

中文摘要 為辦理應加速改善場址管理工作,本計畫依據111年度應加速改善場址下達名單,增納優先推動政策場址,盤點共77處場址作為執行標的。接續進行五階段場址評估,確核行政資源有效運用,篩選其中27處並經核定後執行環境場址評估。由於場址特性不一,本計畫研擬污染量體確認、自然衰減法可行性評估、場址風險控管等三種污染改善與管理策略,據以完成4處污染量體確認、3處自然衰減評估,以及3處場址風險控管。考量行政資源投入具正當性、合理性,擇定「臺南市信欣科技有限公司(信欣科技)」場址作為示範改善標的。執行財務經濟成效評估,共完成27處待改善場址的經濟效益分析,輔助改善方案決策。為強化場址改善管理策略、各項工作方法及成果等,共辦理18場研商與諮詢會議,並製作2部科普電子化影像教材,宣導公眾了解污染場址管理並深化保護土壤及地下水資源的觀念。
中文關鍵字 場址管理策略、污染改善與管理制度、經濟成效評估


專案計畫編號 經費年度 111 計畫經費 28989.919 千元
專案開始日期 2022/03/11 專案結束日期 2024/05/10 專案主持人 王智澤
主辦單位 環管署土壤及地下水污染整治基金管理會 承辦人 孫冬京 執行單位 美商傑明工程顧問(股)台灣分公司


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期末報告 111A047成果報告_(公開版).pdf 31MB 驗收合格成果報告(公開版)

Investigation and management for polluted site which should be speed up to remediate

英文摘要 To promote the investigation and management of polluted sites on national priority list, this project identified a total of 77 sites, including priority policy sites, based on the list issued for accelerating site remediation in 2022. Subsequently, a five-stage site assessment process was carried out to ensure effective utilization of administrative resources. Among these, 27 sites were selected and underwent environmental site assessments after approval. Due to variations in site characteristics, the project devised three pollution improvement and management strategies: quantification of polluted soil, feasibility assessment of Natural Attenuation, and site risk management. As a result, 4 sites of quantification of polluted soil, 3 sites of natural attenuation assessments, and 3 sites of site risk management assessments (site codes T0001 and T0002 counted as 1 site) were completed. Considering the legitimacy and rationality of resource allocation, the project selected "Xinxin Technology Co., Ltd. (Xinxin Technology)" in Tainan City as the demonstration target. Due to the inability to fully determine the pollution extent because of factory structures and site backfill, the project conducted a "test pit and feasibility assessment" to evaluate the underground structure and safety within the factory.The project conducted financial and economic effectiveness evaluations, completing economic benefit analyses for 27 sites awaiting improvement, aiding in decision-making for remediation strategies. To strengthen site improvement management strategies, work methods, and outcomes, a total of 18 discussion and consultation meetings were held, and two educational electronic media materials were produced to promote public understanding of pollution site management and deepen awareness of soil and groundwater resource protection.
英文關鍵字 Polluted site management strategy, Remediation and management system, Economic benefits assessment, Polluted site management strategy, Remediation and management system, Economic benefits assessment