

中文摘要 1.透過多元環境教育系列活動辦理,分享環境教育概念知識,進而從日常生活中落實保護環境行動,並透過活動使民眾了解及重視環境議題的重要性及環境教育之推動情形,鼓勵民眾重視環境問題,提昇其積極參與意願,增進民眾環境教育知識、倫理與責任。 2.透過「質」與「量」並重的輔導查核機制,研擬相對應之輔導建議,並於9月份辦理4場次系統及活動規劃之線上輔導課程,藉此提升臺中市轄內各單位環境教育辦理內涵及申報品質。 3.9月25日辦理環境知識競賽初賽,以生動活潑及緊張刺激的比賽方式進行選拔賽,以寓教於樂的方式,讓臺中市學生及民眾可以廣泛地接觸各類環保議題,藉此強化民眾環保意識。 4.透過環境教育繪本競賽徵選出融合本市環境議題,並適用於幼兒發展的環境教育繪本,再將繪本編撰成教案,於疫情期間,進行5場次線上繪本推廣活動,供幼兒園將其融入教保活動內,讓幼兒從小體認環境保護的重要性,激發幼兒熱愛環境的情感,養成關懷生命、保護自然環境的生活態度。 5.為因應疫情時代減少民眾群聚風險,以「全民環境教育宣導」、「提倡全民綠生活」為目標,發展具臺中在地環境教育特色及綠生活主題,設計環境教育宣導板、綠生活手冊及規劃辦理有獎徵答活動,於生活互動當中獲得環境教育之學習。
中文關鍵字 環境教育、環境知識、繪本、全民綠生活


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 4236 千元
專案開始日期 2021/01/07 專案結束日期 2021/11/30 專案主持人 楊鈞蘭
主辦單位 臺中市政府環境保護局 承辦人 李偲宣 執行單位 大立環保科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 110年_臺中市政府執行環境教育專案計畫_綜合計畫科.pdf 8MB 110年臺中市政府執行環境教育專案計畫成果報告

Taichung City Government implemented the environmental education project plan in 2021.

英文摘要 1. Through a series of diverse environmental education activities, share environmental education concepts and knowledge, and then implement environmental protection actions in daily life, and through activities to make people understand and value the importance of environmental issues and the promotion of environmental education, and encourage people to pay attention to the environment Issues, enhance their willingness to actively participate, and enhance the public’s knowledge, ethics and responsibility of environmental education. 2. Through the "quality" and "quantity" counseling review mechanism, the corresponding counseling suggestions are developed, and 4 online counseling courses for system and event planning will be conducted in September to improve the environment of all units in Taichung City The connotation of education and the quality of declaration. 3.9 The preliminary contest of environmental knowledge contest will be held on 25th. The trials will be conducted in a lively and exciting competition mode. The students and the public in Taichung City can be widely exposed to various environmental protection issues in an entertaining way, thereby strengthening the public's environmental protection. consciousness. 4. Through the environmental education picture book competition, select environmental education picture books that integrate the city’s environmental issues and are suitable for early childhood development, and then compile the picture books into lesson plans. During the epidemic period, conduct 5 online picture book promotion activities for kindergartens to integrate them into teaching In the protection activities, children are allowed to realize the importance of environmental protection from an early age, stimulate their love for the environment, and develop a life attitude of caring for life and protecting the natural environment. 5. In order to reduce the risk of people gathering in the era of the epidemic, with the goal of "Environmental Education and Promotion for All" and "Promoting Green Life for All", the development of Taichung's local environmental education characteristics and the theme of green life, design environmental education promotion boards, Green Life Handbook and planning to handle rewards and answering activities, and learn about environmental education in life interaction.
英文關鍵字 Environmental education, Environmental knowledge, Picture book, Green life for all