

中文摘要 新竹市轄區之「土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫」為環保局每年重要的污染防治專案計畫,110年度工作成果包括:完成轄內地下水限制使用地區-東光段進行豐、枯水期定期監測、監測式自然衰減評估作業及井體維護管理;完成轄內污染場址巡查與管理作業,以確保污染改善成效;完成土污法8、9條公告事業主管機關土壤及地下水污染評估調查、查證及檢測資料審查作業;完成轄內地下儲槽系統之現況進行土壤污染潛勢調查;辦理地上儲槽系統法規符合度輔導查核作業;完成解列後農地定期監測、同步採樣及光電輔導作業;完成法規宣導說明會、場址人員教育訓練、環境教育種子教師培訓及校園宣導等相關活動;完成轄區內具急迫性及危害性之事件進行應變處理。摘要列出各工作成果如下: 一、 地下水污染監測、調查及井體維護管理:110年度上、下半年完成241口巡查,並依巡查結果完成13口次外觀維護及7口次設施修復,並依據「地下水水質監測井廢井作業規範」完成5口次廢井作業。針對水色異常、逾5年無執行內部維護作業及異物入侵等監測井,進行27口監測井井況評估作業,再依井中攝影及微水試驗結果作為選擇依據,完成14口次之再完井作業及6口次異物排除作業。110年度豐、枯水期本計畫執行東光段6口監測井地下水質監測工作:(1)東光段661地號4口次檢測結果O00358於豐水期三氯乙烯(0.0522 mg/L)有超過管制標準,與前年度檢測結果(0.00492 mg/L)比較,顯示三氯乙烯有回升情形,建議O00358可再持續監測,視濃度變化再評估是否啟動應變,若濃度降低則未來可透過MNA逐年定期監測。而O00427於豐水期氯乙烯(0.0176 mg/L)與前年度檢測結果(0.0177 mg/L)同樣持續有超過監測標準情形,其他檢測結果(O00194及O00417)無明顯異常。(2)東光段981地號2口次檢測結果,O00300於豐水期三氯乙烯(0.052 mg/L)有超過管制標準,與前年度檢測結果(0.0558 mg/L)比較,同樣持續有超過管制標準情形。而O00066於豐水期1,1-二氯乙烯(0.0352 mg/L)與前年度檢測結果(0.0401 mg/L)比較仍低於管制標準。另外自行承諾以Frog-5000量測關切污染物(例如三氯乙烯、二氯乙烯及氯乙烯等)進行東光段981地號周邊6口次(O00361、O00193、O00338、O00067、O00069及O00200)檢測工作,均無篩測超過管制標準,其中O00338有檢出1,1-二氯乙烯超過監測標準。東光段981地號2口監測井菌相分析O00066及O00300之樣品中Dehalococcoides sp.各自約佔23%及3%;Desulfuromonas則佔3%及0%,仍有存在厭氧脫鹵球菌及脫硫菌,本計畫以觀察污染物濃度下降趨勢,透由Biochlor、Mann-Kendall及移動平均模式(ARIMA)等模式解析污染物之衰減率,初步建議監測式自然衰減法以現況衰減率之基準之下並持續監測至低於管制標準,達到經濟及永續環保的概念。 二、 解除列管農地追蹤調查:本計畫依「農地土壤定期監測作業原則」規劃3筆坵塊定期監測,檢測結果顯示其中1筆介於管制與監測標準之間,但無明顯上升趨勢,故可調降為8~10年(118年)再次定期追蹤。今年度配合農糧署「農作物污染監測管制及損害查處」計畫內容,於農業單位在食用作物採樣處,採集該作物植株根系土壤樣品同步採樣,完成辦理25筆坵塊同步採樣作業,因所採集農作物經檢測後均低於食用作物重金屬限量標準,故無須進行土壤XRF篩測及實驗室標準分析。而今年度為配合政府能源政策「受污染土地設置太陽光電設施審查作業原則」,協助環保署盤點本市過去解列農地設置光電設施之意願,目前可推動名單93筆農地(24.48公頃)中,共有285位土地所有人需確認,有69筆(18.62公頃)即80%民眾已回覆,其中有17筆(5.043公頃)農地有意願,佔已回覆民眾比例約22.7%,有意願設置光電設施民眾之坵塊主要位於香山區香雅段及樹下段一帶,零星位於忠孝段。 三、 污染場址巡查與管理與:110年現有污染場址為5處控制場址(貝民公司香山廠、新竹市園區二、三路、新竹供油中心、新竹市東明段439地號、全國新竹加油站、5處地下水限制使用地區(新竹市東光段981地號、仁愛段920地號、仁愛段809地號、仁愛段731地號、仁愛段832-2地號及1處七條五應變場址(興雄工業公司),依據各場址特性及改善進度訂定分級管理制度,A+級場址(每2週至少巡查1次,視情況增加巡查頻率)、1處A級場址(每2週至少巡查1次)、3處B級場址(每月至少巡查1次)及6處C級場址(每2個月至少巡查1次)。自110年1月開始執行迄今總巡查次數111場次。新竹供油中心、新竹市東明段439地號及全國新竹加油站於巡查過程中,攜帶PID儀器(每季1次),量測其SVE尾氣及周界空氣VOCs濃度均符合標準。每月針對新竹供油中心、興雄工業公司及全國新竹加油站之離場作業進行同步跟車至收受端,均符合規定路線及時程完成土壤離場作業。 四、 地下儲槽系統輔導、調查與管制管理:本計畫完成109年第3季及110年第1季地下儲槽系統申報審查工作,申報率及審查率均達100%。針對地下儲槽申報有誤或異常之加油站業者進行現場查核作業,於110年6月23日執行2家次(光復路加油站及北大路加油站)油氣土氣檢測,檢測結果均正常,於110年7月2日執行2家次(台亞經國加油站及青雲加油站)油氣土氣檢測,台亞經國加油站檢測結果均正常,青雲加油站則有FID測值連續2次達法規警戒值(500 ppmV),依本計畫契約規範之查證工作包括5點土壤採樣分析TPH、VOCs、簡易井設置及1點地下水分析(TPH、VOCs)均低於管制標準以下。另外全國園區加油站於110年2月、4月及6月執行3站次追蹤土氣檢測作業,於110年6月檢測出PID/FID大於500ppmV(警戒值),業者為確保土壤是否有污染疑慮,於110年7月經環保局同意並會同進行開挖及管線更新作業,並無發現土壤污染情事,建議持續追蹤測漏管每年定期監測申報結果,以確保加油站防污措施及土氣濃度獲得改善。 五、 地上儲槽系統輔導、調查與管制管理:本計畫完成轄內153家地上儲槽系統及貯存容器事業之現場查核作業,其中38家業者有缺失,主要缺失為儲槽儲槽或加注口未設置防溢設施或無例行巡檢紀錄、無備足預防疏漏器材等,其餘88家業者無缺失,27家業者為已歇業或貯存量低於200公升無須列管。 六、 民眾陳情與緊急應變調查:本計畫緊急應變費用支用率為18.8 %,累計7.55萬元(未稅)。支應項目:7月2日台亞經國一路及青雲加油站之測漏管功能測試及油氣測試、9月9日青雲加油站土壤Geoprobe採樣費(原查證費用採樣乃編列人工採樣,考量實際深度及下方有礫石不利人工採樣故向環保署申請應用緊急應變費用支應Geoprobe採樣)。 七、 相關法規宣導成果:完成1場教育訓練、2場法規說明會、5場校園宣導、1場種子教師培訓、1部土水動畫製作。
中文關鍵字 土壤、地下水、土壤及地下水、新竹市


專案計畫編號 PB10186 經費年度 110 計畫經費 8840 千元
專案開始日期 2021/01/01 專案結束日期 2021/12/31 專案主持人 劉韋恩
主辦單位 新竹市環境保護局 承辦人 廖雅萱 執行單位 富立業工程顧問股份有限公司04-23585953#110


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期末報告 110期末(全)隱匿個資.pdf 38MB 期末報告

110 Annual Soil and Groundwater Pollution Investigation and Verification Work Plan-Hsinchu City

英文摘要 The overall project can be included Groundwater regular monitoring, Natural attenuation assessment; Site inspection and management; Soil pollution potential investigation for storage tank system; Regular monitoring of farmland, Emergency response investigation, advocacy and administrative work. The results of each work are summarized below: 1. Groundwater pollution monitoring, investigation and well management: This year, the number of outward appearance inspections was 241, 13 out-of-the-way maintenance operations were carried out and 5 wells for non-monitoring purposes were used to abolish, 7 wells were repaired, 14 wells were washed. During the high and low water period at 2021, The test result of the 4 wells at 661 the Dung-guang area show that O00358 data exceeded the control standard for Trichloroethylene (0.0522 mg/L), and the Trichloroethylene is an upward trend compare with last year (0.00492 mg/L), then evaluate whether to initiate a response. If the concentration decreases, it can be monitored through MNA in the future.O00427 data also exceeded the monitor standard for Vinyl Chloride (0.0176 mg/L) compare with last year (0.0177 mg/L), other test results (O00194 and O00417) have not exceeded standards. The test result of the 2 wells at 981 the Dung-guang area show that O00300 data also continued to exceed the control standard for Trichloroethylene (0.052 mg/L) compare with last year (0.0558 mg/L), O00066 data was much more low than control standard for 1,1-Dichloroethylene (0.0352 mg/L) compare with last year(0.0401 mg/L).Frog-5000 measured trichloroethylene, dichloroethylene and vinyl chloride and other 6 monitoring wells (O00361, O00193, O00338, O00067, O00069 and O00200). None of the screening tests exceeded the control standards. O00338 was detected, 1-Dichloroethylene exceeds the monitoring standard.In the samples of O00066 and O00300, Dehalococcoides sp. accounted for 23% and 3%; Desulfuromonas accounted for 3% and 0%. There are still anaerobic dehalococcus and desulfurization bacteria. analyze the decreasing trend of the concentration through Biochlor, Mann-Kendall, and ARIMA model. Monitored natural attenuation is based on the current attenuation rate and continuously monitored until it is below the control standard, achieving the concept of economy and sustainable environmental protection. 2. According to the "Principles of Periodic Monitoring of Farmland Soil":3 soil samples showed that one of them was between the control and monitoring standards, but there was not upward trend, so it can be reduced to 8 to 10 years for regular tracking again. This year, the agricultural unit collected samples of the crop roots and soil samples at the food crop sampling site of 25 mounds. The crops are all lower than the heavy metal limit standard of crops, so there is no need for soil XRF screening and laboratory standard analysis. This year, according to the "Principles for the review of installation of photovoltaic facilities on contaminated land", the list of 93 agricultural land (24.48 hectares) need to confirm in Hsinchu, which 17 (5.043 hectares) of agricultural land have a willingness, accounting for about 22.7% of the people who have responded. 3. The management of pollution improvement sites:According to the characteristics of each site and the improvement of the established management system, A+-level sites (inspection at least once every 2 weeks, and increased frequency depends on the situation), A-level sites (inspection at least once every 2 weeks), and B-level sites ( Inspect at least once a month) and C-level sites (inspect at least once every 2 months). Since January 110, the total number of inspections so far has been 111 times. During the inspections carring PID equipment (once a season) to measure the SVE exhaust gas and the surrounding air VOCs. Every month, and complete the soil improvement and follow the car for off-site operations in accordance with the prescribed route and timetable. 4. Investigation and management of underground storage tank system: Gas station reporting rate was 100%, according to EPA classification principles for different frequency tracking.The inspections comprises PID/FID detection of four gas stations.Qingyu gas station has FID measurement values that have reached the legal warning value (500 ppmV). The verification work includes 5 of soil sampling analysis(TPH, VOCs), simple well setting and 1 point of groundwater analysis(TPH, VOCs). Are below the regulatory standard. Therefore, Park Gas Station of National Petroleum Corporation was detected to be greater than 500ppmV (warning value). To ensure that the soil is suspected of contamination to conduct excavation and pipeline renewal operations together. No soil contamination was found. 5. Investigation and management of above-ground storage tank systems: This plan has completed on-site inspections of 153 above-ground storage tank systems, which 38 companies have defects, and the main defects are storage tanks have no spill prevention facilities, lack of equipment to prevent omissions, etc. The remaining 88 companies have no shortages, and 27 companies have closed or less than 200 liters and do not need to be listed. 6. Investigation and emergency management: The expenditure rate of emergency management was 18.8%, total funds was NT$75,500 (not taxed). Supporting projects: On July 2nd,Jingguo Road and Qingyu gas station's leak detection and gas test, September 9th, Qingyu gas station soil Geoprobe sampling (The gravel is not good for manual sampling, so apply to emergency response costs to support Geoprobe sampling). 7. Achievements of propaganda activity: Complete 1 meeting for site and 1 meeting for Seed teacher of environmental education, 2 legal propaganda session, 5 campus promotion, 1 Soil and water animation production.
英文關鍵字 groundwater, soil, Hsinchu City