

中文摘要 本計畫以掌握國際間化學物質管理規定及瞭解國內毒性化學物質(下稱毒化物)運作現況為目標,今年度已藉由蒐集美國與歐盟等先進國家及斯德哥爾摩公約等4項環境公約最新管制資訊及依據,針對我國篩選認定毒性化學物質作業原則、運作管理事項及第四類毒化物分類等制度提出精進建議。同時為使含毒化物商品之管理機制更加明確,亦藉由毒化物運作業者證件與申報資料分析及問卷調查方式,確實瞭解該等產品仍以尚須加工之半成品或非直接進入一般消費通路之商品為主。 在毒化物邊境管理方面,本計畫已協助輔導業者提供申請及受理676件之申請案件,共核發587件,主要申請化學貨品多以貨品分類號列3808.92.20.90-4(其他殺菌劑成品)佔52.64%最多,其次為貨品分類號列3808.91.90.00-9(其他殺蟲劑成品);另配合「限制含汞產品輸入」規定,本計畫亦協助完成共5件含汞產品輸入初審作業。 為提升運作業者毒化物釋放量申報資料正確性,業已完成毒性化學物質釋放量計算指引所指定30種毒化物之109年申報資料檢核作業,並製作完成文件公開。今年共完成708家次業者申報資料檢核作業,並彙整350家申報資料有疑慮之名單,由地方環保局進行現場查核或輔導作業。而對於109年申報總量最大、廠內運作毒化物種類較多及不瞭解釋放量申報方式及細節之業者,亦透過10場次現場輔導,就其申報錯誤或疑慮內容進行輔導,並依各別廠內實際製程情況提供具體建議,使釋放量申報資料更符合實際情形。 同時因應新增列管關注化學物質,皆已配合法規時序完成多項毒性及關注化學物質資訊系統功能調修,包括完成毒化物及關注化學物質分流介面、一氧化二氮(笑氣)免添加二氧化硫線上申請及硝酸銨、氫氟酸證件申請、運作紀錄申報等多項功能,另為提升管理端功能友善度,亦已完成證件變更資料前後對照表開發、管理端功能盤點整併及導入3項視覺化報表等工作。此外,為使運作業者能快速解決系統操作上的問題與相關制度的問題,本計畫持續提供6線諮詢電話,平均每月輔導約894人次,作為使用者第一線諮詢管道,更藉由辦理3場業者說明會、1場環保局說明會及1場業務檢討會,協助毒化物運作業者及管理單位對於毒化物系統及相關管制規定更加熟稔。
中文關鍵字 毒性化學物質、毒性化學物質釋放量、801第五項及837第六項輸出入規定


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 17285.92 千元
專案開始日期 2021/02/05 專案結束日期 2021/11/30 專案主持人 鄧榆樺
主辦單位 化學局 承辦人 陳毅玲 執行單位 環化有限公司


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期末報告 計畫成果中英文摘要.pdf 0MB 成果摘要

The 2021 Project of Implementation Management and Import/Export Permit Reviewing for Toxic Chemical Substances

英文摘要 The goal of this project is to keep up with international chemical substance regulations and to keep track of domestic handling data of Toxic Chemical Substance (TCS). To make improvement proposal for TCS screening criteria, handling management items and the classification of class 4 TCSs, regulatory updates from The United States, European Union and four International Conventions (eg. Stockholm Convention) are gathered this year. Additionally, for clarifying domestic management mechanism of articles containing TCS, analysis of TCS permits and reported data, as well as questionnaires are used to provide in-depth information that such articles are mainly in forms of semi-finished products requiring further process or products that will not enter common consumer channels directly. On the aspect of TCS border management, this project has assisted handlers with applying for TCS import permits and received 676 applications (with a total of 587 permits issued). Majority of commodities applied (52.64%) has c.c.c. code 3808.92.20.90-4 (other fungicides products), followed by c.c.c. code 3808.91.90.00-9 (other insecticides products). Besides, in accordance with “Restrictions on the Importing of Mercury-Added Products ", the project has assisted with 5 preliminary reviews of import application for mercury-added products. To improve the accuracy of reported TCS release data, the reported data in 2020 of 30 TCSs designated in Toxic Substance Release Calculation Guidance has been reviewed and the finalized ducument is released to the public. Reported data from 708 handlers has been reviewed this year and a list of 350 companies with suspecious reported data is provided to local Environmental Protection Bureaus for conducting on-site inspections or guidance process. In addition, for the handlers reporting largest handling quantities in 2020, handling wide variety of TCSs in factories and having questions about TCS release data reporting, 10 on-site consulting sessions have been conducted to offer consultation for the factories on the incorrect or suspecious reported data and to provide concrete suggestions according to their actual chemical process, making reported data more in line with the real situation. Meanwhile, in response to newly designated concerned chemical substances (CCS), this project has adjusted multiple functions of Toxic Chemical Substances Registration and Declaration System (TCSRDS) in accordance with regulatory timelines, including diversion interface for TCS and CCS, online exemption application for adding sulfur dioxde to nitrous dioxide (laughing gas), online applicaion for approval and reporting handling record of ammonium nitrate and hydrofluoric acid. Furthermore, for making the administrative function more user friendly, the project has developed comparison table for permit/approval change, checked and combined different administrative functions and introduced 3 visualized reports. Moreover, for solving system related problems and regulatory questions for handlers efficiently, the project consistently provides a service number with 6 lines as the frontline user consultation channel. The average number of requests is 894per month. With three orientations for handlers, one orientation for local Environment Protection Bureaus and one review meeting, this project has assisted handlers and administrative units in familiarizing with TCSRDS and related regulations.
英文關鍵字 Toxic Chemical Substances, Release Quantity of Toxic Chemical Substances, Import and Export Regulation Code 801-5 and 837-6