

中文摘要 臺北市為商業活動發達城市,每逢尖峰時段或假日,經常會有大量人潮、車潮往返於市區內或臺北、新北兩市之間,雖臺北市為臺灣大眾運輸最發達的都市,然機動車輛有其便利性,仍為一般民眾多數之選;因此,機動車輛所排放的廢氣,須加以管制,才能有利於整體空氣品質的提升。 故臺北市政府環境保護局環保稽查大隊(以下簡稱稽查大隊)委託瑩諮科技股份有限公司執行「110年度臺北市加強移動性污染源-機車排放空氣污染物稽查管制計畫」,本計畫執行期程自民國110年1月19日至12月31日止;惟今年度受COVID-19疫情影響,5月15日雙北提升為三級警戒,同月19日因本土疫情持續嚴峻,將第三級防疫警戒範圍擴大至全國,公司行號改採居家分流辦公,參考臺北市環保車辨系統車流測站一般道路平日統計,今年5-6月份平均車流較1-4月份減少23.1%、較去年同期減少17.3%;同時行政院環境保護署110年6月3日函文公告(以下稱環保署),為顧及防疫期間民眾權益,全國機車發照4月以後延長排氣定檢及複驗期限至12月31日止。 本計畫配合中央及環保署防疫政策,5月中旬後路邊攔檢、雙掛號寄發均暫緩實施,以致進度數量落後,亦間接影響定檢率及回檢率等績效。7月27日中央流行疫情指揮中心調降警戒標準至第二級,依稽查大隊指示恢復攔檢工作,計畫開始積極補足疫情期間所落後之2,745輛次;9月28日與機關完成契約變更,原計畫雙掛號14,000件,扣除已寄發7,322件,所餘6,678件全數轉為平信新增38,380件,調整後平信年度應寄發138,380件,10月再因配合臺北市電動機車加碼補助政策,取消當月寄發之平信,部分郵資由計畫支應,折換後總寄發數為119,759件;同時依據環保署修正公告考評機車污染改善納管率目標【原目標*(1–11.4%)】,原計畫定檢率為83%修正為需達73.5%(含)以上。 統計成果至110年12月31日,茲將本計畫工作成果摘要說明如下: 一、 機車不定期路邊攔檢作業 計畫執行總進度為100%,攔檢15,323輛次中5,138輛屬未定檢車輛,不合格機車數1,517輛次,不合格率為9.9%,與機車定檢資料庫比對後,未定檢及不合格車輛回檢4,973輛次,回檢率為74.7%。 二、 車牌辨識作業 於本市道路共拍攝100,851輛次,車牌取唯一51,284輛次,重複率49.1%,其中設籍本市比例35.6%,設籍外縣市比例為64.4%;設籍本市車較多的行政區為內湖區,而設籍外縣市較多的行政區則為大同區。 三、 催檢通知作業 (一) 平信:針對設籍本市逾期未定檢機車寄發二次通知349,644件,累計回檢率為51.2%,平信通知後回檢車輛約可提升27.1%定檢率(以每6,600輛貢獻1%定檢率計)。 (二) 雙掛號:機車經二次通知後仍未定檢者,則以雙掛號通知限期改善,逾期則依法告發裁罰,相關統計如下: 1、 逾期未定檢:寄發第一次雙掛號催檢通知6,156件,累計回檢率為49.7%;逾期六個月者,依法寄發第二次雙掛號催檢通知,寄發1,166件,累計回檢率44.3%,最終依法註銷車籍69輛。 2、 無定檢紀錄:二行程及四行程(出廠十年以上)完全無定檢紀錄車輛,經第一次雙掛通知後報廢361輛,累計回檢(報廢及已定檢)數量增加約20%。 四、 空維區巡查作業:110年1月1日臺北市公告劃設「第一期空氣品質維護區」共3站6處,稽查30,664輛,巡查告發149輛,區域內機車之定檢率達99.5%。 五、 機車定期檢驗定檢率 依環保署公告12月份設籍本市機車應定檢車輛數為659,028輛,完成定檢輛次為503,612輛,定檢率76.42%。 六、 噪音支援作業 配合稽查大隊於每週三、六早上9:30~11:30、下午13:30~16:00及每週五、六夜間22:00~24:00執行機動車輛噪音稽查業務;因配合防疫措施,5月中旬後暫停夜間噪音攔查,僅維持噪音檢測站定點檢測勤務,8月份恢復正常勤務,截至12月31日共執行121場次。 七、 空氣品質不良支援作業 當空氣品質指標(AQI)有機會大於100或已達100以上時,配合稽查大隊應變出勤進行攔查作業,截至12月31日(含例假日)共執行29場次。
中文關鍵字 移動污染源、機車


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 16570 千元
專案開始日期 2021/01/19 專案結束日期 2021/12/31 專案主持人 胡欣
主辦單位 臺北市政府環境保護局 承辦人 李妍慧 執行單位 瑩諮科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 110年度「臺北市加強移動性污染源-機車排放空氣污染物稽查管制計畫」_期末報告_定稿.pdf 6MB

Plan for Enhanced Inspection and Control of Mobile Pollution Sources in Taipei City(Air Pollutants in Motorcycle Exhaust Emissions)

英文摘要 Taipei City’s business activities are abundant. Traffic is very heavy during the rush hour and weekends in Taipei City or between Taipei City and New Taipei City. Although Taipei City has the best public transport network in Taiwan, most citizens choose to ride motorcycles on account of convenience.As a result, to improve the ambient air quality, the mobile pollution must be controlled effectively. In FY 2021, the Environmental Inspection Division, Department of Environmental Protection, Taipei City Government commissioned Envimac Technology and Consultants Corporation to implement the “Taipei City Plan for Strengthening Auditing of Air Pollutants Emitted by Mobile Pollution Sources (Motorcycles).” The Plan implementation period was from January 19, 2021, to December 31, 2021. The Level 3 alert for COVID-19 has been implemented first in Taipei City and New Taipei City since May 15, 2021. On May 19, 2021, the government raised the COVID-19 alert to Level 3 nationwide due to the severe epidemic. For working from home, the average traffic flow from May to June was 23.1% less than January to April in 2021 and 17.3% less than the same period in 2020. The Environmental Protection Administration announced on June 3, 2021, that periodic inspection and re-inspection extended until December 31, 2021. Follow the preventive instructions, night noise inspection and double-registered-mail have been suspended since late May. As a result, the schedule was delayed, and periodic inspection completion rate was affected. On July 27, 2021, Nationwide COVID-19 alert lowered to Level 2. Follow the instruction of the inspection team, roadside inspections resumed. The contract order was changed in agreement with the agency. 38,380 ordinary mails substituted the remaining 6,678 double-registered-mails. Therefore, the number of the ordinary mails was required to be 138,380. In October, with the cooperation of Taipei city policy of the raising subsidy of old scooter elimination and purchase, the ordinary mails of the month were cancelled. Part of the postage was paid by this plan. 119,759 ordinary mails were sent eventually. The goal of periodic inspection completion rate (83%) was modified to over 73.5%. The statistical data were as of December 31, 2021. The descriptions of the summary of results are as follows. A. Irregular roadside inspections The plan implementation completion rate was 100%. 15,323 roadside inspections which contained 5,138 motorcycles that underwent periodic inspection had been performed. The failure roadside inspections were 1,517 and the failure rate was 9.9%. Cross-checking against the motorcycle periodic inspection database showed that 4,973 of the motorcycles in question or uninspected were subsequently brought in for re-inspection, giving a re-inspection rate of 74.7%. B. License plate recognition License plate recognition technology was used to record motorcycles on Taipei City roads on 100,851 occasions. Of these, there were 51,284 instances of a license plate number appearing only once, giving a repeat rate of 49.1%. 35.6% of the motorcycles in question were registered in Taipei City and 64.4% of the motorcycles in question were registered in other cities. Neihu was the district with the largest number of motorcycles registered in Taipei City. Datong was the district with the largest number of motorcycles registered in other cities. C. Reminder notifications 349,644 second reminder notifications were sent to the owners of uninspected (overdue) motorcycles registered in Taipei City. The cumulative rate of completed inspection was 51.2%. If each completed inspection rate is equal to 6,600 motorcycles, the completed inspection rate would increase about 27.1%. After the second reminder notifications, if the motorcycle was still uninspected, double-registered-mail would be sent for the inspection within a definite time. Infraction Judgment and Penalties would be enforced afterwards. The statistical data were as follows. 6,156 first double-registered-mails were sent and the cumulative rate of completion of the inspection was 49.7%. 1,166 second double-registered-mail were sent to the owners of uninspected (6 months overdue) motorcycles according to law. The cumulative rate of completion of the inspection was 44.3%. 69 registrations were cancelled at last. Uninspected 361 motorcycles with two-stroke or four stroke engine which was produced more than 10 years, were rejected after second reminder notifications were sent. The cumulative rate of completion of the inspection was 20% increased. D. Inspection in air quality protection zones The first air quality protection zone which contained 3 stations at 6 places in Taipei city has been delimited since January 1, 2021. 30,664 motorcycles were inspected and 149 motorcycles were denounced. The rate of completion of the inspection was 99.5%. E. Periodic inspection completion rate According to an announcement issued by the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), the total number of motorcycles registered in Taipei City as of December 31, 2021, which were required to undergo periodic inspection was 659,028. The actual number of motorcycles that have underwent periodic inspection was 503,612, representing a periodic inspection completion rate of 76.42%. F. Noise inspections The execution of noise inspection with the inspection team were from 9:30 A.M. to 11:30 A.M. and 1:30 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. on Wednesday and Saturday, and 10:00 P.M. to 12:00 A.M. on Friday and Saturday. Follow the preventive instructions, night noise inspection has been suspended since late May. In August. noise inspection resumed. As of December 31, 2021, 121 noise inspection sessions were executed. G. Roadside inspections when poor air quality Roadside inspection was executed with the inspection team when the Air Quality index (AQI) was over or reached to 100. As of December 31, 2021, 29 roadside inspections sessions were executed.
英文關鍵字 Mobile Pollution Sources,Motorcycle