

中文摘要 因應能源發展轉型,我國致力綠色能源發展,為加速農地場址污染改善,鼓勵污染土地多元化利用,並配合我國再生能源政策,環保署於110年1月21日修正發布「受污染土地設置太陽光電設施審查作業原則」,針對受污染土地提供得結合太陽光電發展的多元利用方向,將地方環保機關進行污染改善中或已完成改善之污染土地納入適用範圍,由申請者(光電業者)取得土地所有人同意後,向地方環保機關提出申請;此外,要求申請者與地方政府簽訂行政契約,繳還代為支應之改善費用,確認雙方權利義務與土地所有人權益,由申請者管理環境,保障土地資源不受污染,透過污染土地所有人、光電業者與政府協力合作,以達土地利用、能源政策發展及環境永續經營等多贏之目的。為推動污染土地設置太陽光電設施相關工作,環保署爰辦理「污染土地設置太陽光電設施推動計畫」,針對國內污染農地及事業污染場址研析設置可行性、辦理推廣輔導及意願調查作業,研析推動相關配套措施,以加速推動作業。本計畫執行成果如下: (一) 在污染農地推廣作業部分,完成辦理13場次推廣說明會、23場次鎮長/村里長拜訪,並與彰化縣在地農地整治團隊合作,全面針對優先推動之受污染農地地主進行推廣與宣導作業。完成位於桃園市、新竹市、臺中市及彰化縣轄內,計約403.24公頃(1,679筆農地)之受污染農地之意願盤查作業,已掌握63.55公頃(約47.40 MW,320筆)之地主表達有設置意願,其中22.31公頃(約21.95 MW,105筆)已向環保局申請行政契約簽訂,累計已繳回土污基金代為支應之改善費用34,188,571元,持續輔導及追蹤申設進度。 (二) 受事業污染場址推廣部分,已完成國內424處改善中(事業)場址之設置意願調查,已掌握9處事業污染場址,預計於110至114年間完成設置,預估發電量約3.5 MW。另掌握42處有意願但尚未規劃之事業場址名單,持續進行申設輔導。 (三) 完成受污染土地設置太陽光電設施政策說帖、宣導說明資料研擬及印製,另為媒合污染土地地主與光電業者合作設置太陽光電設施,已完成辦理2場次大型媒合會議及2場次個別媒合會議。 (四) 完成辦理20場次受污染農地及事業污染場址現勘作業,另為加速推動作業分別與光電業者、地方環保機關等共辦理19場次研商會議。 (五) 完成受污染土地推動設置太陽光電設施程序及相關配套措施研擬,提供環保署污染土地推動設置太陽光電設施之執行建議及後續工作規劃。 (六) 完成污染農地與場址設置太陽光電設施之資訊平台之更新與維護,並設置諮詢專線電話,提供受污染土地設置太陽光電設施之相關諮詢輔導服務。
中文關鍵字 污染場址、太陽能發電、土壤污染


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 8620 千元
專案開始日期 2021/06/29 專案結束日期 2022/06/28 專案主持人 李宜欣
主辦單位 土污基管會 承辦人 蘇建文 執行單位 環興科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 污染土地設置太陽光電設施推動計畫成果報告.pdf 19MB 污染土地設置太陽光電設施推動計畫成果報告

The Project of Promoting the Installation of Solar Photovoltaic Facilities on Contaminted Land

英文摘要 To promote sustainable energy and hasten the remediation of contaminated farmland, the EPA revised and issued the "Principles for the Review of Installation of Photovoltaic Facilities on Contaminated Land". Farmlands that were unable to be cultivated due to contamination were able to be utilized as photovoltaic fields. With the consent of the owners of contaminated land, PV facility providers can apply with local environmental authorities to install PV facilities on the contaminated land. Through the cooperation between the owners of polluted land, photovoltaic industry and the government, to achieve a multi-win situation in land use, energy development and sustainable environment. To facilitate this process, the EPA engaged in the “Promotion plan for installing photovoltaic facilities on polluted land" This year's execution results are as follows: (I) To facilitate the installation of PV facilities on polluted farmland, 13 promotional briefing sessions and 23 visits with local mayors and village head were complete. With the help of local farmland remediation team in Changhua County, comprehensive promotion and publicizing of the project was completed. In Taoyuan City, Hsinchu City, Taichung City and Changhua County, survey with owners of 1,679 patches of polluted farmland was completed, accounted for 403.24 hectares of farmland. The land owners of 63.55 hectares of farmland had expressed willingness to participate in the PV project (estimated about 47.4 MW), of which 22.31 hectares (about 21.95 MW) have signed administrative contracts with the Environmental Protection Bureau. A cumulative of NT$34,188,571 has been paid back to the soil and groundwater pollution fund. (II) To facilitate the installation of PV facilities in polluted industrial properties, survey was completed with 424 property owners.9 of which have planned to install PV facilities with total generation capacity of 3.5 MW. An additional of 42 polluted property owners expressed interest of installing PV facilities, with whom we are assisting with the application procedure. (III) To promote the PV facility installation policies, informational pamphlets and handouts were printed. To facilitate cooperation between polluted landowners and PV facility providers, 2 large-scale matching meetings and 2 individual matching meetings have been completed. (IV) Site surveys were completed on 20 polluted farmland and industrial polluted sites. Additionally, 19 conferences were held with PV facility providers and local environmental authorities. (V) Further promotional strategies were promulgated and provided to the EPA to facilitate the installation of PV facilities. (VI) The informational platform for the PV facility installation was updated and maintained. Consultation hotlines were set up to provide consultation and counseling services on the installation of solar photovoltaic facilities on polluted land.
英文關鍵字 contaminated site, solar power, soil pollution