

中文摘要 聯合國《氣候變化綱要公約》已建立全球環境法律治理架構,其銜接《京都議定書》及《多哈修正案》2020年之減量目標,再以《巴黎協定》驅動2021至2030年間的氣候行動,尋求在2050年前實現深度脫碳及公正轉型的淨零碳排目標。氣候治理已融入各國國家政策推動、科技研發、經濟發展、低碳社會和國際外交戰略之中;使得氣候行動已是國家與產業競爭力的基礎,對於企業及民生活動將會產生重大影響。據此,本計畫以《溫室氣體減量及管理法》為衡量基礎,檢視國際間NDC減碳目標、氣候政策、因應作為及法規和政策工具及其誘因,協助環保署因應當前《巴黎協定》及國際淨零碳排、碳中和等發展趨勢。據此,本計畫依長期參與《聯合國氣候變化綱要公約》與《巴黎協定》研擬我國因應策略論述參考,主要工作目標包括: 1.研析巴黎協定第六條國際參與機制與碳邊境稅制對我國法理銜接;2.掌握氣候公約及巴黎協定長期低碳目標、碳中和策略及科研發展趨勢,研析氣候行動因應措施衝擊影響評估;3.推展國際多邊氣候能力建構合作,強化國際氣候行動連結管道;4.綜整氣候協商趨勢,辦理組團參加氣候公約會議活動相關籌備工作;5.研究國際人權與公正轉型。
中文關鍵字 聯合國氣候變化綱要公約、巴黎協定、溫室氣體減量


專案計畫編號 110A217 經費年度 110 計畫經費 13263.83 千元
專案開始日期 2021/05/24 專案結束日期 2021/12/31 專案主持人 連振安
主辦單位 環管處 承辦人 王俊勝 執行單位 財團法人工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 FY110公約計畫成果報告0322.pdf 11MB 成果報告

The working plan of the Paris Agreement’s implementation influences and response measures

英文摘要 Under the global environmental legal framework of the UNFCCC, both the Kyoto Protocol and the Doha Amendment aim to the Parties towards 2020 GHG reductions targets. Simultaneously, the Paris Agreement seeks prompt actions to globally drive the deep decarbonization pathway and just transition towards 2050 net-zero emission targets. To date, climate governance is a critical consideration to national policy legalization, technology R&D, economic development, low-carbon society, and diplomacy strategy; these climate actions have become a competitiveness foundation for a country and cooperates future decision making. The project is based on Taiwan’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act to ensure national climate policy is well-promoted to fulfill competitiveness, energy security, economic growth, and a balanced, sustainable environment. Meanwhile, the project is also reviewed feasible practices on NDC targets, climate policies, response measures, legal actions, policy instruments, incentives for correctly grasp the trend of international net-zero emission development, and carbon-neutral strategies. Therefore, the primary tasks and objectives in this project include: 1.Studying the international engagement mechanism progress in article six of the Paris Agreement, and Taiwan’s legal strategy in response to the carbon border adjustment mechanism; 2.Exploring the development of long-term low carbon targets, carbon-neutral and technology strategy on the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement’s negotiation trends, and relevant issues of the Response Measures with impact assessment; 3.Promoting the multilateral partnership collaboration for seeking capacity building opportunities and strategic development on international climate actions; 4.Organizing the preparatory work for the Taiwan EPA to participate in the UNFCCC’s conference activities and analyzing international climate negotiation trends; 5.Studying the international human right on climate change and just transition.
英文關鍵字 UNFCCC, Paris Agreement, GHG Reduction