

中文摘要 本計畫主要執行嘉義市毒性及關注化學物質源頭查核及管理,工作內容可分為毒化物、關注化學物質運作場家及化工原料販賣業者管理作業,另配合相關政策宣導與行政作業協助等,透過系統勾稽查核及現場稽查輔導,蒐集各場家化學物質運作狀況及管理樣態,並以最新施行之法規輔導運作場家,達到真正的源頭管制。 本計畫透過系統勾稽查核,協助毒化物列管場家完成每月申報作業,執行上下半年例行性稽查作業,輔導毒化物運作場家運作符合法規規範,以及配合行政院環境保護署中區環境事故專業技術小組,針對列管廠家施行無預警測試及輔導,以測試、訓練、輔導場家災害預防及緊急應變之能力。此外,本計畫協助審核毒化物列管場家提出之文件申請作業,包含毒化物文件新申請、變更、註銷等共計56件次,以及配合環保許可證件整合,加速辦理審查時間,同時推動內部配置圖、防災基本資料表、危害及危害預防及應變計畫作業等資料線上更新,完善毒化物列管場家系統建置資料正確性與完整性,以強化管理層面。毒化物運送查核管理方面,本轄區系統登載之毒化物運送業者,僅營業登記處位於本轄區,實際運作場址皆位於外縣市,爰此,本計畫由系統勾稽登載於本市之毒化物運送業者系統勾稽異常情形,並輔導業者系統回報異常樣態發生成因並提出精進作為,降低人為操作錯誤率。依據運送車輛系統勾稽結果,另安排臨場審驗4車次,確核本市毒化物運送車輛符合法規規範。 化工原料販賣業者輔導作業,本計畫持續配合化學局篩選清單、環保局提報廠家或食安專案指定,另依據篩選原則自行篩選40家次,依照四要管理原則訪查轄內化工原(材)料行及化工原料相關業者,以瞭解化工原料製造/販賣業營運情形,今年度共計加強輔導72家次,並於每月25日前建置資料至毒性化學物質行動稽查輔助系統中。另外,依據歷年化工原料輔導與氣體行名單清查結果,執行關注化學物質輔導清查作業,加強輔導可能運作或已運作公告關注化學物質廠家共計5家次,包括輔導一氧化二氮運作廠家2家次、硝酸銨運作廠家1家次與氟化氫運作廠家2家次,今年度已完成輔導本市2家運作一氧化二氮廠家,於期限內完成核可文件申請。 除針對運作毒性及關注化學物質相關場廠勾稽查核作業外,本計畫加強落實教育宣導作業,包含(1)提送1000份宣導品與宣導單張;(2)辦理2場次毒性及關注化學物質相關法規宣導會,包括關注化學物質運作、系統填報操作,事故預防及緊急應變等法令規範宣導,同時,推動地區性聯防組織辦理定期訓練或演練會議;(3)辦理5場次食品安全暨關注化學物質源頭管理政策宣導活動,宣導對象包括國小學生、中年與老年人,宣導內容包括列舉過去曾發生於國內之食安事件,以及分析說明食安事件發生的原因與預防對策;(4)設計2式關注化學物質宣導文宣及食品安全節慶宣導文宣與1式動畫短片,並配合嘉義市政府環境保護局官方臉書擴大宣導族群與人數。 有關其他協助辦理事項,包括協助執行(1)每季通聯測試作業,同步執行事故預防及緊急應變測驗,另輔導列管場家及聯防小組成員之應變聯絡資訊定期更新;(2)毒性災害演練(含細胞廣播)1場次,包括預演及正式演練;(3)協助檢送輻射儀器校正,以確核偵檢之精確度;(4)危害預防及應變計畫與器材、偵測及警報設備之設置及操作計畫審核作業共4件次;(5)協助轄區列管毒化物廠家審核及推動防災基本資料表更新;(6)協助環境事故專業諮詢中心辦理沙盤推演1場次;(7)協助推動聯防組織辦理組務會議及訓練。
中文關鍵字 毒性及關注化學物質、源頭管制


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 1050 千元
專案開始日期 2021/01/01 專案結束日期 2021/11/30 專案主持人 林慧蓉
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 李煌仁 執行單位 靖業工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 110年度嘉義市毒性及關注化學物質源頭查核管理計畫.pdf 15MB 110年度嘉義市毒性及關注化學物質源頭查核管理計畫(期末報告)

Source Inspection and Management Plan of Toxic and Concerned Chemical Substances in Chiayi City in 2021

英文摘要 The project mainly implemented the source inspection and management of toxic and chemical substances in Chiayi city. The works could be divided into two parts, firstly, the management of toxic and concerned chemical substances operating factories and chemical raw material processers, and secondly, related announcement and administrative works. We would achieve the ideal source control through the system of inspection, counseling on-site, collecting the operation and management status of chemical substances of each field, and guiding operators with the latest implemented regulations. The project assisted field operators of toxic chemical substances to complete the monthly declaration through the inspection system, arranged routine inspections in the first and second half of the year, guided them to operate in compliance with laws. We also cooperated with the Central District Environmental Accident Professional Technical Team of the Executive Yuan and the Central Disaster Response Center of the Executive Yuan to implement unwarned tests to test, train, and counsel the disaster prevention and emergency response capabilities of field operators. In addition, the project assisted in checking 56 cases of document application work submitted by the toxic substance management, including the application, modification, and cancellation of toxic chemical substances. We cooperated with the integration of environmental protection permits to speed up the review time. At the same time, we promoted the online update of internal configuration maps, basic disaster prevention data sheets, and improve the accuracy and accuracy of the construction data of the poison management system Integrity to strengthen the management level. Regarding the inspection and management of toxic chemical substances delivery, only the business registration office is in the jurisdiction, and the actual operating sites are all located in other counties and cities. For this reason, this project checked and published the abnormal situation of the toxic chemical substance delivery company to the system of the city and guides the system to report the cause of the abnormal situation and proposed advanced actions to reduce the rate of human operation errors. Based on the results of the verification of the delivery vehicle system, another 4 on-site inspections were arranged to verify that the toxic chemical substance delivery vehicles in this city are in compliance with laws and regulations. Based on the guidance of chemical raw material sellers, this project continued to cooperate with the chemical bureau’s screening list, the environmental protection bureau’s report of manufacturers or food safety project designation. In addition, 40 companies were screened according to the screening principle, and the chemical raw material dealers and the related companies in the jurisdiction were investigated according to the four management principles to understand the operating conditions of the chemical raw material manufacturing and sales. We have strengthened the guidance for 72 companies this year, and established data into the toxic chemical substance action audit auxiliary system before the 25th of each month. In addition, based on the results of the chemical raw material counseling and gas company inventory over the years, we implemented of the guidance and inventory of concerned chemical substances, strengthened the guidance of possible operation or the announcement of the operation of the chemical substance manufacturers, a total of 5 cases, including the guidance of two nitrous oxide operating manufacturers, one ammonium nitrate operating manufacturer and two hydrogen fluoride operating manufacturers. This year, we have completed the guidance of two operating nitrous oxide manufacturer in this city, and completed the approval document application within the time limit. In addition to inspections and checks for toxic chemical substance operating and concerned chemical substances companies, this project strengthened the implementation of education and publicity works, including (1) submitting 1,000 publicity materials and publicity leaflets; (2)handling 2 toxicity and concerned chemical substances related laws and regulations advocacy meetings, including concerning about chemical substance operation, system filling operation, accident prevention, emergency response, and the laws and regulations promotion. At the same time, we promoted regional joint defense organizations to handle regular training or drill meetings; (3) handling 5 food safety and concerned chemical substance source management policy publicity activities. The publicity targets included elementary school students, middle-aged and elderly people. The content of the publicity included listing food safety incidents that have occurred in the country in the past, and analyzing and explaining the reasons and prevention methods of the food safety incidents.; (4) designing 2-type publicity messages about concerning chemical substances and food safety festival, and 1 type animated short film. We also cooperated with the official Facebook page of the Environmental Protection Bureau of the Chiayi City Government to expand the propaganda group and the number of people. For other matters, we handed(1)quarterly communication testing operations, and to ensure monthly on-the-system nuclear poison list piper and joint defense team members of the strain liaison information to maintain the latest;(2)Toxicity disaster drill (including cell broadcasting), this plan handed 1 rehearsal and formal exercise, and before the formal exercise, to hand 2 coordination meetings, writing drill scripts, writing disaster prevention and warning cell broadcasting services related applications, drawing drill flyer, rehearsal pre-recording and film production and other work;(3)Disaster prevention and rescue meetings, the plan is to assist in attending disaster prevention and rescue visits with toxic chemical substances, to answer questions raised by the assessor, and to record the key recommendations made by the assessor on the plan for the next year;(4)To the writing of disaster potential assessment, according to the requirements of the announcement of the Office of Disaster. Management, the simulation parameters will be modified from ERPGs to PACs, and the disaster potential analysis map will be redrawn;(5)To promote regional joint defense organization group meetings and information updates, this year's organizing meeting was handled after the second regulatory meeting, with the aim of promoting the operation of regional joint defense organizations in Chiayi City, in order to comply with the relevant provisions that will be on the road early next year.
英文關鍵字 toxic and concerned chemical substances, source control