

中文摘要 (一) 推動一次用產品減量措施 1. 至111 年11 月15 日共計757 家業者響應,包含699家餐飲業者及58 家旅宿業者。其中400 家餐飲業者為不含依法令需提供自備飲料杯優惠者。 2. 已辦理3 場次「臺南減廢日」宣導活動,民眾攜帶環保餐具/杯/袋共計469 人次配合響應宣導。 3. 已結合公益團體、環保志義工等,辦理3 處商圈「臺南減廢日」宣導踩街活動(拜訪店家共80 家,其中48 家業者共同響應)。 4. 已於9 月28 日完成輔導40 家業者辦理外燴服務時提供重複清洗餐(杯)具。統計至11月15日止已減少3,034個一次性餐具使用。 5. 自6 月1 日起至8 月31 日止於大東夜市、中興里夜市、復華夜市、長安路夜市、武聖夜市、後壁厝夜市、安中夜市、鹽水夜市、學甲夜市、花園夜市、佳里夜市、六甲夜市、隆田夜市、樺谷夜市、國泰路夜市共計15 處辦理「『迺夜市~免廢好YES』-自備餐具享優惠」活動。活動期間共1,625 人次響應參加,至少減少1,625 個一次性餐盒/杯具使用,並於11 月1 日完成直播抽獎活動。 (二) 二手物品交換據點及網路平台維運 1. 已於5 月20 日協助登錄「全國不用品再使用及維修站藏寶地圖網」之舊衣回收箱站點資訊共計314 筆;7 月14日已於「臺南資心回收地圖網」、「全國不用品再使用及維修站藏寶地圖網」同步新增20 處二手站點。至111 年11 月15 日已執行行政院環境保護署(下稱環保署)二手站點勘誤通報確認共計10 案,經實地確認後已於系統資料更新,並將相關佐證資料報知臺南市政府環境保護局(下稱環保局)備查。 2. 已於2 月11 日完成彙整15 所臺南市各大專院校二手物交換相關措施或機制並提送至環保局備查。已於7 月13日推動6 所大專院校加入「全國不用品再使用及維修站藏寶地圖網」之校園平台。 3. 已於2 月24 日完成優化定點定期定時二手物市集(海安淘淘二手市集、夜貓二手市集)2 處。統計至12 月15 日止已辦理12 場次海安淘淘二手市集,二手交易4,823件;優化9 場次夜貓二手市集,二手交易826 件。 (三) 推廣以租代買消費模式 1. 已完成蒐集臺南市轄內租賃業者名單共計10 家次,並已露出於資源回收全民動起來網站。 2. 已完成彙整臺南市轄內機關147 處採以租代買消費5,964 件、學校233 處採以租代買消費99,788 件。 (四) 執行藏金閣二手傢具修復工廠行銷宣傳 1. 已針對藏金閣拍賣會共計發布10 則活動媒體宣傳文稿,每月藏金閣拍賣日新聞稿皆達3 家以上媒體宣傳。 2. 已於2 月22 日完成提送粉絲專頁營運規劃書。 3. 已完成臺南市環教園區第一季至第四季活動成果提報並協助110 年度成果報告撰寫美編(包含工作內容、活動梯次、參與人數、成果與照片滿意度調查、檢討與展望)。 4. 已於5 月31 日完成藏金閣傢俱診所後方走道修復工作矮台由木製結構優化為混凝土結構,並將相關成果報告提送至環保局備查。 5. 已辦理20 場次二手物再利用手作體驗課程,共計414 人次參與。 6. 7 月1 日已邀集東區富強社區發展協會辦理新增美學班兩項環教教育手作課程(盆器再利用及保麗龍網套造型DIY)試教。7 月12 日及10 月11 日已提送相關試教紀錄予環訓所審查,皆因資料仍須修正補充故審查不予通過。 (五) 執行源頭減量相關稽查作業 1. 已執行環保署相關減量稽查作業累計8,360 家次(含19處「免洗餐具限制使用對象及實施方式」管制之百貨公司及購物中心、量販店一次性全面稽查),已查獲14 件違規情形,均已完成告發並輔導改善完成。 2. 已執行春節合併情人節、端午節、七夕情人節、中秋節前一個月辦理過度包裝稽查作業,共計稽查754 件產品,無查獲違規情形。 3. 已執行臺南市低碳城市自治條例第26 條稽查作業756 家次,無查獲違規情形。 4. 已執行臺南市低碳城市自治條例第26-2 條稽查作業1,815 家次,已查獲4 件違規情形,均輔導改善完成。 5. 已執行66 件陳情案件,共開立14 張告發單,14 件均已改善完成。 6. 已編撰且發布一次用產品及含汞產品減量推動工作新聞稿4 篇;已編撰且發布限制產品過度包裝之宣導新聞稿2 篇。 (六) 推動環保夜市/商圈 1. 已於2 月24 日提報至少一處夜市或商圈規劃建議,並於7 月31 日完成環保夜市各項措施設置。 2. 已於7 月21 日提送復華環保夜市宣導文宣(含創意口號),並於7 月22 日提送111 年度環保夜市活動規劃書。 3. 已於7 月14 日提送111 年度復華環保夜市書面評鑑資料初稿。 4. 已於8 月15 日、10 月14 日及11 月22 日協助編撰並發布環保夜市新聞稿(含整體執行成果)計3篇。 5. 已協助復華環保夜市於全國16 處環保夜市評選競賽中總得票數及環保夜市指標星皆為全國第2名。 6. 已針對復華夜市、海安環保商圈每月分別進行一次性產品減量維運輔導作業10 回。 (七) 促進垃圾減量回收經濟措施 1. 已於11 月15 日提送評估精進垃圾清除處理費徵收方式與額度分析報告定稿。 2. 已於7 月12 日針對一般廢棄物清除處理費徵收作業系統建立防止資料庫自動複寫機制及優化簡易查詢功能。
中文關鍵字 垃圾減量、臺南減廢日、二手物市集、二手物再利用手作體驗課程、一次性用品減量、垃圾清除處理費徵收方式評估、 環保夜市


專案計畫編號 TNEPB-110-GW- 31126 經費年度 111 計畫經費 5011 千元
專案開始日期 2022/01/25 專案結束日期 2022/12/15 專案主持人 連登榮
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 王瀞儀 執行單位 飛亞環境科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 111年臺南市垃圾減量計畫期末報告.pdf 15MB 111年臺南市垃圾減量計畫期末報告

Tainan City - 111 Annual Subsidy Program for Promotion of Garbage Reduction and Recycling

英文摘要 2022 Tainan City waste reduction project was launched on 25 January 2022, and ran until 15 December 2022. The overall aim of this project was to reduce waste generation through analyzing the present condition and promoting the idea of reusing and recycling. The main tasks and the accomplishments following the workplan are as below: 1. Promote the actions on the reduction of single-use disposable product (1) Up to 15 November 2022, a total of 757 business owners have responded to the call for supporting the Waste Reduction Day of Tainan City. Including 699 catering operators and 58 hoteliers. Of the 757 business owners, 400 catering companies are not legally required to offer rewards to consumers when they bring their own beverage cups. (2) Held 3 flash campaigns for the Waste Reduction Day of Tainan City. A total of 469 participants brought their own reusable utensils to support the idea of cutting down on plastic. (3) Collaborated with public interest groups and environmental volunteers, worked together for the street campaigns that took place in 3 different shopping districts. There were 80 volunteers participated, and 48 catering businesses have responded to the call for supporting the Waste Reduction Day of Tainan City. (4) Complete assisting 40 catering operators in offering reusable utensils when catering for events on 28 September. Up to 15 November 2022, 3,034 disposable tableware were reduced during the implementation period of this project. (5) Collaborated with 15 night markets for the event of “Let’s Go Green at Night Martkets 2022”. Participants including DaDong Night Martket, Chong Hsing Village Night martket, FuHua Night Market, ChangAn Rd. Night Market, WuSheng Night Market, Houbicuo Night Market, AnChong Night Market, YanShui Night Market, XueJia Night Market, Tainan Flower Night Market, JiaLi Night Market, LiouJia Night Market, LongTian Night Market, HuaGu Night Market and GuoTai Rd. Night Market. A total of 1,625 people has participated in the activity, and at least 1,625 diposable tableware were reduced during the event. Giveaway were drawed on live stream on 01 November 2022. 2. Promote the reusing of resources (1) 314 Clothing Drop Boxs have been recorded on “National Repairing and Reusable items Trading Site” on 20 May 2022. Also, 20 second-hand trading spots were added to “Recycled Resources Map for Tainan City” and “National Repairing and Reusable items Trading Site” on 14 July. Up to 15 November, 10 second-hand trading spots have been reported to Environmental Protection Administration. Corroborating document has been upadated after on-site inspection and provided to Environmental Protecion Bureau of Tainan City Government for further inspection. (2) Up to 11 Feburary, related regulations for second-hand trading of 15 collages and universities have been sorted and filed to EPA for further inspection. 6 collages and universities have been listed in the campus section of “National Repairing and Reusable items Trading Site” on 13 July. (3) Flea market (Executive Site: Night Owl Flea Market) with permanent location and fixed business hour has been optimized on 24 Feburary, 826 second-hand items were traded during the event. Moreover, another operating flea market “Marche Aux Puces De Hai-An” (Flea Market at Hai-An) helded for 12 times in 2022, 4,823 second-hand items were traded during the event. 3. Prmoting “Rent to Own” Consumption Pattern (1) Completed the listing of 10 leasing businesses within the jurisdiction area of Tainan City. (2) Compiling the trades for “Rent to Own” consumption pattern, 5,964 trades were made from 147 departments and units within the jurisdiction area of Tainan City, and 99,788 trades were made by 233 schools. 4. Promote the Cang Jin Yard Restored Furniture’s Auction (1) Wrote 10 copies for the marketing of the Cang Jin Yard Auctions, and getting exposure in at least 3 media reports. (2) Operatin proposal for Facebook Fan page of Cang Jin Yard were submitted on 22 Feburary. (3) Achievement reports for EPA Traing Center (From season 1 to season 4) has been reported. Moreover, assist the composing of 2021 Annual Achievemnet Report (Contents including, job description, activity arrangement, recording number of the participants, recording achievement with pictures, satisfaction surveys, inspection and future forecast) (4) Assist the repairing of rear aisle and the working area of Furniture Clinic in Cang Jin Yard on 31 May. The original wood stand in the working area were optimized with solid concrete stand, relevant reports were submitted to EPA for further inspection. (5) 20 reuse and recycling education courses were held, a total number of 414 people had participated throughout the holding of the courses. (6) Inviting “Development Association of FuChiang Community in East District” to participate in the trial lessons for reuse and recycling education courses (Course 1: Plant Pot made from recycling product/ Course 2: Blossoming in Styrofoam). Related records for the trial lessons were submitted on 12 July and 11 October to EPA Training Center for further inspection. Files were not approved, due to documents were asked to be supplemented. 5. Perform the inspection on source reduction (1) Completed a total of 8,360 inspections on source reduction (Including department stores, shopping center and hypermarkets regulated by “Disposable Tableware Implementation for Target User”, a total number of 19 spots). (2) Performed the inspection for holidays excess packaging one month ahead, such as Chinese New Year, Valentines Day, Dragon Boat Festival, Chinese Valentines Day and Moon Festival, a total of 754 cases had been examined. (3) Performed 756 inspections according to the article 26 of Tainan City Self-Government Ordinance for a Low-Carbon City. (4) Performed 1,815 inspections according to the article 26-2 of Tainan City Self-Government Ordinance for a Low-Carbon City. (5) Handled 66 cases of complaint and petition. 14 alleged violations were handed out, 14 of them have completed the improvement. (6) 4 news were published to promote “Reducing the use for diposable and mercury products”. Furthermore, 2 news were published for “The restriction of excess packaging”. 6. Plan and run the promotion of the environmental- friendly nightmarket and commercial district (1) Submitted the proposal of at least one nightmarket or commercial district before 24 Feburary, and complete the set ups before 31 July. (2) Submitted the promotion propagandas (Including creative slogan) for Fu-Hua Eco-Friendly Night Market, and submit the event proposal for 2022 eco-friendly night market on 22 July. (3) Submitted first draft of evaluation in written form for 2022 Fu-Hua Eco-Friendly Night Market. (4) 3 news of eco-friendly night market (Including Implementation results) were published on 15 August, 14 October and 22 November. (5) Assited Fu-Hua Night Market winning 2nd place in the National Competition of 16 Eco-Friendly Night Markets (Ranked according to the votes and star-rate). (6) Assisted monthly maintaenance for Fu-Hua Night Market and Hai-An Commercial Street with reducing disposable products for 10 times. 7. Promote the Eco-Friendly Food Delivery Service (1) Submitted the evaluation for “G Charge of Garbage Collection and Treatment Improving methods” along with the final form of quota analysis. (2) Set up systemto prevent auto-duplication and optimize searching function on “Charge of Garbage Collection and Treatment Information Site” on 12 July.
英文關鍵字 Garbage reduction, Tainan Waste Reduction Day, Second-hand market, Second-hand recycling hand-made experience course, Disposables Reduction, Garbage removal and disposal fee collection method assessment, Eco Night Market