

中文摘要 應回收廢棄物稽核認證團體(廢電子電器及廢資訊物品類)專案工作計畫(以下簡稱本計畫)為二年計畫且具延續性,計畫執行期間自110年1月1日起至111年12月31日止,稽核認證查核內容主要包括:回收量/處理量稽核、作業程序稽核、環境稽核及會計稽核等工作。茲將本計畫自110年1月1日起至111年12月31日止之執行成果摘要如下: 1.期間統計廢物品稽核認證量部分,各類廢電子電器類計有廢電視機稽核認證量為2,428,149台(廢CRT電視機稽核認證量為811,951台,廢LCD(27吋以下)電視機稽核認證量為141,685台,廢LCD(27吋以上)電視機稽核認證量為1,474,513台),廢電冰箱稽核認證量為1,022,263台,廢洗衣機稽核認證量為1,106,852台,廢冷暖氣機稽核認證量為2,525,569台,廢電風扇稽核認證量為332,271台,總計廢電子電器類稽核認證量合計為7,415,104台。廢資訊物品類計有廢顯示器2,425,800台(廢CRT顯示器103,607台、廢LCD顯示器2,322,193台)、廢主機(A類、B類、C類及D類)1,992,087台、廢可攜式電腦-廢筆記型電腦458,317台、廢可攜式電腦-廢平板電腦179,063台、廢印表機709,055台及廢鍵盤720,210台,各類廢資訊物品總稽核認證量合計為6,484,532台。統計缺件廢物品稽核認證量,廢電子電器類共計認證46,553公斤,計有廢LCD電視機10,150公斤、廢電冰箱36,213公斤及廢洗衣機190公斤,廢資訊物品類共計認證130公斤,計有廢LCD顯示器130公斤。 2.執行期間作業程序查核共執行8,885場,不合格情形共計250件,其中以「稽核認證設施」項目發生異常共227件最高,約占2.55%。經本計畫輔導,受補貼機構除每月至少執行一次CCTV攝錄系統與鏡頭維護保養,及評估設置不斷電系統之可行性,並針對異常連續發生3次者,應安排CCTV維護作業,其該類異常自108年每廠每月平均發生0.67次,於111年降至0.43次,已逐步減少異常發生頻率,已持續輔導及追蹤。 3.執行期間每月執行1次環境工安查核工作,共執行432場環境工安查核作業,查核共發現廠區作業環境管理不合格情形4次,本計畫查核發現後皆立即要求業者更換與改善完成,若發現連續發生之缺失仍未改善者,已以聯繫單要求業者提具體改善措施,並依其措施進行追蹤至完全改善止,另本計畫已輔導受補貼機構每月依環境工安查核表內容自主查核1次,並由稽核員複查,以期促使業者加強自主管理。 4.本計畫執行期間各受補貼機構皆無發生再生料及其他廢棄物庫存量超過3個月之產生量,且各項再生料及其他廢棄物庫存皆於期限內完成出廠作業無逾期未清除之情形,故各受補貼機構於再生料及其他廢棄物庫存皆已符合手冊規範;另出廠流向跟車查核、兩點查核與最終處理廠實地查核作業共計完成72場次,再生利用機構及處理機構實地訪查作業共計完成10場次,未發現異常情形。 5.本計畫透過會計師事務所專業會計稽核人員每月針對庫存盤點與會計核帳進行查核,期間並無重大異常事件發生,但仍有(1)出貨量與開立發票數無法對應核對之問題,可藉由出貨磅單與發票進行勾稽比對,核對出廠出貨單、磅單及收受端之「無價代處理收貨證明」,並查核其上網申報三聯單流向、數量等方式確認其數量無異常;(2)存貨週轉率偏低之問題,後續輔導受補貼機構應視廠區貯存區貯存狀況、物料產生量大小等適時出理清運,以避免衍生物料庫存量增加,但綜觀整體出貨狀況,無產出物滯銷之疑慮。 6.本計畫執行期間於每月15日前皆已提交報處理業稽核認證進廠回收量、處理量、不符允收標準數量、異常事件資料分析及追蹤報告,及每單月15日前應提報前2個月成果統計分析報告予環保署。 7.本計畫執行期間各受補貼機構所發生之異常事件共計592件,摘要如下。 (1)重大異常事件共計114件,以「環保工安-冷媒外洩次數超過規範(3次/日)」及「冷媒回收未達手冊規範」異常發生占總異常次數之比率為最高,分別占49%及15%,針對受補貼機構所發生之重大異常事件,本計畫均依手冊規定呈報環保署,並視異常情形予以記點/扣量處置。因發生重大異常違反稽核認證作業手冊規定而予以記點,各受補貼機構異常記點共計27點;違規扣量部分,扣除廢電子電器及廢資訊類共計廢CRT電視機213台、廢LCD電視機(超過27吋)38台、廢電冰箱763台、廢洗衣機13台、廢冷暖氣機1,141台、廢電風扇8台、廢LCD顯示器5台、廢主機A類9台、廢筆記型電腦5台、廢平板電腦5台、廢印表機5台、廢鍵盤5台。 (2)一般異常事件共計478件,其中CCTV異常次數占總異常次數之比率最高,約占75%,該項目中又以CCTV雜訊及角度偏移所占比率最高,係因受補貼機構CCTV系統線路異常,及CCTV系統線路及接頭老舊、線路鬆脫及接觸不良等因素所致。本計畫除依稽核認證手冊規範,查核受補貼機構每月1次於稽核員見證下進行CCTV維護保養;另針對發現受補貼機構當月發生3次功能失常之情形,須請設備廠商到廠檢修保養,期能減少異常發生。 8.為檢查稽核認證作業過程之嚴謹性,並查核各受稽核人員是否確實遵照稽核認證作業手冊程序執行作業,本計畫制定內部稽核制度以適時改進建議,並落實ISO 9000品質管理系統之精神,確保稽核認證作業執行品質。本計畫執行期間完成內部稽核:系統面查核共計執行4場次,未發現查核缺失;執行面查核共計執行24次查核,其查核缺失主要為:物料未依規定擺放、作業場區凌亂及同仁對作業程序及解說應加強等;CCTV查核共計執行120場次抽查,未發現查核缺失;雲端視訊抽查作業共計執行24場次;另自110年9月起執行機械處理強化查核計16場次,發現缺失共計4項。另針對計畫品質查核,期間共計完成24次現場不預警查核,其缺失主要為物料未依規定擺放所致;期間執行CCTV抽查作業共計432場次,未發現查核缺失。 9.本計畫執行期間有新加入之36名稽核人員均依規範完成40小時(以上)之訓練課程,此外針對全體人員已於110年2月18日、110年11月20日及111年3月12日分別舉辦會計稽核教育訓練、110年專業集訓及111年專業集訓,且每月召開至少2小時之不定期會議訓練。 10.執行期間查驗不符允收廢物品數量如下:廢電子電器類總計廢CRT電視機776台、廢LCD電視機(27吋以下)174台、廢LCD電視機(超過27吋)1,854台、廢電冰箱1,141台、廢洗衣機1,056台、廢冷暖氣機824台及廢電風扇395台,總不符允收數量合計為6,220台;廢CRT顯示器89台、廢LCD顯示器1,313台、廢主機A類1,018台、廢主機C類7台、廢可攜式電腦- 廢筆記型電腦110台、廢可攜式電腦-廢平板電腦82台、廢印表機178台及廢鍵盤357台,不符允收數量合計為3,154台,總計減少廢電子電器及廢資訊物品基金2,758,889元之支出。 11.執行期間查驗廢四機逆向回收計廢電視機45,153台,廢電冰箱83,237台,廢洗衣機57,053台及廢冷暖氣機121,866台,各類逆向回收廢四機總進廠允收合格量合計為307,309台。 12.行政支援與配合 (1)本計畫配合應回收廢棄物處理業受補貼機構資格變更申請案審核,執行期間完成現勘作業共計有3場次,書面審核作業共計有45件。 (2)追蹤、調查欲撤銷或廢止受補貼機構業者之廠區廢棄物流向及清理情形,本計畫執行期間未有受補貼機構欲撤銷或廢止資格,將持續配合調查。 (3)配合環保署推動「CCTV即時連線系統與計量設備連線」,並協助相關「智慧影像辨識判讀」作業。 (4)本計畫持續配合執行不符允收標準之廢物品及國外事業廢棄物中屬公告應回收之項目進入稽核認證體系相關作業,並研擬相關國外屬公告應回收廢物品進入稽核認證體系作業規劃。 (5)本計畫執行期間針對受補貼機構之廢電視機、廢顯示器、廢電冰箱及廢冷暖氣機等,查驗其進廠情形,並針對每月冷媒及螢光粉回收量進行核算,並統計彙整相關查核成果於每月稽核認證量報告。 (6)本計畫為協助稽核認證作業手冊修訂,目前針對修正廢物品允收查驗作業、精進衍生物入出庫作業、高風險受補貼機構解除機制及簡化CCTV判讀作業並趨嚴相關罰則等,研擬相關修訂內容,期能精進強化稽核認證作業及管理。 (7)進行稽核員之人力工時分析,以瞭解本計畫稽核員於現場執行稽核認證作業之各項查核項目時間配比。 13.其他控管機制執行成果 (1)管制中心透過現場不預警查核、雲端視訊查核、CCTV抽判、稽核行程防弊措施(不定期輪調)、稽核員日常生活檢核機制(社群軟體、資訊掌握、直接訪談)、並建立循環式內控管理、CCTV內控判讀及執行緊急應變措施(工作諮詢、調職或解雇)等方式進行計畫執行人員防弊控管。 (2)本計畫也運用歷史資料,並藉由大數據分析各類廢物品及單位關鍵產生物重量等指標資料,檢視製程合理性及合理單位重量落點,並針對處理業進行不定期現場查核,對於各處理業之異常情形及缺失記點等均予以建檔記錄,若發現異常則派員至廠瞭解原因並納入監管控。 14.額外承諾事項執行成果 (1)已建立「廢電子電器及廢資訊物品類稽核認證作業平台」,針對允收標準圖鑑、相關法規、其他應遵循事項、設施相關規範、受補貼機構常見異常缺失及處置方式等內容,並已針對「智慧儀表板」之建立可能性,包含:業者基本資料、家電及資訊認證量、家電及資訊資再比、家電及資訊庫存量及及冷媒產生量等項目,藉由各項數據的顯示,以直覺式方式呈現受補貼機構之回收處理現況,便於相關政策之擬定,未來可供環保署掌握最新回收情況。 (2)本計畫持續運用歷史數據建立預警機制,導入『廢物品單位重量分析』、『關鍵產生物單位重量分析』及『稽核認證作業手冊規範符合度分析』建立受補貼機構分級風險管理制度,作為受補貼機構控管機制。本計畫已持續收集各家受補貼機構之廢物品單位重量,並分析執行期間各項廢物品單位重量情形,降低稽核風險。 (3)本計畫精進CCTV判讀功能,輔導受補貼機構設立「電子圍籬智慧判讀」系統,係依據受補貼機構車輛進出必要路徑及有害物、主軸元件暫存區進行規劃,期能與處理業進廠、出廠紀錄表進行勾稽比對,確認進出貨申報資料與「電子圍籬智慧判讀」系統符合度,如發現有差異時,則調閱CCTV監看畫面再次確認,以確保非稽核認證期間受補貼機構進出狀況之掌控,強化管理機制。
中文關鍵字 廢電子電器、廢資訊物品、稽核認證團體、回收處理量、稽核認證量


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 89200 千元
專案開始日期 2021/01/01 專案結束日期 2022/12/31 專案主持人 李曼君
主辦單位 回收基管會 承辦人 吳隆成 執行單位 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 02.計畫成果報告摘要(詳細版)-OK.pdf 0MB 成果報告摘要

Project of Auditing & Certification Group on Regulated Recyclable Waste(Waste Electronic and Electric Appliances (EA)& Information Technology (IT) Equipments)

英文摘要 For the recycled items audit recognized organization (recycled electronic items and wasteful material categorization) – the special project schematized as below (hereafter as the project) for a two years of continuation, the project execution period arise from Jan 01, 2021 until Dec 31, 2022, with the audit context including the below: recycling quantity/managed level, operation procedure, environmental and accounting process. The work summary is as below for the project. 1. As for the audit and certification of waste products during the period, the audit and certification of waste TVs of various types of waste electronic appliances is 2,428,149 sets (the audit and certification of waste CRT TVs is 811,951 sets, and the audit and certification of waste LCD (below 27 inches) TVs 141,685 sets, 1,474,513 sets of waste LCD (above 27 inches) TV sets), 1,022,263 sets of waste refrigerators, 1,106,852 sets of waste washing machines, and 2,525,569 sets of waste air conditioners , the number of audits and certifications for waste electric fans was 332,271 units, and the total number of audits and certifications for waste electronic appliances was 7,415,104 units. Waste information items include 2,425,800 waste monitors (103,607 waste CRT monitors, 2,322,193 waste LCD monitors), 1,992,087 waste mainframes (Class A, B, C and D), waste portable computers - waste notes 458,317 laptops, 179,063 waste portable computers-tablet computers, 709,055 waste printers and 720,210 waste keyboards. The total audit and certification volume of various waste information products is 6,484,532 sets. Statistical audit and certification of missing parts and waste products, a total of 46,553 kg of waste electronic appliances, including 10,150 kg of waste LCD TVs, 36,213 kg of waste refrigerators and 190 kg of waste washing machines, a total of 130 kg of waste information products, including waste LCD Monitor 130 kg. 2. During the implementation period, a total of 8,885 operation procedure checks were carried out, with a total of 250 unqualified cases. Among them, 227 cases of abnormalities occurred in the "audit and certification facilities" project, accounting for about 2.55%. Under the guidance of this plan, the subsidized institutions shall perform CCTV camera system and lens maintenance at least once a month, and evaluate the feasibility of setting up an uninterruptible power supply system, and arrange CCTV maintenance operations for abnormalities that occur three times in a row. This kind of abnormality occurred on average 0.67 times per month per factory in 2019, and dropped to 0.43 times in 2022. The frequency of abnormalities has been gradually reduced, and we have continued to provide guidance and tracking 3.This project proceed with environmental safety work once a month, with total of 432 sets of environmental safety audit work. The audit has resulted with higher incidents of unqualified fire-fighting with total of 4 times, all of the above have proceed with improvement methodologies accordingly. 4.During the period of this project, all the supported organization have not had incidents such as recycled material or other wasted items with inventory quantity exceeding three months of production quantity, with all the inventory have all completed their operation without delay nor has anything being un-cleared. On the other hand, the outflow and car-following checking up, two sites check up and final management site check up with total of 72 sessions without any abnormalities. 5.This project has proceeded with accounting audit through accounting firm in regards to the monthly inventory corresponding to the accounting formalities without any major abnormalities. 6.This project regulates a monthly report with the managed accredited recycled quantity, managed quantity, unqualified standard quality, abnormal incidents with data analysis and tracking report before 15th of each month, and two months result analysis reports to be presented every two monthly before 15th of the odd-numbered month and present to the Environment Bureau. 7.This project execution period has total of abnormal incidents of 592 cases from all the supported organizations with the below summary, (1)There were a total of 114 major abnormal events, with "Environmental Protection and Industrial Safety - Refrigerant Leakage Times Exceeding the Standard Number of Days (3 times/day)" and "Refrigerant Recovery Not Up to Manual Specifications" as the highest proportion of the total number of abnormal events, accounting for 49% respectively % and 15%. For major abnormal events that occur in subsidized institutions, this plan will be reported to the Environmental Protection Agency in accordance with the provisions of the manual, and will be counted/deducted depending on the abnormal situation. A total of 27 abnormal points were recorded for each subsidized institution due to a major abnormality that violated the provisions of the audit and certification operation manual; for the amount of deduction in violation of regulations, a total of 213 waste CRT TV sets and waste LCD TV sets were deducted from waste electronic appliances and waste information. 38 refrigerators (more than 27 inches), 763 waste refrigerators, 13 waste washing machines, 1,141 waste air conditioners, 8 waste electric fans, 5 waste LCD monitors, 9 waste A-type mainframes, and waste notebook computers 5 sets, 5 waste tablet computers, 5 waste printers, 5 waste keyboards. (2)A total of 478 general abnormal events, of which CCTV abnormal times accounted for the highest ratio of total abnormal times, accounting for about 75%. In this project, CCTV noise and angle deviation accounted for the highest proportion, which is due to the subsidized organization's CCTV system line abnormality , and CCTV system lines and connectors are old, loose lines and poor contact and other factors. In addition to complying with the audit certification manual, this plan checks that subsidized institutions conduct CCTV maintenance once a month under the witness of auditors; in addition, in case of three malfunctions in the subsidized institution in the same month, the equipment manufacturer must be invited to the factory for maintenance Maintenance can reduce the occurrence of abnormalities. 8. In order to check the rigor of the audit and certification process, and to check whether the audited personnel are actually performing operations in accordance with the procedures of the audit and certification operation manual, this plan formulates an internal audit system to improve suggestions in a timely manner, and implements the spirit of the ISO 9000 quality management system to ensure Audit and certification operation execution quality. Internal audits were completed during the implementation of this plan: a total of 4 rounds of system audits were performed, and no audit defects were found; a total of 24 audits were performed in the implementation interviews, and the audit defects were mainly: materials not placed in accordance with regulations, messy work areas and colleagues Operational procedures and explanations should be strengthened; CCTV checks have been carried out for a total of 120 spot checks, and no missing checks have been found; cloud video spot checks have been performed for a total of 24 sessions; in addition, since September 2011, a total of 16 sessions of mechanical processing enhanced checks have been carried out, and a total of 4 missing items have been found. item. In addition, for the project quality inspection, a total of 24 on-site inspections without warning were completed during the period, and the defects were mainly caused by materials not placed in accordance with regulations; a total of 432 CCTV spot checks were carried out during the period, and no inspection defects were found. 9.During the implementation of this plan, 36 new auditors have completed the 40-hour (above) training course in accordance with the norms. In addition, all personnel have been trained on February 18, 2021, November 20, 2021 and March 111. Accounting audit education training, 110-year professional training and 111-year professional training will be held on the 12th, and at least 2 hours of irregular meeting training will be held every month. 10. During the implementation period, the quantity of non-conformity acceptable waste products inspected is as follows: waste electronic appliances, a total of 776 waste CRT TV sets, 174 waste LCD TV sets (below 27 inches), 1,854 waste LCD TV sets (over 27 inches), waste refrigerators 1,141 sets, 1,056 sets of waste washing machines, 824 sets of waste air conditioners and 395 sets of waste electric fans. 7 sets of waste mainframe C, 110 sets of waste portable computers - waste notebook computers, 82 sets of waste portable computers - waste tablet computers, 178 sets of waste printers and 357 sets of waste keyboards. 3,154 units, totaling 2,758,889 yuan in expenditures for waste electronic appliances and waste information materials funds 11.During the implementation period, 45,153 waste TV sets, 83,237 waste refrigerators, 57,053 waste washing machines and 121,866 waste air conditioners were inspected for reverse recycling of waste four machines. tower 12.Administration support and accommodation (1)This plan cooperates with the review of the application for qualification change of subsidized institutions in the recyclable waste treatment industry. During the implementation period, a total of 3 on-site survey operations were completed, and a total of 45 written review operations were completed. (2)In terms of tracking and investigating the waste flow and cleanup situation in the factory area of the subsidized organization operators who intend to revoke or abolish, during the implementation of this plan, no subsidized organization operators intend to revoke or abolish their qualifications, and have continued to cooperate with the investigation. (3)To correspond with the “CCTV online connection system and quantitative equipment connection” propelled by Environmental Bureau, and assist with relevant operation. (4)This plan continues to cooperate with the implementation of waste products that do not meet the acceptable standards and foreign industrial waste that should be recycled in the audit and certification system, and develop relevant foreign waste that should be recycled to enter the audit and certification system. (5)During the implementation of this plan, check the incoming status of waste TV sets, waste monitors, waste refrigerators, waste air conditioners, etc. of subsidized institutions, and calculate the monthly refrigerant and phosphor recycling volume, and compile statistics Relevant audit results are included in the monthly audit and certification volume report. (6)This plan is to assist in the revision of the audit and certification operation manual. At present, we are working on the revision of waste product acceptance and inspection operations, advanced derivatives entry and exit operations, the removal mechanism of high-risk subsidized institutions, simplified CCTV interpretation operations, and stricter related penalties. Revise the content, hoping to refine and strengthen the audit certification operation and management. 13.Other control mechanism and execution result (1)The control center adopts on-site non-warning inspections, cloud video inspections, CCTV random judgments, anti-fraud measures for audit schedules (irregular rotation), auditors’ daily inspection mechanisms (community software, information control, direct interviews), and establishes a cycle Anti-corruption control of project executive personnel by means of internal control management, CCTV internal control interpretation, and implementation of emergency response measures (work consultation, transfer or dismissal) (2)This project also uses historical data, and uses big data to analyze indicators such as the weight of various waste products and unit key products, check the rationality of the manufacturing process and the reasonable unit weight drop point, and conduct irregular on-site inspections for the treatment industry. Abnormalities and missing points in each processing industry are documented and recorded. If abnormalities are found, personnel will be sent to the factory to understand the reasons and brought into supervision and control. 14.Additional promised items with its execution result (1) The "Waste Electronic Appliances and Waste Information Products Category Auditing and Certification Operation Platform" has been established, focusing on the pictorial guide of acceptance standards, relevant regulations, other matters to be followed, relevant facility regulations, common abnormalities and deficiencies of subsidized institutions, and disposal methods. The establishment possibility of "Smart Dashboard" includes: the basic information of the operator, the amount of home appliances and information certification, the ratio of home appliances and information assets, the inventory of home appliances and information, and the amount of refrigerant production. Through the display of various data, Intuitively present the current recycling status of subsidized organizations, which facilitates the formulation of relevant policies, and will allow the Environmental Protection Agency to grasp the latest recycling status in the future. (2)This plan continues to use historical data to establish an early warning mechanism, introduce "waste product unit weight analysis", "key product unit weight analysis" and "audit certification operation manual specification conformity analysis" to establish a grading risk management system for subsidized institutions, as the recipient Subsidy agency control mechanism. This plan has continuously collected the unit weight of waste products from various subsidized organizations, and analyzed the unit weight of each waste product during the implementation period to reduce audit risks. (3)This project improves the interpretation function of CCTV and guides the subsidized organization to set up the "electronic fence intelligent interpretation" system. It is planned according to the necessary path for vehicles entering and exiting the subsidized organization and the temporary storage area for harmful objects and spindle components. It is expected to be able to enter the factory with the processing industry , Check and compare the factory record sheet to confirm the conformity between the import and export declaration data and the "electronic fence intelligent interpretation" system. If any discrepancy is found, check the CCTV monitoring screen to confirm again to ensure that the subsidy is received during the non-audit certification period Control the entry and exit status of institutions and strengthen the management mechanism.
英文關鍵字 Waste Electronics and Electric Appliances, Waste Information Technology Equipments, Third Party of Audit and Certification, Disposal Amount, Audit and Certification Amount