

中文摘要 本年度計畫據以分類為「研修三級防制區固定污染源控制技術規範」、「檢討燃料成分與混燒比例標準」、「建立本土化空氣污染物排放量推估與管理體系」、「檢討總量管理制度與法制化作業」、「擴充固定污染源管理資訊公開平台系統及維護空氣污染物削減量差額管理平台」、「其他行政配合事項」等六大類別,主要執行成果如下: (一) 研修三級防制區固定污染源控制技術規範 依空氣污染防制法(以下簡稱空污法)三級防制區控制技術層次性管制架構,新設與變更達一定規模固定污染源,應符合最佳可行控制技術(以下簡稱BACT),其屬特定大型污染源,應符合最低可達成排放率控制技術(以下簡稱LAER),既存固定污染源應符合既存固定污染源應削減污染物排放量準則(以下簡稱RACT),為強化三級防制區相關管制規範及完備配套工具,本計畫蒐研國際間最低可達成排放率相關管制資訊,分析國內固定污染源製程排放規模及控制技術現況,擬定LAER草案建議管制門檻及業別以電力業及石化業年排放量達100公噸以上者,並依產業製程及污染物種建議相應之排放限制;另鑒於歷年臭氧劣化趨勢,故盤點國內VOCs相關管制規範,分析列管污染源之排放及控制技術現況,提出BACT及RACT修正草案及分階段管制建議,於BACT增訂膠帶、PU皮、車體塗裝、設備元件、船舶塗裝及鋼捲塗裝等6類製程,RACT增訂鋼捲塗裝與船舶塗裝之管制規定,另建置三級防制區固定污染源控制技術規範審查指引供審核機關許可管制執行依循。 (二) 檢討燃料成分與混燒比例標準 公私場所固定污染源燃料混燒比例及成分標準(以下簡稱燃料成分標準)於2020年3月23日發布後,本計畫持續掌握燃料成分標準之落實情形外,並透過分析國內燃料使用現況、彙整法規發布後各界疑慮、進行20廠實場訪視,及盤點國內外廢棄物作為燃料之管制作法,提出燃料成分標準持續精進的作法及修正草案建議;此外,彙整燃材鍋爐管制上面臨的4大問題進而提出6項因應策略。同時建立燃料成分標準之訓練教材暨問答集,以提升地方審查人員能力。 (三) 建立本土化空氣污染物排放量推估與管理體系 目前我國各排放係數代表之污染源定義、分類及範疇、建置方式未有明確及統一之管理機制,為使估算依據一致、具可比較性,且便於管理應用,本計畫蒐研美國排放係數建置及管理制度,並諮詢相關專家學者意見,規劃我國排放係數建置及管理體系,在係數建置工作上,完成擬排放係數建置標準作業程序,並據以完成87類鍋爐及10類印染製程之污染源分類編碼、67項鍋爐排放係數建置,另規劃地方分工優先建置對象及考評機制;在管理應用上,參考美國排放量及排放係數管理系統架構及執行經驗,完成我國排放係數管理系統規格規劃,提出未來應整合相關排放量申報系統之作法。 (四) 檢討總量管理制度與法制化作業 鑑於高屏地區空氣污染物總量管制計畫(以下簡稱總量管制計畫)實施迄今,存在公私場所持有削減量差額卻無意願釋出等影響市場流通性及實際運用之問題,為健全國內總量管制之抵換及交易制度,且另因應空污法授權範圍之修正,本計畫已協助環保署完成固定污染源空氣污染物實際削減量差額認可保留抵換及交易辦法(以下簡稱交易辦法)修正公布,此外,因應前述法規修正,修訂固定污染源實際削減量差額申請審查作業指引,以供公私場所申請及縣市主管機關申請審查使用;另剖析總量管制計畫目前面臨問題,提出短中長期管制建議,並探討第二期推動優缺點分析以供環保署施政參考。 (五) 擴充固定污染源管理資訊公開平台系統及維護空氣污染物削減量差額管理平台 環保署於2019年因應法規修正同步開發固定污染源管理資訊公開平台,提供許可審核單位及各級主管機關公開許可申請資料、公私場所公開空氣污染突發事故緊急應變措施計畫(以下簡稱緊急應變計畫書),本計畫已完成公開緊急應變計畫書之查詢及管制功能,並上線提供使用,主管單位可依需求篩選,即時掌握已上傳公開名單;另,針對固定污染源管理資訊公開平台及空氣污染物削減量差額管理平台持續維護系統資料庫正常運作、執行微軟更新、配合資安檢核排除弱點風險,並成立諮詢窗口,提供平台操作諮詢及障礙排除。 (六) 其他行政配合事項 為協助環保署相關制度與計畫工作能順暢進行,完成2場說明會辦理,分別為高屏地區空氣污染物總量管制計畫部分條文修正草案研商說明會,及固定污染源空氣污染物排放係數建置工作說明會;另依本計畫排放係數建置及管理工作所需,完成辦理2場次專家學者諮詢會議;此外,本計畫彙整國外鍋爐管制規範、追蹤我國鍋爐排放標準符合情形及其改善現況,提出鍋爐管制措施精進建議。
中文關鍵字 污染減量控制技術、燃料成分與混燒比例標準、排放係數


專案計畫編號 EPA-110-FA12-03-A120 經費年度 110 計畫經費 17230 千元
專案開始日期 2021/02/03 專案結束日期 2021/11/30 專案主持人 許長嵐
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 謝知行 執行單位 環科工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 公開版_合併檔.pdf 48MB 期末報告定稿

Control technology program for newly installed stationary sources and decrement emission of existing stationary sources within Class 3 control regions

英文摘要 Main results of this project could divide into six categories. Please refer to the following: 1.Researching and augmenting regulations of control technology of stationary pollution sources in Class 3 control regions In accordance with Article 6, Paragraph 4 of the Air Pollution Control Act., this plan helped EPA to research and augment regulations on reasonably available control technology (herein referred to as RACT), best available control technology (herein referred to as BACT) and lowest achievable emission rate control technology (herein referred to as LAER). To reinforce the regulation within Class 3, this plan assisted in drafting the threshold of specific large pollution sources and providing suggestion. The yearly emission of stationary sources in power industry and petroleum industry exceeds 100 ton shall apply LAER. In response to the ozone trend, this plan proposed plans for BACT and RACT for the reduction of VOCs emissions. By reviewing current regulations, this plan provided suggestion about six processes for coating to amend BACT. Regarding existing sources, this plan established RACT on coil coating and marine coating. Lastly, a document was also provided for examining control technology. 2.Reviewing Co-firing Ratios and Component Standards Owing to Co-firing Ratios and Component Standards for Fuel Used in Stationary Pollution Sources publicized on March 23, 2021, this plan helped EPA to grasp the situation of implementing and provided suggestion through data analysis and field surveys. Moreover, this plan compiled training material and improvement strategies in correspondence of current problem. 3.Establishing the estimate of local air pollutant emission and management system To integrate the estimate of local air pollutant emission, this plan reviewed the regulations and management system in the United States and consulted specialists to establish an integrated management system. This plan has compiled 87 processes for boilers and 10 printings and completed 67 emission factors for boilers. Furthermore, this plan also dedicated to developing systems for declaration management and evaluation. 4.Reviewing total quantity control plan and related regulations In view of Kao-Pin Total Quantity Control Plan, there were some problems which affected market liquidity and practical applications. To optimize exchange & transactions problems and correspond to the modification of authorization in the Air Pollution Control Act., this plan assisted EPA in establishing emission reduction recognition reserve exchange & transactions and proposing some suggestions over different periods to boost the market activity. Furthermore, a guideline was also provided for conducting total quantity control plan. 5.Augmenting stationary sources management system and maintaining the quota of air pollutant management system This plan helped EPA to develop an open system for executive organizations to publicize permit application and emergency response plan and warning notification for air polluting accident. The functions of searching and management for executive organizations have been completed. Moreover, for the operation of stationary sources management system and the quota of air pollutant management system, this plan has updated the software and conducted risk management. Lastly, certain contact person was also provides for executive organization to use the systems. 6. Administration To conduct the plan, two meetings were held to elaborate the issues including exchange & transactions regulation and emission factors. This plan also consulted specialists to discuss the establishment of emission factor. Besides, to review the result of reduction emission from boiler, this plan updated the emission data and provided suitable suggestions.
英文關鍵字 Pollution reduction control technology, Co-firing ratios and component standards for fuel, Emission factor