

中文摘要 本計畫推動執行係為持續協助屏東縣朝向低碳城鄉之發展目標邁進,並藉由計畫團隊輔導,協助本縣轄內鄉鎮市區及村里社區共同參與環保署低碳永續家園認證,使本縣可在依循本身發展基礎及目標之各項工作下,接軌中央政策,同時提升本縣在低碳永續認證評等之成效。 計畫執行上將包含技術諮詢功能、技術輔導功能、擔任縣政府各局處分工協調工作行政協助功能與資訊整合與交流功能等,並將以此為目標完成計畫各項工作辦理。本計畫執行期程為110年2月24日至110年12月23日,各項工作執行初步成果摘要描述如下: 一、維運低碳永續家園相關業務執行 本計畫已於6月29日及12月28日至環保署低碳永續家園資訊網站「績效評比專區」填報本年度執行成果,會議及減量績效皆彙整全縣推動成果。 110年度南區生活圈各面向技審小組名單已於4月19日提供臺南市彙整,於4月29日提報至環保署,在屏東縣所主政之資源循環面向上,技審小組委員名單共計4位,且4位委員皆兼任評等審查小組委員,並於7月22日辦理一場次技術與資訊諮詢小組會議,由南區生活圈5縣市、環保署低碳相關人員及本縣4位委員共同參與。 另配合南區生活圈運作,於5月6日出席1場次南區生活圈會議,分享今年度執行現況及後續推動規劃。 二、推動屏東縣溫室氣體管制執行方案 於4月12日辦理第一場次府內協調會議,本次會議主要針對本縣永續發展目標推動組織成立規劃、研商溫室氣體管制執行方案第二期作為及本縣永續發展目標規劃向相關局處進行說明與討論。 於12月16日辦理第二場次府內協調會議,本次會議除向各局處說明前次會議會後辦理情形外,更針對本縣永續發展組織章程及自願檢視報告撰擬情形與各局處進行討論;另外為有效推動本縣溫室氣體管制相關作為,會議中邀請高雄大學連興隆教授針對我國淨零碳排政策進行說明,並就本縣溫室氣體排放情形提出相關減量策略建議,以協助各局處達到第二期溫室氣體減量目標值。 透過協助撰擬2020年度縣市政府執行永續環境施政表現評量,同步彙整各局處相關節能減碳施政成果,如交通旅遊處、原民處、社會處、海洋及漁業事務管理所及環保局各科室,並協助核算其減碳效益。 為撰擬本縣第二期溫室氣體管制執行方案作為以及第一期溫室氣體管制執行方案檢討報告,本計畫透過兩場次「110年屏東縣低碳家園紀永續發展推動委員會會議」向各局處說明本縣溫室氣體管制執行方案第一期執行成果以及後續第二期減量目標規劃等,於會後持續彙整各局處資料,與農業處、原民處、水利處及環保局空污科針對第一期執行方案檢討報告內容進行討論,並完成檢討報告撰擬後於11月30日提送至環保署。 三、參與低碳永續家園評等與分級認證 本年度目標為協助10處村里報名成功、達成3處村里銅級認證。截至110年底,已協助14處村里報名成功,並將本縣往年參與率較低之鄉鎮加強輔導,已累計10鄉鎮全鄉村里參與率100%;銅級認證輔導已協助4村里取得銅級認證,分別為佳冬鄉石光村、九如鄉玉水村、牡丹鄉旭海村及麟洛鄉新田村;認證現地查核已於於7月27日及8月5日完成查核作業,受查之村里環境及設備維護狀況皆為良好。 另為使屏東縣低碳永續家園認證得以延續,110年本計畫除完成契約規範認證數量外,協助九如鄉三塊村提送銀級申請,並於110年12月10日由環署氣字第1101173023C號函通知,順利取得銀級認證,亦協助屏東縣內尚未有銅級村里之鄉鎮進行潛力村里盤點及實地訪視,至110年11月本計畫已協助22村里進行成果盤點。 四、社區實質輔導 本年度追蹤查核108年度受補助社區共12處,已於110年4月完成社區現場查核,查核結果多為維護良好,僅部分燈具有不亮情形,已請維管單位進行維修作業;輔導社區推動低碳永續推動精進行動項目,共輔導5處已取得銅級之村里,計8項低碳建置,完成110年度精進社區輔導需求量,其中3項目為「推動牆面植生或綠籬」,施做內容共2個綠籬、1綠棚,符合考評建築綠化降溫項目,共取得9分(考評分數滿分為6分),本年度補助建置皆已完成驗收作業。 五、配合環保署推動溫室氣體盤查登錄查核作業 本計畫依據110年績效評比辦法,針對轄區內領有固定污染源許可證之製造部門排放大戶,及契約容量超過800 kW之住商、運輸部門用電大戶作為優先對象篩選,於10月31日前完成15家次固定污染源之溫室氣體排放量數據確認,經查驗彙整結果可知,本年度進行清查之15家次公私場所皆未達環保署要求應申報管制門檻。經本計畫彙整查驗結果後於11月4日提送本縣110年度轄區應盤查登錄對象名單彙整表資料,及110年溫室氣體排放固定污染源現場查核表15家次及其資訊成果彙整表。 六、以社區為本提升氣候變遷調適能力 本計畫分別於9月16日及10月6日前往瑪家鄉禮納里部落以及獅子鄉辦理以社區為本之氣候變遷調適說明會,會議中邀請屏科大土木系陳智謀教授向與會民眾說明何謂氣候變遷及介紹常見的氣候變遷調適策略,透過參與式調適能力及脆弱度分析(Participatory Capacity and Vulnerabilities Analysis)及「社區為本的氣候變遷調適策略」(Community-Based Adaptation to Climate Change),讓與會民眾了解及整合社區現有資源,並進行小組討論以找出符合社區現況之氣候變遷調適策略。 會後則依據與會民眾所提出的調適策略,與相關人員如村長、村幹事及理事長等進行討論,分別於瑪家鄉禮納里部落建置防雷擊裝置以及於獅子鄉楓林村、南世村設置自動雨量計,皆已於12月15日全數完工,並各別設置宣導看板讓社區民眾了解建置內容與其效益。 七、推動低碳永續家園之宣導工作 本年度分別於4月20日及12月17日各辦理一場次社區觀摩活動,觀摩活動邀請對象主要為屏東縣低碳認證數量較少之鄉鎮及村里,並參訪外縣市致力於節能減碳、低碳生活及環境保護之優質社區。 持續維護屏東縣低碳永續家園行動網網頁,共已發佈60篇低碳永續相關新聞及1場次低碳永續家園會議之會議資訊。 八、行政配合事項 本計畫於2月25日協助環保局參加「環保業務未來發展討論會議」;於4月22日協助環保局參加「111年度補助地方政府辦理因應氣候變遷執行計畫工作重點說明會議」;於5月14日配合辦理「110年屏東縣溫室氣體管制暨永續發展推動工作坊」;協助撰寫屏東縣25項縣市環保永續施政表現評量項目及指標成果報告;多次配合環保局參加行政院環保署各項說明會議。
中文關鍵字 低碳永續家園認證、社區實質改造、資源循環、氣候變遷


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 334.5 千元
專案開始日期 2021/02/24 專案結束日期 2021/12/23 專案主持人 蔡正一
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 廖志偉 執行單位 元律科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 110屏東縣低碳永續家園計畫-期末定稿合併.pdf 36MB 110屏東縣低碳永續家園計畫期末定稿

2021 Pingtung County Low-Carbon and Sustainable Homeland Construction and Promotion Plan

英文摘要 The Pingtung Low Carbon and Sustainable Home project aims to bring Pingtung County towards a low-carbon county. Through the guidance of the team, assisting the townships and communities in participating in the Environmental Protection Agency's Low-Carbon Sustainable Home Certification so that the county can follow the work of its own development and goals, while in line with the central policy, and at the same time improve the county's low-carbon sustainable certification rating. The implementation of the plan includes technical consulting and counseling, administrative assistance for the coordination of work across bureaus, and information integration. The implementation period of this plan is from February 24, 2021, to December 23, 2021. The summary of the implementation of the project is described as follows: 1. The operation and execution of low-carbon sustainable homes project This plan has been reported to the online platform of EPA's low-carbon and sustainable home evaluation on June 29 and December 28 for the implementation results of this year. The list of the technical review team of the Southern part for 2021 was compiled by Tainan City on April 19 and submitted to the EPA on April 29. Pingtung County has 4 members in the technical review team under the management, and all 4 are also members of the rating review group. We participated with these 4 members in a meeting of the technical and consultation on July 22. Cooperating with the Southern part, we attended and shared the current implementation of this year and the follow-up promotion plan to a meeting of the Southern on May 6. 2. Promote the implementation plan of greenhouse gas control in Pingtung County The first cross bureaus meeting was held on April 12. This meeting was mainly aimed at promoting the county's sustainable development goals and discussing the second phase of the greenhouse gas control plan for the relevant bureaus to discuss. The second cross bureaus meeting was held on December 16. Not only present the current progress after the previous meeting to the bureaus, but this meeting also discussed the county's sustainable development charter and voluntary local report with the bureaus. To effectively promote GHG control, we invited Professor Lian from Kaohsiung University to explain the country's net-zero emission policy and give us some feedback for the reduction strategy to reach the second-phase GHG reduction target. While completing the evaluation of 2020 sustainable implementation of governance, the information collected from bureaus with their energy-saving and carbon-reduction results has an annual outcome and benefits, such as the Transportation and Tourism Department, the Indigenous People's Department, the Social Department, the Marine and Fishery Affairs Office, and the Environmental Protection Bureau. In order to prepare the second phase of the GHG control plan of the county and the review report of the first phase, this project has two meetings to present the results and future plan to all bureaus by the "Pingtung County Low-Carbon Homeland Sustainable Development Promotion Committee Meeting". The review report for the first phase was completed and submitted to the EPA on November 30 after being adjusted with bureaus and departments. 3. Assisting communities to get the certification of low-carbon sustainable homes The goal of this year is to assist 10 communities in successfully registering with 3 to get the bronze-level certification. 14 communities have registered at the end of 2021. Unlike the low participation in previous, 10 communities has a 100% participation this year. Moreover, 4 communities got the bronze-level certification with Shiguang in Jiadong Township, Yushui in Jiuru Township, Xuhai in Mudan Township, and Xintian in Linluo Township. The verification of the certification has been completed on July 27 and August 5 and the results of the environment and equipment maintenance are all in good condition. Keeping the certification of low-carbon and sustainable homes in Pingtung County, after completing the number of the annual goal, we further assisted Sankuai Village in Jiuru Township to submit a silver-level application. The result was out on December 10, 2021, and the Sankuai Village has successfully reached the silver-level certification from the Environmental Protection Agency. The result encouraged us to go find out 22 communities that have the potential to get the certification. 4. Community Counseling 12 communities need to be checked this year and were done in April 2021. The results were mostly in good condition. Just a few lights need maintenance. 5 communities have achieved bronze level certification and 8 low-carbon construction have been done in the Improving Project for communities. Having 3 constructions on "promoting green wall planting", with 2 hedges and 1 shed, get 9 points for the evaluation of green building projects (the full score of the evaluation score is 6 points). All construction in this year has completed the acceptance check. 5. Cooperate with the Environmental Protection Agency to promote the GHG inventory registration and verification operation According to the performance evaluation method of 2021, the plan will prioritize the large-scale emission households in the manufacturing sector with fixed pollution source licenses, and the large-scale households and transportation sector with a contracted capacity of more than 800 kW. 15 data will be completed before October 31 and the results showed that none of the 15 public or private sites meet the requirements this year. After compiling the inspection results, the list that needs to be checked was submitted on November 4, as well as the 15 on-site inspection tables and results of the stationary pollution sources of GHG emissions of the year. 6. Enhancing Community-Based Adaptation to Climate Change Our team went to the indigenous tribe in Majia Township and Shizi Township to have a workshop for community-based adaptation to climate change on September 16 and October 6. Professor Chen from Pingtung University of Science and Technology gave a lesson to climate change and adaptation strategies, through Participatory Capacity and Vulnerabilities Analysis and "Community-Based Adaptation to Climate Change". Participants are put into groups to discuss and integrate the resources of the community to find out the strategies that are in line with the current situation. After the workshop, according to the adaptation strategies proposed by the participants, community represents discussed installing lightning protection devices and rain gauges. All devices were completed on December 15, and a sign for the community to understand the benefits. 7. The promotion of low-carbon sustainable homes Each year, we have community observation and learning activities. This year was on April 20 and December 17. We invited those communities that haven't got the low-carbon certifications to visit communities in other cities that are committed to energy conservation and reduction for carbon, low-carbon living, and environmental protection. We also maintain a website, Low-Carbon Sustainable Home Action Network, for Pingtung County, 60 news has been released about low-carbon and sustainable and a piece of conference information. 8. Administrative cooperation Our team assisted the Environmental Protection Bureau to participate in the meeting of "Future Development of Environmental Protection" on February 25. And we participate with EPB in the "Annual Subsidy to Local Governments to Handle the Implementation Plan for Climate Change Key Points Explanation Meeting" on April 22. We held a workshop of Pingtung GHG control and Sustainable Development Promotion with EPB on May 14. We integrated and submit the 25 indicators for Pingtung County's environmental protection and sustainable governance evaluation reports. Our team participated in various explanatory meetings of the Environmental Protection Agency of the Executive Yuan with EPB.
英文關鍵字 Low-carbon and Sustainable Homeland, substantial transformation of community, resource recycling, climate change