

中文摘要 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局(以下簡稱環保局)為持續進行轄內土壤地下水潛在污染區域定期監測及調查, 並針對污染列管場址進行驗證、及相關管制措施, 經公開評選後委託傑美工程顧問股份有限公司(以下簡稱本團隊)執行「110年度宜蘭縣土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫),本計畫經費為新臺幣9,150,000 元整,計畫期程自110年1月1日至110 年12月31日, 本團隊已完成本計畫合約全部工項,計畫執行率100%,各項工作執行狀況摘要說明如后。 一、定期監測 本計畫已於110年6月16日至30日完成10筆地號共50點次土壤採樣、20組XRF篩測及10組重金屬分析。其中蘇澳鎮新隆恩段543地號土壤中重金屬砷濃度(62.8mg/kg)超過食用作物農地土壤污染管制標準值;大同鄉四重段401地號土壤重金屬銅濃度(120 mg/kg)超過食用作物農地土壤污染監測標準值;8筆地號土壤中重金屬濃度未達食用作物農地監測標準值。 二、高污染潛勢調查 本計畫已於110年1月28日至2月1日完成6處廢棄物再利用機構及5處農地上工廠現場勘查,並挑選4處廢棄物再利用機構及2處農地上工廠於110年7月14~16日、15日進行土壤品質查證,其中廢棄物再利用機構「勢鴻有限公司」重金屬鉻(727、644 mg/kg)、「天宥興業有限公司武荖坑廠」重金屬鉻(1040、302、302 mg/kg)、銅(1450、1300、1200mg/kg)、鋅(2450、2460 mg/kg)超過土壤污染管制標準值;農地上工廠「瑞展機械企業社」土壤中重金屬銅(831、645mg/kg)、鉻(741mg/kg)、鎳(376mg/kg)超過土壤污染管制標準值,底泥重金屬鋅濃度(478 mg/kg)超過上限值。本計畫已於110年9月1日蘇澳供油中心進行土壤及地下水品質查證作業, 查證結果符合法規標準。 三、地下水監測作業 本計畫已於110年5月24~28日執行23口場置性監測井地下水採樣作業,檢測結果共9口監測井超過第二類地下水污染監測標準,主要超過監測標準項目為氨氮。 四、監測井維護管理 本計畫已完成今年度2次監測井巡查維護工作,並完成5口監測井進行井體外部維護、3口監測井進行設施修復及1口次監測井設置工作;本年度挑選10口監測井進行井況評估,並根據評估結果並依照再完井篩選原則, 挑選5口監測井進行再完井及異物排除工作。 五、場址監督查核與驗證 本計畫執行迄今針對各列管場址每月至少執行1次巡查工作,並協助環保局完成28件場址相關書面審查、8件土污法八九條公告事業審查及10場次土污法八九條公告事業現場查核。本計畫已完成1處場址改善完成後驗證作業。 六、地下儲槽系統網路申報審查與查核 本計畫已協助環保局完成2季網路申報資料審查工作,申報審查率皆為100%。本計畫已於110年4月12~15日完成16處地下儲槽業測漏管檢測及3 點次土壤氣體分析,並於110年8月31日與10月13~14日完成2處加油站土壤及地下水查證,結果符合法規標準。 七、地上儲槽輔導及調查 本計畫配合「防止貯存系統污染地下水體設施及監測設備設置管理辦法」,截至110年12月31日已完成107處輔導查核工作,並於110年8月30 日及10月14日完成2處具貯存系統事業土壤及地下水查證,結果符合法規標準。 八、陳情應變 本計畫截至110年12月已完成12車次入境土石方採樣抽測工作,重金屬濃度均低於食用作物農地監測標準。 本計畫至110年12月31日止,共計協助6場緊急應變工作,包含「晉城再次調查」、「燈篙林道水源調查」、「蘇澳鎮南正段地下水監測」、「台化管線調查」、「新隆恩段543地號砷調查」與「第2次台化管線調查」。 九、相關活動辦理及行政協助 本計畫已於110年3月15日、3月26日辦理2場次新增納管貯存系統法規說明會,並於110年10月27辦理1場次軍方土水講習,參與總人數為111人。本計畫已完成10場次土壤及地下水保育宣導課程,參與總人數約470 人。本計畫已印製「小水滴哭什麼? 」、「小動物,大偵探」及「泥寶搬新家」等3本環保署發行之故事書共印製400本。本計畫已完成環教沙畫動畫製作及環教宣導品設計製作。 本計畫協助環保局針對補助計畫管理、污染場址管理及行政配合宣導方面提出110年績效考評得分關鍵要點及具體作為,本團隊協助環保局設定考評相關權重,針對完成把握度較高之項目給予較高權重,以在確實掌握基本分數之原則外,爭取最高得分,截至110年第3季,考評績效指標分數為77.84分,因部分項目尚未納入統計,本計畫自行評估預期得分為98.5分。
中文關鍵字 土壤、地下水、調查、查證、採樣、驗證


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 9150 千元
專案開始日期 2021/01/01 專案結束日期 2021/12/31 專案主持人 洪源駿
主辦單位 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 張哲鈞 執行單位 傑美工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 110年土污期末報告(定稿版)_removed.pdf 49MB 110年期末報告

2021 Investigation and Verification of Soil and Groundwater Contamination in Yilan County

英文摘要 In order to prevent soil and groundwater from contamination, the local competent authority must regularly investigate and exam the quality of soil and groundwater in its own jurisdiction and deal with the petitions. Therefore, Yilan Environmental Protect ion Bureau(EPB) has been continuously monitoring the potentialsites of contaminated soil and groundwater in the region, including industrial complex in LoungTe and Letzer, as well as other underground storage tanks (UST). Additionally,the inspect ion, verification and control measures has been implemented over restricted contaminated area. The Yilan EPB has commissioned Pro. Vision Environmental Engineering Corporation(the“PVEEC”) to be the chief executive of the “2021 Investigation and Veri fication of Soil and Groundwater Contaminationin Yilan County” project(the “project”). All scopes of work in the project has been accomplished and every assignment was flawlessly on schedule. Hereby the final report is submitted to the EPB following its inspection over the work . 1. Soil Reguler Analysis This year, a total of 10 sites, where the contamination in soil exceeds the moni toring standard, were invest igated. The result shows that the concent ration of heavy metals As(62.8mg/kg) were found to exceed monitoring standards in 1 site, where some of area that the lands irrigated using groundwater full of As. Other 9 sites were complied with monitoring standards. 2. Contamination Potential Area Survey The total of 9 factories were Phase I surveyed and conducted soil and groundwater contamination verification of 5 of these factories were sampled.The results showed that Cr(727、644 mg/kg) concentration of“SHI-HUNG Company” have exceeded the control standards ; thatCu(1450、1300、1200 mg/kg) , Zn(2450、2460 mg/kg) and Cr(1040、302、302 mg/kg) of TIEN-YU Company exceeded the control standards; thatCu(831、645mg/kg), Cr(1040、302、302 mg/kg) and Ni(376 mg/kg) in soil with Zn(478 mg/kg) in mudconcentration of “RUEI JHAN MACHINERY Company” have exceeded the control standards. The sampled results of “C.P.C.Corporation of Suao Provide Oil Center” was complied with monitoring standards. 3. Groundwater Analysis Sampling work of all 23 wells has been done in May, 2021, and the results have 9 wells groundwater exceeded monitoring standards. 4. Wells Maintenance and Checking The team had completed, as cont racted, a total of 2 times of quarterly work of the checks and maintenance of regional and on -site monitoring wells , according to the results, 5 of them went through the external maintenance after the assessment , 3 facilities of wells has been repaired; 1 of it was built . In addition, for the condition assessment on 10 monitoring wells; according to the results, 5 of them went through the internal maintenance after the assessment , and 5 of them went through the well development again followed by camera shooting inside the well to assure of tidiness. 5. Restrained Sites Management and Verification The PVEEC has completed 28 site-related written reviews. The PVEEC has carried out the monthly inspection over restrained sites for the progress of improvement and the latest condition in hand and evaluate the predicted effects for the site where the remediation plan has been accomplished. Currnently, there are totally 1 sites that has completed post -improvement verification. The PVEEC has completed 8 soil and groundwater legal-related written review, 10 soil and groundwater legal -related on-si te inspection. 6. UST Online- review and Checking The PVEEC has been associate with EPB to complete the UST reports of Q3 in 2020 ( from Sep to Dec) and Q1 in 2021(from Jan to Apr) ,with 100% of inspection. We also monitored gas stations of 16 UST, and Under the known condition soil and groundwater investigat ionstarted at“Dong-ao” & ” Wu-jie” gas stations, the result were complied with monitoring standards. 7. Storage system counseling and investigation The PVEEC has counselling survey completed 107 enterprises which have storage systems Among them, 43 companies need to propose improvement plans , 2 companies were sampled. The results showed that was complied with monitoring standards . 8. Emergency Response As of December 2021, sampling work has completed 12 times of vehicles, and no results exceeded the control standards.Unti l December 31 2021, the team has executed 6 emergency response . 9. Event Handling and Routine Business This year, there have been completed 2 open conferences for interpreting the new law “Regulat ions for Instal lation and Management of Facilities for Preventing Pollution of Groundwater Bodies and Monitoring Equipment in Underground Storage Tank System” (total audience number:101), 1 conferences for military unit for interpreting prevent ion of soil and groundwater contamination(total audience number : 10) , 10 educational sessions and 1 training courses (total audience number: 470).The PVEEC has also filming the 2 sand painting animations of soil and groundwater story For the evaluation of performance indicators, the team has assisted the EPB in proposing key points and measures of the 2021 evaluat ion for program management , contaminated site management and administrative works, highl ight ing the determinat ion of the EPB in contaminat ion verification and remediation and showing the effect iveness of soil and underground water implementation. In addition, the team also assists the EPB in setting relevant weights for assessments , giving higher weights to projects with higher levels of confidence, in order to achieve the highest scores inaddition to the principle of mastering the basic scores, as of season 3, 2021, the score of EPB's per formance was 77.84. But before the deadline, we can get 98.5 points in our own assessment .
英文關鍵字 Soil, Groundwater