

中文摘要 本計畫工作期程係自110年3月19日開始,至110年12月10日前須完成全部工作項目。已完成之工作項目摘要敘明如下: (一)非農地環境雜草管理及除草劑合理使用: (1)完成11家除草劑販售業者銷售追蹤查核。 (2)巡查轄內33處非農業土地使用除草劑情形,發現1件疑似違反使用情事,已採樣送驗。檢測分析後並樣品並無含除草劑成分。 (二)環境用藥及病媒防治管理: (1)協助環境用藥偽造、禁用、劣質、非法製造、加工、輸入、陳列、販賣、有效成分、標示、廣告等相關查核工作 本工項完成 aa)10家其他營業場所病媒防治施藥情形訪查,並告知僱主應注意事項。(b)16家傳統市場、夜市、花市或藥妝店環境用藥查核,並無發現違法販售攤商。(c)9件市售環境用藥有效成分及含量抽驗及檢測,發現1件有效成分不符合規定,已移請當地環保局進行後續處裡。(d)8場次病媒防治業現場施作查核,並無發現違法施作情形。 e )1527 件 市售環境用藥標示查核,發現26件過期劣藥,已移請當環保局進行後續處理。(f)媒體、網路廣告輔導及監看查核,完成1,101筆監看工作,發現有31件藥品明顯違反環境用藥管理法相關情事,已由環保局進行後續行政作業。 (2)查核31家環境用藥病媒防治業,發現部分業者無法符合每年檢康檢查需測膽鹼脂脢及報告留存10年,其次為衣服加繡公司名稱、公司電話或臂章等,均已要求業者完成改善。 (三)辦理非農地環境雜草管理、除草劑合理使用、病媒防治或環境用藥宣導活動6場次。
中文關鍵字 除草劑、環境用藥、輔導與查核


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 550 千元
專案開始日期 2021/03/18 專案結束日期 2021/12/10 專案主持人 尤文廷
主辦單位 臺北市政府環境保護局 承辦人 林怡菁 執行單位 園鴻有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 110年度台北市除草劑期末報告(正式報告).pdf 10MB 110年度台北市除草劑期末報告(正式報告)

Project of Weed Management in Non-Agricultural Lands

英文摘要 The main project included 4tasks. The following presented the results of those tasks. 1. Weeding management in urban land and herbicide management (1)In order to manage the herbicide sale, auditors audited herbicide-selling documents among 11 agriculture-related agencies. One would not sell, and 10 of the rest provided the “Herbicide Using Record Sheets”. (2)33 non-agricultural lands had been visited and one area looked like using herbicides. After sampling, the results showed that the suspicious area had not been sprayed herbicides. 2. Environmental agent vendor and pest control operator management (1)10 business premises had been visited, and all pest control operators working for those premises did follow regulation. (2)16 markets were visited and no illegal environmental agents were sold. (3)9 environmental agents were sampled. The results showed one of them was unqualified, because the amount of active compound was exceeded the standard. (4)8 sessions of spraying environmental agents were visited. (5)1527 environmental agents’ labels were checked and 26 of them were unqualified due to exceeding expiration date. (6)1101 advertisements were checked and 31 of them were unqualified. 3. Holding the propaganda materials and events (1)200 gifts were bought and 5 kinds of propaganda materials were finished. (2)5 events were hold.
英文關鍵字 Herbicides, Environmental Agents, visit and check