

中文摘要 化學物質管理、化學物質災害事,隨著人類科技不斷發展,各項生產所使用之化學物質數量及使用量亦迅速增加。這些化學物質的使用誠然增加生活許多便利,然而若化學物質於使用、貯存或運送時,因設備操作不當或人為疏失等因素導致其洩漏、火災或爆炸等意外事故,則可能對人體健康或環境生態造成極其嚴重的影響。現行列管 341個毒化物及3個關注化學物質;而目前轄區內有78家毒性及關注化學物質運作廠商,一旦災害發生,不僅對民眾生命造成危害,也會造成廠商所運作的毒性及關注化學物質因災後所受環境污染之疑慮。因此須加強「毒性及關注化學物質運作廠商管理」、「運作廠商及聯防組織災害應變能力」為南投縣政府環境保護局的重要之任務。 且在食品安全部分,將推動「食安五環」之政策,成立毒物管理機構,強化源頭預防管控食安風險,阻絕環境污染物進入食物供應鏈,並進行整合跨部會化學物質的流向分析,從源頭管理有害物質並透過辦理教育宣導活動;而為防止毒物及化工原料非法濫用於食品,降低食安風險,應透過輔導訪查化工原料業者及販賣者機制,強化毒物及化學物質源頭控管。 為促使各項推動政策及訊息有效傳達且有效管理,南投縣政府環境保護局(以下簡稱環保局)特辦理「111年度南投縣毒性及關注化學物質源頭查核管理計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫)之各項工作內容及目標,進行毒物與化學物質源頭查核作業之推動及管理工作。 本計畫之目標主要為輔導廠商培養自我預防及危難自救能力,加強防災之整備,減少災害發生;另配合政府推動「食安五環」第一環-源頭管控,專職毒物及關注化學物質源頭管理與勾稽檢查,落實具食安風險化學物質管理,避免不法業者將不當化學物質添加至食品中造成食安問題。 為強化本縣毒性及關注化學物質運作場所之管理及降低運作風險,期能透過督導、輔導、實地演練及 化學品宣導等方式提升達到目的
中文關鍵字 化學物質管理


專案計畫編號 111-034 經費年度 111 計畫經費 1380 千元
專案開始日期 2022/01/18 專案結束日期 2022/12/31 專案主持人 張凱評
主辦單位 南投縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 張軒瑋 執行單位 亞太環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 111年度南投縣毒性及關注化學物質管理年度執行成果報告.pdf 14MB

111 Nantou County Toxicity and Concern Chemical Substance Source Management Plan

英文摘要 Chemical substance management and chemical substance disasters. With the continuous development of human science and technology, the number and usage of chemical substances used in various productions have also increased rapidly. The use of these chemical substances indeed adds many conveniences to life. However, if chemical substances are used, stored or transported, accidents such as leakage, fire or explosion may occur due to improper equipment operation or human negligence. The ecological impact has been extremely serious. Currently, there are 341 toxic substances and 3 chemicals of concern listed; and there are currently 78 manufacturers operating toxic and chemical substances of concern in the jurisdiction. Once a disaster occurs, it will not only harm people’s lives, but also cause toxicity and concern operated by the manufacturers. Concerns about environmental pollution caused by chemical substances after disasters. Therefore, it is an important task of the Environmental Protection Bureau of Nantou County Government to strengthen the "management of operators of toxic and chemical substances of concern" and the "disaster response capabilities of operators and joint prevention organizations". In terms of food safety, we will promote the "Five Rings for Food Safety" policy, establish a poison management agency, strengthen source prevention and control of food safety risks, prevent environmental pollutants from entering the food supply chain, and conduct integrated cross-department flow analysis of chemical substances. Hazardous substances are managed from the source and organized through education and publicity activities; in order to prevent the illegal abuse of poisons and chemical raw materials in food and reduce food safety risks, the mechanism for conducting counseling and interviews with chemical raw material operators and sellers should be strengthened to strengthen the toxic and chemical substances Source control. In order to promote the effective communication and effective management of various promotion policies and information, the Environmental Protection Bureau of Nantou County Government (hereinafter referred to as the Environmental Protection Bureau) has specially implemented the "111 Nantou County Toxic and Chemical Substances of Concern Source Assessment and Management Plan" (hereinafter referred to as this plan ), carry out the promotion and management of source investigation operations for toxic substances and chemical substances. The main goal of this project is to provide guidance to manufacturers to develop self-prevention and self-rescue capabilities in times of crisis, strengthen disaster prevention preparations, and reduce the occurrence of disasters. It also cooperates with the government to promote the first link of the "Five Rings of Food Safety" - source control, specializing in poisons and chemical substances of concern. Source management and inspections are conducted to implement the management of chemical substances with food safety risks to prevent unscrupulous operators from adding inappropriate chemical substances to food and causing food safety problems. In order to strengthen the management of sites operating toxic and chemical substances of concern and reduce operational risks in this county, we hope to achieve this goal through supervision, counseling, field exercises and chemical publicity.
英文關鍵字 Chemical substance management