

中文摘要 空污費徵收制度推動至今已數十載,相關運作法規、計費制度及查驗機制多已建置完成,多數事業單位亦循規蹈矩,依法辦理空氣污染防制費用繳納。惟近年在環保署積極推動深度稽查作為,並且運用現有污染源管理系統勾稽比對及科技工具輔助蒐證後,發現部分不肖業者在空污費申報過程有不實申報、偽造數據之情況,以降低所需繳交之空氣污染防制費用。本計畫藉由目前現行污染源管制系統(空污、水污、廢棄物及毒化物等)之管制資料,進行各污染管制系統間之勾稽比對及驗證分析,已完成勾稽比對篩選可能有潛在高風險之事業單位,除可提供後續辦理深度稽查作業之參考依據外,亦可逐步建立各行業別空氣污染防制費用之徵收基準,以利後續作為審理空污費合理性之參考依據。 另外,透過視覺化方式呈現資料庫數據分析結果,將有助於決策者於短時間內瞭解管制概況及即時動態,提高人力及資源調度之精準度。本計畫已協助機關建置環境執法行控中心之軟硬體設施,並將本年度調查之污染潛勢熱區透過視覺化效果進行呈現,作為後續相關管制系統稼接或資料庫導入之參考依據。
中文關鍵字 污染源勾稽比對,空氣污染防制費,進銷貨盤點


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 3430 千元
專案開始日期 2021/08/13 專案結束日期 2021/11/30 專案主持人 麥成瑋
主辦單位 環境督察總隊 承辦人 洪文啟 執行單位 玖進股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-110A263(公開版).pdf 11MB 整合及建置環境執法行控中心-成果報告(公開版)

Integrate and Build an Environmental Law Enforcement Control Center

英文摘要 Several decades have passed since the introduction of the air pollution fee system. Most of the operational regulations, fee calculation structure, and inspection mechanisms have been completed; most business units have been paying the air pollution control and prevention fees accordingly. In the course of the last few years the Environmental Protection Administration has been pushing for in-depth auditing practices. With cross-checking operated by the existing pollution source management system and evidence collected through technological aids, it has been found out that particular businesses have falsified records and forged data in their air pollution fee declaration paperwork in order to have their payments reduced. Based on existing data of pollution source control (including air pollution, water pollution, waste, and toxic substances), this project aims to conduct a series of cross-checking and verification analyses among different pollution control systems in order to identify business units that are at potentially high risk. The purpose is twofold: first, to build a reference framework for future in-depth auditing work; second, to begin to differentiate the fee charging criteria for different industries as the basis for a more reasonable air pollution fee charging structure in the future. Additionally, the visualization of data analysis can help the decision-makers grasp the control process and real-time updates effectively, further enhancing the efficiency of human and information resources management. This project has by far assisted law enforcement agencies in setting up the hardware of the Environment Law Enforcement and Control Center. Furthermore, data on potential pollution hot zones surveyed in the current year has been presented through visualization; this dataset will serve as references for the communication among related control systems and as the foundation of the Center’s database in the future.
英文關鍵字 pollution source cross-checking, Air Pollution Control Fee, Purchase and sale inventory