

中文摘要 本團隊執行110年度本市環保案件陳情之受理及稽查,並強化提升稽查人力之效率,執行公害陳情案件資料系統傳輸、建檔及收發等相關行政作業;協助公害案件(含夜間、假日值勤稽查)稽查、告發等相關工作及文書處理5,284件次(110年度),其中在環保報案中心歸類之污染源別所受理之陳情案件中,以環境衛生達2,590件之比例最高(49 %),其次依序為噪音(933件,17.7%)、廢棄物(812件,15.37%)及異味污染物(734件,13.89%)等類別,其餘案件類別皆小於5 %。顯見環境衛生、噪音及廢棄物為嘉義市公害污染之主要原因,然經交叉分析比對後發現,環境衛生及廢棄物相較於其他年度有逐漸攀升之現象,尤其以任意棄置增加趨勢更多,故導入移動式監視器,針對本市屢遭陳情髒亂熱點進行監測,共計架設12點次並消除10處髒亂點,已查獲相關行為人並共計告發17件次。另空地雜草熱點主動查核共計查核64處,其中未符合標準(雜草高度高於100公分)共計9處,經稽查寄發勸導函通知後皆已改善,整體改善率達100%。 為落實環保精神及提高效率,本團隊今年設計開發建置電子稽查單,提供稽查人員於稽查時電子化作業,以提升效能,系統已完成建置,含案件編輯與管理、案件查詢、匯出資料及統計分析等功能,並於110年10月1日正式啟用,未來將持續配合稽查作業使用提高稽查效率。
中文關鍵字 移動式監視器、電子稽查單


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 1180 千元
專案開始日期 2021/03/01 專案結束日期 2021/12/31 專案主持人 張育誠
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 李煌仁 執行單位 翌暘工程顧問有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 翌暘工程-擴充計畫期末定稿.pdf 6MB 110年度嘉義市公害防治民眾陳情案件處理、非農地環境雜草管理、環境整潔巡查維護計畫暨空氣污染夜間稽查計畫期末報告(擴充)

The Expansion Project of Environmental Public Nuisance of Pollution Prevention with Nighttime Inspection and Supervision for Air Pollution Petitioning Cases and Weeds Management of Non-Agricultural L

英文摘要 Environmental Protection Bureau , Chiayi City (CYCEPB) has set up the 24 hours Environmental Public Nuisance Center with direct line 05-2251775 (0800-066-666 for EPA) to deal with various environmental nuisance cases. The contents of appointment include reception and log in of complaint cases, immediate inspections, database set up based on inspection results, and other administrative matters.Among 5,284 complaint cases, According to the classification of pollution sources, 2,590 Environmental Sanitation cases accounting for 49% of total cases were handled in 2021, followed by Noise (933 cases, 17.7%), Waste (812 cases, 15.37%), odor nuisance (734 cases, 13.89%), and the remaining cases (less than 5% for each source), indicating environmental sanitation, noise and waste nuisance cases were the main pollution sources in Chiayi County. Compared to last few years, the cases of Environmental Sanitation, Waste and Noise Pollutants were found increasing graudally. The team importing the flexibility monitor to deter waste illegal dumping this year, and set up 12 messy hotspot place to catch polluter dumping action, and eliminate 9 place among 12 hotspot place, indict 17 illegal dumping cases totally. To reinforce environmental weed management of non-agricultural Land, the team assist CYCEPB to notified to make improvements 9 places which environmental weed was higher than 100 centimeter within a limited time period among the team carrying out inspecting 64 repeatedly complaint places, and improvement ratio is 100%. The team design the Electronic Inspection Form to enhance inspector efficiency and beginning of using from 1 October, 2021.
英文關鍵字 The Electronic Inspection Form、The Flexibility Monitor