

中文摘要 本計畫針對富林溪、朴子溪與二條選定支流進行潛在污染排放源及河川水體污染物進行採樣檢測,以了解潛在污染源污染特徵,並應用數值模式進行河川水體污染源鑑識之可行性。計畫執行前先詳細規劃環境污染調查方案,包含事業污染源及水體河川採樣分析規畫,並協調實際執行富林溪、朴子溪與二條選定支流環境水體採樣及檢測團隊之操作與進度,產出以化學成份分析為主體之潛在污染源排放水及河川水體水質檢測資料。同時搭配本計畫執行期間蒐集研析之污染源種類與特性資訊,透過多變量分析結合質量平衡法,鑑定水體之主要污染來源並評估不同污染源之個別貢獻量。此外,本年度整合107-109年「河川水體污染源鑑識作業程序建置與實例應用」所蒐集之事業廢水指紋,並整合本年度計畫採樣之事業廢水,建立事業指紋圖譜資料庫,並透過分類器檢視指紋圖譜之變異度且建立各事業類別之合成指紋圖譜,以協助強化資料庫之後續運用。 本計畫執行期間完成所規劃之二梯次事業廢水、河川水體與底泥共計20個製程、43個放流水、158個河川水體與36個底泥樣品之採樣工作,並由環檢所與環檢所委託之檢驗公司陸續完成事業廢水、河川水體與底泥之樣品檢測分析。取得檢測數據後,透過統計分析對事業廢水成份中具污染源特性之代表性特徵物質進行分析。同時結合污染源指紋圖譜資料,藉由受體模式,進行河川水體重要熱區之污染源鑑識與貢獻量推估工作,並探討底泥污染物於河川上、下游之相關性。 本計畫彙整相關檢測資料進行歸納分析,產出:1. 針對富林溪、朴子溪與二條選定支流推導可能污染來源與後續執行的相關建議;2. 後續可透過更多的採樣分析數據,展開更細緻的鑑識模式解析,對河川水體與事業之高濃度污染物的主要來源進行評估,以提供相關政府部門進行後續污染物減量與管控的參考;3. 透過底泥污染物於河川之空間相關性,探討底泥污染物成分於受體模式之應用;4. 根據本計畫執行結果與現場實地場勘與採樣之經驗,提出污染源鑑識操作實作規範與建議,以提供後續污染源鑑識計畫之應用。
中文關鍵字 事業廢水檢測、河川水體檢測、污染潛勢區評估、污染源鑑識模式


專案計畫編號 EPA154110005 經費年度 110 計畫經費 2200 千元
專案開始日期 2021/02/26 專案結束日期 2021/12/31 專案主持人 吳章甫
主辦單位 環檢所 承辦人 葉玉珍 執行單位 國立臺灣大學 環境與職業健康科學研究所


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告定稿本.pdf 15MB 結案文件

Analysis and Application of Numerical Model for Investigation of Pollutants in River Water and Sediment

英文摘要 The importance of environmental pollution source identification has been widely discussed in recent years. The analysis of pollution sources with more scientific and systematic technology has received high attention. To regulate the industrial wastewaters, the establishment of pollution source analysis and tracing methods is essential. In the past, relevant research reports have conducted follow-up investigations on river water quality, sediment and biofacies in different regions. However, these general parameters (i.e., temperature, pH, turbidity, total solids, fecal coliform, dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand, phosphates, and nitrates) are unable to identify pollution from industrial wastewater. River water influenced by discharge from an industrial district usually has a complex composition including metal elements, water-soluble ions, and volatile organic compounds. Stable and non-degradable metal elements are suitable tracers which can further be used for monitoring pollution discharged by industries. This project attempted to investigate the spatial and temporal distributions of water pollution sources based on the usage of metal elements and their impacts on the river water quality. River water samples were collected from selected sites at the Fulin River, Puzi River, and the other two assigned rivers. Bottom mud samples were collected at the upstream and downstream of river water sampling sites. Source profiles were obtained from sampling and analysis of industrial waste-waters. Source contributions (both industrial effluents and bottom muds) to river water were estimated by statistical and modeling analysis. The works of this project were summarized as follows: (1) Literature review: analytical results of pollutants in river water, water pollution source profile, and application of source apportionment models were reviewed and summarized; (2) Sampling and analysis of industrial waste water: a total of 62 wastewater samples from 43 effluent discharges and 19 manufacture unit discharges were documented; (3) Characterization of industrial waste water: specific markers of industrial waste-water were identified; (4) Sampling and analysis of river water: a total of 158 water samples were collected from the upstream and downstream areas of the potential pollution sources in two phases, followed by analyses of 52 heavy metals and various organic compounds; (5) Sampling and analysis of bottom buds: a total of 36 bottom mud samples were collected at the upstream and downstream of river water sampling sites in two phases; (6) Spatial and temporal distributions of pollutants in river water: temporal variations of pollutants were observed at several hotspots in each river, which were identified as the most polluted hotspot; (7) Source apportionment of river water pollutants: the percent mass accounted for measured mass (%MASS) were calculated during the monitoring periods. Potential sources of pollutants, including heavy metals, and their possible locations were estimated for further investigation; (8) The bottom mud is seen as a pollution source used in the receptor model; (9) A four-year industrial profile database is analyzed and established.
英文關鍵字 Industrial waste water, River water pollution, Pollution hotspot, Source apportionment