

中文摘要 本計畫執行雲林縣環境保護局受理環保案件陳情,並強化提升稽查案 件之稽查人力及其效率,其中共協助公害陳情案件資料系統傳輸、建檔 及收發等相關行政作業;協助公害案件(含夜間、假日值勤)稽查、告發 等相關工作及文書處理 5,796件次,其中以電話陳情 3,388件次之比例 (58.45%)最高、網際網路陳情 1,569 件次(27.07%)次之、再者為 Email 297 件次(5.12%),顯示在近年來環保局所積極宣導之陳情專線已可被 民眾廣泛及習慣使用,且網際網路及 APP報案受理方式被使用比例越 趨增加。 在環保報案中心歸類之污染源別所受理之陳情案件中以環境衛生 2,216 件之比例最高(38.23 %),其次依序為異味污染物(2,011 件,34.70 %)、廢棄物(669 件,11.54%)及噪音(518 件,8.94%)等類別,其餘案件 iv 111 年度雲林縣空氣污染案件快速查核計畫 期末報告(定稿) 類別皆小於 5 %。顯見異味污染物、環境衛生、噪音及廢棄物為本縣公 害污染之主要原因,然經交叉分析比對後發現,異味污染物及環境衛生 相較於其他年度有逐漸攀升之現象,廢棄物近年來有增加之趨勢,尤其 以非法棄置增加趨勢更多,此類型案件因須採樣認定其是否為有害事 業廢棄物,因此直接反映在檢驗經費上,造成本年度需增加檢測費用。 統計111 年度計畫期間,被陳情對象中各類別之陳情案件數主要以「公 共場所」(3,070 件,52.97%)、「一般居民」(816 件,14.08%)、「工業(廠)」 (600 件,10.35%)及「禽畜、養殖業」(502 件,8.66%)為主要陳情對象, 其餘 10%以下;依上所述,民眾對於陳情對象並非僅針對營利事業場 所。以被陳情案件最多之類別「公共場所」為例,陳情案件數共計為 3,070 件次,為各類別之陳情案件數最多的一項,由於政府對於各項環 境保護政策大力推廣,加上近年來公害陳情案件受理方式越來越多元 之下,民眾亦成為縣內最嚴謹的環保監督系統,尤其針對發生於生活周 遭環境的污染事件,均可立即報案。 本年度計畫執行期間,共計檢測 120件次案件(共計582樣本),檢測費 用共計新臺幣 908,300 元整。空氣污染案件共花費新臺幣 261,000 元, 占總花費之 28.73%;廢棄物/土壤污染案件共花費新臺幣 615,000 元, 占總花費之 67.71%,為佔比最多之項目;水污染案件共花費新臺幣 32,300 元,占總花費之 3.56%,為佔比最少之項目。本年度採樣經費分 析中,廢棄物/土壤案件明顯較多,空氣及水污染案件則無明顯集中月 份,其中花費較多之月份集中於 4月,因採集廢棄物/土壤案件所致, 造成檢驗費用較高情形發生。
中文關鍵字 公害陳情、污染防治、降低陳情案件


專案計畫編號 經費年度 111 計畫經費 14500 千元
專案開始日期 2022/04/01 專案結束日期 2023/03/31 專案主持人 張育誠
主辦單位 雲林縣環境保護局 承辦人 胡文愷 執行單位 翌暘工程顧問有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 111快查計畫期末定稿_1120718.pdf 36MB

The Project of Improving Public Service Quality with Fast-Check in Air Pollution Cases, 2022.

英文摘要 This plan implements the environmental nuisance cases acceptance and inspection manpower efficiency strengthening in Environmental Protection Bureau, Yunlin County. The contents of appointment include reception and log in of complaint cases, immediate inspections (including nighttime and weekends), database set up based on inspection results, and other administrative matters. Among 5,796 complaint cases being processed, 3,388 cases (58.45%), 1,569 cases (27.07%), and 297 cases (5.12%) were reported by phone calls, Internet, and Email, indicating the direct line which has been propagated by YLEPA in recent years were widely used by residents. In addition, the percentage of Internet and mobile APP has been increasing recently. According to the classification of pollution sources, 2,216 Environmental Sanitation cases accounting for 38.23% of total cases were handled, followed by Odor Nuisance (2,011 cases, 34.70%), Waste (669 cases, 11.54%), Noise (518 cases, 8.94%), and the remaining cases (less than 5% for each source), indicating odor, environmental sanitation, noise and waste nuisance cases were the main pollution sources in Yunlin County. Compared to last few years, the cases of Odor Pollutants and Environmental Sanitation were found increasing gradually. The more cases of illegal dumping this year has inevitably increased the analysis costs due to the requirement to determine if the wastes were hazardous or not. v 摘要 Based on the classification of petition targets in 2022, public places were found to be the highest percentage (52.97%) with 3,070 cases, followed by households (816 cases, 14.08%), factories (600 cases, 10.35%), animal agriculture/aquaculture areas (502 cases, 8.66%), and others (less than 10%). The statistic results showed that the reports of Environmental pollutions were not limited to profit-seeking enterprises but various places, indicating people started to focus on the environment nearby and were able to report the pollution cases to Environmental Public Nuisance Center immediately by various means. During the project implementation, for 120 cases with 582 samples analyzed (costed 908,300 NT dollars). The cases for air pollutions costed 261,000 NT dollars, accounting for 28.73% of total costs; the cases for waste/soil contaminations costed 615,000 NT dollars, accounting for 67.71% (highest) of total costs; the cases for water pollutions costed 32,300 NT dollars, accounting for 3.56% (lowest) of total costs. Based on the analysis of sampling costs, waste/soil contamination cases costs were higher, while no clearly concentrated months for air and water pollution cases. The costs was concentrated in April owing to the waste/soil sampling, causing the higher analysis costs.
英文關鍵字 Public Nuisance Petitions、Pollution Control、Petition Cases Reduction