

中文摘要 因應污染源製程日趨複雜及考量空、水、廢、毒化物等製程具有密切關聯性,環保署推動環保許可整合政策,規劃透過成立單一窗口、執行諮詢會審機制及繪製全廠污染流向圖,使許可審查一致化,並以整合一廠一證為最終目標。本計畫為協助環保署推動各項環保許可整合政策,並蒐集執行經驗和業者意見,反饋於環保署,提供未來許可整合制度之檢討與精進。 自去年度開始試辦,針對國營事業及大型企業優先實施,以減緩未來政策正式上路所帶來之衝擊影響。本計畫統合高雄市政府環境保護局、經濟部科技產業園區及南部科學園區之環保許可審核單位,成立高雄市環保許可整合單一窗口,掌握高雄市轄內環保許可案件,針對優先對象辦理許可申請時執行案件追蹤、稽催、建檔等工作;及維運高雄市環保許可整合資訊網,於網站內建立本市轄內會審諮詢對象許可會審進度,以利機關即時追蹤案件狀態。 本計畫於去年時參考環保署許可整合諮詢會審作業原則及高雄市審查現況,建立高雄市許可整合諮詢會審作業原則,修正會審流程及規範審查時程,於110年6月15日開始實施許可整合會審機制,並持續滾動檢討,共分為4大機制運行,(一)辦理會審諮詢會議(二)會審意見無競合,業者無須諮詢,省略開會(三)主審無意見,會審無競合,快速核證(四)免會審案件認定,統計至111年11月30日止,近二年已辦理378案環保許可會審、44場次實體會審諮詢會議及6家次前置諮詢輔導。於全廠污染流向整合上,今年度透過說明會已完成擴大輔導120家業者繪製污染流向圖,且送請機關備查,並完成確認89家精進輔導優先試辦對象污染流向圖皆符合最新環保許可,上述209家業者均已完成上傳EMS系統建檔;以及於計畫執行期間,配合宣導環保許可整合政策,辦理相關會議及媒體宣導,已完成5場次宣導說明會議,1場次內部教育訓練,3則臉書圖卡發布,2場說明會政策宣導,1則平面媒體刊登。 由於環保許可整合相關辦法尚在研議中,目前皆屬鼓勵試辦階段,本計畫針對環保許可整合三大面向及單一窗口未來執行方向提供建議:(一)法規面向上,建議環保署可定期與地方進行交流,瞭解執行執行困難與廠商意見,以利加強法規未來實務性;(二)針對環保許可會審,實場會議召開耗費時間及大量人力,建議回歸思量諮詢目的「以釐清業者問題」為主要,刪除此法治程序,不一定需透過法規規範此項諮詢作業,及評估此管道成效或鼓勵業者使用。(三)表單系統上,建議盡速完成表單和系統整合,避免重複性資料一再輸入,占用系統儲存空間,及耗費業者人力資源。(四)環保許可朝向四證整合管理已為趨勢,然目前局內擁有可審閱空、水、廢、毒文件資料者仍少,為強化整合管理,建議朝向成立專門單位-許可審查中心,整合各項審查資源,並培養空水廢毒管理綜合性人才。
中文關鍵字 高雄市環保許可整合、單一窗口、諮詢會審機制、前置諮詢輔導、污染流向圖


專案計畫編號 經費年度 111 計畫經費 3809.99 千元
專案開始日期 2022/01/14 專案結束日期 2022/11/30 專案主持人 宋國安
主辦單位 高雄市政府環境保護局 承辦人 王鈴雅 執行單位 環興科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 111年高雄市推動環保許可整合計畫(期末正式報告)(EPA版)V2.1.pdf 10MB 涉及國防機密、工商機密及個人資料等相關資訊,採遮蔽處理

Project of Year 2022 for promoting the integration of environmental protection permits of Kaohsiung City

英文摘要 In response to the increasing complexity of the pollution caused by manufacturing process and the close relationship between air, water, waste, and toxic chemicals, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) promotes the integration of environmental protection permit policies. It plans to establish a single contact unit, implement a consultative and joint review mechanism, and draw a plant-wide pollution flow chart to allow permits so that permit review is unified, and the ultimate goal is to integrate one plant with one permit. The purpose of this project is to assist the Environmental Protection Agency in promoting various environmental protection permit integration policies, collect implementation experience and industry opinions, feed back to the Environmental Protection Agency, and provide review and improvement of the future permit integration system. Since 2021, large companies have been selected for priority implementation in order to mitigate the impact of the official implementation of the policy in the future. This project establish the Kaohsiung City Environmental Protection Permit Integration contact unit, to grasp the environmental protection permit cases within the Kaohsiung City, and to carry out case tracking, auditing, filing and other tasks when applying permit from priority objects; In addition, establish the Kaohsiung City Environmental Protection Permit Integration Information Website to promote the concept of environmental permit integration, the latest news and difficult questions and answers, and establish a communication bridge within the website to provide industry consulting services and solutions various permit application problems. This project refers to the EPA’s permit integration consulting joint review operation principles and the current review situation of Kaohsiung City, establishes the Kaohsiung’s permit integration consulting review operation principles, revises the joint review process and standardizes the review schedule, and starts to implement the permit integration review mechanism on June 15, 2021. According to statistics, we had finished 378 joint reviews of environmental protection permit s, 6 pre-consultation and 44 joint review consultation meetings have been handled by November 30, 2022. In the integration of the pollution flow of the whole plant, counseling industry draw the pollution flow chart through on-site and telephone consultation, we had finished 209 pollution flow charts and sent to the agency for reference. During the implementation of the plan, it cooperated with the publicity of environmental protection permit integration policy, handled relevant meetings and media publicity, and completed 5 promotion briefings, 1 training session and promotional activities. As the relevant measures for the integration of environmental protection permit are still under discussion and are currently in the stage of encouraging trial operation, the environmental protection authorities intend to implement them, but the factory operators' willingness to cooperate is poor. Therefore, it is suggested that the environmental protection department can improve the supporting mechanism and construction laws and regulations as soon as possible to enhance the operators' willingness to try out.
英文關鍵字 Environmental permit integration of Kaohsiung City, single contact unit, joint review and consultative mechanism, pollution flow chart, pre-consultation