

中文摘要 本計畫兩年(111年至112年)工作進度截至112年12月31日已完成100 %,包括維持中區環境事故專業技術小組臺中隊、雲林隊及麥寮隊三隊,計畫編制48人。平時工作已完成臨場輔導281場次(包括深入輔導30場次);無預警測試127場次;雲林離島式基礎產業園區麥寮區運作廠家平面配置圖查核59場次及偵測警報設備測試36場次;配合地方環保機關辦理演習整訓作業42場次;搭配全動、反恐與環境災害相關演習或兵推106場次;完成協助地方環保機關審視毒性及關注化學物質危害預防及應變計畫638件次;辦理毒災防救法規宣導及說明會25場次;辦理鄉鎮市區疏散避難宣導會議4場次;擴約辦理全民綠生活防災教育巡迴宣導活動4場次;辦理與金門縣政府合作交流會議2場次、毒化災緊急事故相互支援協定簽署儀式1場次、毒化災應變演練1場次及專業應變人員訓練3場次;辦理全國分區動員研討會2場次及聯防組織訓練研討會4場次;辦理專家及機關案例檢討交流會議2場次;完成418家毒化物運作重點廠家危害分析;配合參加環境部化學物質管理署(由環保署毒物及化學物質局於112年08月22日改制而成,以下簡稱化學署)辦理之相關整訓課程,新進人員已於4個月內完成應變人員基礎及操作課程訓練;變時工作包括出勤趕赴現場協助事故應變21場次(臺中隊7場次、雲林隊7場次、麥寮隊6場次及跨區支援1場次),及辦理模擬緊急出勤測試共75場次(臺中隊25場次、雲林隊25場次及麥寮隊25場次),共計96場次;完成更新轄區毒性及關注化學物質災害應變整備核心基本資料及研擬應變作業手冊;支援化學署公差、指派及交辦任務共投入3,663人次;為強化國內環境災害應變技術及國際經驗交流,派員參加國外各式訓練及研討會,包括參加美國波士頓2022 NFPA Conference & Expo®、參加美國休斯頓2022 Hotzone Conference、拜訪奧克拉荷馬州立大學、參加美國巴爾的摩2023國際有害物質緊急應變隊研討會、參加法國Cedre油污染訓練及參加第十四屆歐洲化學工程大會;持續協助化學署於內政部消防署訓練中心運作石化訓練設施及建置毒化災訓練設施及資材調度中心。
中文關鍵字 毒性及關注化學物質管理、環境事故預防應變專業技術小組、臺灣中區


專案計畫編號 經費年度 111 計畫經費 134009.9656 千元
專案開始日期 2022/01/01 專案結束日期 2023/12/31 專案主持人 洪肇嘉特聘教授
主辦單位 化學署危害控制組 承辦人 蔡洧清 執行單位 國立雲林科技大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 5) 111-112年中區技術小組期末工作報告公開版.pdf 0MB

The Central Taiwan Environmental Incident Specialist Teams (EISTs) project (2022 to 2023)

英文摘要 This project has completed 100 % at December 31th, 2023. Our first tasks were to maintain EISTs of Taichung team at the Central Taiwan Science Park, Taichung, Yulin team at the Douliou Industrial Park, Yulin, and Mailiao team at Mailiao with 48 personnel. As to the preparation/mitigation works, we had conducting 281 on-site counseling (including 30 in depth counseling) and 127 unwarned tests; 59 Mailiao floor plan checks and 36 detection alarm device tests of Yunlin Offshore Industrial Park; assisted the environmental protection bureaus to conduct 42 drills and training sessions; conducted 106 drills/exercises/table-top exercise for national defense, counter-torrism and environmental incidents; assisted the environmental protection bureaus to 638 on-site visits and inspection of response plans; assisted 25 law and regulation promotion meetings; conducted 4 evacuation publicity session; conducted 4 general green life and disaster prevention education activities (expanded words); assisted 2 cooperation meetings with Kinmen County Government, signed an agreement of mutual support in toxic chemical incident emergency response, assisted 1 drills and training session and conducted 3 emergency responder training; conducting 2 regional government mobilization seminars, and conducting 4 mutual-aid organization training seminars; conducting 2 case-study/review seminars with expert and governmental agencies; and finished 418 hazard analyses on public hazardous status. Our members of EISTs all attended the training hosted by Chemical Administration, Ministry of Environment (CHA), and all new recruits have completed basic and operational responders trainings within 4 months; For emergency response tasks, dispatching three EISTs to incident scenes to assist in the responses in 21 events (7 events for the Taichung team, 7 events for the Yunlin team, 6 events for the Mailiao team, and 1 event for cross-region support). In addition, EISTs completed 75 simulation and emergency tests (25 for the Taichung team, 25 for the Yunlin team, and 25 for the Mailiao team), total 96 events; Accomplishing the core information for toxic chemical incident response in the central region; assigned 3,663 man-day to support the tasks of CHA. In order to strengthen domestic environmental disaster response skill and exchange international experience, our project assigned members to participate 2022 NFPA Conference & Expo® in Boston, USA, 2022 Hotzone Conference in Houston, USA, Oklahoma State University on-site visit in USA, 2023, 2023 International Association of Fire Chiefs in Baltimore, USA, Cedre training in Brest, France, 2023 and 14th European Congress of Chemical Engineering, 2023; Supported CHA in operating the petrol chemical training facility and establishing the training facility and dispatching center for toxic chemical disasters in the National Fire Agency Training Center of the Ministry of the Interior.
英文關鍵字 Management of toxic chemical substances, Environmental Incidents Specialist Team, Central Region of Taiwan