

中文摘要 本計畫依據行政院環境保護署函頒之「環境保護機關處理公害污染陳情案件作業程序」並依地方環境保護機關公害陳情績效考核評比要點為執行主軸,受理民眾各類陳情案件、縮短處理時間、強化案件受理人員及現場稽查人員之專業訓練,提高政府施政滿意度。 本計畫執行期程自110年3月1日至111年2月28日,陳情相關統計與考核業務部分,則考量陳情案件結案時間及資料連貫或代表性,陳情與考核資料統計截至110年12月。本年度計畫之工作執行總體進度達成率為100%,摘要說明如下: 一、 公害陳情案件受理及管制作業 1. 配合機關公害陳情報案中心設置專責受理單位人員處理及管制公害陳情案件,110年1~12月陳情案件總計2445件,衍生複查818件;每日平均受理6.7件,加計衍生複查每日平均8.9件。 2. 民眾陳情案件每日進行污染源定位、建立污染源資料庫及稽查紀錄單,並鍵入公害陳情系統及依機關指示鍵入環保稽查處分管制系統(EEMS)。 3. 每月10日前提報上月陳情案件統計、處理及分析報告。 4. 每月進行公害陳情考核指標之陳情人滿意度意見電話調查,並於次月10日內提報調查資料予機關備查。110年1~12月受理的案件中共1406件可調查,已完成調查共1198件占85%,無法調查共208件占15%。已完成調查之案件(1198件)中,非常滿意及滿意分別占55.3%及35.7%,無法調查之案件(208件)中,三次無人接聽占94.2%。 二、 主動稽巡查作業(統計期間110年3月~111年1月) 1. 易遭棄置廢棄物地點選取10處地點架設縮時攝影設備,已執行133處次,共查獲47件具違規行為人,其中11件具有明確車牌皆已告發裁處,5件尚待告發裁處。 2. 監看臺東市豐聖段2-2地號及豐聖段17-1地號公有地之既有攝影機,監看過程中並無發現行為人棄置廢棄物。 3. 協助生禽畜糞攔檢稽查,共查獲15件,分別為經判定非生禽畜糞而移交農業處3件、撤銷裁處1件及開罰11件,罰鍰84萬元整,阻斷約122噸的生禽畜糞流入耕地使用。 4. 每週針對違規廣告或資源回收個體戶等進行排程並執行稽巡查: (1) 違規廣告物稽巡查工作,巡查:臺東市237條路段,發現違規廣告物1300件。清除:已移交綜合計畫科(清潔人員)拆除1168件 最多(占89.8%),其次為通知業者拆除92件(占7.08%)、即時拆除40件(占3.08%)。處分:以違反電信法第8條第3項裁罰停止廣告物登載之電信服務(以下簡稱停話)16件、違反廢棄物清理法第27條第10款告發裁處20件共計罰鍰25200元、撤銷案件1件。 (2) 列管資源回收個體戶27處,巡查276處次, 2處有環境髒亂之虞而限期要求改善或張貼勸導單,另有3處已無再堆放資源回收物而建議解除列管。 5. 配合陳情案件需求,由公害陳情系統篩選出屢遭陳情異味案件,已執行2場次異味檢測,檢測結果分別為,黃冠維(禽畜糞堆肥場)檢測值為12,符合排放標準(30);益豐牧場檢測值為ND,符合排放標準(30)。 6. 本計畫執行水質採樣檢測及分析1件:本次檢測對象為日峰畜業牧場,惟當時其廢水處理單元未有放流水,故於終沉池進行採水檢測,測得生化需氧量(BOD)為498mg/L、化學需氧量(COD)為945mg/L、懸浮固體物(SS)為857mg/L、氨氮(NH3-N)為298mg/L。惟該牧場經水質保護科確認其許可文件內容未核定該單元水質標準,僅有原廢水水質規定有限值,故本次檢測可作為該牧場污水處理場,後續操作管理參考。 7. 已協助機關更新GIS查報定位外業系統1台,圖資更新至最新版。 三、 陳情案件品質提升 1. 專責人員教育訓練已辦理1場次2小時。 2. 計畫教育訓練已辦理3場次,分別為1.異味偵檢及案例分享、2.電話禮儀與民眾陳情抱怨處理技巧、3.空氣異味防制與畜牧場稽查實務,共計完成8小時。 3. 屢遭陳情及重大污染或經機關指定案件,已統計110年度共計16處污染源,依污染持續性進行分類,提出污染源後續追蹤情形及改善對策報告。 4. 每月辦理陳情追蹤管制檢討會議,討論截至前月未結案之案件改善對策及後續查處進度,以增進結案速度及案件處理品質。 四、 配合行政院環境保護署管制考核業務 1. 依據環保署所列本計畫績效考評指標「環境執法及公害陳情處理成效」之評分標準「公害污染陳情案件平均到場處理時間」、「平均結案鍵檔時間」、「滿意度調查比率」、「滿意度調查結果」等四項為工作執行標準(總分5分)。110年截至12月底,績效自評得4.9分。 2. 依據環保署空氣品質維護及改善工作,執行與民眾陳情相關績效考評指標「全民綠生活-民生關注議題污染管理」之評分標準「異味屢次陳情案件輔導率」、「輔導後改善率」及「露天燃燒陳情案件依法處分率」等三項為工作執行標準(總分3.6分)。110年截至12月底,績效自評得3.21分。 五、 其他行政配合 執行相關行政作業,包括製作統一服裝、提供勞工實施身體一般健康檢查、每月提供新聞稿、機關臉書及TTpush推播等新聞資料等。
中文關鍵字 公害陳情


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 5550 千元
專案開始日期 2021/03/01 專案結束日期 2022/02/28 專案主持人 潘一誠
主辦單位 臺東縣環境保護局 承辦人 宋宛倫 執行單位 鼎環工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 110年度臺東縣空氣污染等陳情案件快速查處管制計畫期末報告(公開版).pdf 16MB 隱藏個資

110 Taitung County Air Pollution and Rapid Investigation Control Plan

英文摘要 This plan is based on the "Operational Procedures for Environmental Protection Agencies Handling Pollution Complaints Cases" issued by the Environmental Protection Agency of the Executive Yuan, and the key points of performance evaluation and evaluation of local environmental protection agencies for public nuisance complaints. It accepts various complaints from the public and shortens the processing time . Strengthen the professional training of case acceptance personnel and on-site inspectors to improve the satisfaction of government administration. The implementation period of this plan is from March 1, 2011 to February 28, 2011. For the statistics and assessment business part of the complaint, the closing time of the complaint case and the coherence or representativeness of the data are considered. The statistics of the complaint and assessment data are up to 110 years. December. The overall progress in the implementation of this year's plan is 100%.The summary is as follows: A. Acceptance and control of public nuisance cases 1. Cooperate with the public nuisance reporting and intelligence case center to set up a special acceptance unit to handle and control public nuisance complaints. From January to December 2011, there were 2,445 complaints and 818 derivative re-examinations; an average of 6.7 cases were accepted every day, and the daily derivative re-examination was added. 8.9 pieces on average. 2. For public complaint cases, locate the pollution source daily, establish a pollution source database and audit record sheet, and enter the public nuisance complaint system and enter the environmental inspection and punishment control system (EEMS) according to the instructions of the authorities. 3. Before the 10th of each month, report the statistics, processing and analysis report of the previous month's petition cases. 4. Conduct a monthly telephone survey on the satisfaction of petitioners for the assessment indicators of public nuisance complaints, and submit the survey data to the agency for reference within the 10th day of the following month. From January to December 2011, a total of 1,406 cases could be investigated, 1,198 cases had been investigated, accounting for 85%, and 208 cases could not be investigated, accounting for 15%. Among the cases that have been investigated (1198 cases), 55.3% and 35.7% were very satisfied and satisfied respectively, and among the cases that could not be investigated (208 cases), 94.2% were not answered three times. B. Active inspection and inspection operations (statistical period from March 110 to January 111) 1. 10 locations were selected to set up time-lapse photography equipment in the waste disposal sites. 133 cases have been carried out. A total of 47 violations have been found, 11 of which have clear license plates and all have been reported to the Tribunal, and 5 cases are yet to be reported to the Tribunal . 2. The existing cameras were monitored on the public land at No. 2-2, Fengsheng Section, and No. 17-1, Fengsheng Section, Taitung City. During the monitoring process, no waste was found to be discarded by the perpetrator. 3. Assisted in the inspection of raw poultry and livestock manure, and seized 15 cases in total, 3 cases were handed over to the Agricultural Division after being judged to be non-raw livestock manure, 1 case was revoked, and 11 cases were imposed with a fine of 840,000 yuan. Cut off about 122 tons of raw livestock manure into cultivated land for use. 4. Schedule and perform inspections on illegal advertisements or resource recycling self-employed individuals every week 5. To meet the needs of petition cases, the public nuisance petition system has screened out cases of repeated petitions and odours. Two odour tests have been carried out. The test results are that the test value of Huang Guanwei (livestock manure composting field) is 12, which meets the emission standard (30). ; The detection value of Yifeng Ranch is ND, which meets the emission standard (30). 6. One piece of water quality sampling, testing and analysis was carried out in this project: the object of this test was Rifeng Animal Farm, but its wastewater treatment unit did not release water at that time, so the water sampling test was carried out in the final sedimentation tank, and the biochemical oxygen demand was measured. Quantity (BOD) was 498mg/L, chemical oxygen demand (COD) was 945mg/L, suspended solids (SS) was 857mg/L, and ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N) was 298mg/L. However, the water quality protection department of the ranch confirmed that the content of the permit document did not approve the water quality standard of the unit, and only the original wastewater water quality stipulated a limited value. Therefore, this test can be used as a reference for the subsequent operation and management of the ranch sewage treatment plant. 7. Has assisted the agency to update 1 GIS investigation, reporting and positioning field system, and updated the map data to the latest version. C. Improve the quality of petition cases 1. The education and training of special personnel has been processed for 1 session for 2 hours. 2. 3 sessions of planned education and training have been conducted, namely 1. Odor detection and case sharing, 2. Telephone etiquette and public complaints handling skills, 3. Air odor prevention and livestock farm inspection practices, a total of 8 hours have been completed. 3. Repeated complaints and major pollution cases or cases designated by the agency, a total of 16 pollution sources in 110 years have been counted, classified according to the persistence of pollution, and a report on the follow-up tracking of pollution sources and improvement countermeasures is presented. 4. Hold a monthly complaint tracking control review meeting to discuss the improvement measures and follow-up investigation progress of cases that have not been closed as of the previous month, so as to improve the speed of closing cases and the quality of case handling. D. Cooperate with the Environmental Protection Administration of the Executive Yuan to control and assess the business 1. According to the evaluation criteria of the program’s performance evaluation index “Environmental Law Enforcement and Pollution Complaint Handling Effectiveness” listed by the Environmental Protection Agency, “Average time for on-site handling of public nuisance complaints”, “Average key file closing time”, “Satisfaction survey rate” ”, “Satisfaction survey results” and other four items are work execution standards (total score 5 points). 110 As of the end of December, the performance self-assessment scored 4.9 points. 2. According to the air quality maintenance and improvement work of the Environmental Protection Agency, implement the performance evaluation indicators related to public complaints "Green Life for All - Pollution Management of People's Livelihood Concerns". Three items, including "the rate of legal punishment in open-air burning cases", are the work execution standards (total score 3.6 points). As of the end of December 2011, the performance self-assessment scored 3.21 points. E. Other administrative cooperation Perform related administrative tasks, including making uniforms, providing laborers to perform general physical health checks, providing monthly press releases, and news materials such as government Facebook and TTpush broadcasts.
英文關鍵字 Public Nuisance Petition, Inspection