

中文摘要 本計畫主要工作內容包含:(1)執行國內戴奧辛及重金屬等空氣污染物排放調查與環境空品監測、(2)更新及建置戴奧辛及重金屬(鉛、鎘、汞、砷)排放清冊及(3)協助環保署辦理公私場所固定污染源之戴奧辛及重金屬排放減量輔導、排放標準修正等相關技術支援事宜。 排放調查總計完成3根次戴奧辛、2根次重金屬及1根次汞排放源檢測。戴奧辛部分分別檢測電弧爐煉鋼業、固體再生燃料(Solid recovered fuel,SRF)鍋爐及鉛二次冶煉業。東和鋼鐵苗栗廠電弧爐戴奧辛防制技術採兩段式集塵系統與使用急冷降溫避免再合成,檢測排放濃度為0.046 ng I-TEQ/Nm³,符合該行業別排放標準(0.5 ng I-TEQ/Nm³);日皓紙業公司使用SRF燃料鍋爐,因其成分含氯量低且末端使用活性碳吸附設備,排放濃度為0.022 ng I-TEQ/Nm³,符合固定污染源戴奧辛排放標準(0.5 ng I-TEQ/Nm³);以成科技公司鉛二次冶煉製程戴奧辛排放濃度為0.016 ng I-TEQ/Nm³,亦符合固定污染源戴奧辛排放標準,排放濃度低,非為戴奧辛主要排放源。對電力設施進行重金屬排放檢測,檢測對象為和平火力發電廠(燃煤電廠)及新竹縣長春人造樹脂廠公司新竹廠(燃煤汽電共生鍋爐)。由於前述電力設施空污防制設備完備,重金屬檢測結果均符合電力業汞排放標準及固定污染源有害空氣污染物排放標準。另針對燃氣之台電通霄電廠進行汞排放檢測,總汞濃度為2.53 ng/Nm³,以元素汞為主(約70%),煙囪排放總汞濃度與一般空氣中汞(Hg)濃度差異不大,與背景濃度相近,顯示燃氣機組汞排放濃度低且無需再行安裝除汞設施。 環境空品監測於本年度2月及8月各執行一次一般空品站戴奧辛及重金屬監測,戴奧辛監測年平均值為0.030 pg I-TEQ/m³(2月:0.040 pg I-TEQ/m³,8月:0.019 pg I-TEQ/m³)或0.026 pg WHO-TEQ/m³(2月:0.034 pg WHO₂₀₀₅-TEQ/m³,8月:0.017 pg WHO₂₀₀₅-TEQ/m³),遠低於日本環境空氣戴奧辛基準值(0.6 pg WHO-TEQ/m³),多氯聯苯濃度較低,年平均值為0.0025 WHO₂₀₀₅-TEQ/m³(2月:0.0031 pg WHO₂₀₀₅-TEQ/m³,8月:0.0018 pg WHO₂₀₀₅-TEQ/m³),與歷年監測結果相較,空品濃度呈現逐年降低趨勢;濃度分布趨勢以高屏空品區濃度較高,宜蘭和花東空品區較低;8月份濃度低於2月份監測值。重金屬空氣品質監測結果顯示,20項非汞重金屬均符合我國(僅針對鉛)、歐盟或WHO空品標準,有害重金屬項目以錳(Mn)及鉛(Pb)濃度較高,其餘重金屬項目主要以地殼元素較高;氣態汞(Hg)濃度介於1.80 ~ 3.56 ng/m³約2.3%,比例不高;8月份監測濃度值低於2月份監測值。本年度配合食安政策,在環保署指定之環境敏感區進行戴奧辛空氣品質監測,監測地點為雞蛋與鴨蛋畜牧場分布在雲林縣、嘉義縣及屏東縣,監測濃度為0.014~0.056 pg I-TEQ/m³,在本年一般空品站監測結果範圍內,平均值為0.029 pg I-TEQ/m³,略低於本年度一般空品站戴奧辛監測結果,未有異常情形發現。 推估109年我國戴奧辛排放量為47.7 g I-TEQ/年,略低於108年,排放量較大類別為燃煤、燃油等鍋爐及逸散性排放源,占整體排放量46.4%,煉鋼業電弧爐、一般廢棄物焚化爐及燒結爐等業別排放量占整體36.1%,以民國91年為基準年,戴奧辛排放量削減已達85%。推估109年度各固定污染源重金屬鉛(Pb)、鎘(Cd)、汞(Hg) 及砷(As)排放量分別約為30.1公噸/年、0.755公噸/年、1.75公噸/年及2.73公噸/年,與歷年推估結果相較排放量變化不大,均以燃燒為主要排放源,其中燃燒源之鉛(Pb)、鎘(Cd)、汞(Hg)及砷(As)排放量分別為24.4公噸/年、0.447公噸/年、1.05公噸/年及2.17公噸/年,分別都占整體重金屬排放量約60%以上,皆是管制重點對象。 本計畫完成燃材鍋爐、火化場、水泥窯及事業廢棄物焚化爐總計11場次戴奧辛排放減量輔導,針對不同排放源都提出減量建議,供業者作為改善參考;檢討修正排放管制標準部分,主要在於協助辦理鉛二次冶煉業、水泥業、大型廢棄物焚化爐及事業廢棄物焚化爐空氣污染物排放標準研修工作。其中「鉛二次冶煉廠空氣污染物排放標準」已完成修正並於110年6月29日發布公告實施、「水泥業空氣污染物排放標準」已完成修正並於110年11月2日發布實施;大型廢棄物焚化爐空氣污染物排放標準已完成草案研擬及公聽等行政程序,建議下階段需針對水泥業汞及氟增訂其排放標準;因應煉鋼業排放現況及空污改善工程完工後效益,建議未來可加速檢討煉鋼業燒結工場一般空氣污染物與戴奧辛排放管制標準適宜性。
中文關鍵字 戴奧辛,重金屬,環境監測,輔導減量


專案計畫編號 EPA-110-FA12-03-A124 經費年度 110 計畫經費 13850 千元
專案開始日期 2021/01/27 專案結束日期 2021/11/30 專案主持人 羅鈞
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 尹心婕 執行單位 環興科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-110-FA13-03-A124(去識別化)N.pdf 24MB 成果報告

The Project of Ambient Air Monitoring and Emission Reduction Plan of Dioxin and Heavy Metals for Stationary Sources.

英文摘要 The scope of this project includes: 1) investigating the stationary emission and monitoring the dioxins and heavy metals concentration in ambient air; 2) establishing and updating both dioxin and heavy metals domestic emission inventory; 3) assisting the control, reduction and emergency response of dioxins and heavy metals emission which includes reconsideration and review of emission standards Dioxin and heavy metal emission surveys were performed at three stationary sources respectively. The dioxin eission investigation includes a boiler using solid recoverd fuel (SRF), a steel making electric arc furnace (EAF) and a secondary lead smelting furnace for dioxin. The dioxin concentration of the steel making EAF was much lower than the emission standard due to the high particle removal efficiency and fast cooling of its air pollution controlling devices (APCD). The secondary lead smelting furnace had a low dioxin emission concentration which indicated that secondary lead smelting furnace was not one of the main dioxin emission source. The boiler demonstrated low dioixin emission concentration due to its low chlorine content SRF and activated carbon injection device. On the other hand, The heavy metal eission investigation includes a coal power plant, a coal-fired cogeneration plant and a gas-fired power plant. The heavy metals concentration of the coal power plant and coal-fired cogeneration plant both meet the corresponding emission standards. The mercury emission concentration, sampled by using Methed 30B, of the gas-fired power plant was extremely low without any effective APCD for mercury removal. Thus, as far as heavy metal emission control is concerned, natural gas is a relatively clean energy source when compared with coal. Dioixn and heavy metal ambient air monitoring were both conducted twice in this project, the annual average ambient air dioxin concentration was 0.030 pg I-TEQ/m³ (Feburuary 2021: 0.040 pg I-TEQ/m³, August 2021: 0.019 pg I-TEQ/m³)or 0.026 pg WHO-TEQ/m³(Feburuary 2021: 0.034 pg WHO₂₀₀₅-TEQ/m³, August 2021:0.017 pg WHO₂₀₀₅-TEQ/m³). Polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) concentration was much lower in ambient air with a annual average concentration of 0.0025 WHO₂₀₀₅-TEQ/m³ (Feburuary 2021: 0.0031 pg WHO₂₀₀₅-TEQ/m³,August 2021: 0.0018 pg WHO₂₀₀₅-TEQ/m³). Compared with the monitoring results in the same period of previous years, ambient air dioxin concentration has a decreasing trend. The ambient concentrations of hazardous heavy metals obtained in general air quality monitoring stations met the standards of Taiwanese, European Union and WHO. Metals which are abundant in crust, had higher concentrations than the others. Mercury ambient air concentrations were in the range of 1.80~3.56 ng/m³. The ratio of particulate mercury and gaseous mercury was 2.3%. Both dioxin and heavy metal concentration were lower in August. The total dioxin emission quantity estimation in 2020 was 47.7 g I-TEQ/year, slightly lower than that in 2019. The main dioxin emission sources consist of coal-fired power plants, steelmaking industries, incinerators and fugitive emission sources (fire, straw and agricultural waste combustion, etc.), which accounts for 82.5% of the total emission. On the other hand, heavy metal emission quantity calculation results were similar to that in 2019. lead, cadmium, mercury, arsenic emission quantity was clacutaled to be 30.1ton/year, 0.755 ton/year, 1.75 ton/year and 2.73 ton/year. The burning sources accounted for over 60% of the total emission amount of each heavy metal which indicated the importance of emission reduction and management for the sources. Regarding the uncertainty analysis of the estimated emission quantity, the emission data for stationary source were calculated based on actual emission tests and database from air pollution fee which demonstrated good reliability. In contrast, due to lack of test data, the estimated emission amount of fugitive sources and mobile sources have lower reliability. A total of 10 plants of emission reduction counseling were included in this project. The targeted plants consist of 1 cement kiln, 4 industrial waste incinerators, 4 wood boilers and 2 cremator. This work aims to assist domestic emission source in emission reduction by the advices given by experts and also gather imformation for emission standards reconsideration. The revised emission standards for incinerator, steelmaking sinter, cement kiln and lead secondary production were proposed in this project. Revised emission standards for lead secondary production and cement kiln were official announced in June 29, 2021 and November 2, 2021 respectively. Mercury and Fluorine emission limits for cment kiln are recommended to be added in the next stage of rulemaking. Emission standards for steelmaking sinter should be reviewed due to the improvement of domestic sinters’ air pollution controlling device.
英文關鍵字 Dioxin, Heavy Metals, Environmental Monitoring, Emission Reduction