

中文摘要 計畫執行期間,屏東縣應符合室內空氣品質管理法之第一及第二批公告場所分別有12及42家,目前除新增列管之屏東榮民總醫院尚未完成第一次定期檢測外,其餘公告場所均已依規定完成專責人員設置、維護管理文件訂定及定期檢測與申報作業。而在專責人員在職訓練部分,尚有15家場所未完成(仍有1~2年期限)。此外,工作團隊亦持續彙整本縣公告場所專責人員室內空氣品質業務職掌狀況,配合綜企科推薦人員參與環保署模範專責人員遴選作業,並由六堆客家文化園區榮獲全國唯一室內空品領域模範專責人員殊榮。 在公私場所現場訪查與巡查檢測作業方面,本年度共完成221家場所訪查作業(含第一批公告場所12家、第二批公告場所42家、非公告場所167家)及完成1,659點次之巡查檢測,場所初訪率達24%為近四年最高,本年度CO2、HCHO、PM2.5及PM10巡檢高值發生率分別為6.3%、28.5%、3.1%及5.3%,與110年相比,HCHO、PM2.5及PM10巡檢高值發生率分別下降6.1%、16.1%及5.3%,CO2巡檢高值發生率則上升1.7%。本年度因初訪場所數量較多(以小學及小型健身房為主),多數中小型場所室內無外氣引入且人員未具備室內空氣品質自主管理觀念,導致CO2巡檢高值發生率上升;HCHO部分巡檢高值與場所進行必要的酒精消毒間接干擾電化學式甲醛直讀儀而出現較高測值有關,另外,部分場所現場有裝修行為或瓦斯燃燒備餐行為亦會測得甲醛巡檢高值;PM2.5及PM10巡檢高值主要是配合防疫政策,多數場所採自然通風模式,使得室內空氣品質易受到室外污染物影響(包含室外空品不良、移動污染源或周邊工程等影響)。 在推動維護管理制度方面,共輔導31家場所訂定維護管理計畫文件,提供非公告場所參考納入日常工務檢點程序,超前部署進行室內空氣品質自主管理工作;另外,追蹤40家歷年已設置維護管理文件之場所,協助其中25家與現況不符者修正文件相關內容,以確保場所能夠正確處理各式室內空氣品質問題。 在標準值檢測方面,本年度共計完成18家次重點場所標準值檢測作業,均符合標準。此外,根據近5年標準值檢測統計結果顯示,轄內各類型公告場所檢測不合格項目以商場之二氧化碳及細菌、醫療機構之二氧化碳為主,超標場所經工作團隊輔導進行改善後,近兩年已無超標情形發生。 在室內空氣品質宣導作業方面,工作團隊將各類型場所常見室內空氣品質污染來源及其改善方案,製作成電子宣導圖卡及海報用於本年度辦理之說明會中進行推廣宣導。透過問卷調查了解電子文宣能夠協助87.5%之場所快速瞭解IAQ改善方案,亦有助於91.7%之場所提供相關資訊予單位主管,以利討論室內空氣品質改善措施之採行。 在室內空氣品質自主管理標章推廣部分,本年度工作團隊透過跨局處會議,取得各局處支持編列經費來推動管轄辦公處所取得標章,並共同建立轄內私立機構標章輔導機制,協助場所完成IAQ標準值檢測工作,以持續推動本縣公私場所取得室內空氣品質自主管理標章,提高本縣標章普及率。 在校園室內空氣品質調查作業中,工作團隊調查轄內20家校園教室室內外環境污染來源,並執行6家校園室內空氣品質連續監測工作,以利瞭解「班班有冷氣」政策施行後教室IAQ現況,根據調查結果提出「校園室內空氣品質自主管理策略」(CO2改善方案、分離式冷氣維護方案),並製作自主管理指引海報,以便校方快速瞭解如何維護教室室內空氣品質。
中文關鍵字 室內空氣品質


專案計畫編號 經費年度 111 計畫經費 3480 千元
專案開始日期 2022/02/03 專案結束日期 2023/02/02 專案主持人 李俊彥
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 王雅鳳 執行單位 環益工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 111年度屏東縣室內空氣品質稽巡查管理計畫-期末報告.pdf 24MB

The 2022 “Indoor Air Quality Inspection and Management Project in Pingtung County”

英文摘要 There are 12 and 42 officially announced premises that shall meet Indoor Air Quality Act for the first and the second batch respectively in Pingtung County during the implementation period. Except for Pingtung Veterans General Hospital, a newly added officially announced premise, all of the preceding announced premises have installed dedicated personnel, determined an indoor air quality maintenance and management plan and performed regular analyses and results reporting. In terms of on-the-job training of dedicated personnel, there are 15 premises that haven’t completed the training and each case remains 1~2 years deadline. Furthermore, we proceeded with compiling how dedicated personnel in Pingtung County conduct indoor air quality maintenance and management and cooperated with Planning Section to recommend dedicated personnel to participate in “Environmental Dedicated Personnel and Technicians Selection”. The selection result for indoor air quality management specialty goes to Liugdui Hakka Cultural Park and it is the only one in the country. This project has inspected 221 public or private premises including 12 and 42 officially announced premises for the first and the second batch respectively and 167 non-announced premises and executed 1,659 times of inspection testing using the direct reading instruments. The first time inspecting rate is 24% that achieves the highest in the past four years. The incidences of instant high value for CO2, HCHO, PM2.5 and PM10 are 6.3%, 28.5%, 3.1% and 5.3% respectively while inspection testing for this year. Compared with incidences of 2021, the incidence of HCHO, PM2.5,and PM10 decreased by 6.1%, 16.1%, and 5.3% respectively and the incidence of CO2 increased by 1.7%. There were more first-inspected premises this year that consisted mostly of elementary schools and small gyms and most small and medium premises have no inlet of outdoor fresh air and personnel lack indoor air quality management cogitation that caused an incidence increase of CO2 instant high value. Some of instant high value of HCHO associated with indirect interference from the electrochemical formaldehyde direct reading instrument due to premises’ necessary cleaning and sanitizing with cleansing alcohol. However, some HCHO instant high values result from decoration or gas cooking. Furthermore, in line with government COVID-19 epidemic policy, most of premises adopt natural ventilation and cause the instant high values of PM2.5, PM10 whenever pollution sources like poor outdoor air quality, mobile sources, nearby construction sites, etc., exist. As regards the promotion of indoor air quality maintenance and management system, we have comprehensively guided 31 premises to determine their indoor air quality maintenance and management plans and help non-officially announced premises add plan contents into their daily engineering check procedure for processing indoor air quality maintenance and management works in advance. In addition, the project team has tracked 40 premises that maintenance and management plans already established to confirm document contents, 25 of which did not match current situation and the project team helps them revise their maintenance and management plans to ensure that those premises deal with various IAQ problems properly. With respect to the inspection analyses of indoor air quality standards, 18 key premises were chosen to complete the analyses, and all premises complied with Indoor Air Quality Standard this year. In addition, on the basis of the statistical analyses of the inspection analyses of indoor air quality standards over the past five years, the main test items that failed to comply with Indoor Air Quality Standard are carbon dioxide and bacteria for shopping malls, and carbon dioxide for medical institutions. However, there have been no premises that exceeded indoor air quality standards over the past two years after the project team comprehensively guided them to improve indoor air quality. As regards the indoor air quality advocacy, we summarized all common IAQ pollution sources and its improvement strategies for different types of premises in graphic account with propaganda E-cards and E-posters, and promoted them in regulation propaganda held this year. E-cards and E-posters can help 87.5% of premises understand how to improve indoor air quality, and help 91.7% of premises provide information concerned to their supervisors to discuss which IAQ improvement measures should be adopted. This was according to the survey, held by the project team after the propaganda. As regards the promotion of the self-management mark of indoor air quality (i.e., IAQ self-management mark), this year the project team got support from other competent authorities to budget for application of the mark for offices concerned and we worked to build up the guiding mechanisms of the mark obtainment for private premises to help premises perform IAQ Standard analyses through inter-bureau negotiation meeting so we can keep promoting the mark obtainment of public and private premises and elevate the county’s mark popularization. As regards the indoor air quality investigation for campuses (junior high school level or below), the project team investigated indoor and outdoor air pollution sources of 20 campuses and executed continuous monitoring of indoor air quality of 6 campuses in order to realize their indoor air quality after implementing “installation of air conditioning units in every primary and secondary school classroom across the island” policy planned by the Executive Yuan. Based on investigation results, the project team proposed “indoor air quality self-management strategy for campuses” including strategy for CO2 improvement and split-type air conditioner maintenance and made the self-management guiding E-posters so that the school can easily realize how to maintain indoor air quality of classrooms.
英文關鍵字 indoor air quality