

中文摘要 藉由執行本計畫統整本市各空氣品質改善維護計畫成果,並就各項管制策略執行進度進行追蹤,適時提出建議,達到持續改善空氣品質之目的。本計畫執行期間自110年2月20日起至110年12月15日止,完成進度100%,主要工作項目執行成果摘要如下: 依據105~109年嘉義市空氣品質5年統計資料,嘉義站PM10年平均值改善31%,PM2.5年平均值手動站改善26%,自動站改善29%,O3_8hr_93%高值改善8%;PM10已改善至二級防制區,PM2.5及O3_8hr屬於三級防制區。 110年至11月止嘉義市共發生11站日AQI≧151紅色警戒,較109年同期1站日明顯升高;經分析造成110年AQI≧151之主要原因包括混合層異常偏低、天氣穩定及弱風不利本土污染物擴散,加上境外傳輸影響所致。 110年5~7月爆發本土新冠肺炎,結合氣象與能源消費強度,進行疫情前中後污染成因分析並與108~109年同期比較,110年疫情前為空污季,降雨日數低,北風發生率高,風速偏低,工業及運輸部門能源消費增加,該期間各污染物平均及最大濃度均偏高。疫情中北風發生率高,工業部門能源消費增加,濃度平均值偏高,同時期運輸部門能源消費降低,降雨日數高,風速偏高,該期間PM2.5及NOx濃度最大值偏低。疫情後北風發生率低,降雨日數高,運輸部門能源消費降低,該期間濃度平均值偏低,但PM2.5最大值偏高,應與工業部門活動強度仍高有關。 依據本計畫檢討更新和掌握之TEDS11.0排放量資料,本市各類空氣污染物排放量分別為懸浮微粒(PM10)556公噸、細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)226公噸、硫氧化物(SOx)36公噸、氮氧化物(NOx)1,130公噸、非甲烷碳氫化合物(NMHC)3,967公噸,各污染物較TEDS10.1降低7%~39%。 本計畫協助編製嘉義市空氣污染防制計畫(109年~112年),歷經三次審查,已於10月7日核定,擬定管制策略總計34 項,包括固定源8 項、逸散源10 項、移動源12 項及綜合性管制4 項,109~112 年PM10、PM2.5、SOx、NOx、NMHC 減量目標分別為108.16、58.71、14.02、534.88、518.57 公噸/年,並結合19項季節性管制策略,陸續完成第二、三季量化及減量成果。 在模式模擬方面,針對五類特定點線面源,以CMAQ模擬對嘉義市PM2.5空品濃度貢獻,發現強化七縣市柴油車管制策略對於本市PM2.5空品改善有具體幫助;另由七縣市污防書112年管制策略減量模擬顯示,強化嘉義市PM2.5冬季原生性PM2.5改善具實質效益,嘉義市O3濃度內陸地區有改善,西側市區則呈現惡化,與管制策略中大量NOx減量造成O3滴定效應減弱且NMHC減量過少有關。 協助110年參加「南部地區空氣污染跨區合作預防應變小組」會議15次,於4、8、10月召開3場工作檢討會議,6、12月召開清淨空氣推動委員會議。並舉辦「110年度嘉義市空氣品質惡化應變實地演練」協調會及正式會議。1-11月總計實施空氣品質不良通報應變98次,分為PM2.5、O3-8hr、PM10 等3 類,統計通報應變污染物,以PM2.5通報次數達83次最高占85%、O3-8hr達15次占15%次之,PM10未發生。 本市空氣品質淨化區基地共7處,綠化面積4.25公頃、6.8公里,基地類型為裸露地綠化3處、環保公園2處,自行車道2處,淨化區已達成100%認養,其中包括5家企業單位認養,企業認養比例為71%。分別在5月及9月委託專家學者實施內部查核評比。 110年已完成20場次空氣污染防制防護觀念宣導活動(含設攤及5場次空氣污染防制防護種子講師宣講),宣導人數7,824人,配合有獎徵答或遊戲與民眾互動。另製作「紅害嚴重時該如何自我防護」及 「減少露天燃燒」宣導動畫各1部,並利用社群媒體定期發佈空氣污染防制防護相關知識。已發布新聞見報2次,分別為中國時報及聯合報,其中「嘉義市整合跨局處資源展現空氣品質改善亮眼成果」榮獲環保署特優肯定! 109年本市環保署績效考評得分為85分以上,榮獲「特優」殊榮。已配合環保署110年度績效考評,目前第三季自評得分為77分,預估年度自評得分91.7分,已協助上傳第一~三季季報、1~9月月報及空氣污染防制基金決算等相關資料,提升嘉義市考評成績。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質、空氣品質淨化區、AQI、空品區、模式模擬


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 4800 千元
專案開始日期 2021/02/20 專案結束日期 2021/12/15 專案主持人 潘一誠
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 林宛臻 執行單位 鼎環工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 110年嘉義市清淨空氣推動整合計畫-期末定稿.pdf 28MB

2021 Chiayi City Clean Air Integrated Management Plan

英文摘要 In order to effectively integrate the achievements of air quality improvement and maintenance work, the project mainly traces the progress of the implementation of various air pollution control strategies for purpose of good air quality in Chiayi City. The implementation period of this year's project is from February 20, 2021 to December 15, 2021. Progress has been completed. The summary of the main work is as follows: Based on the 5-year monitoring data between 2016 and 2020, the annual average concentration of PM10 has decreased 31% in Chiayi air quality station, while PM2.5 (manual) has decreased 26%, PM2.5 (automated) has decreased 29%, and O3-8hr-93% top value has decreased 8%. The concentration of PM10 in Chiayi City has been under the standard of class II control regions, while PM2.5 and O3-8hr still remain in class III control regions. As of November of this year, the red alert poor air quality station days(AQI≧151) has obviously increased from 1 day in 2020 to 11 days in 2021, resulting from abnormally low mixing layer, stable weather condition, and low wind speed, which makes local pollutants hard to diffuse, plus with the importation of abroad pollutants. The new coronavirus epidemic broke out from May to July, 2021. Air quality analysis has been made before, during and after the epidemic by considering weather condition and energy consumption intensity, then compare to the same period in 2018 and 2019. Before the epidemic outbreak in 2021, it was an air pollution season with low rainfall days, high incidence of northerly winds, low wind speeds, and increased energy consumption in the industrial and transportation sectors, resulting in higher average and maximum concentrations of pollutants. During the epidemic, the incidence of northerly winds was high, energy consumption in the industrial sector increased, and the average concentration of pollutants was higher, while energy consumption in the transportation sector decreased during the same period, along with high rainfall days and high wind speeds, resulting in a lower maximum concentration of PM2.5 and NOx. After the epidemic, the incidence of northerly winds was low, the number of rainy days was high, and energy consumption in the transportation sector decreased. During this period, the average concentration was low, but the maximum PM2.5 value was high. This is related to the high activity intensity of the industrial sector. Based on TEDS 11.0 database, the annual emissions in Chiayi City are PM10-556 tons/y, PM2.5-226 tons/y, SOx-36 tons/y, NOx-1,130 tons/y, NMHC-3,967 tons/y, respectively. Compared with TEDS 10.1 database, the emissions have reduced by 7%~39%. This project also assisted in the edition of the Chiayi City Air Pollution Control Plan(2020~2023). After three times of review, it was approved on October 7th. A total of 34 control strategies were drafted, including 8 strategies for stationary pollution sources, 10 strategies for fugitive pollution sources, and 12 strategies for mobile pollution sources, and 4 strategies for comprehensive controls. In 2020~2023, the reduction targets for PM10, PM2.5, SOx, NOx, and NMHC are 108.16, 58.71, 14.02, 534.88, and 518.57 tons/y respectively. Seasonal 19 control strategies were also proposed, and the quantification and reduction results in the second and the third quarter were collected. In terms of model simulation, CMAQ was used to simulate source contribution ratio of PM2.5 of 5 specific pollution sources in Chiayi City. It turned out that strengthening the control strategies of diesel vehicle from other seven counties has substantial benefits to improve the city's PM2.5 air quality. Besides, by the simulation according to control strategies of Air Pollution Control Plan in 2023 of the seven counties, reduce the native PM2.5 in winter has substantial benefits in Chiayi City. The O3 concentration in Chiayi City has decreased in the inland areas, while the western urban area has increased, which is related to the weak O3 titration effect caused by amoumts of NOx reduction and the excessive reduction of NMHC. To assist EPB to participate in "Air Pollution Interregional Cooperation Prevention Response in Southern Taiwan" for 15 times; to hold three "work performance review meeting" in April, August, and October; to hold clean air promotion committee meeting in June and December; to hold the air quality deterioration drills for pre-meeting and official meeting. From January to November, a total of 95 notifications of poor air quality were implemented, divided into 3 categories: PM2.5, O3-8hr, and PM10. Among them, the number of PM2.5 notifications reached 83 times accounted for 85%, O3-8hr reached 15 times accounted for 15%, and PM10 did not occur. There are 7 air quality purification areas in the city with a green area of 4.25 HA、6.8 KM, including 3 bare green areas, 2 environmental parks and 2 bicycle lanes, which all have been managed and maintained by groups or organizations, including 5 companies accounted for 71%. In May and September, experts and scholars were entrusted to conduct internal inspection and evaluation. In 2021, a total of 20 air pollution prevention and protection advocacy activities have been held, including 5 propaganda are scheduled for seed lecturers. With rewarded quizzes or games to interact with the public, 7,824 people participated in. Animation of "How to protect yourself in the day of red alert air quality" and "Do not open burning" have been produced. To use social media to publish knowledge about air pollution prevention and protection regularly. Press releases have been published twice in the newspapers, China Times and United Daily News. Besides, "Chiayi City integrates cross-bureau resources to show outstanding results in air quality improvement" won the EPA's special award. In 2020, the Chiayi City's annual assessment results were assessed by the EPA, Chiayi city's performance score was over 85, which was evaluated as "Excellent". Until the third season of 2021, the self-assessment of air quality improvement work performance evaluation scores 77, while annual evaluation scores 91.7. We also have assisted in reporting and uploading the first to third quarterly reports, monthly reports from January to September and Air Pollution Control Fund-related statistics.
英文關鍵字 air pollution, control AQI, Air quality purification area, CMAQ