

中文摘要 台灣原鄉地區環境優美,為我國重要觀光旅遊資源,然近年因旅遊活動、地區開發,以及不肖業者非法傾倒等因素,導致垃圾瀑布問題遍布全台且逐年成長。原鄉地區正面臨垃圾清運優化與垃圾瀑布清除問題,因此行政院環境保護署規劃辦理原鄉地區垃圾處理及清運優化策略之評估專案,以了解各項優化工作推動之可行性。藉由國外案例探討、問卷調查、現場勘查、訪談,舉行研商會議等方式,提出原鄉地區廢棄物在地化處理之建議模式,掌握原鄉地區垃圾瀑布之現況,提出原鄉地區垃圾定點收集設施優化之作法,並進行示範案例之設置,以及探討跨區域垃圾清運之機制與策略。
中文關鍵字 原鄉地區、廢棄物清理、垃圾瀑布


專案計畫編號 110E023 經費年度 110 計畫經費 792 千元
專案開始日期 2021/09/10 專案結束日期 2021/11/15 專案主持人 廖晉賢
主辦單位 環境督察總隊 承辦人 黃智揚 執行單位 財團法人台灣地理資訊中心


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 110E023_原鄉地區垃圾處理及清運優化策略之評估專案工作計畫成果報告.pdf 8MB 110E023成果報告

英文摘要 Taiwan Indigenous Area has a beautiful environment and is an important tourism resource for our country. However, in recent years, due to tourism activities, regional development, and illegal dumping by unscrupulous operators, the Trash Waterfall problem has spread throughout Taiwan and has been growing year by year. Indigenous Area is facing problems of garbage collection optimization and Trash Waterfall removal. Therefore, the Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan plans to handle the evaluation project of the Indigenous Area garbage garbage disposal and removal optimization strategy in order to understand the feasibility of various optimization tasks.Through foreign case studies, questionnaire surveys, on-site surveys, interviews, research and business meetings, etc., to propose a model for the localized Waste Treatment in the Indigenous Area, grasp the current situation of the Trash Waterfall in the Indigenous Area, propose methods for optimizing designated garbage collection facilities in the Indigenous Area, setting up a demonstration case, and exploring mechanisms and strategies for cross-regional garbage collection and transportation.
英文關鍵字 Indigenous Area, Waste Disposal, Trash Waterfall