

中文摘要 環保署於民國108 年預告「固定污染源有害空氣污染物排放標準」(草案),其中針對72 項重要有害空氣污染物擬依三階段制定其固定污染源排放標準,本計畫針對其中四項化合物N-亞硝二甲胺、苯胺、鄰-甲氧苯胺及鄰-二甲基聯苯胺開發採樣與分析方法。 本計畫參考NIOSH Method 2514, Issue2、RA01I004.002 及第一年度「空氣中硝苯等半揮發性有機物調查技術開發(1/2)」計畫,使用吸收液甲醇及甲醇(含0.17 %三乙胺)做為採樣介質,並使用高效液相層析串聯式質譜儀(HPLC/MS/MS)分析。 分析方法部分,本計畫為驗證方法可行性,依循環檢所訂定之「環境檢測標準方法驗證程序準則」,建立調查技術評估,包含檢量線建立、方法偵測極限測定、品保品管規範(含準確度與精密度)建立、真實樣品採樣與分析(含保存及穩定性測試)。所有化合物分析結果皆符合「環境檢測標準方法驗證程序準則」。 採樣方法部分則分為周界空氣及排放管道,此二者使用之吸收液相同,N-亞硝二甲胺吸收液為甲醇,苯胺、鄰-甲氧苯胺、鄰-二甲基聯苯胺吸收液為甲醇(含0.17 %三乙胺),其他採樣條件則依周界空氣或排放管道有所不同。 依據上述採樣方法至實場採樣,辦理周界空氣及排放管道各兩場,共四場次,因僅苯胺有工廠在大量使用,其餘三項化合物皆無工廠使用,故N-亞硝二甲胺、鄰-甲氧苯胺、鄰-二甲基聯苯胺以添加方式測試,結果顯示在周界空氣及排放管道皆有測得苯胺,鄰-甲氧苯胺及鄰-二甲基聯苯胺添加樣品回收率皆在100 ± 40 %以內;惟第一場次實場採樣,N-亞硝二甲胺添加樣品之排放管道樣品回收率低於60 %,故安排於11 月11 日重新採樣,結果顯示回收率在100 ± 40 %以內,因該場次實場採樣回收率皆相對另一場實場採樣回收率低,推測可能是排放管道中其他基質影響導致。 本計畫技術擴散兩場次分別於110 年08 月及09 月完成,計畫相關調查技術草案於附錄提供日後環保署檢測技術援引之參考。
中文關鍵字 有害空氣污染物,周界空氣,串聯質譜儀


專案計畫編號 EPA-154-111-002 經費年度 110 計畫經費 3200 千元
專案開始日期 2021/01/13 專案結束日期 2021/12/31 專案主持人 許逸群
主辦單位 環檢所 承辦人 呂奎宛 執行單位 崑山科技大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 空氣中硝苯等半揮發性有機物調查技術開發(22)成果報告.pdf 50MB

Development of investigation technology for semi-volatile organic compounds such as nitrobenzene in the air (2/2)

英文摘要 Environmeantal Protection Administration (EPA) Executine Yuan announced the “Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants from Stationary Pollution Sources” (draft) in 2019.There are 72 important hazardous air pollutants planned to develop the emission standards according to a three-stage schedule.The project developed sampled method and analytical method for NNitrosodimethylamine(NDMA), Aniline, o-Anisidine and o-Tolidine The project referred to NIOSH Method 2514, Issue2, RA01I004.002 and the first year project “The development of sampling and analytical methods for semivolatile organic compounds in ambient, including nitrobenzene etc. (1/2)”. The projct used methanol and methanol with 0.17 % trimethylamine as sampling medium, and used .Liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC/MS/MS) analyses. In analysis, the project followed to the “Environmental Testing Standard Method Verification Procedures Guidelines” set by the Environmental Analysis Laboratory, EPA for verifying feasibility of method. The project established evaluating method of investigation, including setting up calibration line, detecting method detect method, establishing quality and quantity, sampling. Analytical result of four compounds all reached standard of “Environmental Testing Standard Method Verification Procedures Guidelines”. Sampling methods include ambient air and stationary source. Both used same absorbent. NDMA used methanol as absorbent. Aniline, o-anisidine and otolidine used methanol with 0.17 % trimethylamine as absorbent. There are 4 samplings of stacks in the domestic factory with 2 ambient air sampling and 2 stationary source. There only had factories using aniline. Therefore the project added the other 3 compounds in absorbents. Sampling result said that there had aniline in ambient air and stationary source. The adding sampling recovery of o-anisidine and o-tolidine were both in 100 ± 40 %. The adding sampling recovery of NDMA were below 60 % in stationary source. Therefore the project sampled again at NOV. 11. The adding sampling recovery of NDMA was in 100 ± 40 %. One of the domestic factory had lower NDMA recovery than the other. We speculate that unknown matrix caused the lower recovery. The project conducted 2 skill publicity in August and September.
英文關鍵字 Hazardous Air Pollutants, ambient air, The tandem mass spectrometer