

中文摘要 摘要 計畫名稱:110年度嘉義縣露天燃燒暨畜牧與餐飲油煙異味防制計畫 執行期程:110年1月1日至110年12月31日 計畫經費:9,480仟元 計畫主持人:林宏斌 執行人力:計畫經理許文榜、計畫工程師陳科佑、陳泰佳、許恆瑜、蔡承益、邱詠翔、計畫助理工程師劉美伶等7人。 本計畫為110年度「嘉義縣露天燃燒暨畜牧與餐飲油煙異味防制計畫」,本計畫執行目標為提供技術及人力,有效的執行露天燃燒稽查管制及教育宣導等相關防制工作,期末報告摘錄自110年1月1日至110年12月31日止,計畫執行過程中,各工作項目辦理情形茲摘要說明如下: 一、露天燃燒現場稽巡查作業 (一)統計自110年1月1日至110年12月31日止,共計查處露天燃燒案件953件次,包含225件陳情查處、261件陳情複查、316件主動巡查及151件交辦案件。 (二)以鄉鎮市分析,本計畫查獲的683件露天燃燒案件,民雄鄉最多124件(18.2%),其次為水上鄉88件(12.8%),再則新港鄉74件(10.8%),相關資料已建置在地理資訊系統(GIS)。 (三)依據本計畫查獲的683件露天燃燒案件進行燃燒物種解析,本縣以燃燒植物_其他為高,計有364件,其中以燃燒空地雜草(55%)為最多,其次為樹枝葉燃燒(195件),此外,在固體廢棄物、都市垃圾等燃燒廢棄物的件數合計亦有69件(佔總查獲比例10%),而若將燃燒物種及鄉鎮市交叉比對,燃燒「植物_其他」以水上鄉與民雄鄉最高47件,燃燒「樹枝葉」以民雄鄉最高49件。而統計「固體廢棄物_其他」、「都市垃圾」則以民雄鄉(16件) 、朴子市(11件)及太保市(9件)水上鄉(9件)較多。 (四)本計畫於一、二期稻作收割後成立12人臨時巡查小組,調查稻草動向(移地、再利用、翻耕掩埋或露天燃燒),今年第一期稻作執行日期為110年6月21日至8月6日,第二期稻作執行日期為110年10月28日至12月10日,合計共執行780人/日。 (五)本計畫於110年5月28日提送37筆一期稻作收割前預警名單,於110年9月28日提送42筆二期稻作收割前預警名單。 (六)本縣已架設24處制高點監控攝影機及1部移動式攝影機,統計至110年12月31日止,透過制高點監控設施共發現16起露天燃燒案件。 (七)無人載具UAV空拍機巡查,統計至110年12月31日止,共已出勤31次,空拍區域為朴子市、太保市、鹿草鄉、新港鄉、民雄鄉、中埔鄉、水上鄉等區域,期間查獲3件露天燃燒案件。 二、農廢流向調查作業 (一)本計畫於一、二期稻作收割後之稻草動向(移地、再利用、翻耕掩埋或露天燃燒)進行調查統計,統計110年共完成58611筆水田農地調查(18268.9公頃),多數農地均能配合翻耕掩埋腐化分解措施(98.5%),兩期作共查獲57筆土地有燃燒痕跡農地(0.16%)。而兩期稻作採行非露天燃燒處理之面積比例均達99%以上,亦顯示本縣的管制措施已現成效。 三、畜牧場異味查核管制作業 (一)統計至110年12月31日止,共計執行330場次畜牧場熱區周界巡查。 (二)統計至110年12月31日止,共計執行15場次畜牧場異味採樣檢測,僅5場畜牧場符合標準,相關報告已提送環保局。 四、餐飲油煙管制與輔導作業 (一)統計自110年1月1日至110年12月31日止,共計執行餐飲業清查與宣導作業157家次。 (二)據財政部最新公布(110年8月)嘉義縣餐食業者約2611家,107年至110年12月31日之調查結果累計,本計畫已掌握縣內460家餐飲業油煙防制設備裝設情形,其中包含87家夜市攤販(僅有4家裝設防制設備)及34家魚市場攤販(皆無裝設管末處設備,僅有22家裝設油煙前處理設備)。 五、辦理輔導及多元宣導作業 (一)統計至110年12月31日止,共計執行20場次邀請專家學者至餐飲業進行輔導作業。 (二)統計至110年12月31日止,共計執行4場次內部人員教育訓練,提升計畫專業人員執行人力,並檢討改善工作執行狀況。 (三)統計至110年12月31日止,共計執行11場次多元宣導會,其中共辦理2場次餐飲油煙防制說明會,3場次勿露天燃燒校園宣導會、4場次結合農政單位辦理勿露天燃燒宣導會、2場次結合農業處辦理畜牧異味防制說明會。 (四)統計至110年12月31日止,本計畫已完成鋪設2處工地(共400平方公尺),期望以此活動為範本,建立本縣社區推廣稻草再利用及營建工地鋪設稻草蓆之新思維,以推動社區參與農廢(稻草)再利用方案,提升農廢減量成效。 (五)有線電視跑馬燈與地方廣播電台宣導於110年6月21日至110年6月27日及110年10月25日至110年10月31日,分別在山線(世新)及海線(大揚)之有線電視台播出CF宣導圖卡,與「正聲嘉義廣播電台」、「雲嘉廣播電台」、「姊妹電台」、「飛碟廣播電台」透過去年度縣長收音錄製之宣導廣播帶,共計宣導14天,向民眾宣導勿露天燃燒稻草及嘉義縣露天燃燒管制作為。 (六)流動廣播車輛於一、二期稻作期間合計執行90天,一期稻作期間總計宣導46天,約宣導11851人,二期稻作總計宣導44天,約宣導9764人,原規劃採沿街播放及在各鄉鎮農民易聚集之廟宇、村里辦公室、社區活動中心定點廣播方式進行宣導,受COVID-19疫情影響,採僅沿街播放不停車聚集方式宣導。 (七)勿露天燃燒旗幟與宣導海報、摺頁,於110年4月26日提送製作圖檔予環保局核備,並印製500份旗幟、300份折頁、100份海報。 六、其他配合事項 (一)統計至110年12月31日止,本計畫配合局內交辦,與農業處、水污科、廢管科、稽查隊辦理89場次聯合稽查。 (二)本計畫依局內指示,與農業處、水污科、廢管科,每季辦理1場次畜牧場協商會,加強跨局處合作,依各畜牧場問題(異味、水污、環境衛生等),個案討論對應作為,加強輔導改善及陳情稽(巡)查,統計至110年12月31日止,共計辦理3場次。 (三)本計畫依局內指示,協助規劃於110年12月6日邀請局長與環保署空保處長,至正聲電台辦理「空污議題」專訪。 (四)本計畫結合地區環保志工與大專院校合作推動成立露天燃燒巡守隊至今3年,今年更擴大與嘉義高鐵站合作,目前已有78名巡守人力加入露天燃燒通報群組行列,統計至110年12月31日止,共通報158件。 (五)環保署衛星火點通報,統計至110年12月31日止,共計接獲86件火點資訊平台通報案件,因衛星資訊並非即時訊息,即使有明確位置座標,仍有50件未發現露天燃燒情形,查獲率(42%)較去年度(36%)稍提升。
中文關鍵字 露天燃燒、餐飲油煙、畜牧異味


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 9480 千元
專案開始日期 2021/01/01 專案結束日期 2021/12/31 專案主持人 林宏斌
主辦單位 嘉義縣環境保護局 承辦人 陳盈妙 執行單位 理虹工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 110年度嘉義縣露天燃燒暨畜牧與餐飲油煙異味防制計畫-期末報告定稿.pdf 33MB 110年度嘉義縣露天燃燒暨畜牧與餐飲油煙異味防制計畫-期末報告定稿

2021 Chiayi County Open Burning and Animal Husbandry Odor and Food and Beverage Oil-Smoke Prevention Project

英文摘要 Abstract Project: 2021 Chiayi County Open Burning and Animal Husbandry Odor and Food and Beverage Oil-Smoke Prevention Project Project period: January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021 Project budget: NT$9,480,000 Project leader: Lin Hongbin Project manpower: Project manager Xu Wenbang, project engineers Chen Keyou, Chen Taijia, Xu Hengyu, Cai Chengyi, and Qiu Yongxiang, and project assistant engineer Liu Meiling. The Project is the "2021 Chiayi County Open Burning and Animal Husbandry Odor and Food and Beverage Oil-Smoke Prevention Project," which aims to provide technical and human resources to effectively carry out open burning inspection and control, education and advocacy, and other related prevention work. The final report is a summary of the work performed during the period from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021. In the course of the Project, each work item is summarized as follows: I.On-site inspection and patrol of open burning (I)From January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021, a total of 953 open burning cases were investigated and processed, including 225 cases of grievance investigation, 261 cases of grievance review, 316 cases of proactive inspection and 151 cases of referral. (II)Among the 683 open burning cases detected by the Project, by township and city, Minxiong Township has the most 124 cases (18.2%), followed by Shuixiang Township with 88 cases (12.8%), and then Xingang Township with 74 cases (10.8%). The relevant data has been built in the geographic information system (GIS). (III)According to the analysis of the 683 open burning cases detected under the Project, the County had the highest number of burning plants-others, with 364 cases, of which the highest number was burning weeds (55%), followed by burning branches and leaves (195 cases). In addition, there was a total of 69 cases of burning waste such as solid waste and municipal waste (accounting for 10% of the total detected). The cross-reference of burned item type o with township shows that Minakami Township and Minhung Township each had the highest number of cases for burning "plants_other," which was 47, and Minhung Township had the highest number of cases for burning "branches and leaves," which was 49. For "solid waste_other" and "municipal waste", there were more cases in Minxiong Township (16 cases), Puzi City (11 cases), Taibao City (9 cases), and Shuixiang Township (9 cases). (IV)The project set up a 12-member interim patrol team after the harvest of the first and second rice crops to investigate the movement of rice straw (removing, reusing, tilling and burying or open burning). This year, the implementation period for the first rice crop was from June 21 to August 6, 2021, and the implementation period for the first rice crop was from October 28 to December 10, 2021, for a total of 780 people/days. (V)The Project submitted 37 cases on the pre-harvest early warning list for the first rice crop on May 28, 2021 and 42 cases on the pre-harvest early warning list for the second rice crop on September 28, 2021. (VI)The County has set up 24 highpoint surveillance cameras and one mobile camera, and as of December 31, 2021, a total of 16 open burning cases were detected through the highpoint surveillance facilities. (VII)As of December 31, 2021, a total of 31 aerial photography UAV patrols have been made, covering the areas including Puzi City, Taibao City, Lucao Township, Xingang Township, Minxiong Township, Zhongpu Township, Shuishui Township, etc. Three open burning cases were detected during this period. II.Investigation on the flow of agricultural waste (I)The Project investigated the movement of rice straw after the first and second rice crop harvesting (removing, reusing, tilling and burying or open burning). A total of 58,611 rice paddy fields and farmlands (18,268.9 hectares) has been surveyed in 2021, and most of the farmlands were able to corporate with tillage and burial decomposition measures (98.5%). A total of 57 farmlands (0.16%) with burn marks were detected for the two crops. The percentage of farmland area adopting non-open burning in both crops reached over 99%, which shows the effectiveness of the County's control measures. III.Inspection and control of odor in livestock farms (I)As of December 31, 2021, 330 inspections of the perimeter of the hot zone of livestock farms were carried out. (II) As of December 31, 110, a total of 15 livestock farm odor sampling tests were conducted. Among them, only 5 livestock farms met the standards, and the relevant reports were submitted to the Environmental Protection Bureau. IV.Control and counseling operations of the restaurant grease and smoke (I)From January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021, a total of 157 restaurant inspection and advocacy activities were conducted. (II)According to the latest release by the Ministry of Finance (August 2021), there are about 2,611 food service operators in Chiayi County. Based on the cumulative results of the survey conducted from 2018 to December 31, 2021, the Project has obtained information on the installation of oil-smoke prevention equipment in 460 operators in the county, including 87 night-market stalls (only 4 with prevention equipment) and 34 fish market stalls (none with end-of-pipe equipment and only 22 with pre-treatment equipment for grease and smoke). V.Conducting counseling and diversified advocacy operations (I)As of December 31, 2021, a total of 20 sessions were conducted to invite experts and scholars to conduct counseling operations for food and beverage operators. (II)As of December 31, 2021, a total of four internal staff training sessions were conducted to enhance the execution capacity of the project's professional staff and to review and improve the execution status. (III)As of December 31, 2021, 11 diversified advocacy sessions were held, including 2 sessions on prevention of oil smoke in restaurants, 3 campus advocacy sessions on prevention of open burning, 4 sessions on prevention of open burning in conjunction with agricultural units, and 2 sessions on prevention of livestock odors in conjunction with the Agriculture Department. (IV)As of December 31, 2021, the Project has completed the laying of rice straw at two construction sites (400 square meters in total). It is hoped that this activity will serve as a model to establish a new concept of promoting the reuse of rice straw and the laying of rice straw mats at construction sites in the County, so as to promote community participation in the agricultural waste (rice straw) reuse program and enhance the effectiveness of agricultural waste reduction. (V)The advocacy on cable TV news ticker and local radio stations was from June 21, 2021 to June 27, 2021 and from October 25, 2021 to October 31, 2021, showing CF advocacy graphic cards on cable TV stations of the mountain line (Shih Hsin) and the coast line (Ta Yang Cable TV), respectively, and through running the radio broadcast tapes recorded by the county magistrate last year on Cheng Sheng Chiayi Radio Station, Yunjia Radio Station, Sister Radio Station, and UFO Radio Station, a total of 14 days were spent to educate the public not to burn straw in open air and of the open burning control measures of Chiayi County. (VI)A mobile loudspeaker was deployed for 90 days during the first and second rice crop periods, with a total of 46-day publicizing for 11,851 people during the first rice crop period and 44-day publicizing for 9,764 people during the second rice crop period. The original plan was to have the mobile loudspeaker move along the streets and be stationed at temples, village offices, and community centers where farmers tend to gather to broadcast. However, due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the broadcast was only made by having the loudspeaker broadcast along the streets, without stopping at places. (VII)The drawing files of the banners, posters and leaflets for the No Open Burn campaign were submitted to the Environmental Protection Bureau for approval on April 26, 2021, and 500 copies of the banners, 300 copies of the leaflets and 100 copies of the posters were printed. VI. Other cooperation matters (I) As of December 31, 2021, the Project cooperated with the Bureau, and conducted 89 joint inspections with the Agriculture Department, the Water Pollution Control Division, the Waste Management Division, and the Inspection Team. (II)In accordance with the Bureau's instructions, the Project organized a quarterly livestock farm consultative meeting with the Agriculture Department, the Water Pollution Control Division, and the Waste Management Division to strengthen cross-bureau cooperation. According to the problems of each livestock farm (odor, water pollution, environmental sanitation, etc.), the corresponding actions were discussed to strengthen the counseling and improvement as well as grievance inspection and patrol of the situation. As of December 31, 2021, a total of 3 sessions were conducted. (III) In accordance with the Bureau's instructions, this project assisted in the planning of an interview on "Air Pollution Issues" with the Secretary and the Bureau Director and the Director General of Department of Air Quality Protection & Noise Control, EPA at Cheng Sheng Radio Station on December 6, 2021. (IV)The Project has been in cooperation and promoting with local environmental volunteers and universities and colleges to organize an open burning patrol team for three years now, and this year, we have expanded our cooperation with Chiayi High Speed Rail Station. 78 patrol workers have joined the Open Burning Reporting Group, and as of December 31, 2021, 158 cases have been reported. (V)The EPA received 86 satellite fire point reporting from the Fire Point Information Platform as of December 31, 2021. Because satellite information is not real-time information, even with clear location coordinates, still there were 50 cases of failure to detect open burning, and the detection rate (42%) was slightly higher than last year (36%).
英文關鍵字 Open Burning, Animal Husbandry Odor, Food and Beverage Oil-Smoke