

中文摘要 本年度共執行臺南市轄區內164處公私場所巡查檢驗作業,包含35處公告場所及129處未列管公私場所。其中,公告場所巡檢結果,17處場所有瞬間高值;未列管公私場所中包含幼兒園、地區醫院、托嬰中心、護理之家、產後護理機構、游泳池及運動健身場所,共68處有瞬間高值產生,其場所大多門窗緊閉使用內循環空調導致二氧化碳產生高值,以及部分場所使用消毒劑或清潔劑,致使甲醛及TVOC有瞬間高值產生。 本計畫依據環保署稽查檢測作業原則執行本市公告場所標準方法檢測作業,共執行公告場所28項次(7處)稽查檢測,包含圖書館、商場、電影院、視聽歌唱業場所各1處及3處運動健身場所,稽查結果皆符合法規標準。另執行未列管公私場所(托嬰中心)自主管理標章檢測共20項次(5處),以及協助環保局執行定期檢測共3項次。 為加強公私場所室內空氣品質自主管理,本計畫共辦理1場次室內空氣品質法規宣導說明會,對象為未列管公私場所(大專校院、地區醫院、護理之家、政府機關辦公場所、運動健身場所、幼兒園、產後護理機構及托嬰中心),會議主要說明室內空氣品質相關法規及自主管理改善方法等;計畫執行期間亦輔導72處公私場所取得室內空氣品質自主管理標章,包含24處取得優良級標章及48處取得良好級標章。 本計畫定期管理維護「臺南市室內空氣品質資訊網」,動態更新本市公告場所稽查結果、環保署法規頒布修正、政策推動與相關新聞等資訊,並針對公告場所管理平台之資料增修更新,隨時掌握公告場所現況;亦協助環保局達成有關室內空氣品質考評標準,並於「110年度直轄市及縣(市)政府環境保護績效考核計畫」取得滿分成績。追蹤查核本市119處公告場所,仍有1處新設立場所未完成首次定期檢驗測定作業,其餘場所皆已完成法規應辦事項。
中文關鍵字 室內空氣品質、公告場所


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 1990 千元
專案開始日期 2021/02/19 專案結束日期 2022/02/18 專案主持人 許逸群
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 陳欣妤 執行單位 崑山科技大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 110臺南IAQ期末報告定稿.pdf 10MB 期末報告

2021 Tainan City Promotion of Indoor Air Quality Improvement Program

英文摘要 This project has completed 35 announced sites and 129 unannounced sites, totally 164 public and private sites, for patrolling and inspection in this year. The result indicated that 17 announced sites and 68 unannounced sites showed momentary peak values. The unannounced sites were included kindergartens, regional hospitals, infant care centers, nursing houses, postpartum nursing care centers, swimming pools and gyms. The reasons for momentary peak values were some sites had their doors and windows closed, and also used internal circulation air conditioner resulted in high level of carbon dioxide. In addition, some sites had high level of formaldehyde and TVOC due to the use of antiseptic and detergent. According to the principles of inspecting and measuring for announced public sites by EPA, there were 7 public sites and 28 items have been performed in this project, including library, shopping mall, movie theater, KTV and 3 gyms. Those sites were all compliance with the standard. Additionally, 5 unannounced sites (and 20 items) were assisted to get the seal of autonomous management and also carried out 3 items of regular inspection. In order to encourage both public and private sites to get seal of autonomous management, a public meeting was held. This project actively invited unannounced sites to join the meeting, such as colleges, regional hospitals, nursing houses, government offices, gyms, kindergartens, postpartum nursing care centers and infant care centers. The point of views of this meeting were regulations of IAQ and method of IAQ autonomous management. In this project we assisted 72 public and private sites to get the seal. Besides, there were 24 sites earned seal of Excellent and 48 sites earned seal of Good. Finally, the project managed and maintained the website” Indoor Air Quality of Tainan City”. We informed latest news, updated the results of inspection, laws and policies promotion of EPA, and renew the data of announcement sites. The examining and scoring performance concerning IAQ has been achieved by Environmental Protection Bureau of Tainan City Government through the help of our team. Self-scoring was at 100 point in 2021 City Government. Furthermore, we also tracked 119 announced sites that only 1 site has not completed the inspection yet. The rest of sites were finished in regulations.
英文關鍵字 Indoor air quality, Announced sites