

中文摘要 行政院環境保護署水質保護處為維護河川水質,推動多項水污染防治工作,105年起建置「水質保護網」作為水污染防治成果資訊整合公開,至今年持續優化網站及彙整水質保護處各項主要業務內容及政策亮點,提供民眾及跨單位整合資訊。本計畫除持續彙整資料並整合呈現,也逐步擴增與優化網站內容,亦維護與擴充業務系統功能。 首先針對前瞻建設計畫成果,已進行整合並公開於水質保護網,包含新增水庫集水區工程資料,並透過2場次教育訓練說明系統操作與公開;針對水質保護網,更新7次首頁輪播區,並每月盤整各科業務成效。另除新增濁水溪整治故事頁面,及更新7條河川RPI資料,也擴充或精簡其他主題頁面,而11處現地處理工程案件已更新於公開平台;此外強化水環境守護網維運管理,也將民間水質監測平台「水質監測」整併至守護網,並將1支水環境巡守隊歷程以專欄形式公開於網站,並辦理兩場教育訓練做系統與公開資訊說明;已每月確認機關的水質保護網更新需求,提升網站與粉絲專頁內容檢核作業,且強化搜尋引擎功能提升網站搜尋排名。透過GA4檢核網站經營績效,建議未來做使用者分流、擴展議題及強化社群網站連結,針對「美麗臺灣愛水就是我」社群粉專建議串聯網站宣傳並增加新聞內容,並多發佈漫畫類貼文,也提送貼文至環保署官方粉專並刊出9則;另外,於粉專辦理3場次線上有獎活動提升粉絲互動;於10月24日辦理一場公開講座議題活動,邀請4位專家講師分享,共49位民眾參加。最後擬定機關成果影音建檔程序與建立管理平台,並錄製教學影片,及提出簡報模板導入方案,皆配合系統操作教育訓練分別進行說明,強化主管機關對內管理效率。
中文關鍵字 水質保護、成果展現、前瞻基礎建設資訊


專案計畫編號 EPA034111020 經費年度 111 計畫經費 5926.426 千元
專案開始日期 2022/05/26 專案結束日期 2022/11/30 專案主持人 吳佩珊
主辦單位 水保處 承辦人 李思源 執行單位 環輿科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 (完整版)111年度水環境改善資訊公開暨環境教育推廣平台計畫 _成果報告.pdf 20MB 成果報告

The Project of Government Information Openness and Promotion of Environmental Education Platform - Year 2022

英文摘要 The Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) protects river water quality and carries out water pollution control in Taiwan, thus Water Quality Protection Web was installed by the Department of Water Quality Protection of EPA in 2016 to act as the window for related results’ information integration and publication. This project continues on improving and integrated highlighted information for other departments. Features and contents were also enhanced in terms of website and management webs. In line with promoting the forward-looking infrastructure plan, data of major operation and policy highlights were collected and presented on the web. Latest information and data were also published on the website, including stories of Zhuoshui River, RPI of other rivers and other theme pages, where information of 11 On-site treatment plans were published on the Web. Besides, water quality data were integrated into Patrol-team Management Web, and the story of a model team was presented on the web. This project also uses GA4 to examine effectiveness of the web. It is suggested to differentiate target audience, expand themes and increase promotion via social media. On the other hand, Facebook page was used to enhance public concept and involvement on water quality protection, where news should more be published and comic-style contents were encouraged. Plus, three activities were held to bond with FB audience. A public lecture was held on 24th October where 4 experts shared experience and 49 people attended. Finally, a media collection platform for departmental results was developed and a plan for utilizing PPT template was made to ensure the convenience of related units.
英文關鍵字 water quality protection, achievement demonstration, forward-looking infrastructure plan