

中文摘要 111年1月1日至12月31日間,設置及操作許可證申請案147件申請案,另110年尚未完成准駁之申請案共計有41件。其中,完成審查核發證書者80件申請案、駁回申請65件申請案、尚於書面審查退補中22件申請案,經審查通過於核准試車階段21件申請案。本計畫許可審查管理部分,以一次性將文件、現場所有缺失一併納入補正意見中,減少申請案件反覆審查、補正的次數,進而降低案件平均審查期程及業者補正日數,平均審查時間為5日。經統計,本年度核發之80張操作許可證中,總計有25張須依規定進行試車檢測作業,從核發同意試車至完成試車檢測並檢附檢測報告至局,平均需花費86日,約佔申請案件總申請日數88 %。截至111年12月31日止,本團隊共執行現場查核固定污染源操作許可證86張,初次查核需輔導改善之許可張數為41張許可證,經過本團隊輔導後,尚處於改善中之許可張數僅2張,輔導改善率為95.1 %,本團隊將持續追蹤公私場所改善情形。 本團隊針對轄內固定污染源排放量申報資料進行確認及排放管道排放量估算依據、計算過程等進行查核,111年度應申報家數為103家,扣除礦場及工業區外砂石場25家另由其他計畫執行外,配合環保署系統整併,截至111年12月31日,本團隊配合環保署系統整併,今年度排放量係與空污費共同執行現場查核78家,其中主要缺失多為工廠異動操作許可證後,許可證號、原(燃)物料、產品量申報項目類別與最新有效操作許可證登載不符及排放量原(燃)物料、產品申報量與空污費申報量不一致等缺失,相關補正說明申報系統自動寄發電子郵件通知業者於補正期限內須進行補正,目前補正狀況多為業者未依補正說明完成修正及未於法規規定60日內完成補正。 依近年申報排放量內容,台泥蘇澳廠108年進行空氣污染防制設備改造工程,將原本四室EP改為一室EP外加脈動脈袋式集塵器之複合式防制設備後粒狀物排放係數有明顯下降。信大水泥為改善NOx排放,於108年預熱機改造裝設多段式燃燒裝置,前半年因現場操作人員對新設備尚未熟識,易因燒成不佳造成粒狀污染物排放量略有增加,109年後已有下降趨勢,近年幸福水泥粒狀污染物排放量逐漸增加,經了解其因靜電集塵器老舊造成粒狀物處理效能不佳,業者已完成新設袋式集塵器結構安裝,惟若欲併入製程使用須停工多日待系統冷卻以利修改廢氣流向,業者擬於年底大修時一併修改,本團隊後續持續追蹤。另,潤泰宜蘭冬山廠硫氧化物排放量明顯高於其它三間水泥廠,推測主因為該廠預拌乾混水泥砂漿產能增加旋風式乾燥器燃料重油用量上升及該廠石灰石含硫份較其他三廠高出甚多,導致硫氧化物排放量較他廠明顯偏高。 110年度本縣轄內溫室氣體排放量較104年減少約11%,惟較前一年度增加276,760公噸CO2e。而本縣轄內溫室氣體排放量以直接排放為主佔92.98%,能源間接排放佔7.02%,因本縣溫室氣體排放量前5大廠家所佔總排放量比例為92.77%,皆以直接排放為主要排放量,而以能源間接排放為主要排放量之廠家僅佔總排放量3.58%。 111年度截至12月31日共新增列管10家公私場所,近兩年因國內COVID-19疫情爆發,許多產業因疫情影響產能下修,申報核算金額亦有明顯下降,另近年金元福包裝企業股份有限公司宜蘭冬山廠針對VOCs排放量、空污費核算有異議,經環保署函釋後,依環署空字第1110000003號函釋重新核算該廠106至110年空污費,溢繳金額6,227,417元,本團隊即輔導業者完成空污費退費相關作業。 本(111)年度轄內應定檢管道根次為190根次,全數皆配合環保署電子化政策以網路傳輸方式通知檢測及申報定期檢測結果,實際完成定期檢測為190根次。公私場所自行取消檢測作業共計47根次。自行取消主要原因為天候因素影響(40%)、製程設備故障(53%)及產能不足(4%),監督取消原因為檢測機構設備未符合方法規定(2%),其中製程設備故障項目均為水泥廠停窯而取消檢測。本計畫協助現場監督檢測共計180根次,現場監督檢測不符合規範共3根次,主要原因為檢測機構未符合方法規定。至111年12月31日止,申報定期檢測報告完成審查為共計195件、經審查應補正共54件,要求補正原因則為系統報告書污染物分析結果申報及系統報告書污染設備資料申報有誤。 截至111年12月31日止,共完成60根次RATA監督檢測、5根次CGA標準氣體監督測試、95根次不透光率測試查核、22根次NO2/NO轉換器傳換效率測試、37根次標準氣體測試監督及26根次祛水效率測試,各項監督查核結果皆符合規定。此外,針對本縣CEMS連線之各公私場所進行個別CEMS管理辦法相關法規內容輔導,並協助各公私場所至現場進行討論與協調,以及各項監測設施報告書新版撰寫格式及協助報告書預審,本計畫團隊即多次協助書面文件預審及進廠輔導,各廠陸續於7月、8月及11月底完成確認並取得監測設施確認報告書核可公文,目前皆已正常監測中。 另由於近二年CEMS法令修改,單一訊號模組(ADAM-6017)僅8個點位可供使用,已不足以因應使用,故今年度本團隊著手進行平行比對收集電腦程式改寫擴增,已完成可使用單一電腦並聯多台訊號模組,大幅增加可收集結點數量。在本團隊所協助設置6套長期平行比對設備廠內,因無需進廠即可完成訊號平行收集、比對工作,故本團隊查核工作不受本次COVID-19疫情三級警戒影響,不因疫情無法進廠而放鬆轄內應監測對象監督查核工作。此外,配合CEMS管理辦法內容大幅修正,已於109年汰換連續自動監測設施伺服器,以容納公私場所10秒及1分鐘即時數據及新舊傳輸模組併行過渡期間傳輸所增負荷。本團隊定期維護環保局於108至109年安裝於公私場所訊號平行擷取比對設備,依固定污染源空氣污染物連續自動監測設施管理辦法規定,每季以經TAF實驗室驗證合格之標準訊號產生器進行收集訊號驗證及校正,確保平行比對系統收集訊號可信度。 統計至111年12月31日止,本計畫進行「固定逸散性污染源管理辦法法規符合度查核」計有73家次,其中缺失記8點共有3家,缺失記4點共有9家次,共12家次有缺失,缺失項目分別為物料堆置6件,車行路徑5件,車輛清洗3件,製程、操作裝卸1件, 12家次公私場所缺失情形皆改善完成。另完成125家公私場所清查,各污染物總排放量經系統以SCC. Code計算後分別為:粒狀污染物3900.448公噸、硫氧化物663.675公噸、氮氧化物4261.517公噸及揮發性有機物444.632公噸。 針對縣內公害陳情案截至111年12月31日止,陳情異味與空污共1841件,其中工廠案件共有293件,工廠露天燃燒共10件,冒煙或排煙異常39件,揚塵32件,異味污染209件,車輛怠速運轉3件,陳情案件主要為異味污染及排煙異常分別占71.33%及13.31%。110年度工廠陳情案共411件,而111年度陳情案共293件,整體上與前一年度相比陳情件數呈減少的趨勢,故本計畫追蹤並輔導具有一定改善成效。 本(111)年度計畫共協助執行4根次排放管道重金屬稽查檢測、3根次排放管道PSN稽查檢測、5點次異味官能稽查檢測、2根次監測設施RATA及4根次監測設施CGA稽查作業,除異味稽查1點次未符合標準,其餘稽查檢測結果皆得符合相關法規規範。另至111年12月31日,本縣轄內共有14家次公私場所違規處分案件與本計畫相關,所有案件於稽查當時要求立即改善或於期限內改善完成,整體改善率為100%。 本年度許可制度查核共抽查3廠4張操作許可證,本計畫於5月6日將所需書面審查資料上傳至指定FTP網站,並配合環保署委辦公司執行現場查核。在審查人員管理部分,本計畫符合績效考核專長人員為80 %,全縣許可審查人員符合績效考核計分專長共83 %,得符合績效考核滿分要求,本計畫已協助整合人員調查結果回報環保署委辦單位。空污費申繳績效考核部分,本縣抽審6家公私場所110年第4季空污費外稽結果皆無缺失。本計畫空污費審查人員符合績效考核要求專長人員為100 %,全縣空污費審查人員符合績效考核計分證照亦為100 %,得符合績效考核滿分要求。另針對許可及空污費審查人員教育訓練工作,本團隊於111年1月27日假環保局第2會議室進行,由本計畫兩位資深工程師分別擔任許可及空污費審查教育訓練講師,參與人員包含承辦人、SIP計畫及逸散露燃計畫執行人員共計20人。 空污突發事故緊急應變管理工作內容為提報演練腳本1式及辦理1次事故通報與緊急應變演練,本年度應變演練係配合本縣民安8號演習,演練腳本已函送環保署,另配合本縣民安8號演習完成演練。本計畫透過許可審查、空污費現場查核等工作,共輔導轄內5家公私場所提送揮發性有機物減量計畫及排放減量推估,預計每年可減少揮發性有機物排放量約 102公噸。本團隊另完成16家列管公私場所及「三星烤漆塗裝有限公司」、「詠創精密股份有限公司」等2家未列管公私場所之原物料清查作業,並將清查結果擴充、更新於固定污染源管制系統內。 清查各廠110年度原物燃料使用量及產品結果統計,本縣四家水泥廠使用替代原物料以燃煤飛灰為最大量,煉鋼電弧爐還原碴及氟化鈣污泥依序次之;替代燃料則以木屑為最大量。各廠鉛、鎘與石灰石使用量皆有顯著相關。台泥蘇澳廠與矽砂及鐵渣具顯著相關,潤泰則僅與鐵渣具顯著相關,幸福則無顯著相關性。另分析替代燃料與歷年鉛、鎘、汞檢測結果並未有顯著相關性。 本計畫另協助其他計畫執行「鼓勵固定污染源於空品不良期間降載或減排」、管考處考核項目「技師簽證查核」3件及環管處/氣候變遷辦公室考核項目「推動事業溫室氣體盤查登錄作業」2家等作業。
中文關鍵字 固定污染源、許可管制、空污費、連續自動監測設施


專案計畫編號 110-11-05i 經費年度 111 計畫經費 13775 千元
專案開始日期 2022/01/19 專案結束日期 2022/12/31 專案主持人 吳秀東
主辦單位 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 林旺明 執行單位 澤豐工程科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 111年期末定稿_公開.pdf 39MB

Stationary Pollution Source Permit Management and Continuous Emission Monitoring System Function Check and Maintenance Project, Yilan County, 2022

英文摘要 Between January 1 and December 31, 2022, there were 147 applications for establishment and operation permits, and a total of 41 applications that had not been completed in 2021. Among them, 80 applications for those who have completed the examination and issuance of certificates, 65 applications for rejections, 22 applications that have still been reviewed and returned in writing, and 21 applications have been approved in the trial stage after examination. The review management part of this project is to include all documents and on-site losses in the correction opinions at one time, reduce the number of repeated review and corrections of application cases, and thus reduce the average review process of cases and the number of correction days for practitioners, with an average review time of 5 days. According to statistics. As of December 31, 2022, our team has implemented a total of 86 on-site verification of stationary pollution source operation licenses, and the number of permits that need to be checked for tutoring and improvement for the first time is 41. After the guidance of this team, there are only 2 licenses that are still improving, and the coaching improvement rate is 95.1%. This team improvement of public and private places will continue to be tracked. Our team confirms the emission declaration data of stationary pollution sources within the jurisdiction and checks the emission estimation of emission pipelines, calculation process, etc. This year's emissions are 78 on-site inspections with air pollution fees. The relevant corrections indicate that the declaration system will automatically sends an email to inform the industry. In 2021, the greenhouse gases emission in the county decreased by about 11% compared with 2015, but increased by 276,760 metric tons of CO2e compared with the previous year. The total emissions of greenhouse gases in the county are mainly 92.98%, and indirect energy emissions account for 7.02%. Because the total emissions of the top five manufacturers in the county's greenhouse gas emissions account for 92.77%, all of which are the main emissions, and indirect energy emissions are the main emissions. Manufacturers account for only 3.58% of the total emissions. As of December 31, 2022, a total of 10 public and private places have been added to manage. In the past two years, due to the outbreak of COVID-19, many industries have reduced their production capacity due to the impact of the epidemic, and the declared accounting amount has also decreased significantly. In addition, in recent years, Yilan Dongshan Factory of King Yuan Fu Packaging Co., Ltd. has an objection to the accounting of VOCs emissions and air pollution fees. After the letter of the EPA, the factory's 2017 to 2021 have been re-accounted with an overpayment amount of 6,227,417 NT. dollars. The number of pipelines that should be inspected in this year (2022) year is 190. All of them cooperate with the electronic policy of the EPA to notify the inspection and declare regular test results through network transmission. The actual completion of regular testing is 190. This project supervision a total of 180 on-site testing, and 3 on-site testing do not conform to the methods. As of December 31, 2022, a total of 195 periodic inspection reports have been completed, and a total of 54 should be corrected after review. As of December 31, 2022, a total of 60 RATA supervision tests, 5 CGA standard gas supervision tests, 95 Opacity tests, 22 NO2/NO converter conversion efficiency tests, 37 standard gas test supervision and 26 water removal efficiency tests have been completed. The results of various supervision and verification comply with the regulations. In addition, for the content of individual CEMS management methods in all public and private places connected by CEMS in this county, and assist in public and private places to discuss and coordinate on the spot, as well as the writing format of the new version of the report of various monitoring facilities and assist in the pre-examination of the report, this team has assisted in the preparation of written documents many times. For review and factory guidance, each factory completed the confirmation in July, August and the end of November and obtained the confirmation report of the monitoring facility to approve the official documents. At present, they are under normal monitoring. In addition, due to the revision of the CEMS decree in the past two years, only 8 points of the single signal module (ADAM-6017) are available, which is no longer enough for use. Therefore, this year, our team began to carry out parallel comparison to collect computer code rewrite and expand, and has completed that multiple signal modules can be used in parallel with a single computer. Our team regularly maintains the parallel signal interception and comparison equipment installed by the EPB in public and private places. According to the provisions of the management measures for the continuous emission monitoring system of air pollutants from stationary pollution sources, the collection signal verification and correction are carried out quarterly with standard signal generators that have passed the certification of the TAF laboratory to ensure level of comparison system collects signal credibility. Statistics as of December 31, 2022, 125 public and private places has been completed, and the total emission of pollutants is calculated by SCC Code through the system. After the calculation, the pollutant is: 3900.448 metric tons of particle matters, 663.675 metric tons of sulfur oxides, 4261.517 metric tons of nitrogen oxides and 444.632 metric tons of volatile organic matters. As of December 31, 2022, there were a total of 1,841 cases of odor and air pollution in the county, including 293 factory cases, 10 cases of open burning in the factory, 39 cases of abnormal smoke or smoke, 32 cases of dust, 209 cases of odor pollution, 3 cases of idle vehicles, and petition cases. The main odor pollution and smoke exhaust abnormalities account for 71.33% and 13.31% respectively. In 2021, there were 411 factory cases, compared with 293 cases in 2022. Overall, compared with the previous year, the number of petition cases showed a downward trend. Therefore, this project's tracking and coaching has a certain improvement effect. This (2022) annual project assists in the implementation of 4 emission pipeline heavy metal inspection, 3 emission pipeline PSN inspection, 5 odor functional inspection and testing, 2 monitoring facility RATA and 4 monitoring facility CGA inspection operations. The odor removal inspection does not meet the standards at 1 point, and the rest The inspection and testing results must comply with relevant laws and regulations. In addition, as of December 31, 2022, there were 14 cases of illegal punishment in public and private places under the jurisdiction of the county related to this project. All cases were required to be improved immediately or completed within the time limit at the time of inspection, and the overall improvement rate was 100%. This year's licensing system checks a total of 4 operating licenses from 3 factories. This project uploads the required written review data to the designated FTP website on May 6 and cooperates with the company commissioned by the EPA to carry out on-site verification. In the management part of the reviewers, 80% of the personnel who meet the performance appraisal expertise in this project meet the performance appraisal. The county's licensed reviewers meet the performance appraisal scoring expertise of 83%, and must meet the full score requirements of the performance appraisal. This project has assisted the integration of the personnel survey results to be reported to the EPA. In the performance assessment part of the application and payment of air pollution fees, there is no lack of results in the external audit of 6 public and private places in this county in the fourth quarter of 2021. The air pollution fee reviewers of this project meet the performance appraisal requirements of 100%, and the county air pollution fee reviewers meet the performance appraisal score certificate of 100%, which must meet the full score requirements of performance appraisal. In addition, for the education and training of license and air pollution reviewers, our team was carried out in Conference Room 2 of the EPB on January 27, 2022. Two senior engineers of this project served as education and training lecturers for licensing and air pollution review respectively. The participants included the contractor, the SIP project and the escape and combustion project. There are a total of 20 people. The content of emergency response management of air pollution emergencies is to report the drill script in type 1 and handle 1 accident notification and emergency response drill. This year's response drill is in cooperation with the No. 8 exercise of Min'an in this county. The drill script has been sent to the EPA, and it also cooperates with the No. 8 exercise of Min'an in the county to complete the drill. Through licensing review, on-site inspection of air pollution fees and other work, this project guides a total of five public and private places under its jurisdiction to deliver volatile organic matter reduction plans and emission reduction estimates. It is expected that volatile organic matter emissions can be reduced by about 102 metric tons per year. Our team also completed the original material inventory operations of 16 public and private places, and expanded and updated the inventory results into the stationary pollution source control system. Inspect the statistics of the original fuel usage and product results of each factory in 2021. Four cement factories in this county use the largest amount of alternative raw materials, with coal fly ash, slug of steelmaking electric arc furnace and calcium fluoride sludge; the replacement fuel is the largest number of wood chips. There is a significant correlation between the use of lead, cadmium and limestone in various factories. Taiwan Cement Co. , Ltd Suao Factory is significantly related to silica sand and iron slag, Ruentex Materials Co. , Ltd is only significantly related to iron slag, and Happy Cement Co. , Ltd is not significantly related. In addition, it is analyzed that there is no significant correlation between alternative fuels and the test results of lead, cadmium and mercury over the years. This project also assists other projects in the implementation of "encouraging stationary pollution to reduce loads or reduce emissions during the period of poor air products", the "technician visa verification", and the " Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Registration Operation".
英文關鍵字 Stationary Pollution Source, Permit Management, Air Pollution Control Fees, Continuous Emission Monitoring System