

中文摘要 本計畫針對國內現行一般廢棄物處理設施(包括高效堆肥設施、廚餘脫水設施、機械分選設施、及飛灰水洗設施)進行處理前後之相關數值檢驗,並依據檢驗結果評估效能,提供地方單位之處理設備操作改善建議,以期提高設備處理成效。 已完成24廠次破碎脫水設施前後樣品、19廠次高效堆肥設施出肥、10廠次周界異味及種子發芽率測試等採樣工作;另針對4廠次飛灰水洗設備處理前後樣品測定TCLP(Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure,TCLP)重金屬、戴奧辛、氯化物、氯離子、鉀、鈉及卜特蘭水泥混凝土用飛灰及天然或煆燒卜作嵐攙和物(CNS 3036)化學成分之分析;此外,亦採集目前國內唯一一廠SRF產製廠—雲林廠機械分選前後之垃圾樣品進行分析,並針對機械分選後產製之SRF(Solid Recovered Fuel,SRF)進行品質分級之特性分析。 就廚餘處理設施而言,破碎脫水前物理組成方面,料源以生廚餘為主的包括臺南市城西廠、臺南市新化廠、彰化縣田尾廠、臺北市木柵廠等,其餘以生熟廚餘混合之料源較多;破碎脫水設施水分去除率效果較佳者為臺北市木柵廠濕季所測得之77.5%,最低則為新竹市香山廠所測得之數值,僅0.5%;高效堆肥設施出肥雜項堆肥檢驗結果,大部分皆符合標準,臺南市新化廠、臺南市城西廠、新竹市香山廠、新竹縣新豐廠、花蓮縣鳳林廠、金門縣金沙廠、澎湖縣澎西廠等皆有出現水分略高之情形,而宜蘭縣三星廠、新竹市香山廠、新竹縣新豐廠及花蓮縣鳳林廠雜項堆肥檢驗結果另有pH值偏酸性之情形,研判其發酵尚未完全,因此建議可增加在發酵槽內發酵停留時間,並設置後腐熟階段且定期翻堆使其發酵更加完全。 臺北市政府環境保護局木柵垃圾焚化廠、北投垃圾焚化廠為全國唯二飛灰使用水洗方式穩定化處理之場域,此二廠採集之飛灰水洗後樣品TCLP重金屬皆符合「有害事業廢棄物認定標準」及其附表四毒性特性溶出程序(TCLP)溶出標準;戴奧辛及呋喃於檢測中,此二廠皆有出現高於標準1.0 ng I-TEQ/g情形,而北投焚化廠在飛灰經水洗程序後則是將其做為生石灰攙配料,在水泥燒結過程中其戴奧辛即可被破壞,故不影響其去化使用;CNS 3036化學成分檢測部分,檢測數值皆未達到各分類標準,三氧化硫及燒失量部分,由於三氧化硫會影響飛灰耐久性能,使得燒失量增加,建議在飛灰水洗時添加鹼劑降低三氧化硫含量,而含水量部分則是由於飛灰水洗後皆使用壓濾方式進行脫水,故含水量偏高,建議再利用前可先經乾燥或烘乾處理。 此外,針對雲林MT(Mechanical treatment,MT)廠檢測化學三成分分析結果,垃圾在機械分選過後可燃分比例明顯增加,從38.2%增加到49.6%,而物理特性分析結果發現,機械分選後塑膠所占比例從32.9%增加到59.6%,紙類所占比例則相對降低,推斷在機械分選前紙類存在的形式多為紙餐盒,故破碎後較無法辨識,綜合以上所述,垃圾經機械分選後可藉篩選程序將可燃物及其他不燃物完整分類;而在MT分選過後產製之成品,依照美國ASTM(ASTM International,ASTM)RDF(Refuse derived fuel,RDF)定義,依各檢測項目分級屬RDF-3;在歐盟EN15359標準中,SRF品質特性依各項檢驗項目屬SRF-2~SRF-4分級;在SRF品質特性分析中各項檢驗項目皆符合環保署109年4月1日公告的「固體再生燃料製造技術指引與品質規範」。
中文關鍵字 廚餘、飛灰、固體再生燃料


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 5180 千元
專案開始日期 2021/02/09 專案結束日期 2021/11/30 專案主持人 楊詔棻
主辦單位 環境督察總隊 承辦人 黃智揚 執行單位 南台灣環境科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 110A153.pdf 12MB 成果報告

Improvements in the Efficiency of Treatment Facilities for Municipal Solid Wastes (MSW)

英文摘要 The purpose of this project is to understand the efficiency of treatment plants for municipal solid waste (MSW), including kitchen waste pre-crushing treatment processes, high-efficiency fermentation facilities, washed equipments for MSWI fly ash, and mechanical treatment (MT) facilities. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the facilities, there are several inspections tested in this project. Among them, evaluations of 12 pre-crushing treatment facilities has been completed, include quality testing analysis and effectiveness assessment. As the results, the dehydration rates of these facilities are from 0.13% to 27.71%, and moisture removal rates are from 0.5% to 77.5%. In the “high-efficiency composting facility” section, 9 facilities had been inspected according to the organic fertilizer testing for the products. Based on "Kinds, Items and Standards of Fertilizers", the test results indicated that the moisture contents of samples from 7 plants is slightly higher, and pH values and the germination percentage values of samples from 4 plants are lower than the standard. In addition, the analyses of TCLP, Dioxin, chloride, chlorine ion, potassium, sodium, and chemical contents of CNS 3036 in the samples of the fly ash were tested. The test results of the fly ash sample from Beitou Incineration Plant show that the concentration of Dioxin and furan in fly ash is higher than the standard value, 1.0 ng I-TEQ/g. It is not affected for reuse because of that the dioxin can be destroyed during the cement sintering process. Besides, the moisture content in the fly ash after washed presents much higher value according to be dehydrated by filter press after washing. Thus, it is better to be dried before reuse. Finally, through the MT processes in Yunlin MT Plant, the proportion of combustible waste increased from 38.2% to 49.6%, and the proportion of plastics after mechanical sorting increased from 32.9% to 59.6% based on the analysis of physical characteristic. It is useful to be classified to combustible and non-combustibles substances by the MT processes.
英文關鍵字 kitchen waste, fly ash, solid recovered fuel