
110年度土壤及地下水污染調查 及查證工作計畫-嘉義市

中文摘要 本年度工作內容所執行之成果如下: 一、枯、豐水期地下水質監測(7口) (一)5口場置性地下水監測井:華碁廢棄物處理場(MW-4)、玉山國中(MW-8)、嘉義大學蘭潭校區(MW-12)、精忠國小(MW-13)之部分背景與指標水質項目、一般項目、8項重金屬以及嘉義市魚市場(MW-5)之部分背景與指標水質項目、一般項目皆低於地下水污染監測標準,水質無異常情形。 (二)2口加油站污染特徵井:信義路加油站(I00005)、林森路加油站(I00042)之VOCs、TPH及MTBE皆低於地下水污染監測標準,但仍需關注其水質狀況,持續監測。 二、監測井外觀巡查維護 完成上、下半年度轄區內各監測井外觀巡查及維護,除玉山國中(MW-8)監測井於109年度發現其套管損壞需納入本年度(110)設施修復名單外,其餘監測井外觀皆無明顯損壞。 三、監測井設施修復 完成1口玉山國中(MW-8)監測井之水泥基座及井體設施修復作業。 四、監測井井體內部維護 (一)完成1口嘉義市魚市場(MW-5)地下水監測井之井況評估及再次完井作業。 (二)完成民雄預警網#9(I00036)1口地下水監測井異物排除作業,已恢復原監測井之原有功能。 (三)完成嘉義市魚市場(MW-5)廢井作業。 五、農地土壤重金屬同步作物採樣調查 配合嘉義市建設處農牧科(以下簡稱農牧科)完成4筆地號農地土壤同步作物採樣,土壤重金屬XRF篩測結果雖皆低於土壤污染監測標準。然為確認實際濃度及比對農牧科執行稻作檢測之結果,故送實驗室進行重金屬全量分析,分析結果顯示,該4筆地號農地土壤檢測結果皆低於食用作物農地監測標準或土壤污染監測標準。 六、貯存設施管理工作 (一)地下儲槽系統管理(37站) 1.網路申報資料審查:完成2次網路申報資料審查(109年第3次、110年第1次),37站業者皆於申報期限內完成申報。審查結果唯(109年第3次有1 站以總量進出平衡管制表有異常,後續已與站方聯繫並要求確認後重新申報並審查通過。 2.現場查核作業(含契約規定查核4站、環保署交辦查核3站):7站查核結果,其書面資料核對無缺失;現場設備皆符合法令規定;其土壤氣體監測井(測漏管)功能性檢測皆正常及油氣檢測皆低於警戒值。 (二)貯存系統事業查核(含增額服務計74家) 完成74家貯存系統事業查核輔導工作,屬納管對象者為30家,其中有22家事業需提出改善計畫,嘉義市環保局已發文通知事業應於管理辦法所規定之期限內提送。 七、其他土壤及地下水調查作業 (一)高污染潛勢事業調查-信義路加油站及中油舊嘉義油庫 1.信義路加油站(MW-19)及中油舊嘉義油庫(MW-17、MW-18)共3口地下水監測井設置作業於110年2月23日完成。 2.該3口監測井於110年3月22~23日、110年8月25~26日分別完成枯、豐水期地下水採樣調查,水質檢測結果顯示其VOCs、TPH及MTBE項目皆低於地下水污染監測標準。 (二)污染場址監督計畫-新明利五金加工廠(控制場址) 1.新明利五金加工廠(控制場址)區外2口地下水標準監測井(MW-15、MW-16)設置作業於110年2月24日完成。 2.設井時針對所鑽鑿土壤中重金屬XRF篩測結果,8項重金屬濃度皆低於土壤污染管制標準。 3.於110年3月22~23日、110年8月25~26日分別完成枯、豐水期地下水採樣調查,水質檢測結果,MW16顯示其總硬度、總溶解固體物及氯鹽、氨氮有超過地下水污染監測標準情形。 八、緊急應變作業 (一)案件一:嘉義市車店段319、319-1地號農地土壤污染調查 1.於110年3月12完成車店段2處地號農地土壤採樣作業。 2.8項重金屬、戴奧辛皆低於土污法規定之污染管制標準。 (二)案件二:嘉義市青年街155-5號(車店段335-15地號)工廠刮除之土壤採樣檢測 1.於110年4月30日完成刮除之土壤採樣作業。 2.8項重金屬、戴奧辛皆低於土污法規定之污染管制標準。 九、場址監督查核工作 本年度(110)轄內計有1處土壤污染整治場址及1處土壤及地下水污染控制場址。各場址現行狀況說明如下: (一)遠東機械工業股份有限公司新厝廠(土壤污染整治場址):污染整治仍執行中,目前符合污染整治計畫書執行進度;於巡視查核時多能符合整治計畫書之要求。 (二)新明利五金加工廠(土壤及地下水污染控制場址):該廠於污染控制期間,提送土壤及地下水污染控制計畫書(第一次變更),環保局核定通過(修正二版),目前執行污染控制工作中。 十、法規說明及土水環境保育概念宣導 (一)法規說明會:於110年4月29日辦理完成,參與人員共計42名,會議主題為「防止貯存系統污染地下水體設施及監測設備設置管理辦法(以下簡稱管理辦法)」。 (二)學校說故事宣傳(導)活動:主要以環保署製作之故事繪本進行故事講說,此外,並播放宣導短片「腳下的黃金」分別於進行宣導,總計參與人數達208人。 十一、協助嘉義市環保局審查土污法8、9條土壤污染評估調查及檢測資料: 本年度共計有3件送審,其申請原由說明如下: (一)變更經營者:1件,110年8月6日審查通過。 (二)土地移轉:2件,110年7月28日及110年9月14日備查。 本計畫各工作項目皆已完成,來年嘉義市環保局仍持續推動土壤及地下水之污染調查與查證工作,並善盡土水業務職責,藉以維護本市土壤與地下水資源及市民健康。
中文關鍵字 土壤、地下水、繪本故事書、農地土壤、加油站查核、貯存系統管理、緊急應變、土壤污染評估調查及檢測資料


專案計畫編號 1091167 經費年度 110 計畫經費 5360 千元
專案開始日期 2021/01/01 專案結束日期 2021/12/20 專案主持人 楊廸光
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 陳信逸 執行單位 恆逸工程股份有限公司


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期末報告 4.110嘉義市土水期末報告定稿本文.pdf 54MB 110嘉義市土水期末報告定稿本文

Soil and Groundwater Monitoring and Inspection Plan—Chiayi City"

英文摘要 Through the Plan, the Chiayi City can contain and treat the soil and groundwater pollution, securing the well-being of its environment and its citizens. Following is the final report about work descriptions and results: 1. Groundwater Quality Inspection during the dry and rainy season (7 wells): (1)5 regular-site monitoring wells (MWs): MW-4, MW-5, MW-12, and MW-13 all shows normal figures and no sign of groundwater pollutions. (2)2 polluted gas station-site wells: I00005 and 100042 both shows normal figures yet constant supervision is required. 2. Maintenance of the MWs (exterior) MWs within Chiayi City each has been assessed for 2021 and all shows no significant damage, with exception of MW-8, which had slight damage on its surface and concrete foundation due to occasional pressure from heavy objects and branches left by the faulty of Yu-shan Junior Hight School. MW-8 is now repaired and able to function properly. 3. Maintenance of the Monitoring Wells (interior) MW-5 has been re-assessed and approved; In addition, MW-5 has been cleaned and returned to its initial monitoring depth. 4. Abandonment of MW-5 MW-5 shows significantly low concentration of ammonia nitrogen with potential further decrement. MW-5 has be abandoned in October 2021. 5. Management of Storage Systems (1)Underground Storage Tank System (UGST) (37 sites) i. Remote assessment on UGST owners through online registration: 2 assessments have been done (the third season in 2020 and the first season in 2021). All 37 owners of the UGST have registered within the deadline. The results show inconsistent balance of the input and output for one UGST. Therefore, the UGST owners are asked to confirm and update the data for approval. ii. In-person assessment on UGST owners (7 gas stations): all 7 gas stations generate consistent results with the paper records. All their equipment is under government protocols with functional leak detected tube that shows low-risk figure of gas vapor level.9 (2)Aboveground Storage Tank System (AGST) (74 sites) 22 of those 74 sites have to submit improvement plan. 6. Other groundwater and soil survey inspection (1)Inspection on high potential polluted sites (MW-17, MW-18, and M-19) i. All three MWs have been established by February 23, 2021. ii. Groundwater samples taken from all three MWs during March 22~23, 2021, show normal figures. (2)Supervision on the polluted site (MW-15 and MW-16) i. Both MWs have been established by February 24, 2021. ii. Groundwater samples taken from both MWs during March 22~23 , 2021, show significantly high figures on certain testing categories. 7. Emergency Response a. Case 1: soil inspection on 319 and 319-1 sites i. Soil samples from both sites were taken on March 12, 2021. ii. the primary 8 types of heavy metals, dioxin levels are all under the soil polluted control standard. b. Case 2: soil inspection on a factory located in No. 155-5, Qingnian Street, Chiayi City i. Soil sample was taken on April 30, 2021. ii. the primary 8 types of heavy metals, dioxin levels are all under the soil polluted control standard. 8. Supervision and Inspection on Primary Sites By May 2021, there are one polluted soil remediation site and one polluted soil and groundwater control sites. Following are descriptions on current condition of the two sites respectively: i. Far Eastern Mechanical Co. Ltd. (soil remediation site): the remediation process has started; the current progress has been up to date. ii. Xin Ming Li Hardware Machining Factory (soil and groundwater control site): the pollution control plan has started; the current progress has been up to date. 9. Regulation explaining session and Environment Conservation Campaign a. Policy explanation council: launched on April 29, 2021, a total of 42 participants with a topic central around “the Water Body Protection & Inspection Act.” b. Campaign events through storytelling at schools: picture books made by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are told alongside with a short video “the Gold beneath your feet” played at schools with a total of 208 participants. 10. Assistance toward EPBCC regarding the examination on 8 and 9 Rules from SGPRA By June 12, 2021, no request has been received. The assistance would remain available for the second half of the year. Future projects and items are listed as following (would be carried out according to the agenda): inspection on and maintenance of monitoring wells, sampling. And examination of farmland soil and crops, management of pollute storage system, inspection on other soil and groundwater, analysis and assessments of soil pollution, audits of permanently closed factories, and evaluation on the performance of the environmental protection agencies.
英文關鍵字 Soil, monitoring, groundwater, Environment , Emergency Response, Aboveground Storage Tank System, UGST