

中文摘要 計畫執行期程自 111 年 1 月 1 日 起至 111 年 11 月 10 日 止, 整體工作完成度達 100%,完成工作為推動溫室氣體減 量 管 理 策略年度成果報告及本縣溫室氣體管制執行方案。計畫期間, 團隊 彙 整上、下 年 度低 碳 永續 家 園計 畫成 果 並登 載 於「 低碳 永 續家 園 資訊 網」; 完 成辦 理 1 場 次技術諮詢與評等審查會議及 2 場 次 跨局處諮詢會議;完成辦理 3 場次教育培訓活動,共計 77 個村里社區及 186 位人員參與; 並 且完成辦理 1 場次宣導 觀摩會 當日總計 68 位, 26 個村里社區參加 ;另完成 購置 400 份宣導品,於相關活動或會議進行發放。在認證評等方面,62 處村里參與評等制度並取得 12 點村里認證點數 (輔 導 4 個 村 里取得銅級認證,4 個村里銀級 ),在社區低碳輔導方面,協同 1位專家學者完成 10 個 社區低碳輔導,協 助 4 處村里社區執 行「建築綠化降溫」工作,建置可食綠牆 1 處 及 3 處綠屋頂; 並推 動 10 個 村 里社區「綠能節電」行動項目建置;完成輔導 本 縣 4 處村 里 社區 推動 執 行「 因地 制 宜– 設置雨撲滿」建置; 完 成 15 處已獲得評等之村(里)成果維護現地查核 作業 並將 資料上傳環保署;依 環保 署 規定 之 時間 內協 同 1 位專家學者完 成 11 家列管對象執行溫室氣體排放量 盤查登錄現場查核 作業 。
中文關鍵字 低碳永續家園


專案計畫編號 1100069865 經費年度 111 計畫經費 4111.2 千元
專案開始日期 2022/01/01 專案結束日期 2022/11/30 專案主持人 林筱叡
主辦單位 彰化縣環境保護局 承辦人 郭美華 執行單位 鋒樺環境科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告(公開版).pdf 15MB 111年彰化縣推動低碳永續家園執行計畫期末報告定稿

2022 Changhua County low carbon sustainable community Construction Promotion Project

英文摘要 The action items of the project include to complete the annual reports of the greenhouse gas control implementation project and to facilitate the low carbon community project. The project timeframe was from Jan 1st 2022 to November 10th 2022, and the execution of the project 100% meets the goals. During the timeframe of the project, after organizing data of the whole year, the team published the Low Carbon Sustainable project results on the Low-Carbon Sustainable Information System website. The team completed the following actions, setting up one resource cycle operation and information consultation conference, two integration conferences with related bureaus, and three sessions of training activities with total 186 citizens across 77 communities, and also holding a advocating and observation meeting with a total of 68 citizens and 26 village representatives to participate. Each conference and activity was well documented on the Low-Carbon Sustainable Information System. Also, the team purchased 400 pieces of advocating material for the participants of the activities and conferences. Regarding village and community certification and evaluation, there are 62 communities participating in the project, receiving 12 scoring points in certification (Bronze certification gained by 4 villages and Silver certification by the other 4 villages). In relation to Low-Carbon community consulting, the team invited a professional to complete the consultation of 10 villages by providing feasible measures and advice and to assist a total 4 communities carrying out green roof projects. We tracked the use and maintenance of 10 LED lighting fixtures installed in communities in 2022, most of them still in good shape. The team built a system of rainwater harvesting for fourcommunitie, constructed a building, the Green wall, ang three areas with Green roof to cool down, and concluded fifteen on-site examinations and uploaded the data to Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan. Based on the related Environmental Protection Laws, the team also has a professional to manage on-site inspections for eleven companies within a regulated timeframe.
英文關鍵字 low carbon sustainable communitu