110-112 年空氣品質數據蒐集處理及整合強化計畫
中文摘要 | 隨時代變遷、科技發展與環保意識抬頭,環境監測設施除硬體品質提升外,測站數量亦快速成長,面對監測數據及儀器狀態等資訊收整資料量倍增,如何從龐大環境資料庫中萃取出有用資訊及適當解析,為目前的一大課題。 本計畫用宏觀的角度來看待環境資訊,擴充空氣品質監測資訊整合展示平台優化地理資訊系統、空間分析及圖像化統計功能,整合出代表性的資訊來呈現眾多資料;持續精進數據檢核作業的流程,並進一步橫向的整合儀器狀態及警報資訊,便於追蹤儀器之健康狀態以達到測站維運智慧化管理功能;另外,我們也建立空品不良事件簿功能及強化空氣品質預報系統流程,以幫助署內人員提升工作量能。 為了政府作為的傳達、監測結果的發布、預報資訊的公告及空品小百科環境教育資訊的宣導,參考現有空氣品質監測網(TAQM)相關功能及其熱門使用狀況,以友善的操作、響應式及視覺化的設計進行網站的規劃與開發,建置前臺空氣品質監測網(AirTW)。同時為確保系統效能及資訊安全,亦執行壓力測試及資安測試,測試結果未發現相關資安漏洞,並可維持多人同時上線查詢。 | ||
中文關鍵字 | 空氣品質監測、資訊整合、資料分析 |
專案計畫編號 | 經費年度 | 110 | 計畫經費 | 17760 千元 | |
專案開始日期 | 2021/08/01 | 專案結束日期 | 2023/04/30 | 專案主持人 | 陳幸吟 |
主辦單位 | 監資處 | 承辦人 | 林信宏 | 執行單位 | 環輿科技股份有限公司 |
類型 | 檔名 | 檔案大小 | 說明 |
期末報告 | 110-112年空氣品質數據結案_公開版.pdf | 16MB |
The enhancing project for air quality monitoring data collection, analysis and integration
英文摘要 | As the rise in environmental awareness and the prosperous of technology, the quality of environmental monitoring devices has improved as well as the increase in the number of monitoring stations. In order to deal with the growing amount of collective monitoring data, how to extract valuable information from the big database and apply it appropriately is the critical issue at the current stage. This study considers the environmental information in a holistic perspective, which expands the air quality monitoring information integrated platform, advances the geographic information system, spatial analysis, and data visualization with the purpose of enabling the integration of representative data to display massive information. It also keeps advancing in the procedure of data validation and horizontally integrates the status of apparatus and the alert information to achieve the goal of smart management of the station operation and maintenance. In addition, the study establishes the function that facilitates the system generating the report of the bad air quality event automatically and enhances the forecast mechanism of air quality to increase the efficiency. Due to the conveyance of government policy, announcement of monitoring results and the forecast information, and advocacy of environmental education for air quality, this study develops the air quality monitoring website (airTW) in a user-friendly, responsive and visualized manner with referencing the relevant functions and the popular usage of the existing air quality monitoring website (TAQM). Moreover, the study conducts the stress testing and security scan for assuring the system performance and information security. The results indicate no relevant vulnerability of information security and the website enables multi-user operation simultaneously. | ||
英文關鍵字 | Air quality monitoring, Information integration, Data analysis |