

中文摘要 工作事項內容為地下水監測井巡查維護及地下水監測、污染場址監督查核及驗證、貯存設施場所及其管理進行監督及查證、公告事業第八、九條提報資料查核及查證、田園基地土壤檢測、地下儲槽查核監測與地上儲槽法規符合度輔導、淡水河系底泥品質調查、校園宣導及法規宣導說明會及民眾陳情及緊急應變等項目。計畫履約期限為自110年01月01日至12月20日完成,工作成果摘要如下。 1.地下水水質監測及監測井維護 (1)監測井維護管理與監測 計畫完成38口次區域性及場置性監測井巡查及維護,6口監測井外觀修繕、1口監測井井體設施修復、5口監測井井況評估、5口監測井再次完井及5口監測井異物排除。 (2)地下水質監測 計畫完成6口次場置性監測井採樣及分析,分析項目皆為一般項目及重金屬砷,監測成果顯示總溶解固體物、氨氮、氯鹽等項目超過第二類地下水污染監測標準;另有2口(A00046及A00049) 砷超過第二類地下水污染管制標準。 2.貯存設施查核及管理 (1)地下儲槽系統查核 計畫完成78站次地下儲槽系統查核,其中7站次油氣檢測FID值超過警戒值(500 ppmV);2站測漏管功能不彰。 (2)貯存系統法規符合度確認及貯存設施清查訪查工作 計畫完成貯存設施清查訪查301處及貯存設施法規符合度確認169處。 3.具污染潛勢之土壤及地下水調查及查證作業 (1)地下儲槽系統查證 計畫完成5處地下儲槽土壤及地下水查證,皆符合土壤及地下水管制標準。 (2)田園基地土壤查證 計畫完成40點田園基地土壤查證,共計6點超出食用作物農地之監測標準值;2點次超過食用作物農地之管制標準值。 (3)汽修廠土壤及地下水查證 計畫完成4處汽修廠土壤與地下水查證工作,皆符合土壤及地下水管制標準。 4.污染場址巡查及驗證工作 計畫完成36次場址巡查;場址驗證完成1處驗證作業。 5.民眾陳情及緊急應變作業 計畫完成完成民眾陳情及緊急應變完成4場次調查。 6.校園及其他土水保育宣導活動及法規宣導說明會 完成2場次貯存系統相關法規宣導說明會;1場次地下儲槽法規宣導說明會;10場次土壤及地下水污染防治校園宣導活動。 7.公告事業提報土壤污染評估調查及檢測資料審查 完成2件公告事業提報土壤污染評估調查及檢測資料審查。
中文關鍵字 土壤及地下水調查,監測井維護,地下水定期監測


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 7669.719 千元
專案開始日期 2021/01/01 專案結束日期 2021/12/20 專案主持人 何佩紋
主辦單位 臺北市政府環境保護局 承辦人 郭仲毅 執行單位 上準環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 110年臺北土水期末定稿.pdf 28MB

The Survey of the Soil and Groundwater Contamination in Taipei City in 2021

英文摘要 For the environmental sustainability, the program of “The Survey of the Soil and Groundwater Contamination in Taipei City in 2021” has been advanced, which involves groundwater monitoring wells maintenance and groundwater investigation, Farmcity soil monitoring, potential polluting site and auto repair plant investigation, to supervise and verify pollution remediation of contaminated sites, Tam-sui river sediment investigation, enactment explanation session, dealing with emergency cases, and administrative assistances. The plan had been executed from January 1st 2021 to December 20th 2021, and the results of implementation are summarized as follows: At first, the task of groundwater monitoring wells inspection has been implemented twice this year and there were totally 6 maintenance works finished. All slug tests of groundwater monitoring wells were completed, and 5 purges and 5 foreign matter exclusion of monitoring well were implemented according to the slug test results. Besides, there were 6 monitoring wells surveys accomplished in dry season, the results total dissolved solids, ammonia nitrogen, chloride over than Groundwater Pollution Monitor Standards, and arsenic over than Groundwater Pollution Control Standards. There were 78 gas stations to verify, and 7 gas stations had pollution potential. In addition, 470 oil storage place had been checked. There were 5 oil storage tanks finished sampling for monitoring, and the analysis results showed all complying with Soil Control Standards. There were 40 sites of Farmcity soil finished sampling for monitoring, and the results showed 6 sited of Farmcity soil exceeded Soil Pollution Monitor Standards, and 2 sited of Farmcity soil exceeded Soil Control Standards. According to the exploration, there were 4 auto repair plants chosen and sampled, and the results demonstrated soil samples of all auto repair plants complying with Soil Control Standards. With respect to the mission of to supervise and verify pollution remediation of polluted sites, those sites had been examined each mouth, and 1 sites sampled for regular monitoring. There were entirely 4 emergency cases implemented during plan period. 4 enactment explanation session and 10 advocacy activities in elementary school had been completed.
英文關鍵字 Soil and Groundwater survey, Maintenance of monitoring well, Groundwater for regular monitoring