中文摘要 | 本研究為「以銅金屬同位素應用於土壤污染源鑑識之可行性研究」第一年度之計畫,主要目標為建立土壤環境樣本之銅金屬同位素分析方法,並應用該方法於土壤環境污染源之鑑識上,以評估銅金屬同位素於環境污染溯源之可行性。本研究已完成同位素質譜分析方法之建立,包含(1)文獻回顧與蒐集相關銅金屬同位素應用於土壤污染源鑑識之分析技術及相關文獻與技術評析,作為方法建立之參考並提供文獻於報告中。(2)以多接收器感應耦合電漿質譜儀,建立高精準銅金屬同位素比值分析技術。並以國際土壤及河流沉積物標準品進行全量消化並確認其回收率及監測實驗背景值,同時也對銅之管柱化學純化進行方法建置與測試。目前也已對土壤和河流沉積物樣品完成高精準銅同位素質譜分析技術,並完成國際銅同位素標準品之分析校驗。(3)在真實土壤樣本方面,配合地方環保局取得一處曾受銅污染之農地,並有一疑似污染源。已完成該場址之勘查與樣品採集(包含土壤、底泥、廢水、渠道水)。目前也已完成樣品之銅同位素比值分析,以及對於該案例進行初步探討。初步結果顯示受銅污染農地之土壤有較背景站更重的銅同位素訊號,與疑似污染源之銅同位素特徵相近,未來應配合其他同位素系統以進一步釐清氧化還原反應及吸脫附作用對銅同位素分化之影響。(4)在分析技術之教育訓練及技術移轉上,因受COVID-19疫情之影響,於疫情較嚴重期間主要採取口頭/線上之技術/問題詢答。疫情控制後,也於本年度9月中進行管柱化學、儀器分析原理及操作辦理相關教育訓練。 | ||
中文關鍵字 | 多接收器感應耦合電漿質譜儀、土壤、金屬污染、銅同位素 |
專案計畫編號 | EPA154110008 | 經費年度 | 110 | 計畫經費 | 2490 千元 |
專案開始日期 | 2021/02/25 | 專案結束日期 | 2021/12/31 | 專案主持人 | 黃國芳 |
主辦單位 | 環檢所 | 承辦人 | 王弟文 | 執行單位 | 中央研究院地球科學研究所 |
類型 | 檔名 | 檔案大小 | 說明 |
期末報告 | 以銅金屬同位素應用於土壤污染源鑑識之可行性研究(1)_期末報告定稿.pdf | 5MB | 期末報告_定稿 |
Tracing sources of Cu in contaminated soils of Taiwan with stable Cu isotopic ratios (1/4)
英文摘要 | This study is the first year of the project “Tracing sources of Cu in contaminated soils of Taiwan with stable Cu isotopic ratios.” We aim to develop a high precision Cu isotope technique for a variety of environmental samples, including soil, river sediments, and water sample, and further study possible sources of metal pollutions. In this project, we have (1) reviewed/summarized the literatures regarding the analytical techniques and applications of stable Cu isotope for tracing sources of Cu in contaminated soils, (2) developed a high-precision stable Cu isotopic technique on a variety of environmental samples, and (3) trained several EAL staffs for the analytical techniques developed in this project. On the other hand, we also applied the developed analytical protocols to the soil samples collected from Taoyuan City, where the soils in farmlands were polluted by local industrial sources. The preliminary results show that Cu isotope ratios of the farmland soils are significantly heavier than those soils collected at the background site, and are within the range of isotopic characteristics of the local industrial wastes. These observations strongly suggest that the stable Cu isotope ratio can be a powerful tool for metal source tracing in the Cu-contaminated soils. | ||
英文關鍵字 | MC-ICP-MS, soil, metal pollution, Cu isotopes |