

中文摘要 本計畫主要工作項目及執行成果摘要如下: 配合環保署需求,總計完成3件環保案件之不法利得計算及計算報告撰寫,每一案件均辦理3場研析會議,邀請6位專家學者提供諮詢意見。另辦理3場環境執法技術交流研討會,邀請具有辦理檢警環合作經驗之檢察、警察、稅務機關及律師、環境工程技師、學校教授等共計8位專家學者擔任講座,合計授課18節,總參加人數234人。 為精進環保署督察人員之查處技術,擇定涉有揮發性有機物(VOCs)排放之事業(其製程分別為膠帶製造程序(北區)、輕油裂解程序(中區)及金屬表面塗裝程序(南區))辦理3場實廠技術交流座談會,每場邀請2位專家學者並以空氣污染防制為主要交流議題,總參加人數90人;另針對前述製程,辦理3場污染防制技術交流研討會,每場邀請2位專家學者講授製程污染成因及污染防制技術選用等課程,總參加人數173人。 為提升環保署督察人員計算空氣污染防制費之技能,邀請專家學者辦理6場空污費計算訓練營,累計授課36節,總參加人數263人,並製作完成1部2小時之空污費計算影音教學影片。另配合環保署需求,辦理3場精進環境執法策略相關會議,總參加人數250人,以及邀請24人次具法律背景、會計背景、環保背景、工程背景、水電背景或機關指定學經歷背景之專業技術人士,提供諮詢或協助環境執法服務。 總計完成撰寫4件文件,包括「110年空品不良查核固定源對象參考指南」、「環保署近3年查處違反環保法令案例研析」、「固定污染源操作許可證稽查參考手冊」及「水污染防治許可證(文件)稽查參考手冊」。彙整固定污染源相關法規小手冊,內容收錄104則法規,頁數合計1602頁,並完成印刷300本。另協助於110年10月26日辦理110年查緝環保犯罪金環獎頒獎典禮、協助召開第126~132次裁罰審核會議之行政作業及辦理其他與環境執法相關工作事宜。
中文關鍵字 不法利得、環境執法、空污費


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 5390 千元
專案開始日期 2021/01/21 專案結束日期 2021/11/30 專案主持人 張淑惠
主辦單位 環境督察總隊 承辦人 劉易璁 執行單位 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 110年度跨域結盟輔助執法專案期末報告摘要(詳細版)上傳.pdf 0MB

The 2021 Project of law enforcement assisted by interdisciplinary alliance of specialized techniques

英文摘要 Main tasks and executive results of this project are summarized as follows: Under this project, which is subject to EPA’s request, the estimation of illicit profit in three environmental protection cases, along with estimation reports was completed. For each case, three review meetings were held, to which six experts were invited to provide counsel. In addition, three meetings of technical exchange on environmental law enforcement were held, inviting 8 experts, including prosecutors, police, tax offices and lawyers, environmental engineers and college professors, who had the experience in prosecution-police-environmental agency collaboration, to lecture to a total of 234 participants in a total 18 sessions. To perfect EPA inspectors’ techniques of inspection, three in-situ technical exchange workshops were held at three selected firms who were involved in VOC emission (their processes include tape manufacturing process (in the north), naphtha cracking process (in the central) and metal surface coating process (in the south)). Each workshop, to which two experts were invited, had a principal agenda of exchange on air pollution control; in total, 90 persons participated. In addition, three technical exchange workshops on pollution control were held to address the above-mentioned processes. Two experts were invited to each workshop to lecture in the programs regarding causes of process pollutions and choice of pollution control techniques, where a total of 173 participants attended. To increase EPA inspectors’ skill of air pollution control fee estimation, experts were invited to hold six workshops of training in air pollution control fee estimation. A total of 36 sessions were given to a total of 263 participants, while a 2-hour long multimedia tutorial on air pollution control fee estimation was produced. Additionally, three meetings on strategy for perfecting environmental law enforcement were held and attended by a total of 250 persons, inviting 24 persons of legal, accounting, environmental protection, engineering and plumbing/electricity backgrounds or specialists of academic backgrounds designated by agencies to provide counsel or assist in the services of environmental law enforcement. Under this project, the composition of 4 documents was completed, which are “A reference guide to stationary sources as targets of poor air quality inspection in 2021”, “A study of cases founded by EPA to violate environmental laws in the last 3 years”, “Handbook for auditing operation permits to stationary polluting sources” and “Handbook for auditing water pollution control permits (documents)”. A pamphlet was made from 104 regulations on stationary polluting sources, in a total of 1602 pages; 300 copies were printed. In addition, assistance was provided in sponsoring the 2021 Golden Enforcement Awards for environmental crime crackdown on Oct. 26, 2021, and in the administrative operations of assembling 126th -132nd punishment review meetings, among other matters related to environmental law enforcement.
英文關鍵字 illicit profit, environmental law enforcement, air pollution control fee