

中文摘要 為解決海岸、海洋、河川環境整潔問題,行政院已於109年5月7日核定「向海致敬-海岸清潔維護計畫(109年-112年)」,由環保署等9個部會與地方政府共同執行,並同時推動多項「源頭減量」措施,包括漁業廢棄物源頭管理、河面廢棄物攔除及濱海垃圾掩埋場監控等,透過跨部會合作機制,全力維護我國海岸環境之整潔。 本計畫持續協助海岸廢棄物監測調查,分析108年第1季至110年第3季成果顯示,皆以「生活垃圾與遊憩行為」垃圾居多,所占比率為59%~90%之間;另為了解受疫情影響海岸廢棄物中一次性餐具數量是否也會受到影響,分析後發現於109年3月(第1季)第一波疫情衝擊後,外帶飲料免洗餐具類型海岸廢棄物並無大幅度成長,但在第二波疫情衝擊時間110年5月(第2季),至第3季時外帶飲料免洗餐具類型海岸廢棄物則有微幅上升(上升4%,新增約100個免洗餐具相關廢棄物)。 配合向海致敬-海岸清潔維護計畫,本計畫以提升各部會線上掌握海岸清理成果效率為目標進行功能建置,包括滾動式更新220餘處權責單位系統圖層資訊,建置再利用媒合資料上傳專區及向海致敬考核相關成果統計報表,預期減少人工彙整所需時間達4小時;另為提升民眾淨灘申請便利性,亦建置一站式淨灘申請服務、淨灘申請難易度調查及淨灘行事曆等功能建置,預期縮短民眾選擇淨灘海岸時間達1小時以上。 為讓民眾瞭解海岸污染及源頭減量的嚴重性,本計畫以發佈環境教育相關議題文案、辦理淨灘活動、繪製定格動畫短片及環境教育工作坊等方式,提升民眾對於海岸環境保護的概念,並透過多元管道宣傳向海致敬政策推動成果與概念,吸引不同族群加入海岸髒亂通報行列,以達到全民共同守護海岸之目的。
中文關鍵字 海岸淨灘、海岸廢棄物調查、環境教育


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 6860 千元
專案開始日期 2021/03/16 專案結束日期 2021/12/20 專案主持人 郭仲凱
主辦單位 環管處 承辦人 連杉利 執行單位 環資國際有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 海岸環境清潔維護推廣及成效管理計畫期末報告定稿.pdf 22MB 海岸環境清潔維護推廣及成效管理計畫期末報告定稿

Project of Promoting and Maintaining Clean Coastal Environment and Performance Management

英文摘要 To clean the coasts, oceans, and rivers, the Executive Yuan approved the “Salute to the Ocean: Coastal Cleanup & Maintenance Program (2020-2023)” on May 7, 2020. The Program is jointly implemented by 9 ministries, including the Environmental Protection Administration, along with the local governments. Multiple measures on “reducing waste from the source” have been promoted simultaneously, such as waste management from the source in the fishery industry, capturing wastes floating on rivers, and monitoring coastal landfills. Through working collaboratively, the ministries are making every possible effort to maintain a clean coastal environment in our country. This Project continues to monitor and survey coastal wastes. The analysis of Q1 2019 to Q3 2021 shows that most of the wastes were “domestic waste” and those resulting from “recreational behaviors,” which makes up 59% to 90% of the wastes. In addition, analyses were conducted to understand whether the epidemic affected the number of disposable utensils found in coastal wastes. The results showed that no significant increase was identified in the number of disposable, take-out containers after the first wave of the epidemic in March 2020 (Q1). However, during the second wave of epidemic impact in May(Q2) to Q3 2021, a slight increase of disposable, take-out containers was found in coastal wastes. To coordinate with the “Salute to the Ocean: Coastal Cleanup & Maintenance Program,” this project developed various functionalities for each ministry to manage the coastal cleanup results online more efficiently. Improvements include continuously updating the drawings in the systems of 220 responsible authorities, developing the upload section for matching information on reusable items, and the statistical reports on the performance assessment related to Salute to the Ocean. It is expected that the labor hours required to summarize the information are reduced by 4 hours. In addition, to make it more convenient for the general public to apply for a coastal cleanup event, the following functionalities have been developed: a one-stop platform for coastal cleanup applications, surveying the difficulty to apply for a coastal cleanup, and providing a coastal cleanup event calendar. It is estimated that these functionalities can save more than an hour for people to select a coastal cleanup.
英文關鍵字 Coastal clean-up, Coastal waste survey, Environmental Education