

中文摘要 石綿在臺灣早期廣泛應用於建築、電器、汽車、家庭用品等,世界衛生組織(WHO)已將石綿列為一級致癌物,為使清運石綿屋瓦廢棄物相關政策制定與預算編列能符合實情,利用航遙測科技技術,針對110年判釋出的石綿瓦屋頂位置之側邊進行石綿建材調查。本案使用手機及UAV調查現地5,000棟石綿瓦屋頂之建物側邊,並使用現地調查結果進行23萬棟石綿瓦屋頂側邊推估,其推估總面積約為548,565±268,367平方公尺,推估重量約為8,228±4,026噸,預估外業使用手機和UAV調查費用約為3千6百多萬元;另外以建物有石綿建材之A、B、C、D四種類型進行全臺隨機抽樣普查,利用普查結果比例進行全臺石綿瓦側邊之建物數量推估和面積及重量推估,推估棟數約15萬5千棟,總推估噸數約為12萬4千噸,外業總調查經費用估計至少約為7千2百多萬元。若想更精準的知道石綿瓦側邊建物位置,則需逐街巷單棟逐步清查,其清查經費約為1億1千多萬元。本次團隊利用手機調查5,000棟石綿瓦建物側邊資訊,調查數量約為80%左右,顯示使用手機調查應為未來可行之方式,未來可加入民眾參與提升調查效率,並於今年調整戶外含石綿建材空間分布圖臺中的現地調查註記功能及開發現地調查APP,配合地方環保局現場清查作業。
中文關鍵字 石綿建物側邊調查、戶外含石綿建材空間分布管理系統、民眾參與


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 6090 千元
專案開始日期 2021/12/22 專案結束日期 2022/09/20 專案主持人 林若琪博士
主辦單位 化學局 承辦人 連珖彣高級環境技術師 執行單位 中興測量有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 成果報告摘要.pdf 0MB

Outdoor lateral asbestos buildings distribution and baseline

英文摘要 Asbestos was widely used in construction, electrical appliances, automobiles, household products, etc. in the early days of Taiwan. The World Health Organization (WHO) has classified asbestos as a first-class carcinogen. In order to make the policy formulation and budgeting related to the removal of asbestos roof tile waste in line with the actual situation , using aerial telemetry technology, to investigate the asbestos building materials on the side of the asbestos tile roof position that was released in 2021years. In this project, mobile phones and UAVs were used to investigate the sides of 5,000 asbestos-tile roofed buildings on site, and the results of the on-site investigation were used to estimate the sides of 230,000 asbestos-tile roofs. Its estimated total area is about 548,565±268,367 square meters, and its estimated weight is about 8,228±4,026 tons. The survey cost of using mobile phones and UAVs in the field is about more than 36 million yuan. In addition, a random sampling census was carried out in Taiwan with four types of buildings including asbestos building materials A, B, C, and D, and the proportion of the census results was used to estimate the number of buildings on the side of asbestos tiles, and the area and weight. The estimated number of buildings is about 155,000, the total estimated tonnage is about 124,000 tons, and the total cost of field investigation is estimated to be at least about 72 million yuan. If want to know the location of the buildings on the side of the asbestos tile more accurately, need to check each building by street and alley, and the cost of the check is about 110 million yuan. This time, the team used mobile phones to investigate the side information of 5,000 asbestos buildings, and the number of surveys was about 80%, indicating that the use of mobile phone surveys should be a feasible way in the future. The team adjusted the function on outdoor asbestos building geographic information management system and developed a on-site survey APP to cooperate with the local environmental protection bureau for on-site inventory operations.
英文關鍵字 Lateral asbestos building investigation, Outdoor asbestos building geographic information management system, Outdoor asbestos building geographic information management system, Public Participation