

中文摘要 金門縣環境保護局(以下簡稱本縣環保局)基於為落實國家環境保護政策,需有健全完整的執行策略及環境背景資訊,為了有效掌握毒性及關注化學物質運作管理,推動執行「金門縣110年度毒性及關注化學物質源頭查核運作輔導與非農地環境雜草管理宣導暨飲用水管理(含水質檢驗)計畫」。本計畫截至110年12月31日止,各工項執行成果如下說明: (一)完成辦理4家次運作場所進行現場運作管理及應變輔導。 (二)完成辦理4家次毒性及關注化學物質運作場所無預警測試。 (三)辦理轄內14個相關災防機關間通聯測試,於110年9月份之上班日、假日或夜間進行電話通訊測試50人次,測試結果皆可「立即聯絡上」。 (四)辦理轄內4家列管廠家通聯測試,測試結果皆可「立即聯絡上」,共成功聯絡上6人。 (五)毒性及關注化學物質運作及流向勾稽作業,查核結果無異常,達成率100%。 (六)完成5家次列管事業毒性及關注化學物質應變器材查核,查核結果均符合「毒性及關注化學物質應變器材與偵測警報設備管理辦法」規定。 (七)針對縣內5家列管事業執行毒性及關注化學物質運作場所查核,共完成60件現場查核,未發現重大缺失。 (八)辦理1場次毒性及關注化學物質管理法規及其他相關法令宣導說明會,於11年10月22日針對金門縣5家列管業者,就109年10月21日「毒性及關注化學物質管理法」修正內容及環保署毒化局對化學物質管理重要政策,進行說明與宣導。 (九)辦理16場化學物質宣導活動,針對現行公告具食安風險疑慮化學物質相關規定,向民眾宣導於生活中可能接觸之化學物質,參與人數共計846人次。 (十)完成辦理化學物質宣導廣告2件,於金城日報刊登。 (十一)具食安風險疑慮化學物質勾稽查核之輔導訪查作業,本計畫依據環保局提供名單,聯合衛生單位執行春節聯合稽查、現場執行輔導訪查作業及因應清明節進行食安輔導專案,完成18家次訪查,且於訪查時依行業別向業者宣導相關法令之規範,皆符合法規規定。 (十二)辦理2場次針對本縣具食安風險疑慮業者及食安風險利害關係人宣導說明會,參與人數共計120人次。 (十三)於110年5月10日0召開毒災應變演練協商會議,邀集5個單位就演練內容進行協商。於110年10月14日辦理毒災演習預演;於110年10月15日正式演練。 (十四)搭配毒災演練於110年10月14日預演及110年10月15日正式演練,配合辦理線上毒災演練模擬訓練。 (十五) 於110年11月12日召開聯防組織年度會議,111年度由「金門縣衛生局」擔任金門縣聯防組織組長;111年毒性化學物質災害防救演練應由「紹青科技檢驗顧問有限公司」辦理,然該公司已提出解除列管之申請,如完成解列後則改由金門縣自來水廠配合辦理實兵演練。
中文關鍵字 食安風險、毒化物、兵棋推演


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 427.873 千元
專案開始日期 2021/01/01 專案結束日期 2021/12/31 專案主持人 陳威憲
主辦單位 金門縣環境保護局 承辦人 陳靜宜 執行單位 技佳工程顧問有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 110年度金門縣毒性及關注化學物質源頭查核管理計畫期末報告.pdf 18MB 期末報告

110 Year Kinmen County Toxic and Concerned Chemical Substance Source Check Management Plan

英文摘要 Kinmen County Environmental Protection Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the County Environmental Protection Bureau) is based on the need to have a sound and complete implementation strategy and environmental background information in order to implement the national environmental protection policy. Annual guidance on source inspection of toxic and chemical substances of concern, promotion of weed management in non-agricultural land environment and drinking water management (including water quality inspection) plan". As of December 31, 2010, the implementation results of each project are as follows: (1) Complete the handling of 4 sub-operation sites for on-site operation management and emergency counseling. (2) Completed the non-warning tests of 4 sub-toxicity and concern chemical substance operation sites. (3) Carry out communication tests among 14 relevant disaster prevention agencies in the jurisdiction, conduct telephone communication tests for 50 person-times on working days, holidays or nights in September 2011, and the test results can be "connected immediately". (4) Conducted a contact test with 4 listed manufacturers in the jurisdiction, and all the test results could be "contacted immediately", and a total of 6 people were successfully contacted. (5) Check the operation and flow of toxic and chemical substances of concern. The results of the check are normal, and the completion rate is 100%. (6) Completed the inspection of response equipment for toxicity and chemical substances of concern in 5 sub-listed enterprises, and the results of the inspection were all in compliance with the regulations in the "Management Measures for Response Equipment and Detection and Alarm Equipment of Toxic and Concern Chemical Substances". (VII) Conducted inspections on the operation sites of toxic and chemical substances of concern for 5 listed enterprises in the county, and completed a total of 60 on-site inspections, and found no major deficiencies. (8) Hold a publicity briefing session on the regulations on the management of toxic and concerned chemical substances and other related laws and regulations. On October 22, 2011, 5 listed companies in Kinmen County will discuss the "Toxic and Concerned Chemicals" on October 21, 2010. Explain and publicize the amendments to the Substance Management Act and the Poison Bureau of the Environmental Protection Agency's important policies on chemical substance management. (9) Organized 16 publicity activities on chemical substances. In response to the current regulations on chemical substances with food safety risk concerns, publicized to the public the chemical substances that may come into contact with in life. The number of participants was 846. (10) Complete the handling of 2 advertisements for chemical substances and publish them in Jincheng Daily. (11) Counseling and inspection operations for the inspection of chemical substances with food safety concerns. This plan is based on the list provided by the Environmental Protection Bureau, and the joint health unit performs joint inspections during the Spring Festival, on-site guidance and inspection operations, and food safety counseling in response to the Ching Ming Festival. For the project, 18 visits were completed, and the relevant laws and regulations were publicized to the industry according to the industry during the visits, all of which complied with the regulations. (12) Conducted 2 publicity and briefing sessions for industry operators with food safety risk concerns and food safety risk stakeholders in the county, with a total of 120 participants. (13) On May 10, 2010, a drug disaster response drill consultation meeting was held, and 5 units were invited to negotiate on the drill content. On October 14, 2011, the drug disaster exercise preview was conducted; on October 15, 110, the official exercise was conducted. (14) In conjunction with the drug disaster drill, the preview will be held on October 14, 2011 and the official drill will be held on October 15, 2011, and the online drug disaster drill simulation training will be coordinated. (15) The annual joint defense organization meeting was held on November 12, 2011. In 2011, the "Kinmen County Health Bureau" served as the team leader of the Kinmen County Joint Defense Organization; in 2011, the toxic chemical disaster prevention and rescue drill should be conducted by the "Shaoqing Technology Inspection Consultant" Co., Ltd.", but the company has already filed an application for delisting. If the delisting is completed, the Kinmen County Water Works will cooperate with the actual military drill.
英文關鍵字 Food Safety Risks, Toxic Chemicals, War Game Deduction