

中文摘要 本計畫期程為110年1月1日至110年12月31日,致力於提升新竹市的空氣品質以符合法定標準,更冀望在環保署訂定的考評中獲取佳績;另一方面,確實掌握境內環境負荷及污染排放資料,空氣品質監測結果分析和探討分析空氣不良事件成因。並有效率的統籌各計畫資源,實行監督之責任,以達到各項計畫管制之預期目標。 分析轄內環保署一般測站至110年12月,空氣品質不良(AQI>100)站日數比例呈逐年改善趨勢,於空氣品質不良(AQI>100)惡化站日數中,以O3佔最大宗,顯示O3為目前造成空品不良的主因;此外PM2.5年平均值呈現逐年改善趨勢,且在109年達13.3µg/m3,首次達到國家空氣品質標準(15µg/m3);統計至110年12月,PM2.5年平均濃度(手動)為13.9μg/m3,預計111年起達到三年平均濃度15µg/m3以下,符合二級防制區標準。其他空氣污染物,除臭氧八小時年平均值外,其餘濃度於110年均符合空氣品質標準。 在空品不良應變措施,統計至110年12月,於發生各級空氣品質惡化時,整合空氣污染防制相關子計畫進行查核作業,抑制空氣品質持續惡化,並將彙整回報查核或減量成果上傳環保署「空氣品質不良應變管理資訊系統」,今年執行空氣品質不良通報因應措施共22次,其中主要指標污染物均為PM2.5及O3,又以2月空品最為嚴重。當AQI>100及AQI>150時,落實通報廠家進行自主減量及稽巡查作業,並同時連繫跨局處應變小組,透過媒體資訊宣導,如跑馬燈、Facebook或網頁最新公告,使民眾第一時間掌握空品惡化資訊及做好個人防護。為熟稔應變流程,今年辦理AQI>400演練,模擬空氣品質嚴重惡化發生時,主管機關與相關單位處置判斷及應變能力。 配合環保署109年6月1日頒布「109-112年空氣污染防制方案」之核定內容,今年依據轄內環境污染現況,完成本市空氣污染防制計畫,共制定34項防制措施,並於110年9月3日公告,後續本計畫協助環保局推動各項防制措施落實執行。為有效掌握各空污計畫執行進度,逐月進行文書查核作業,依據各計畫提交之工作進度表確認執行成效,包含工項項目、環保署考評指標及污染防制計畫防制措施,以確保計畫進度按時實行;統計至110年12月,已執行12次查核作業(其中5、6月因疫情影響,故為線上繳交)。在立定計畫整體管制方向上,於計畫期間內協助辦理12場次內部工作檢討會議(包含1場次成效檢討會)、1場次竹竹苗空品區空氣品質維護計畫會議、2場次空氣污染減量推動小組跨局處會議、2場次環污基金管理委員會及2場次專家學者現勘,提升各計畫實行效益及工作績效。 在推動本市空氣品質淨化區認養與宣導作業上,110年度6處空品淨化區皆由園區或轄內企業認養完成,並協助2個認養單位參與淨化區甄選活動,甄選結果皆榮獲特優獎項,另辦理1場次淨化區清掃活動。本計畫今年進行2場淨化區實地勘查,及完成湳雅環保公園碳匯更新調查工作。針對清淨空氣綠牆設置,為推動綠化工作的另一項重點,協助轄內符合申請資格的國中小申請環保署綠牆補助計畫,目前新科國中已完成83平方公尺綠牆作業,另一大庄國小施工完成後預計完成60平方公尺。此外,辦理「妙筆好空氣,文匯淨化區」淨化區創作徵文比賽,藉由徵文比賽的方式,使學童更加認識轄內空氣品質淨化區,亦可以培養學童對自然環境的觀察力、深耕環境素養,提倡文學涵養及創作風氣。 為民宣導部份,本計畫辦理4場次空氣品質維護及改善相關宣導活動,主要宣導空氣品質、空品旗幟與空氣品質淨化區相關資訊,強化民眾了解空氣品質與施政成效。另外透過與醫師公會合作,以醫師主講方式錄製醫師宣導影片,並託播於市府電視牆、環保局Facebook及YouTube,傳達空氣品質之相關知識。 針對轄內3處人工測站收放樣及站內監測器材維護,於每月按時辦理,並於110年3月26日送校流量計,確保儀器準確性,統計至110年12月,執行24次濾紙收放、12次落塵水收放、8次單點校正與4次多點校正。今年度於8月及11月,於東門國小辦理兩季有害空氣污染物監測,監測結果空氣中有害物質皆符合法規標準。 在其他空氣品質管理相關事項,依據計畫內容協助局端購置宣導品,並進行計畫網頁更新與提送相關新聞議題,至110年12月,共更新網頁資訊12次,於110年2月6日、2月19日、3月17日、4月6日、4月21日、8月26日、10月7日與11月23日發布新聞稿於新竹市環境保護局網站,同時也協助子計畫逐月更新網頁資訊及新聞議題。
中文關鍵字 空氣污染、污染負荷、空氣污染防制


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 4238 千元
專案開始日期 2021/01/01 專案結束日期 2021/12/31 專案主持人 陳意淳
主辦單位 新竹市環境保護局 承辦人 吳金蓉 執行單位 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 110年度新竹市空氣品質綜合管理計畫期末報告.pdf 23MB 110年度新竹市空氣品質綜合管理計畫期末報告(定稿)

The Integrated Management Plan of Air Quality

英文摘要 The plan is implemented from Jane 1, 2021 to Dec 31, 2021. Attempt to improve the air quality in Hsinchu City for fitting legal standards and hoping to get achieved good performance in the Environmental Protection Administration’s assessment. On the other hand, it needs to stay on top of environmental loading, the data of pollution emission, analyzing the result of detecting air quality and crosstalk the reason of the causing incident. To plan as a whole source from others efficiently, the duty of monitor and boosting the except goal. As of Oct 2021, analyzing station location by The Environmental Protection Administration (EPA): the proportion of AQI>100 (air quality index) demonstrates better and better recently. In the days of poor air quality (AQI>100), O3 accounts for the largest proportion, O3 means the major cause of poor air quality. Otherwise, the average of PM2.5 also gets better (13.3µg/m3) even reach the stander (15µg/m3) first time in 2020. The average of PM2.5 is 13.9 μg/m3 until Dec 2021. The average concentration in three years will reach below 15 μg/m3 from 2022 to reach the standard for class II air pollution control regions. The average of air contaminants in 2021 all fit legal standards except for O3-8hr. Statistics to Oct 2021, the response measures: As on poor air quality, ensemble other sub-projects which are belonged preventing air pollution to suppress poorer continually. Then collate the result of decreasing amount and upload the EPA system of response to air pollution. It has responded 22 times to air pollution. The major target of air pollutions is PM2.5 and O3. Moreover, Feb is severest so far. As the situation attains AQI>100 and AQI>150, to make sure the manufactures cut down the emission of factories. At the same time, connect other departments by the cross-over group and through the media just like Facebook, news ticker, and website, to announce the information. Let people know the poor air quality news at the first moment and protect themselves. According to contents to the briefing of the air pollution control plan from 2020 to 2023, conducted by the EPA on June 1, 2020. Based on the current state of environmental pollution, completed Hsinchu City air pollution control plan. The plan has been 34 preventive measures, it also assists Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) to promote preventive measures later. To stay on top of each project is on schedule, check the execution progress routinely every month. To confirm the table of progress which donned based on work items, assessment indicators from EPA, and air pollution control plan measures. Until now, it has been executed 10 times (because of Covid-19, it was inspected online in May and Jun). To establish the project’s overall control directions, the following activities would be additionally conducted during the period of the project to enhance the working performances and execution qualities of every project: 9 times internal work review meetings and 1 effectiveness review meeting in Oct, 1 seminar on air quality composed of Hsinchu County, Hsinchu City, and Miaoli County, and 1 air pollution fund committee meeting, 1 improving decreasing air pollution meeting of Hsinchu City and 2 reconnaissance of environmental experts. The purpose of these meetings is to accelerate productivity and work efficiency on each plan. On motivating the adoption and dissemination of air quality purification regional, 6 air quality purification regionals have already been adopted by the companies that formed in Hsinchu Science Park or in Hsinchu City. Furthermore, it assists 2 companies to participate in the audition and win the the high distinction award finally. We also host an event of cleaning. Another point thing to know, it completed air quality purification regional inspection in a half year and renewed data of carbon credit in Nanya environmental protection park. The following section of greening is “setting green wall”. It is another point for improving greening. It assists elementary and junior high schools which fit qualifications apply for the fund from EPA. HSIN KE junior high school has closed the case and completed the 83 m3 field. The other is Da Chung elementary school that is under construction and looks forward to finishing the 60m3 field this year. In addition, it also holds the creative writing competition of quality purification regionals. To know more about quality purification regionals for children by the writing competition. It can also cultivate observation into nature, improve environmental education, advocate bookish charm and trend of creative writing. Disseminating to the public, hosted 2 events of maintaining and promoting air quality which aims to propagate air quality, air quality flag, and the information about quality purification regionals. To enhance the knowledge of air quality for people. Moreover, we cooperate with Taiwan Medical recording the video by doctors as speakers. The videos publicize the concept of air quality on television, Facebook, and YouTube. Association to maintaining equipment in 3 station locations and putting receive samples is routine work every month. To make sure equipment is exact and send the flow meter to calibrate on 26 Mar.2021.It has done 24 times putting receiving samples, 12 times water collected dust, 8 times one point regulated, and 4 times several points regulated from this year. We detected hazardous air pollutants seasonal in Oct and Nov 2021. The detecting result of harmful materials in the air all are conformed with the standard. In the other matter of management air quality: assist to purchase informational materials refer to the contract, renewed website and submit a News release. It has updated the information 10 times on the website and assisted other plans also. News has released on the website of EPB on 6 Feb,19 Feb, 17 Mar, 6 Apr,26 Aug, and 7 Oct this year.
英文關鍵字 Air pollution, pollution loading, air pollution control