

中文摘要 「111年度屏東縣推動琉行杯共享行動專案計畫」,計畫執行期程自111年3月9日起至111年12月10日止。本年度依舊受「新型冠狀病毒肺炎」疫情影響,但防疫政策的改變,已無如110年度發佈三級警戒,造成小琉球完全沒有旅遊客之情況,統計至12月09日,各工作項目皆已完工,以下就本計畫執行摘要成果進行說明。 完成建立之電子管理系統「琉行杯共享行動循環系統平台」優化,現場借還杯維持以手機掃描QR Code之便利模式。輔導24家飲料店(含商店)、11處非飲料店、76處民宿成立琉行杯租借據點,並另外設置4處琉行杯歸還站。本年度首次與電動車出租店合作,推出「租車借杯 還車還杯」租借方式,提供民眾更多元租借管道。導入甲地借乙地還的概念提高歸還琉行杯的便利性,讓遊客使用琉行杯更加便利。 投入4,500個琉行杯、2,500個琉行杯提袋、300個物流箱,並持續承租大鵬灣管理處的琉球遊客中心旁之賣店空間,活化作為琉行杯清洗站,在7月旅遊旺季招募2位大學生加強清洗站人力,定期檢送清洗後琉行杯,符合自訂衛生管理規範。使用設立飲料店及租借琉行杯LINE群組,店家對系統操作、障礙回報、琉行杯送杯補杯流程皆可上手並提出優化建議,客服與系統端亦經由與各店家的配合過程,更加優化整體系統的運行。持續經營FaceBook琉行杯共享行動粉絲專頁,維持網路話題熱度,並委託9艘交通船播放宣傳影片,讓遊客在規劃登島旅遊、搭乘交通船時即可接收琉行杯相關訊息。 統計至12月09日琉行杯借用總數為94,189杯,以民宿租借68,185杯為最高,佔整體租借比例72.4%,其次分別為非飲料店租借站租借16,757杯(佔19.1%),飲料店(含商店)租借7,656杯(佔8.7%)。擴大推廣民宿租借量能,除既有掃碼租借外,推出「訂房借杯 退房還杯」借杯模式,遊客透過民宿租借功能不但更加便捷,且分散飲料店推廣壓力,不用再擔心要操作琉行杯租借、飲料調製、顧客催單的壓迫感,讓團體2日(或以上)遊之遊客在民宿租借琉行杯,在小琉球島上可到任意飲料店購買喜歡的飲品,或飲水機取水,而單日遊之遊客則可到飲料店或其他提供租借位置租借琉行杯。本年度推估垃圾減量效益約193,087個飲料杯或寶特瓶,約5,020公斤寶特瓶(以每瓶600ml寶特瓶26公克計),減少碳排放量約28,963 kg CO2e。(以每瓶600ml瓶裝水可減少150g碳足跡計)。 透過販賣琉行杯周邊商品、琉行杯納入訂房標準配備並由訂房租金中提撥租金、以及團體預約借杯收費機制,共籌措464,505元營運經費。規畫七年琉行杯租借系統之使用者付費營運模式,琉行杯共享行動結合使用者付費營運模式,可能於第七年達到自籌款370萬/年與在地化自主營運成本370萬/年收支平衡的目標,達成琉行杯共享行動在地自主永續營運的願景。在本年度環保署公告之「一次用飲料杯限制使用對象及實施方式」,受自備環保杯優惠5元以及店家應免費提供環保杯租借之影響,若直接向民眾收取15~30元租金,將與琉行杯租借相互影響。爰此,付費租借模式建議仍待於在地協會團體、民宿業者等,討論研議執行可行性與遊客接受度及可預期效益。
中文關鍵字 琉行杯、垃圾減量


專案計畫編號 1110128-A 經費年度 111 計畫經費 3358 千元
專案開始日期 2022/03/09 專案結束日期 2022/12/10 專案主持人 陳文玉
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 葉穎緻 執行單位 屏東縣琉球鄉自然人文生態觀光協會


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期末報告 111年度屏東縣推動琉行杯共享行動專案計畫.pdf 5MB

An Action Project Plan on Promotion of Liuqiu Eco Tumbler Sharing of Pingtung County

英文摘要 The team carried out "An Action Project Plan on Promotion of Liuqiu Eco Tumbler Sharing of Pingtung County in 2022." The execution period is from March 9 to December 1, 2022. This year is still affected by the "new coronavirus pneumonia (COVID 19)" pandemic, but the change in the pandemic prevention policy is no longer the same as the third-level alert issued in 2021, resulting in no tourists at all in Liuqiu Township. As of December 9, 2022, all work items have been completed. The following is a summary of the implementation results of this plan. Completed the optimization of the established electronic management system "Liuqiu Eco Tumbler Shared Action Circulation System Platform", and retained the convenient mode of scanning the QR Code with the mobile phone for borrowing and returning eco tumblers on site. Guided 24 beverage stands (including shops), 11 non-beverage stores, and 76 homestays to set up Liuqiu Eco Tumbler rental stations, and set up 4 other Liuqiu Eco Tumbler return stations. For the first time this year, the task team cooperated with the electric motorcycle rental stores to launch the rental method of "renting motorcycle and borrowing eco tumbler; returning motorcycle and returning eco tumbler", providing the public with more rental channels. In addition, introducing the concept of borrowing from a place and return from another place to improve the convenience of returning the Liuqiu Eco Tumbler, making it more convenient for tourists to use the Liuqiu Eco Tumbler. Invest 4,500 Liuqiu Eco Tumblers, 2,500 portable Liuqiu Eco Tumbler bags, and 300 logistics boxes, and continue to lease the store space next to the Liuqiu Visitor Center of the Dapeng Bay National Scenic Area Administration, and activate it as a Liuxing Eco Tumbler cleaning station. During the peak tourist season in July, 2 college students were recruited to strengthen the manpower of the cleaning station. And delivered the cleaned glass for regular inspection to comply with self-defined hygiene management regulations. By using the created LINE group for Liuqiu Eco Tumblers rental of beverage stands and shops, the operators can get started with system operation, trouble reporting, and the process of sending and supplying eco tumblers, and propose suggestions for optimization. The customer service and system side also optimize the operation of the overall system through the cooperation process with each stand and shop. Continue to manage a fan page of the Facebook “Liuqiu Eco Tumbler Sharing Action” to keep the topics' popularity on the Internet. And contract to play a video ads on 9 transportation boats for promoting the Liuqiu Eco Tumbler Sharing Action, so that tourists can receive information about the Liuqiu Eco Tumbler when they plan to visit the island and take the transportation boat. As of December 9, the total number of Liuqiu Eco Tumblers borrowed was 94,189 times, with 68,185 times rented from homestays being the highest, accounting for 72.4% of the overall rental ratio, followed by 16,757 times borrowed from non-beverage store rental stations (accounting for 19.1%), beverage stands or shops rented 7,656 times (8.7%). In addition to the existing rental mode of scanning QR code, the "booking and borrowing the eco tumbler; checking-out and returning the eco tumbler" borrowing mode is launched to expand and promote the rental capacity of homestays. It is not only more convenient for tourists through the rental channel of homestays, but it also disperses the eco-tumbler promotion pressure of beverage stands. They no longer have to worry about the oppressive feeling from operating Liuxing Eco Tumbler rental system, beverage mixing, and order reminders from customers. Tourists who travel in a group for 2 days (or more) can rent Liuqiu Eco Tumbler at the homestays, and can buy their favorite drinks at any beverage stand or shop in Liuqiu Township, or get water from a water dispenser, while tourists who travel for one day can go to beverage stands or other rental station to rent Liuqiu Eco Tumbler. The estimated garbage reduction benefits for this year are about 193,087 beverage cups or PET bottles, about 5,020 kilograms of PET bottles (calculated as 26 grams per 600 mL PET bottle), reducing carbon emissions by about 28,963 kg CO2e (each bottle of 600 mL bottled water can reduce 150 g carbon footprint). A total of NT$464,505 in operating expenses was raised through the sale of peripheral products of Liuqiu Eco Tmbler, the inclusion of Liuqiu Eco Tmblers in the standard equipment of room reservations and the rental fee of tumblers is allocated from the reservation rent, and the charging mechanism of borrowing tumblers for group reservations. The plan for seven-year Liuqiu Eco Tumbler rental system of user-paying operation model is proposed. The Liuqiu Eco Tumbler sharing action combined with the user-paying operation model may reach the goal to break even of self-raising NT$3.7 million per year and localized independent operating costs NT$3.7 million in the seventh year and to achieve the vision of local independent and sustainable operation of Liuqiu Eco Tumbler sharing action. This year, the regulation of “restricted using objects and implementation methods for disposal drinking cups’ is announced by EPA. Affected by the discount of NT$5 for bringing your own eco tumblers and the fact that stores should provide free rental of eco tumblers, if the rent of NT$15-30 is directly charged to the public, it will affect each other for the rental of Liuqiu Eco Tumblers. Therefore, the proposal of the paid rental model is still to be discussed the feasibility of implementation, tourist acceptance and expected benefits with local associations, homestay operators, etc.
英文關鍵字 Liuqiu Eco Tumbler, Garbage Reduction