英文摘要 |
Through the Plan, the Chiayi City can contain and treat the soil and groundwater pollution, securing the well-being of its environment and its citizens. Following is the final report about work descriptions and results:
1. Groundwater Quality Inspection during the dry and rainy season (7 wells):
(1)5 regular-site monitoring wells (MWs): MW-4, MW-5, MW-12, and MW-13 all shows normal figures and no sign of groundwater pollutions.
(2)2 polluted gas station-site wells: I00005 and 100042 both shows normal figures yet constant supervision is required.
2. Maintenance of the MWs (exterior)
MWs within Chiayi City each has been assessed for 2021 and all shows no significant damage, with exception of MW-8, which had slight damage on its surface and concrete foundation due to occasional pressure from heavy objects and branches left by the faulty of Yu-shan Junior Hight School. MW-8 is now repaired and able to function properly.
3. Maintenance of the Monitoring Wells (interior)
MW-5 has been re-assessed and approved; In addition, MW-5 has been cleaned and returned to its initial monitoring depth.
4. Abandonment of MW-5
MW-5 shows significantly low concentration of ammonia nitrogen with potential further decrement. MW-5 has be abandoned in October 2021.
5. Management of Storage Systems
(1)Underground Storage Tank System (UGST) (37 sites)
i. Remote assessment on UGST owners through online registration: 2 assessments have been done (the third season in 2020 and the first season in 2021). All 37 owners of the UGST have registered within the deadline. The results show inconsistent balance of the input and output for one UGST. Therefore, the UGST owners are asked to confirm and update the data for approval.
ii. In-person assessment on UGST owners (7 gas stations): all 7 gas stations generate consistent results with the paper records. All their equipment is under government protocols with functional leak detected tube that shows low-risk figure of gas vapor level.9
(2)Aboveground Storage Tank System (AGST) (74 sites)
22 of those 74 sites have to submit improvement plan.
6. Other groundwater and soil survey inspection
(1)Inspection on high potential polluted sites (MW-17, MW-18, and M-19)
i. All three MWs have been established by February 23, 2021.
ii. Groundwater samples taken from all three MWs during March 22~23, 2021, show normal figures.
(2)Supervision on the polluted site (MW-15 and MW-16)
i. Both MWs have been established by February 24, 2021.
ii. Groundwater samples taken from both MWs during March 22~23 , 2021, show significantly high figures on certain testing categories.
7. Emergency Response
a. Case 1: soil inspection on 319 and 319-1 sites
i. Soil samples from both sites were taken on March 12, 2021.
ii. the primary 8 types of heavy metals, dioxin levels are all under the soil polluted control standard.
b. Case 2: soil inspection on a factory located in No. 155-5, Qingnian Street, Chiayi City
i. Soil sample was taken on April 30, 2021.
ii. the primary 8 types of heavy metals, dioxin levels are all under the soil polluted control standard.
8. Supervision and Inspection on Primary Sites
By May 2021, there are one polluted soil remediation site and one polluted soil and groundwater control sites. Following are descriptions on current condition of the two sites respectively:
i. Far Eastern Mechanical Co. Ltd. (soil remediation site): the remediation process has started; the current progress has been up to date.
ii. Xin Ming Li Hardware Machining Factory (soil and groundwater control site): the pollution control plan has started; the current progress has been up to date.
9. Regulation explaining session and Environment Conservation Campaign
a. Policy explanation council: launched on April 29, 2021, a total of 42 participants with a topic central around “the Water Body Protection & Inspection Act.”
b. Campaign events through storytelling at schools: picture books made by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are told alongside with a short video “the Gold beneath your feet” played at schools with a total of 208 participants.
10. Assistance toward EPBCC regarding the examination on 8 and 9 Rules from SGPRA
By June 12, 2021, no request has been received. The assistance would remain available for the second half of the year.
Future projects and items are listed as following (would be carried out according to the agenda):
inspection on and maintenance of monitoring wells, sampling. And examination of farmland soil and crops, management of pollute storage system, inspection on other soil and groundwater, analysis and assessments of soil pollution, audits of permanently closed factories, and evaluation on the performance of the environmental protection agencies.