

中文摘要 為接軌聯合國SDGs及我國全民綠生活之發展重點,開展111年度環境教育專案計畫,期望在各項活動中,落實《環境教育法》立法精神,向社會大眾推廣綠生活行動,促進大眾為地球的永續發展展開具體的行動,以下為本年度期末成果摘要: (一)配合環境節日及其他環境教育相關活動計畫 1.年度主軸:以「永續×環教×綠輕旅」為主軸,結合SDGs指標、本縣環境教育設施場所與場域,來設計主題課程,期待學員能透過課程,提升對於在地的環境知識、環境態度、環境行為意圖以及環境技能等環境素養面向,進而從事友善環境作為。 2.本年度辦理「世界水日」、「地球日」、「國際生物多樣性日」以及「世界環境日」等4個國際重要環境節日活動,共462人次參加,瞭解「生態與綠能」、「綠生活」」、「自然保育」、「海洋保育」等相關環境素養以及如何從事友善環境作為之方式,整體而言,環境素養方面,有60.11%的人非常同意活動提升自身的環境素養,有36.38%的人為同意;活動整體滿意度為:有77.62%的人表示非常滿意,22.38%的人表示滿意,質化意見大部分為正面意見回饋。顯示本年度「永續×環教×綠輕旅」的國際環境節日活動受到學員高度肯定。 (二)環境教育法第19條執行成效輔導查核及第24條「限期辦理」相關作業計畫 1.本年度已勾稽篩選出28個單位並完成全部的實地訪查,整體訪查建議:(1)受查單位應依活動實際辦理內容詳實填寫其環境教育內容概要,並說明辦理內容及環境教育意涵;(2)活動完成後1個月內完成提報時數;(3)提醒戶外學習課程需在環境教育設施場所辦理。 2.本年度有7個單位連續2年被抽查,已向單位提供操作手冊、連絡電話或實地輔導說明,亦提供其他單位的範本參考,期望連續被抽查的單位能夠改善。 3.本年度配合環境教育行動方案成果之提報,邀請1位環教審議會委員,於111年6月15日前完成縣府5局處實地查核。其中行政暨研考處為花蓮縣永續發展目標的統籌單位,其施政方向以及成果展現,可以作為環境教育活動規劃之參考依據,讓環境教育的內涵更具廣度與深度。 4.機關學校輔導說明會:已於111年9月14日採用線上課程方式辦理,共計86人參加。學員活動滿意度方面,有69.75%的人表示非常滿意,27.75%的人表示滿意,1.5%的人表示普通。藉由本次說明會使本縣各機關學校熟悉、瞭解及操作「環境教育終身學習網系統」,俾利完成年度環境教育各項申報作業。 (三)環境教育志工培訓及運用計畫、環境教育大使經營管理計畫 1.經營管理規劃:因應「環境教育數位中心」的成立,進行環教大使職能培訓,以提升教學效能。 2.環境教育志工專業培訓、特殊訓練以及增能培訓課程: (1)專業培訓:已完成7場次,前4場次以「強化教學效能」為目標,進行環教大使現有教案演示與交流,活動整體滿意度皆在98%以上,對於培訓課程是否學習到新知識,並啟發環境教育宣講思維,有86.19%的學員表示非常同意,13.81%的學員表示同意,亦透過培訓更新14套宣導教案簡報、培訓39位「節能減碳」教案種子教師;後3場次以「環境教育場域體驗」帶領環教大使到和平工業港、海洋驛站、亞泥生態園區、采菊園以及璞石閣生質能源中心,活動整體滿意度皆在99%以上,環境素養方面,有81.17%的人非常同意活動提升自身海洋環境教育、自然保育與環境及資源管理的環境素養,有17.7%的人為同意。 (2)特殊訓練:引入國際關注的氣候變遷議題、我國的淨零排放政策、循環經濟的理論與應用以及環境教育教學實務,並整合環境教育大使、環境教育輔導團、環境教育設施場所以及東華大學之師資。整體滿意度有79.67%的人表示非常滿意,20.33%的人表示滿意;整體環境素養方面,有77.56%的人表示非常同意活動提升本身的環境素養,21.15%表示同意,1.28%表示普通。 (3)增能培訓:促進環教大使學習縣外環教場域之特色與優點為目標,以臺南市的黑面琵鷺生態展示館、臺灣南區氣象中心、樹谷考古暨環境教育中心為場域,完成1場次增能培訓;培訓滿意度方面有91.15%的學員感到非常滿意,有8.85%的學員感到滿意;對於本身的環境素養提升,有99.26%的學員同意已具有「氣候變遷」、「生態自然保育」的相關環境素養。 3.環境教育志工運用:本年度配合學校、社區申請的課程,已規劃451人次環教大使到場宣導。透過環境教育大使的宣導,提升花蓮民眾對於「食農教育」、「海洋保育」、「空氣品質」、「河川水質」、「環境衛生」以及「節能減碳」的環境素養。 4.環境教育志工會議:本年度辦理完成2場次志工聯繫會報及3場次幹部會議,透過公開的討論,讓環境教育志工能夠了解志工隊的運作情形。本年度重要成果為:(1)選出第4任隊長;(2)針對退場機制進行討論與修訂;(3)修訂輪值方式。 5.環境教育志工教學展演考核與招募徵選:(1)本年度已完成1場次教學展演考核,共有3位大使通過考核;(2)本年度招募徵選,共招募5位新任環境教育大使。 (四)環境知識競賽 1.命題部分:已根據環保署公告之影片題內容進行分析,並羅列近年國內外重要環境議題,交由本縣環境教育輔導團作為地方賽命題之參考,並確保題目皆具有環境素養。 2.地方初賽:已於111年9月17日在本縣環境教育機構-國立東華大學辦理完成,選出20名選手代表花蓮縣參加全國賽,是首度串聯縣內環境教育輔導團與環境教育機構投入辦理地方初賽。 3.全國賽:花蓮縣派出共20名選手,最後由社會組李照翔老師為花蓮縣拿下社會組全國第3名的成績。 (五)全國環保志(義)工群英會地方行政支援計畫 1.地方初賽賽程:因應COVID-19疫情,本年度環保啦啦隊採用影片評審,環保金頭腦、環境保衛戰與資源分類王以實體競賽在111年8月13日於中華國小進行。 2.地方初賽結果:本年度共有9隊環保志工隊參與4項競賽,其結果為:環保啦啦隊由舞鶴翱翔隊拿下第1名;環保金頭腦競賽、資源分類王由環境教育大使服務隊勇奪兩項第1名;環境保衛戰以瑞美良環保志工隊取得第1名。 3.全國賽:花蓮縣代表隊獲得環保金頭腦、環境保衛戰等2項特優,資源分類王則拿下優等。 (六)辦理111年度花蓮縣環境教育繪本徵選及推廣計畫 1.徵選期程:自 111年2月25日至6月30日止,徵選簡章以透過111年2月21日準則會議討論修訂通過,並公告於花蓮縣環保局網站及花蓮環保迪士尼網站。徵選資格為:對2到7歲幼兒環境教育繪本有興趣之個人或團體,皆可報名參加,亦希望創作者結合聯合國永續發展目標(SDGs),運用花蓮在地環境特色進行創作,啟發孩童了解環境永續發展的重要性。 2.評選結果:111年7月19日召開評選會議,進行本年度9件投稿作品審查,從中選出第1名:《蟲蟲咬一口》;第2名:《塑膠袋的旅行》;第3名:《魚兒不見了》;優選:《蛻變的天空之樹》,並決議將《蟲蟲咬一口》改編為戲劇劇本。另於111年9月17日舉行頒獎典禮,邀請本年度獲獎作品之作者出席受獎。 3.環境教育繪本工作坊:111年3月12日、3月26日在中原國小辦理完成,有91.15%的學員感到非常滿意,有8.85%的學員感到滿意;從前測學習單的答題狀況來看,有41.74%的學員能夠回答正確答案,從後測學習單。有89.13%的學員能夠回答正確答案,顯示參與學員已提升自身學習成效;對於本身的環境素養提升,有99.34%的學員認為已具有「花蓮環境議題」的相關環境素養。 4.得獎作品推廣成果:由111年環境教育繪本徵選及推廣計畫中選出4件優秀作品,代表花蓮縣參加行政院環境保護署舉辦的環境教育繪本嘉年華。花蓮縣第1名環境教育繪本-《蟲蟲咬一口》,經過展場人員兩日努力宣傳,以及環境教育大使現場展演的效果加乘下,榮獲111年度人氣環境教育繪本投票佳作。未來可委由環境教育大使在花蓮縣各地展演,促進民眾覺知環境保護的重要性,引發參與解決環境問題的意願。 (七)辦理寒(暑)假期環境教育營隊計畫 1.為促進學生對於花蓮在地環境的了解,選定在本縣優質環境教育設施場所-怡園生態小學塾,辦理2梯次營隊。 2.本年度將SDGs與環境教育設施場所做一連結,透過怡園生態小學塾的環教體驗課程共有60人參加。整體而言,環境素養方面,有81.2% 的人非常同意本次活動提升自身的環境素養,有18.8%的人為同意;活動整體滿意度為:有80.41%的人表示非常滿意,19.59%的人表示滿意,質化意見皆為正面意見回饋。讓處在國民教育階段的民眾,能從在地的環境關懷,認知到環境永續對於自然生態、人類活動的重要性,進而落實環境友善行為於生活中。 (八)辦理環境素養教育-獵奇品味~環境態度的日常 1.為使學員深入瞭解臺東在地原住民文化與臺灣豐富的自然環境生態,至臺東縣辦理3天2夜課程,共計40人參加。 2.本年度以東部海岸國家風景區、臺東縣環境教育設施場所及原住民部落等優質環境教育場域進行活動,整體而言,環境素養方面,有81.20% 的人非常同意本次活動提升自身的環境素養,有18.80%的人為同意;活動整體滿意度為:有80.41%的人表示非常滿意,19.59%的人表示滿意,質化意見皆為正面意見回饋。觸發學員對於花東地景、原住民文化進一步了解,將有助於花蓮縣的自然與人文環境的永續發展。 (九)環境講習計畫 本年度辦理5場次環境講習,案件清除率為:新案件97.67%、舊案件60.47%、異地講習100%,已達成本年度契約目標。 (十)環境教育審議會、跨局會議、環境教育行動方案及成果 1.花蓮縣環境教育審議會暨跨局處會議:已於111年6月6日在「花蓮糖廠環境教育中心」舉行,共有36人與會,審議110年度本縣各局處環境教育執行成果以及111年環境教育推動計畫提交內容。本次會議亦提出如各局處所業管的場域,對環境教育設施場所認證或有興趣,也歡迎與環保局接洽,將會有專業的委員前往進行輔導與協助。 2.花蓮縣環境教育審議會:已於111年11月14日在「藍天麗池飯店」舉行,共有36人與會,討論「環境教育與聯合國永續發展目標(SDGs)」、「環境教育與淨零綠生活」,期望各局處能在環境教育的推動同時,將永續發展目標與淨零碳排一同納入業務的推動中。 3.環境教育行動方案:促使各機關(構)、學校、民間團體與企業,在環境永續之原則下共同推動環境教育,依據本縣十大環教行動策略,110年度重要執行成果為: (1)品質認證策略:輔導民間、企業、公民營事業推動環境教育,在各方努力下,「伊入柑布農部落環境教育中心」以及「花蓮糖廠環境教育中心」分別於110年3月8日及11月3日通過環境教育設施場所認證。 (2)組織合作策略:結合花蓮縣政府各局處,透過環境教育審議會,共同討論110年度SDGs,為111年度永續計畫做準備。 (3)考核評鑑策略:花蓮縣環保局依據環保署環境教育考評,落實各項環境教育政策,110年度得到考評特優之肯定。 (4)輔導獎勵策略:尋找潛力單位,獎勵推動環境教育成效優良者,110年度已獎勵7組國家環境教育獎參賽績優單位,並於決審後選出5組6單位代表花蓮參加全國賽(111年5月共有5組入圍決選)。 (十一)環境教育設施場所認證輔導及國家環境教育獎參選輔導 1.第8屆國教獎全國決選輔導:第8屆入圍決選名單為(1)民營事業組:多羅滿賞鯨公司;(2)個人組:初英山文化產業交流協會常務理事鍾寶珠;(3)社區組:碧雲莊社區發展協會;(4)團體組 :慈濟基金會;(5)學校組:慈濟大學附屬高級中學,以上入圍單位,已邀請孫逸民委員進行6次輔導,最後在111年6月28日「第8屆國家環境教育獎」頒獎典禮,拿下花蓮縣創下有史以來最佳成績,囊括五組優等獎項。 2.第9屆國教獎全國參賽輔導:已徵詢潛力單位參賽意願,有意參賽單位為:(1)個人組:吳雪月(原住民野菜學校校長);(2)民營事業組:和平工業區專用港;(3)機關組:經濟部第九河川局;(4)學校組:新社國小。已邀請孫逸民校長進行個別輔導。 3.環境教育設施場所認證輔導:已完成6場次輔導,分別為芥菜種會東區服務中心、洄遊吧食魚體驗館、碧雲莊在地循環繪本閱讀教育園、花蓮縣客家文化會館、臺灣港務股份有限公司花蓮港務分公司以及奇萊美地有機農園,其中洄游吧、碧雲莊已提出環境教育設施場所認證申請。 4.現有環境教育設施場所追蹤輔導:花蓮縣共有7處環教設施場所,皆已追蹤完成,追蹤情形如下說明: (1)環境教育人力面向:7處皆有專責環境教育認證人員,以池南自然教育中心5人為最多。 (2)環境教育課程執行面向:7處皆致力推廣核定課程,另怡園生態小學塾、太魯閣國家公園積極開發新課程。 (3)營運管理規劃面向:7處皆有專責的環教認證人員持續推廣環境教育課程,亦可針對上課團體進行客製化課程;且皆有對外合作單位,有益形成區域聯盟,攜手紮根在地環境教育。 (十二)辦理111年度花蓮縣低碳課程開發與教學工作計畫 1.低碳環境教育教案編製:已編製「節能減碳新生活」教案,並於本年度做為環境教育大使宣導教案,以及未來花蓮縣環境教育數位中心之用。 2.低碳環境教育手札:已編製完成,並於111年9月28日將1,000本手札提送進局。 3.低碳環境教育宣導:已完成8場次宣導,各場次社區民眾反應熱烈,且受到申請單位的肯定。 4.數位低碳環境教育典藏網站維護管理方面:每週皆更新2則環境教育新聞及文章,讓社會大眾能快速掌握花蓮縣環境教育現況及國際環境議題。
中文關鍵字 環境教育、環境素養、環境教育輔導、環境教育推廣、環境教育志工


專案計畫編號 EPB1110000001 經費年度 111 計畫經費 9140 千元
專案開始日期 2022/01/01 專案結束日期 2022/12/31 專案主持人 鍾昭儀
主辦單位 花蓮縣環境保護局 承辦人 陳泰儒 執行單位 亞太環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 111年度花蓮縣環境教育專案計畫期末成果報告.pdf 58MB

2022 Hualien County Environmental Education Project

英文摘要 In order to align with the United Nations SDGs and the development priorities of national green life movement, we launch the 2022 Environmental Education Project. We hope to implement the legislative spirit of the "The Environmental Education Act " in various activities, promote green living actions to the public, and encourage the public to take concrete actions for the sustainable development of the earth. The following is a summary of the final results of this year's plan: 1. Coordination with Environmental Festivals and other environmental education related activity plans 1.1 Annual theme: With "Sustainability x Environmental Education x Green Light Travel" as the main theme, combine the SDGs indicators, the local environmental education facilities and sites, to design themed courses. It is expected that through the courses, students will enhance their environmental knowledge, attitudes, behavior intentions and skills in environmental literacy, and engage in friendly environmental activities. 1.2 This year, four international important environmental festivals, including "World Water Day," "Earth Day," "International Biodiversity Day," and "World Environment Day," were held with a total of 462 participants. Participants learned about environmental literacy such as "Ecology and Green Energy," "Green Living," "Nature Conservation," and "Marine Conservation," as well as ways to engage in friendly environmental activities. In terms of environmental literacy, 60.11% of participants strongly agreed that the activities enhanced their environmental literacy, while 36.38% agreed. The overall satisfaction rate was 77.62% very satisfied and 22.38% satisfied, with most qualitative feedback being positive. This shows that this year's "Sustainability x Environmental Education x Green Light Travel" international environmental festivals were highly valued by participants. 2.Plan of Operations related to Article 19 and 24 of the Environmental Education Act 2.1 This year, 28 units have been selected and completed a field inspection after screening. The overall inspection suggests that: (1) The inspected units should fill in the outline of environmental education content in detail according to the actual implementation of the activity and explain the content and environmental education implications; (2) Submit the hours reported within one month after the completion of the activity; (3) Remind that outdoor learning courses should be held in environmental education facilities. 2.2 Seven units have been inspected consecutively for 2 years and have been provided with operating manuals, contact information or on-site guidance, as well as templates from other units for reference. It is expected that units that are continuously selected for inspection can improve. 2.3 In cooperation with the reporting of the results of the environmental education action plan, one member of the environmental education consultative committee meeting was invited and completed on-site inspection of the county's 5 bureaus by June 15, 2022. The Administrative and Research Department is the coordinating unit for the sustainable development goals of Hualien County, and its policy direction and results can be used as a reference for environmental education activity planning, making environmental education more comprehensive and profound. 2.4 Agency and school counseling sessions: An online course was held on September 14, 2022, with a total of 86 participants. In terms of participants' satisfaction with the activity, 69.75% of them said they were very satisfied, 27.75% said they were satisfied, and 1.5% said they were ordinary. Through this session, various agencies and schools in the county familiarize, understand and operate the "Environmental Education Lifelong Learning System", which will facilitate the completion of various environmental education reporting operations. 3.Environmental Education Volunteer Training, Implementation, and Management Plan 3.1 Management Plan: In response to the establishment of the "Environmental Education Digital Center", environmental education ambassador capacity building will be carried out to enhance teaching effectiveness. 3.2 Environmental Education Volunteer Professional Training, Special Training, and Capacity Building Courses: 3.2.1 Professional training: 7 sessions have been completed, with the first 4 sessions aimed at "enhancing teaching effectiveness." During these sessions, existing teaching plans were demonstrated and exchanged with a focus on environmental education. The overall satisfaction rate was above 98%, with 86.19% of participants very much agreeing that they had learned new knowledge and were inspired to think about environmental education. 13.81% of participants agreed. Through these trainings, 14 promotional teaching plans and presentations were updated, and 39 "energy conservation and carbon reduction" seed teachers were trained. The last 3 sessions were "environmental education field experience" where environmental education ambassadors were led to Heping Industrial Port, Ocean Station, Asia Cement Ecological Park, Eco-Garden, and Posko Biomass energy Center. The overall satisfaction rate was above 99%, with 81.17% of participants very much agreeing that the activities improved their environmental awareness and understanding of marine environment conservation, natural conservation, and environmental and resource management. 17.7% of participants agreed. 3.2.2 Special training: Topics of international concern, such as climate change, zero emission policies in Taiwan, circular economy theories and practices, and environmental education teaching practices were introduced. The training integrated environmental education ambassadors, counseling teams, environmental education facilities, and faculty from Dong Hwa University. 79.67% of participants were very satisfied with the training, and 20.33% were satisfied. In terms of environmental awareness, 77.56% of participants very much agreed that the activities improved their environmental awareness, 21.15% agreed, and 1.28% were average. 3.2.3 Capacity-building training: The goal was to promote the learning of environmental education sites outside the county by environmental education ambassadors. The training was held at Tainan's Black-Faced Spoonbill Ecological Exhibition Hall, Taiwan South Regional Meteorological Center, and Tree Valley Archaeological and Environmental Education Center, with 1 capacity-building session completed. The training satisfaction rate was above 90%, with 85.96% of participants very much agreeing that the activities expanded their knowledge of environmental education sites outside the county. 11.71% of participants agreed. 3.3 Environmental Education Volunteer Utilization: This year, 451 ambassadors of environmental education have been planned to participate in the promotion of environmental education in cooperation with schools and communities for the courses that have been applied for. Through the promotion of environmental education ambassadors, the environmental literacy of Hualien people will be enhanced regarding "Agricultural and Food Education," "Marine Conservation," "Air Quality," "River Water Quality," "Environmental Hygiene," and "Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction." 3.4 Environmental Education Volunteer Meeting: This year, 2 volunteer contact reports and 3 meetings for officers have been held, through which environmental education volunteers can understand the operation of the volunteer team through open discussion. The important achievements of this year are: (1) electing the 4th captain; (2) discussing and revising the mechanism for leaving the team; (3) revising the rotation method. 3.5 Environmental Education Volunteer Teaching, Performance Assessment and Recruitment Selection: (1) One teaching performance assessment has been completed this year, and 3 ambassadors have passed the assessment; (2) This year's recruitment selection has recruited 5 new ambassadors of environmental education. 4. Environmental Knowledge Competition 4.1 Proposal Part: Based on the content of the video announced by the Environmental Protection Agency, recent important environmental issues in domestic and foreign countries have been analyzed and listed as a reference for the local competition proposals by the Hualien County Environmental Education Counseling Group, ensuring that all topics have environmental literacy. 4.2 Local preliminary competition: Completed on September 17, 2022 at the National Dong Hwa University in Hualien County Environmental Education Organization, 20 players were selected to represent Hualien County in the national competition, marking the first time that the county's environmental education counseling group and environmental education organization have organized the local preliminary competition. 4.3 National competition: Hualien County sent a total of 20 players, and finally, the social group teacher, Li Zhaoxiang, won the third place in the national competition for the social group on behalf of Hualien County. 5. National Environmental Volunteer Environmental Protection Competition Project 5.1 Local preliminary schedule: In response to the COVID-19 epidemic, this year's environmental cheerleading team will adopt video review, and the physical competition of Environmental Brain, Environmental Defencne Battle and Resource Classification King will be held on August 13, 2022 at the Zhong Hua Elementary School. 5.2 Local preliminary results: This year, 9 environmental volunteer teams participated in 4 competitions, and the results are as follows: Environmental cheerleading team won first place by the Wuhe Environmental Volunteer Team; Environmental Brain competition, Resource Classification King competition were won by the Environmental Education Ambassador Service Team; and Environmental Protection Campaign was won by the Ruimei Environmental Volunteer Team. 5.3 National competition: The Hualien County team won 2 special awards in Environmental Brain and Environmental Defencne Battle, and first-class in Resource Classification King. 6. 2022 Hualien County Environmental Education Picture Book Selection and Promotion Plan 6.1 Selection schedule: From February 25, 2022 to June 30, 2022, the selection outline will be discussed and revised through the February 21, 2022 guideline meeting and announced on the Hualien County Environmental Protection Bureau website and Hualien Environmental Disney website. The selection qualifications are: individuals or groups who are interested in environmental education picture books for 2 to 7 year-old children, and it is hoped that the creators will combine the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and use Hualien's local environmental features to create, inspiring children to understand the importance of environmental sustainability. 6.2 Evaluation Results: A selection meeting was held on July 19, 2022, to review the 9 submitted works for this year. The following results were selected: 1st Place: "A Bite from Bugs"; 2nd Place: "The Travel of Plastic Bags"; 3rd Place: "Where Have the Fish Gone?"; Merit: "The Transformation of the Sky Tree." It was decided to adapt "A Bite from Bugs" into a theatrical play. On September 17, 2022, a ceremony was held to award the authors of the winning works, who were invited to attend. 6.3 Environmental Education Picture Book Workshop: Completed on March 12th and March 26th, 2022 at Zhongyuan Elementary School with 91.15% of students feeling very satisfied and 8.85% feeling satisfied. Based on the results of pre-test learning sheets, 41.74% of students were able to answer correctly, and 89.13% of students were able to answer correctly on the post-test learning sheets, indicating that participating students have improved their learning outcomes. In terms of improving their own environmental literacy, 99.34% of students felt that they have acquired relevant environmental literacy on "Hualien Environmental Issues." 6.4 Results of Award-Winning Works Promotion: Four excellent works were selected from the 2022 Environmental Education Picture Book Selection and Promotion project to represent Hualien County in the Environmental Education Picture Book Carnival hosted by the Executive Yuan's Environmental Protection Administration. Hualien County's first prize in Environmental Education Picture Book - "A Bite from Bugs" was promoted for two days by exhibition personnel and demonstrated by environmental education ambassadors, which earned the award for the most popular environmental education picture book in the 2022 voting. In the future, it can be entrusted to environmental education ambassadors to perform in various locations in Hualien County, promoting public awareness of the importance of environmental protection and inciting the intention to participate in solving environmental problems. 7. Summer Environmental Education Camp Plan 7.1 To promote students' understanding of the local environment in Hualien, two environmental education camps have been organized at the quality environmental education facility - the Yiyuan Woods Field. 7.2 This year, SDGs and environmental education facilities have been linked, and 60 people participated in the environmental education experience course of the Yiyuan Woods Field. Overall, in terms of environmental literacy, 81.2% of people agreed that the event enhanced their environmental literacy, while 18.8% agreed; the overall satisfaction of the event was 80.41% of people who were very satisfied and 19.59% were satisfied, and all qualitative feedback was positive. This allows people in the stage of national education to understand the importance of environmental sustainability for the natural ecology and human activities from local environmental concern and implement environmentally friendly behaviors in their daily lives. 8. Environmental Awareness Education 8.1 In order to deepen students' understanding of the local indigenous culture and Taiwan's rich natural environment, a 3-day, 2-night program was held in Taitung with a total of 40 participants. 8.2 This year, activities were carried out in high-quality environmental education sites such as the Eastern Coast National Scenic Area, Taitung County environmental education facilities, and indigenous tribes. In terms of environmental awareness, 81.20% of participants very much agreed that the activity enhanced their environmental awareness, 18.80% agreed; overall satisfaction was expressed by 80.41% of participants who were very satisfied and 19.59% who were satisfied, with qualitative feedback being positive. This will trigger students to further understand the landscapes and indigenous cultures of Hualien, which will contribute to the sustainable development of Hualien's natural and cultural environment. 9. Environmental Seminars Plan This year, 5 environmental education campaigns and activities were held, with a clearance rate of: new cases 97.67%, old cases 60.47%, and off-site lectures 100%. The year's contract target has been achieved. 10. Environmental Education Consultative Committee Meeting and Environmental Education Action Plan 10.1 Hualien County Environmental Education Consultative Committee Meeting and Cross-Departmental Meeting: It was held on June 6, 2022 at the "Hualien Sugar Factory Environmental Education Center". A total of 36 people attended and reviewed the execution results of the environmental education in various departments in the county in 110th year and the contents submitted for the promotion of environmental education plan in 2022. The meeting also proposed that for the sites under the jurisdiction of each department, if interested in certifying environmental education facilities or interested, they are welcome to contact the Environmental Protection Bureau and there will be professional members to provide counseling and assistance. 10.2 Hualien County Environmental Education Consultative Committee Meeting: The meeting was held on November 14, 2022 at the "Azure Hotel," with 36 participants. The meeting discussed "Environmental Education and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)" and "Environmental Education and Zero-carbon Green Living." It is hoped that each department can incorporate sustainable development goals and zero-carbon emissions into their business promotion while promoting environmental education. 10.3 The Environmental Education Action Plan aims to promote environmental education among government agencies, schools, civil groups, and businesses. According to the 10 major environmental education action strategies of the county, the important implementation results in 2021 include: 10.3.1 Quality certification strategy: To assist private enterprises, citizens and businesses in promoting environmental education. With the efforts of all parties, the "Irubu Agricultural Tribe Environmental Education Center" and "Hualien Sugar Factory Environmental Education Center" were certified as environmental education facilities on March 8 and November 3, 2021, respectively. 10.3.2 Organizational cooperation strategy: Combining the efforts of various departments of the Hualien County Government through the Environmental Education Consultative Committee Meeting to discuss the SDGs of 2021 and prepare for the 2022 Sustainable Plan. 10.3.3 Assessment and evaluation strategy: The Hualien County Environmental Protection Bureau implements environmental education policies based on the Environmental Protection Administration's environmental education assessment and received special recognition in 2021. 10.3.4 Guidance and reward strategy: To identify potential units and reward those who excel in promoting environmental education. In 2021, 7 groups of national environmental education award contestants were rewarded and 5 of them were selected to represent Hualien in the national competition (5 groups were selected in the final selection in May 2022). 11. Environmental Education Facility Certification Counseling and National Environmental Education Award Candidate Counseling 11.1 The 8th National Education Award National Final Counseling: The 8th nominee list is (1) Private Enterprise Group: Turumoan whale watching & water entertainment company; (2) Individual Group: Secretary-General of the Chuing Mountain Cultural Industry Exchange Association, Jhong Bao-Jhu; (3) Community Group: Bi-Yun-Zhuang Community Development Association; (4) Group Group: Tzu Chi Foundation; (5) School Group: Tzu Chi Senior High School Affiliated with Tzu Chi University. The above-mentioned nominee units have invited Mr. Sun Yimin to conduct 6 counseling sessions. Finally, on June 28, 2022, the "8th National Environmental Education Award" was awarded and the best performance was created in Hualien County in history, including five top prizes. 11.2 National Education Award, 9th Edition National Competition Counseling: Potential participating units have been consulted for their willingness to participate, and the units with intention to participate are: (1) Individual Group: Dongi Kacaw (Principal of Indigenous Wild Vegetable School); (2) Private Enterprise Group: Hoping Industrial Port Corporation; (3) Government Agency Group: The 9th River Management Office; (4) School Group: Xinshe Elementary School. Principal Sun Yimin has been invited to provide individual counseling. 11.3 Environmental Education Facility Accreditation Assistance: 6 counseling sessions have been completed, including Dongqu Service Center of Cai Cai Seeds Association, Fish Bar, Bi-Yun-Zhuang Local Recycling Picture Book Reading Education Park, Hualien County Hakka Culture Hall, Port of Hualien and Qilai Organic Farm. Among them, Fish Bar and Bi-Yun-Zhuang have submitted environmental education facility accreditation applications. 11.4 Follow-up Assistance for Existing Environmental Education Facilities: Hualien County has a total of 7 environmental education facilities, all of which have been followed up. The follow-up situation is described as follows: 11.4.1 Environmental Education Human Resources: 7 facilities have dedicated environmental education certification personnel, with the most being 5 at Chihnan Nature Center. 11.4.2 Environmental Education Course Implementation: 7 facilities are committed to promoting approved courses, and Yiyuan Woods Field and Taroko National Park are actively developing new courses. 11.4.3 Operating Management Planning: 7 facilities have dedicated environmental education certification personnel who continue to promote environmental education courses and can also offer customized courses for class groups. They also have external cooperation units, which are beneficial for forming regional alliances and working together to root environmental education in the local area. 12. Implementation of the 2022 Hualien County Low-carbon Curriculum Development and Teaching Work Plan 12.1 Low-carbon environment education curriculum development: The curriculum "New Life of Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction" has been developed and will be used as the environmental education ambassador's promotional curriculum this year and in the future by the Hualien County Environmental Education Digital Center. 12.2 Low-carbon environment education notebook: The notebooks have been completed and 1,000 of them were delivered to the office on September 28, 2022. 12.3 Low-carbon environment education promotion: 8 promotional events have been completed and received enthusiastic responses from the community and recognition from the applying units. 12.4 Maintenance and management of the digital low-carbon environment education collection website: 2 pieces of environmental education news and articles are updated every week, allowing the public to quickly understand the current situation of Hualien County's environmental education and international environmental issues.
英文關鍵字 Environmental Education, Environmental Literacy, Environmental Education Counseling, Environmental Education Promotion, Environmental Education Volunteer