group and the corporate legal person Taiwan International Academic Exchange Association ( Yimi Community University and Yishan Community-University), school group Nanhua University, community group Piqian Community Development Association, organization (organization) group Taiwan Tobacco and Liquor Co., Ltd.-Chiayi Distillery and Individual Group Hemu Elementary School, Zhongpu Township, Chiayi County Principal Chen Zhenxing and teacher Zhu Mengsenju Liu Chaoweihuan followed up and continued to guide the excellent units to make data corrections based on the opinions of the committee members, to participate in the review and final review of the National Environmental Education Award and obtain good results. (6) Handle the preliminary contest of environmental knowledge contest. The local preliminary competition was completed on September 25 (Sat) at Chung Cheng University. A total of 211 contestants signed up, and a total of 20 contestants in 4 groups were selected to participate in the national contest held at Feng Chia University in November. (7) Handle environmental education picture book selection and promotion plan. The selection period for environmental education picture books is from July 1, 110 to July 31, 110. The number of picture books submitted is 15 pieces, 2 of which do not meet the requirements. A total of 13 picture books were collected and the picture book selection was completed on August 19. Assignment; follow-up on October 2nd to organize a picture book storytelling workshop, and cooperate with the Environmental Protection Department to participate in the National Picture Book Carnival on October 22 and 23. The picture book "Baby Going Home" won the National Picture Book Carnival Popularity Award as one of the best works Honor. (8) Handle environmental education camp plan for winter (summer) vacation. It is handled in three steps, at Zhongpu on 8/16 (Mon) and 8/17 (Tue), 8/18 (Wed), 8/19 (Thurs), 8/20 (Fri) and 8/21 (Sat) The registration of Xiangzhu Mengsenju Exploration Ecological Park and Dongshi Township Xianghe Recreational Fishing Farm Environmental Learning Center was completed, with a total of 80 participants. (9) Implement the management and operation and maintenance of the environmental education fund accounting system (including the BAF system), and assist in fund expenditure and write-off work. Starting from January 20th, before the 25th of each month, the management and operation and maintenance of the environmental education fund accounting system (including the BAF system) of the previous month's fund budget have been completed. (10) Assist in the promotion of Taiwan-US Ecological School. We have contacted 21 schools in Chiayi that are registered with Taiwan-American Ecological Schools, and asked the Education Office of Chiayi Government to assist in issuing documents to schools in Chiayi. On October 19, we will arrange counselors to go to Dapu Elementary School to assist the school in applying for silver medals. (11) Assist in advocating, counseling and recommending public agencies and private groups within the jurisdiction to participate in the sustainable development award. Due to the severe epidemic this year, the National Sustainable Development Committee of the Executive Yuan suspended the handling of the 110th National Sustainable Development Award. At present, four units have submitted materials and are expected to participate in the selection of the 111th National Sustainable Development Award. 8 publicity sessions have been carried out. Activities, and assisted in completing the briefing of the cross-bureau and office highlights meeting and the county mayor’s environmental sustainability promotion short film shooting. 2. Handling environmental education volunteer training: (1) The environmental education volunteer training and application plan will be conducted on April 21 in Alishan, Chiayi, and a total of 40 people will participate. (2) Handle the participation in the 110th National Environmental Protection (Volunteer) Workers' Association National Competition. This year’s National Environmental Protection (Volunteer) Workers’Association National Competition was canceled due to the COVID 19 pandemic, and the work was changed. "Jiayou~Environmental education is really fun, day study is in Chiayi". The activity is organized in three stages, September 30- October 1 (first tier), October 18 to October 19 (second tier), October 28 to October 29 (third tier) Alishan Forest Recreation Area in Chiayi completed, a total of 80 people involved. (3) Planning and handling the 110th Chiayi Environmental Protection Volunteer Association Preliminary Competition. Participated in the National Environmental Protection (Volunteer) Association of Talents National Competition. Due to the COVID 19 epidemic, the work was changed to the "110 Annual Chiayi Environmental Protection Volunteers Association", which was handled in the form of a fun competition, which was held in the Hebaoyu Ecological Park on September 4 , A total of 150 people participated. (4) At least one environmental protection volunteer growth training was conducted to enhance volunteer environmental education knowledge and skills, and improve service ability. The process was completed on May 13 in Zhumeng Senju, Chiayi, with 37 participants. (5) Handle the cadre contact meeting of various environmental protection volunteer teams, appraisal of volunteer teams, and award awards for environmental protection volunteers. Assisted in the planning and formulation of the "110 Annual Chiayi Environmental Protection Volunteer Team Evaluation Plan" on January 27, and completed three written evaluations of environmental protection volunteers in various towns and cities at the end of April, August, and mid-October. ; Due to the impact of the epidemic, the first field visit was postponed to be handled together with the second visit, and the second field visits of environmental protection volunteers in towns and cities were completed in August, and score statistics were completed at the end of October, and on November 16. Handling award assignments on the same day. (6) Handle the purchase of environmental protection volunteer service equipment. The POLO shirts and vests were purchased and collected in batches in March and April, and the volunteer hats were purchased and collected in August. (7) Handle environmental education and experience learning activities on Environmental Volunteer Day. Due to the new crown pneumonia epidemic, it was handled in three tiers. On October 5th, 8th, and 13th, the environmental protection volunteer day environmental education experience and learning activities were completed at the Ma Chouhou Environmental Education Center and the Yunjia South Coastal National Scenic Area, with a total of 80 people participate. (8) Environmental education volunteers use at least 100 sessions of environmental education promotion services to agencies, schools, enterprises and communities. Assisted in the promotion of environmental education up to 363 sessions, including 13 sessions for schools, 19 sessions for communities, 24 sessions for booths, 231 sessions for 235 Environmental Education Green Life Museum, and 76 sessions for other publicity sessions. The number of guides reached 19,285 and the service hours reached 1,204 hours. (9) Assist in promoting the business and application of environmental protection volunteers to participate in various environmental protection activities of the Environmental Protection Bureau. On March 31st, assisted in a volunteer low-carbon diet cafe environmental protection, local ingredients are still covered-environmental protection volunteers cooking show activities; September 26, assisted in a cloth bag Homiri beach cleaning and marine waste Investigation activities: On September 28, we assisted in the handling of 1 session of "Environmental Education"~Environmental Education Partner! Ma Chouhou Environmental Education Center training event, totaling 3 sessions. (10) Assist in recruiting environmental protection volunteers to complete training (basic volunteer training and special training). This project has assisted Nanhua University to handle the basic training and special training of the environmental education volunteer group on September 5 and September 12, respectively, and the number of trainees reached 14 people. (11) Assist this Bureau in the establishment of environmental protection volunteer information, promotion of environmental protection volunteer business, and results consolidation in the information integration system of the Ministry of Health and Welfare's voluntary service. Cooperating with the Environmental Protection Bureau to assist township and municipal offices in organizing basic training and special training courses for volunteer services, 1,322 environmental protection volunteers and 51 environmental education volunteers have been enrolled. (12) Assist in the evaluation of local and central voluntary services. Assisted the Environmental Protection Agency to prepare relevant written materials on January 25, 110, completed the compilation and presentation of relevant written materials on May 6, and conducted the county assessment work in the auditorium on the 4th floor of the Environmental Protection Bureau on May 7 to assist The Environmental Protection Bureau won the first prize in the evaluation of volunteers in Chiayi. 3. Assist with the maintenance and management of the county's environmental education base: (1) Because of local environmental education requirements, assist the Green Energy Museum in visiting matters. The Green Energy Pavilion interpretive and guided services and other related tasks will be performed every Tuesday to Saturday from 8:30 am to 11:30 am, and 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm. The Green Energy museum would be closed on May 18 due to the COVID 19 epidemic and temporarily opened from July 27 to July 30. However, the museum was closed again on July 31 due to the cluster of epidemics in Chiayi, and finally reopened again with a total of 1,586 visitors on August 10. (2) The volunteer guidance. Environmental education volunteers assisted with the guidance of 235 Environmental Education Green Energy Living Hall with a total of 231 sessions.
英文關鍵字 Environmental education