

中文摘要 行政院環境保護署毒物及化學物質局(以下簡稱化學局)因應國際化學品健全管理、企業責任、綠色金融及永續發展趨勢,啟動產業轉型綠色化學推動工作,希冀從源頭減少污染及降低化學物質風險,建構健康永續環境,邁向無毒家園。 因此,藉由研析國外綠色化學推動趨勢與作法、我國現階段管理法規與獎勵措施,及經籌組綠色化學諮詢輔導團隊,與國內化學物質相關運作業者和金融機構洽談等,本計畫掌握業界對綠色化學之瞭解程度與推動現況,及運用綠色金融手段協助促進化學物質綠色轉型的實務作法;且進一步透過訪視15家企業及與5家業者個案合作,提出轉型綠色化學之推動方式與成效評析等,以作為推動化學物質綠色轉型的參考案例。本計畫同時歸整企業推動綠色化學相關風險與機會,並由經濟、環境、健康與消費等面向,研提通用評估指標,俾提供企業就關切重點,自選指標進行追蹤與檢討,及促進綠色化學的對外溝通與推廣。
中文關鍵字 綠色化學、毒性化學物質、生產管理


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 11280.465 千元
專案開始日期 2021/07/05 專案結束日期 2022/10/31 專案主持人 王韻晴
主辦單位 化學局 承辦人 陳曉真 執行單位 環科工程顧問股份有限公司


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期末報告 期末報告公開版.pdf 0MB 成果報告

The Pilot Project for Green Chemistry Integrated into the Production Management

英文摘要 The United Nation calls for the safe and sound chemicals management, responsible investment as well as corporate social responsibility over 20 years and those have been taken as the ways to achieve sustainable development goals since 2015. By virtue of this global trend, the Toxic and Chemical Substances Bureau (TCSB) of Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration initiates this project as the first step to assist manufacturing industry transition to green chemistry so as to gradually reduce chemical risks at its source for pollution prevention then move forward a non-toxic, healthy and sustainable environment. Throughout this project, we have a good knowledge of what international policies, strategies and measures have been done and currently be dedicated to in terms of green chemistry involved into production management. Also, we have approximately depicted the phase of chemicals transition and how the green financing enables to assist among domestic manufacturing industries. Importantly, we have demonstrated a collaborative model of chemical transition among industry-government-university-institute by building a counseling and guidance group, co-visiting corporations and offering consultancy services on a case-by-case basis including providing outcome evaluations and further feasible approaches with suggestions. Last but not least, we have created performance index based on dividing chemical-related risks and opportunities into aspects of health, environment, market and finance so as to facilitate manufacturing corporations to keep tracing then improved.
英文關鍵字 Green Chemistry, Toxic Chemical Substances, Production Management