

中文摘要 一、中文計畫名稱:「110年度花蓮縣優質公廁及美質環境推動計畫」 二、計畫編號:EPB-110-01-05 三、執行單位:翌暘工程顧問有限公司 四、計畫主持人:林佳薇 五、執行開始時間:110年2月26日 六、執行結束時間:110年12月31日 七、報告完成時間:110年12月 八、使用語言:中文 本年度計畫主要工作包括「強化公廁場站維護」、「天災復原或環境整頓維護」、「環境衛生改善專案」等3大面向工作,藉以達成的目標,在執行策略上,今年度以強化稽查、推動環境衛生相關環境教育、熱點分析、推動環境衛生示範區及搭建本縣環境衛生平台等工作策略,期能讓各項工作之執行更具成效。 以下即針對統計至110年12月31日止之各項工作成果摘要說明。 (一) 公廁巡查作為 1. 環保署列管重點公廁每月完成2次稽巡查、次月10日完成公廁稽巡查資料綠網資料登錄:每月依限執行。 2. 巡查結果:本縣列管公廁912座共稽巡查7,948座次,目前各公廁分級狀態,特優級共871座,佔本縣列管公廁95.50%,較109年末51.78%提升43.72%;優等級共41座,佔本縣列管公廁4.5%;目前無普通級公廁。 3. 提升特優級公廁比例至95%,做法簡要說明如下: (1) 調整公廁稽查頻率:特優級公廁每2月查核1次,優等級每月至少稽查1次。將有限的時間做有效的運用,即可擁有更多時間針對各列管公廁需改善項目請管理單位即刻進行改善。 (2) 要求管理單位落實管理之責:公家機關因設備老舊造成缺失,中央部會管理之公廁,函請主管機關編列預算進行改善;地方政府及鄉鎮公所管理之公廁,協助管理單位提出公廁改善計畫向署爭取補助。如仍未提升與改善,將依廢棄物清理法告發處分並發布新聞。 (3) 常見環保署通報缺失項目加強輔導:本年度環保署綠網常見通報項目「廁間內部未設置掛勾(或脫落)」、「未確實填寫清掃檢查出勤紀錄表」及「廁間垃圾桶未加蓋」等項目加強輔導,有效降低遭環保署通報缺失情形。 (4) 公廁分級貼紙上方加註陳情管道:告知管理單位本年度新設計公廁分級貼紙,上方QRcode即為髒亂通報管道,呼籲管理單位加強管護公廁。 (5) 積極爭取環保署補助地方政府改善公廁經費:環保署核定110年下半年至111年補助地方政府改善公廁經費872萬6,620元,花蓮縣受補助單位共8單位,補助修繕公廁座數35座。 (6) 落實E化管理:針對管理單位聯絡人姓名及E-mail進行調查更新,方便日後通報公廁缺失改善作業。 (7) 配合環保署「行動版」綠網使用行動裝置稽查:可節省稽查單張印製之紙張浪費,節省撰寫稽查單張上基本資料時間,可將多之時間用於輔導本縣管理單位改善公廁,而目前使用行動版綠網,除後續有裁罰仍需填紙本稽查單外,目前無使用上之問題。 4. 缺失分析: (1) 公廁檢查項目分為二大類別「硬體設備/週邊設備」及「清潔維護」,依統計綜觀本縣列管公廁絕大多數缺失皆為清潔維護不當,硬體設備及週邊設備缺失合計共1,249次,清潔維護缺失合計共4,489次。 (2) 「硬體設備/週邊設備」常見缺失:「硬體設備/週邊設備」最常見缺失為「硬體設備」項目中之「鏡子/油漆剝落」為最高計500次。 (3) 缺失面向探討:雖「硬體設備/週邊設備」項目依照統計結果最常見缺失「硬體設備」項目中以「鏡子/油漆剝落」為最高,本項缺失非嚴重影響實際公廁使用之缺失,而稽查人員至外部執行檢查時需依實際現況進行勾選,無可避免此項目之勾稽,導致後端統計後此項重覆出現。而就現況而論,大部分「硬體設備」缺失若非該公廁恰巧需進行全面改裝方可解決,因此以下討論內容建議單就「周邊設備」缺失進行討論。 (4) 「週邊設備」最常見缺失為「廁間垃圾桶未加蓋」為最高計267次,「廁所明顯處未縣掛清掃或檢查紀錄表」為次高計140次、「無掛勾或置物台處」計63次、「清掃或檢查紀錄表1天未簽2次」則有47次。 (5) 「廁間垃圾桶未加蓋」缺失,部分為管理單位管護方便,無蓋垃圾筒可明顯看見垃圾量,同時也可避免排泄物沾染垃圾筒上蓋;另一部分則有管理單位表示有蓋垃圾筒長久使用上蓋遺失或損壞,因仍可使用,為節省管護支出成本,因此未特別更換。本項缺失並無改善困難點,一般經由稽巡查人員現場訪視告知需改善後,再次巡查即完成改善。 (6) 「廁所明顯處未縣掛清掃或檢查紀錄表」、「清掃或檢查紀錄表1天未簽2次」缺失,主要因管理單位未有格式,或管理單位格式不符1天2次原則,導致清潔人員無法落實簽署清掃檢查頻率。本項缺失並無改善困難點,一般經由稽巡查人員現場訪視告知需改善後,管理單位表示無格式即由內勤人員直接提供予管理單位,再次巡查即完成改善。 (7) 「無掛勾或置物台處」缺失大部分為掛勾經久使用後損壞或脫落。本項缺失並無改善困難點,一般經由稽巡查人員現場訪視告知需改善後,管理單位即購置新掛勾,再次巡查即完成改善。 (8) 經由提升特優級公廁比例做法加強輔導內容,於下半年開始各類型缺失有明顯下降趨勢,月平均查獲缺失降低最多者為「地板/局部潮濕不潔」,下降22.48%;降低次多者為「廁間垃圾桶未加蓋」,下降21.84%;「清掃或檢查紀錄表1天未簽2次」,下降21.67%;「廁所明顯處無懸掛清掃或檢查紀錄表」,下降16.17%;「周邊環境/鏡子不潔」,下降12.52%,顯見上述做法對於提升公廁特優級比例確有幫助。 (二) 公廁改善作為:環保署綠網通報計40件,其中以基本資料錯誤為通報29件為最多,其餘為現場硬體及清潔度改善案件,全數皆依限完成改善並送審,送審結果全數通過。 1. 依據環保署通報指定待改善公廁案件其中現場設備及清潔度改善缺失項目進行統計以「逾2日(含)未填寫清掃或檢查出勤紀錄表」計8次為最高,「廁間垃圾桶未加蓋」計7次為次高,常遭環保署通報之缺失項目於執行稽查作業時皆有即時請管理單位注意並改善之。 2. 基本資料錯誤:多為管理單位錯誤或無明確地址,環保署10月請各縣市重新提報列管名冊,於作業中有再次審視管理單位欄位,並已提供正確名單予環保署進行批次匯入綠網,未來除非再次出現中央與地方認知不同情形,否則,應可大幅下降綠網基礎資料錯誤情形。 (三) 優質如廁文化推廣活動:已完成2場次辦理。 (四) 強化公廁場站維護 1. 本縣列管公廁名單清查及建檔:已於110年5月20日完成本縣列管公廁清查及建檔作業,並將彙整後之公廁列管名單函文至機關。本縣公廁常見缺失分析說明於公廁巡查作為項下。 2. 修繕公廁工程進度管控追蹤:本(110)年度本縣向環保署申請補助之單位有花蓮地政事務所及花蓮縣新城鄉衛生所2單位。 (1) 「優質公廁及美質環境推動計畫」工程執行進度管控表填報:申請補助單位每週皆依限填報。 (2) 修繕工程進度及後續結案作業:本年度申請單位皆已完工並提送結案報告予機關。 (3) 「111年度改善公廁暨提升優質公廁推動計畫」申請計畫收集、核對及彙整:協助機關進行各單位之申請計畫收集、核對及彙整作業。環保署已核定111年補助單位共計8單位9處35座,總申請金額為872萬6,620元整。 3. 稽查人潮眾多地點公共環境清潔:每月稽查20家次人潮眾多之商圈範圍或交通場站、觀光景點、公園、市場、超商連鎖咖啡店等地點,本年度共計稽巡查225家次,各店家週邊環境衛生維護情形良好,倘有髒亂情形,經反映也立即完成環境清掃作業,配合情形良好。 4. 設計公廁維護表與貼紙:需設計本縣列管公廁維護表與各級別貼紙,於公廁各級別貼紙上設計QRcode,用以反映清潔或陳情相關意見之服務加值效益。 (1) 本縣列管公廁維護表:已完成維護表設計並獲機關核備,後續將由機關發文予各管理單位自行印製並掛於廁所入口或明顯處。 (2) 各級別貼紙:已完成設計並依限完成印製,6月30日起辦理公廁稽巡查作業時開始陸續更新,9月底已完成本縣列管公廁全數分級貼紙換貼作業。 5. 執行公廁認養:已依限完成60座公廁認養,並已全數至綠網「公廁認養」頁面進行資料登錄。 6. 特優級公廁認證:完成2場次辦理,依委員評分結果完成證書製作提供予機關,後續再由機關以公文方式函送予各管理單位懸掛於公廁內部明顯處。 (五) 天災復原或環境整頓維護 1. 辦理環境衛生宣導活動 (1) 4場次小型宣導活動:已完成4場次活動辦理。 (2) 1場次大型宣導活動:改為辦理廣播媒體宣導,相關規劃機關已核備,本年度與中廣合作執行環境衛生宣導相關內容託播,已於11月完成345檔次託播作業。 2. 環保夜市政策推廣及進度管控追蹤:本年度環保夜市辦理範圍拓展至花蓮市金三角商圈,配合本年度辦理範圍加強列管公廁與稽巡查作業、環境衛生維護作業及宣導。 (1) 金三角商圈公廁列管:針對金三角商圈之廁所進行全面清查,已將7-11花道門市、星巴克花蓮門市納入列管。 (2) 金三角商圈列管公廁加強稽巡查:督促商家善盡管理職責,進行公廁加強稽巡查作業,併同本縣列管公廁不定期進行公廁稽巡查,倘有髒亂或設備損壞之情形,皆請店家立即改善。 (3) 金三角商圈環境衛生加強整頓維護作業:協請花蓮市清潔隊協助調配人力,不分例假日均有人員至商圈內部街道及週邊環境巡視,並進行地毯式清潔作業。 (4) 金三角商圈環境清潔維護宣導:完成環境衛生宣導文宣內容設計,現正於花蓮市中山路與中華路口電視牆進行託播作業(刊期一個月,11月7日至12月6日)。 (5) 夜市內部公廁試辦物聯網智慧公廁:為有效掌握人潮尖峰強化清潔,保持民眾舒適使用環境,打造高品質公廁,本年度由環保署補助,於東大門夜市內部公廁試辦物聯網智慧公廁,推動智慧廁間建置。於東大門夜市內部安裝人流感測模組及異味感測模組,當有異味或人流過高時,將通知清潔人員清掃,即時強化公廁清潔作業,已於110年11月25日完成施作,目前試運轉中。 3. 執行天災復原或環境整頓維護等相關工作:已完成天災復原環境整頓緊急應變通報處理流程擬定並提送予機關,機關已核備。惟本年度至計畫結束前並未有天災復原環境整頓之緊急事件發生,因此本年度無協助機關進行通報作業。 (六) 環境衛生改善專案 1. 環境衛生檢舉案件彙整及分析(資料由機關提供,受資料保存年限影響,資料區間為106年起至110年3月28日止,計5,002件):已完成分析,並已完成視覺化圖像繪製作業。 (1) 依據檢舉場域類型及污染類型分析:以「空地」污染數1,479件為最高,「道路附近」污染547件次之;而污染類型以垃圾棄置為最多,推斷與一般民眾居家週邊相較之下較疏於管理之區域最易遭丟棄垃圾。 (2) 依據被陳情鄉鎮分析:花蓮市的陳情案件為2,481件為最高,因人口密度較其他鄉鎮市較高,環境衛生污染產生之情形也隨之增加。 (3) 依分析結果熱點皆為私有空地,因考量後續環境行動執行及媒合社區志工力量共同管護倘為私有地皆需徵得地主同意,將難有較佳成效。建議機關勿以實際分析結果進行後續熱點訪談、環境衛生示範區等相關作業規劃,應考量時事或長久以來本縣亟需解決之環境議題再做規劃。 2. 環境衛生檢舉案件熱點訪談回饋:已完成5處熱點訪談,其中3處為示範區,2處為熱點。並依據各方意見規劃相關環境行動。  示範區訪談內容依據各單位所表述之期許進行環境行動之規劃,規劃辦理內容如下方第3點所表述。  2處熱點其中北區熱點因地主不善盡管理之責且與周邊鄰居關係不睦,因而導致環境髒亂情形,已協請機關執行裁罰程序。  南區熱點目前已承租予他人,且鄰居認為地主有落實管理,並無疏於管理情形。 3. 推動環境衛生示範區:已完成3處擇定,並已完成各處環境行動。 (1) 北區示範區為花蓮市「美崙溪畔」:  設置告示牌:已完成,設置後目前為止已未有垃圾棄置情形。  公部門合作協助清除:與花蓮縣政府建設處水利科合作,由水利科的委外廠商協助清除垃圾,已於9月16日完成垃圾清除作業。  與當地志工團體連結維護:水環境巡守隊有1、20人會定期巡護附近環境,原先一個月最少巡一次,現已與里長協商加強巡視相關區域。 (2) 中區示範區為壽豐鄉「193縣道月眉段」:  協調監視器裝設:已與林管處南華工作站紀有亭主任確認可提供之資源,林管處已於林班地內架設微型攝影機,未來考量朝科技執法方向努力,與業者進行wifi連線,即可影像同步,惟仍需有技術層面需克服。  與權益關係人(林管處)討論垃圾傾倒及清運問題:林管處已執行二次垃圾清除作業並執行分類,並由南華工作站行文予壽豐鄉清潔隊,壽豐鄉清潔隊再派專車回收車與垃圾車來清除,費用由林管處支付;同時設置有line群組通報系統,若有民眾通報第一時間由林管處巡護人員至現場了解狀況即時處理,惟以人身安全為第一考量。  垂降清理垃圾:受圓規颱風連日大雨影響,原邊坡內含垃圾之土堆已全數遭颱風大雨沖走,露出一水泥消能板,原先可踩踏之立足點皆已被大雨沖刷掉不復存在,考量工作人員人身安全及辦理效益,後改為25.5K之處執行,10月19日完成垃圾清理,垃圾的種類以玻璃和磁磚為最大宗共秤重600公斤。 (3) 南區示範區則為富里鄉「鱉溪跳舞廣場下方」:  設置告示牌:與社區居民訪談過程表示希望於傾倒垃圾地點設立告示牌,增加警示作用,已完成設置。  與社區居民合作協助清除:與社區居民合作,10月22日進行淨溪垃圾清除作業。  與當地民眾協商增加附近眼線,並與志工團體連結維護。 4. 辦理花蓮縣環境衛生平台、辦理創新工作坊、創新宣導活動 (1) 2場次花蓮縣環境衛生平台:  第1場次:8月26日已完成,邀請環境衛生相關權責單位與關心環境議題之民間NGO組織辦理,並由各單位於會中分享環境衛生執行成果,進行交流及討論。  第2場次:12月8日已完成,協請碧雲莊分享毛小孩黃金塔,並分享本年度辦理環境衛生相關作業成果。號召公私部門一同探討議題,激發不同思維與討論。 (2) 1場次創新工作坊:10月26日已完成辦理,當日討論北區示範區美崙溪垃圾棄置案,由具主持公民議題經驗之主持人帶領不同背景的群眾先了解各自工作內容,再以角色扮演進行團體討論,設身處地思考,如果我們今天是行為人,我為什麼會污染環境,又要如何我才會害怕,不再污染環境,用生動有趣的方式,帶給大家不一樣的想像,也激發出更多可能性,比方說採取酒駕強制上課模式,未來是不是也有可能讓污染行為人用一樣的方式強制上課,或做環境服務來抑止未來更多相同垃圾棄置事件發生。 (3) 2場次創新宣導活動:第1場次於10月22日辦理,第2場次於10月26日完成辦理,透過本次活動辦理,讓民眾從遊戲中了解公廁、菸蒂、小黑蚊等的議題,讓身邊無處不在的環保問題不再枯燥乏味,寓教於樂。我們希望透過創新方式,改變一般固定性的宣傳方式,讓民眾可以發現環保的有趣之處,最重要的是能將習得的知識應用於生活之中,甚至讓更多親朋好友知道環保的重要性。同時針對自己所生活之場域常態性發生的垃圾棄置情形,可以喚起公民意識,了解環境需要大家攜手共同維護,才能永保青山綠水。 5. 宣導品採購:已完成採購作業。 (七) 創新作為:目前皆已完成辦理。 (1) 「行動宣導教具一卡皮箱」:已於9月29日完成製作並提送予機關。 (2) 「110年嗨!花潮青年友善環境實施計畫」:已完成辦理,第一名為四維高中SWSH,第二名為花蓮女中花女-哩路,第三名為花蓮高農環保意識小尖兵,佳作為花蓮高農守護妙妙村。 (3) 本年度創新作法效益:  適用於各種宣導對象,使本縣環境衛生宣導能更吸引民眾目光。  建置環境宣導活動宣導系統:行動宣導教具內含互動式教具、易拉展及打卡板等,為本縣未來環境宣導建構完善之宣導系統,方便使用於擺攤宣導中,並適用於各類型、各主題宣導活動及各宣導場域。  符合環保署考核委員意見:為符合考核委員意見針對「空地空屋環境衛生」、「煙蒂棄置」、「路旁積水容器」加強宣導,內容應涵括「菸蒂」、「環境衛生」、「病媒蚊及蟲鼠防治」、「公廁」之宣導內容。  辦理內容為民眾重視之環境議題:參與者為青年學子,所發想之環境改善行動,即為一般民眾視角所發想。  延續宣導效果:利用學生創意活動發想等過程親身體驗環境保護的重要性,喚起重視環境保護工作之意識,並將舉手之勞作環保的理念擴大宣導,環境教育向下紮根。
中文關鍵字 「強化公廁場站維護」、「天災復原或環境整頓維護」、「環境衛生改善專案」


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 3142.278 千元
專案開始日期 2021/01/01 專案結束日期 2021/11/30 專案主持人 林佳薇
主辦單位 花蓮縣環境保護局 承辦人 李秉謙 執行單位 翌暘工程顧問有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 環保專案成果倉儲系統-110年度花蓮縣優質公廁及美質環境推動計畫成果報告.pdf 27MB 110年度花蓮縣優質公廁及美質環境推動計畫成果報告

110-year high-quality public toilets and beautiful environment promotion plan (Changmen) - Hualien County

英文摘要 一. Chinese name of the project: "110 Year Hualien County Quality Public Toilets and Beautiful Environment Promotion Project" 二. Project number: EPB-110-01-05 三. Executing unit: Yiyang Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd. 四. Program host: Lin Jiawei 五. Implementation start time: February 26, 2011 六. Execution end time: December 31, 2011 七. Completion time of the report: December 2011 八. Language used: Chinese The main tasks of this year's plan include "strengthening the maintenance of public toilets", "recovery from natural disasters or environmental rectification and maintenance", and "environmental sanitation improvement projects". , Promote environmental education related to environmental sanitation, analyze hotspots, promote environmental sanitation demonstration areas, and build the county's environmental sanitation platform and other working strategies, hoping to make the implementation of various tasks more effective. The following is a summary description of the various work results as of December 31, 2011. (一) Inspection of public toilets 1. The key public toilets under the management of the Environmental Protection Agency complete 2 inspections per month, and complete the public toilet inspection data on the 10th of the next month. The green network data registration: execute according to the limit every month. 2. Inspection results: 912 public toilets in the county have been inspected and inspected for a total of 7,948 times. At present, there are 871 super-excellent public toilets, accounting for 95.50% of the public toilets in the county, an increase of 43.72% from 51.78% at the end of 2019; excellent There are 41 grades in total, accounting for 4.5% of public toilets in the county; currently there are no ordinary public toilets. 3. Increase the proportion of premium public toilets to 95%. The brief description of the method is as follows: (1) Adjust the inspection frequency of public toilets: public toilets of the premium class are inspected once every two months, and public toilets of the superior class are inspected at least once a month. Make effective use of the limited time, and you will have more time to ask the management unit to improve immediately for the improvement items of the public toilets under management. (2) Require management units to implement management responsibilities: Public agencies are missing due to outdated equipment. For public toilets managed by the central ministry, please write to the competent authority to prepare a budget for improvement; for public toilets managed by local governments and township public offices, assist the management unit to propose public toilets The improvement plan seeks subsidies from the Department. If there is still no improvement and improvement, it will be reported and punished according to the Waste Disposal Law and a news release will be made. (3) Enhanced counseling for frequently missing items notified by the Environmental Protection Agency: "Hooks are not installed (or fall off) inside the toilet" and "cleaning and inspection attendance records are not filled out" and "Trash cans in toilets" are frequently reported by the Environmental Protection Agency Green Network "Unstamped" and other items to strengthen guidance, effectively reducing the situation of being reported missing by the Environmental Protection Agency. (4) Add a complaint channel on the top of the public toilet grading sticker: Inform the management unit to design a new public toilet grading sticker this year. The QRcode above is the dirty notification channel, and call on the management unit to strengthen the management and protection of public toilets. (5) Actively strive for the Environmental Protection Agency to subsidize local governments to improve public toilets: the Environmental Protection Agency has approved a subsidy of 8,726,620 yuan for local governments to improve public toilets from the second half of 2011 to 2011. A total of 8 units in Hualien County received subsidies, and 35 public toilets were subsidized. seat. (6) Implement E-based management: investigate and update the name and E-mail of the contact person of the management unit, so as to facilitate the notification of the lack of public toilets in the future. (7) Cooperate with the Environmental Protection Agency's "Mobile Version" Green Network to use mobile devices for auditing: it can save paper waste for printing audit leaflets, save time for writing basic information on audit leaflets, and spend more time on counseling the county's management units Improve public toilets, and currently use the mobile version of Green Net, except that there is still a need to fill in a paper inspection form in the follow-up punishment, there is currently no problem in use. 4. Missing analysis: (1) Public toilet inspection items are divided into two categories: "hardware equipment/peripheral equipment" and "cleaning and maintenance". According to statistics, most of the public toilets in the county's management are missing due to improper cleaning and maintenance, hardware equipment and peripheral equipment. A total of 1,249 times, and a total of 4,489 times of missing cleaning and maintenance. (2) Common defects of "hardware equipment/peripheral equipment": the most common deficiency of "hardware equipment/peripheral equipment" is "mirror/paint peeling" in the "hardware equipment" item, with a maximum of 500 times. (3) Deficiency-oriented discussion: Although the "hardware equipment/peripheral equipment" item is the most common missing according to the statistical results, "mirror/paint peeling" is the highest among the "hardware equipment" items, but this item does not seriously affect the actual use of public toilets. It is missing, and the inspectors need to check according to the actual situation when they go to the outside to perform inspections. It is unavoidable to check this item, resulting in repeated occurrences of this item after the back-end statistics. As far as the current situation is concerned, most of the lack of "hardware equipment" can only be solved if the public toilet does not happen to need to be fully refitted. Therefore, the following discussion content is recommended to discuss only the lack of "peripheral equipment". (4) The most common lack of "peripheral equipment" is "the trash can in the toilet is not covered" with a total of 267 times, "the cleaning or inspection record sheet is not hung in the obvious place of the toilet" is the next highest with a total of 140 times, "no hook or at the storage table” counted 63 times, and “cleaning or inspection record sheet was not signed twice in 1 day” had 47 times. (5) The "trash bin in the toilet is not covered" is missing, partly because the management unit is convenient for management and maintenance, the amount of garbage can be clearly seen in the uncovered trash can, and it can also prevent excrement from contaminating the top of the trash can; another part is indicated by the management unit as having a cover The upper cover of the trash can is lost or damaged after long-term use, but it can still be used. In order to save the cost of management and maintenance, it has not been specially replaced. There is no difficulty in improving this deficiency. Generally, after the on-site visit of the inspectors informs that improvements need to be made, the improvement will be completed after another inspection. (6) "Cleaning or inspection record form is not hung in the obvious place of the toilet" and "cleaning or inspection record form is not signed twice a day" are missing, mainly because the management unit does not have a format, or the format of the management unit does not conform to the principle of twice a day , resulting in the inability of the cleaning staff to implement the signed cleaning inspection frequency. There is no difficulty in improving this deficiency. Generally, after the on-site visit of the inspectors informs that improvement is required, the management unit expresses that there is no format, and the internal staff will directly provide it to the management unit, and the improvement will be completed after another inspection. (7) The lack of "no hook or storage table" is mostly due to the damage or falling off of the hook after prolonged use. There is no difficulty in improving this deficiency. Generally, after the on-site visit of the inspectors informs that improvement is needed, the management unit will purchase a new hook, and the improvement will be completed after another inspection. (8) By increasing the proportion of premium public toilets and strengthening the content of counseling, various types of deficiencies began to show a clear downward trend in the second half of the year. The monthly average number of deficiencies that decreased the most was "floor/partial damp and unclean", a decrease of 22.48%; the number of decreases was the largest Those were "the trash bin in the toilet is not covered", a decrease of 21.84%; "the cleaning or inspection record sheet was not signed twice in one day", a decrease of 21.67%; ; "surrounding environment/mirror unclean", a decrease of 12.52%, it is obvious that the above-mentioned measures are indeed helpful to increase the proportion of premium public toilets. (二) Improvement of public toilets: 40 notifications from the Environmental Protection Agency's Green Network, of which 29 were notifications of basic data errors, and the rest were on-site hardware and cleanliness improvement cases. All improvements were completed according to the deadline and submitted for review. All pass. 1. According to the report of the Environmental Protection Agency, among the cases of public toilets to be improved, the on-site equipment and cleanliness improvement missing items are counted, and the highest number is 8 times when "cleaning or inspection attendance record form is not filled out for more than 2 days (including)", and "toilet trash can "Unstamped" counted 7 times as the second highest, and the missing items that are often reported by the Environmental Protection Agency were immediately asked to the management unit's attention and improvement during the implementation of the audit operation. 2. Incorrect basic information: most of the management units are wrong or have no clear address. In October, the Environmental Protection Agency asked all counties and cities to resubmit the list of management units. During the operation, the field of management units was re-examined, and the correct list has been provided to the Environmental Protection Agency. Importing batches into the green network will greatly reduce the error of green network basic data unless there is another situation where the central and local governments have different cognitions in the future. (三) High-quality toilet culture promotion activities: 2 sessions have been completed. (四) Strengthen the maintenance of public toilet stations 1. Inventory and filing of the list of public toilets in the county: The inventory and filing of public toilets in the county were completed on May 20, 2011, and the compiled list of public toilets in the county was sent to the agency. The analysis of common deficiencies in public toilets in this county is explained under the item of public toilet inspection. 2. Tracking of progress control of public toilet repair project: In this (110) year, the county's units that applied for subsidies from the Environmental Protection Agency include Hualien Land Management Office and Hualien County Xincheng and Rural Health Center. (1) Filling and reporting of the project implementation progress control form of the "High-quality Public Toilet and Beautiful Environment Promotion Project": Subsidy applicants are required to fill in the report every week according to the limit. (2) Progress of renovation works and follow-up closing operations: All the applicant units this year have completed the work and submitted a closing report to the agency. (3) Collection, verification and collection of application plans for the "111 Year Improvement of Public Toilets and Promotion Plan for High-quality Public Toilets": Assist agencies in the collection, verification and compilation of application plans for various units. The Environmental Protection Agency has approved 111 subsidy units for a total of 8 units, 9 locations and 35 buildings, with a total application amount of 8,726,620 yuan. 3. Inspect the cleanliness of the public environment in crowded places: inspect 20 times a month in crowded business districts or traffic stations, sightseeing spots, parks, markets, supermarket chain coffee shops and other places. This year, a total of 225 times were inspected. The sanitation and maintenance of the surrounding environment of each store is good. If there is any mess, the environmental cleaning operation will be completed immediately after reporting, and the cooperation is good. 4. Design public toilet maintenance forms and stickers: design public toilet maintenance forms and stickers of various levels in the county, and design QRcodes on the stickers of public toilets at each level to reflect the service value-added benefits of cleaning or complaints. (1) Maintenance form for public toilets managed by the county: The design of the maintenance form has been completed and approved by the authority. In the future, the authority will issue a document to each management unit to print it and hang it at the entrance or obvious place of the toilet. (2) Stickers of all levels: The design has been completed and the printing has been completed according to the deadline. From June 30th, when the inspection and inspection of public toilets are carried out, they will be updated successively. By the end of September, the replacement of all graded stickers in the county's public toilets has been completed. 5. Implementation of public toilet adoption: 60 public toilet adoptions have been completed according to the limit, and all of them have been registered on the "Public Toilet Adoption" page of the Green Network. 6. Premium-level public toilet certification: Complete 2 sessions of processing, complete the certificate production and provide it to the agency according to the committee's scoring results, and then the agency will send it to each management unit in an official document and hang it in a conspicuous place inside the public toilet. (五) Restoration of natural disasters or environmental rectification and maintenance 1. Carry out environmental sanitation publicity activities (1) 4 small publicity activities: 4 activities have been completed. (2) 1 large-scale publicity event: changed to broadcast media publicity, and the relevant planning agency has approved it. This year, it will cooperate with China Broadcasting Corporation to implement the content related to environmental hygiene publicity. The 345-level support broadcast operation has been completed in November . 2. Environmental protection night market policy promotion and progress control tracking: This year, the scope of environmental night market management has expanded to the Golden Triangle business district in Hualien City, and in line with the scope of this year's management, the management of public toilets and inspection operations, environmental sanitation maintenance operations, and publicity have been strengthened. (1) Management of public toilets in the Golden Triangle business district: A comprehensive inspection of the toilets in the Golden Triangle business district has been carried out, and 7-11 Huadao stores and Starbucks Hualien stores have been included in the management. (2) Strengthen inspection and inspection of public toilets in the Golden Triangle commercial district: Urge businesses to perform their management duties, carry out inspections and inspections of public toilets, and conduct irregular inspections of public toilets with the county's public toilets. If there is any mess or equipment damage , please immediately improve the store. (3) Enhancing rectification and maintenance of the environmental sanitation of the Golden Triangle business district: Hualien City’s cleaning team is requested to assist in the deployment of manpower. Regardless of holidays, personnel will patrol the inner streets and surrounding environment of the business district and carry out carpet cleaning operations. (4) Promotion of environmental cleaning and maintenance in the Golden Triangle commercial district: Completed the content design of environmental hygiene promotional materials, and is currently carrying out broadcasting work on the TV wall at the intersection of Zhongshan Road and Zhonghua Road in Hualien City (period of one month, from November 7th to December 6). (5) Internet of Things smart public toilets in the public toilets in the night market: In order to effectively control the crowd peaks, strengthen cleaning, maintain a comfortable environment for the public, and create high-quality public toilets, this year, the Environmental Protection Agency subsidized the Internet of Things smart public toilets in the public toilets in Dongdaemun Night Market. Promote the construction of smart toilets. Install a crowd detection module and an odor detection module inside the Dongdamen Night Market. When there is an odor or the flow of people is too high, the cleaning staff will be notified to clean up and immediately strengthen the cleaning of public toilets. The construction was completed on November 25, 2011. Currently in test run. 3. Carry out related work such as natural disaster restoration or environmental rectification and maintenance: The emergency response notification process for natural disaster restoration and environmental rectification has been drafted and submitted to the agency, which has been approved. However, there was no emergency incident of natural disaster restoration and environmental rectification between this year and the end of the plan, so there was no assisting agency to report this year. (六) Environmental Sanitation Improvement Project 1. Collection and analysis of environmental sanitation reporting cases (data provided by the agency, affected by the age of data storage, the data period is from 2010 to March 28, 2010, totaling 5,002 cases): analysis has been completed and visualization has been completed Image drawing job. (1) Based on the analysis of the type of reporting site and the type of pollution: "open space" has the highest number of pollution cases with 1,479 cases, followed by "near the road" with 547 cases; and the type of pollution is garbage disposal, which is inferred to be related to the surrounding areas of the general public In contrast, areas that are less managed are most likely to be littered. (2) Based on the analysis of townships and towns that have submitted petitions: Hualien City has the highest number of petition cases at 2,481. Due to its higher population density than other townships and towns, environmental pollution has also increased. (3) According to the analysis results, the hotspots are all private vacant land. Considering the implementation of follow-up environmental actions and the joint management of community volunteers, if it is a private land, the consent of the landowner is required, and it will be difficult to achieve better results. It is suggested that the agency should not use the actual analysis results to carry out follow-up hot spot interviews, environmental sanitation demonstration areas and other related operation planning, but should consider current events or long-term environmental issues that need to be resolved in the county before planning. 2. Feedback from hot spot interviews on environmental sanitation reporting cases: 5 hot spot interviews have been completed, of which 3 are demonstration areas and 2 are hot spots. And plan relevant environmental actions based on the opinions of all parties.  The content of interviews in the demonstration area is based on the expectations expressed by each unit to carry out the planning of environmental actions, and the content of planning and handling is described in point 3 below.  2 hotspots. Among them, the hotspot in the North District is due to the landlord's failure to perform management responsibilities and the relationship with the surrounding neighbors, resulting in a dirty environment. The agency has been requested to implement the sanction procedure.  The hot spots in the southern district are currently leased to others, and the neighbors believe that the landlord has implemented the management and there is no negligence in management. 3. Promote environmental sanitation demonstration areas: 3 selections have been completed, and environmental actions have been completed in each area. (1) The demonstration area in the North District is "By the Meilun River" in Hualien City:  Set up notice boards: Completed, so far there has been no garbage disposal after setting up.  Cooperation with the public sector to assist in the removal: In cooperation with the Water Conservancy Division of the Hualien County Government Construction Department, the subcontractors of the Water Conservancy Division assisted in the removal of garbage. The garbage removal operation was completed on September 16.  Link maintenance with local volunteer groups: 1 to 20 members of the water environment patrol team will regularly patrol the surrounding environment. Originally, at least once a month, we have negotiated with the village chief to strengthen patrols in relevant areas. (2) The demonstration area in the Central District is the "Yuemei Section of County Road 193" in Shoufeng Township:  Coordinating the installation of monitors: I have confirmed the availability of resources with Director Ji Youting of the Nanhua Workstation of the Forestry Management Office. The Forestry Management Office has set up micro-cameras in the forest. In the future, we will consider working towards technological law enforcement and connect with the industry via wifi. The images can be synchronized, but there are still technical aspects to overcome.  Discuss the issue of garbage dumping and removal with interested parties (Forest Management Office): The Forest Management Office has carried out the second garbage removal operation and performed classification, and the Nanhua Workstation wrote a document to the Shoufeng Township Cleaning Team, and the Shoufeng Township Cleaning Team Send special vehicles for recycling and garbage trucks to clean up, and the fee will be paid by the forest management office; at the same time, a line group notification system is set up. If there is a notification from the public, the patrol personnel of the forest management office will go to the scene to understand the situation and deal with it immediately. Safety is the first consideration.  Descent to clean up garbage: Affected by the continuous heavy rain of Typhoon Compass, all the mounds of garbage in the original slope have been washed away by the typhoon and heavy rain, revealing a cement energy dissipation board, and the footholds that could be stepped on have been washed away by the heavy rain. After re-existence, considering the personal safety of the staff and the efficiency of handling, it was later changed to 25.5K for implementation. The garbage cleaning was completed on October 19. The largest type of garbage was glass and tiles, and the total weight was 600 kg. (3) The demonstration area in the southern district is "below the Biexi Dancing Square" in Fuli Township:  Set up notice boards: During interviews with community residents, they indicated that they hoped to set up notice boards at the dumping sites to increase the warning function, and the setting has been completed.  Cooperate with community residents to assist in removal: In cooperation with community residents, the cleaning operation of Jingxi garbage will be carried out on October 22.  Negotiate with the local people to increase nearby eyeliners, and maintain links with volunteer groups. 4. Handling the Hualien County Environmental Sanitation Platform, handling innovation workshops, and innovation publicity activities (1) 2 sessions of Hualien County Environmental Sanitation Platform:  Session 1: It was completed on August 26. Environmental sanitation related units and non-governmental NGO organizations concerned with environmental issues were invited to conduct the meeting, and each unit shared the implementation results of environmental sanitation in the meeting, and conducted exchanges and discussions.  Session 2: It was completed on December 8th. Biyun Village is invited to share the golden pagoda of Maozi and share the results of environmental sanitation-related operations this year. Call on the public and private sectors to discuss issues together and stimulate different thinking and discussions. (2) 1 session of innovation workshop: Completed on October 26th. On that day, the Meilunxi garbage disposal case in the North District Demonstration Zone was discussed. The moderators with experience in hosting civic issues led people from different backgrounds to understand their respective work content first. Then conduct group discussions with role-playing, put yourself in the shoes of others, if we are the perpetrators today, why would I pollute the environment, and how can I be afraid, stop polluting the environment, and bring you different imaginations in a lively and interesting way , It also stimulates more possibilities, such as adopting the model of mandatory drunk driving to attend classes, is it possible in the future that polluters will be forced to attend classes in the same way, or provide environmental services to prevent more similar garbage dumping incidents from happening in the future. (3) 2 sessions of innovative publicity activities: the first session was held on October 22, and the second session was completed on October 26. Through this event, the public can learn about public toilets, cigarette butts, and small black mosquitoes from the game and other topics, so that the ubiquitous environmental protection issues around us are no longer boring, and it is fun to teach. We hope to use innovative methods to change the general fixed publicity methods, so that the public can discover the interesting aspects of environmental protection, and the most important thing is to apply the acquired knowledge to life, and even let more relatives and friends know the importance of environmental protection . At the same time, we can arouse civic awareness for the garbage dumping situation that occurs regularly in the field where we live, and understand that the environment needs everyone to work together to maintain it, so as to keep the green mountains and green waters forever. 5. Procurement of publicity materials: The procurement operation has been completed. (七) Innovative actions: all of them have been completed so far. (1) "A suitcase of teaching aids for action promotion": The production was completed on September 29 and submitted to the agency. (2) "Happy 110 Years! Huachao Youth-Friendly Environment Implementation Project": Completed, the first is Siwei High School SWSH, the second is Hualien Girls' High School Huanv-Lilu, and the third is Hualien Gaonong A small vanguard with environmental awareness is best as a high-level farmer in Hualien to protect Miaomiao Village. (3) Benefits of this year's innovative practices:  Applicable to various advocacy objects, making the county's environmental sanitation advocacy more attractive to the public. Build a publicity system for environmental publicity activities: Action publicity teaching aids include interactive teaching aids, roll-up exhibitions, and punch-in boards, etc., to construct a complete publicity system for the county's future environmental publicity, which is convenient for use in stall publicity , and is applicable to various types and themes of publicity activities and publicity fields.  Comply with the opinions of the evaluation committee of the Environmental Protection Agency: In order to comply with the opinions of the evaluation committee, strengthen the promotion of "environmental hygiene in open spaces and empty houses", "disposal of cigarette butts", and "water containers by the roadside". The content should include "cigarette butts", "environmental hygiene", Promotional content of "Vector Mosquito and Pest Control" and "Public Toilets".  The content of the process is an environmental issue that the public pays attention to: the participants are young students, and the environmental improvement actions they think about are ideas from the perspective of the general public.  Continuing the publicity effect: Use the process of students' creative activities to experience the importance of environmental protection, arouse the awareness of environmental protection, and expand the concept of raising hands to work for environmental protection, so that environmental education takes root.
英文關鍵字 Strengthen the maintenance of public toilets and stations", "Recovery from natural disasters or environmental rectification and maintenance", "Environmental sanitation improvement projects"