英文摘要 |
This project focused on collecting and researching information on domestic and international chemical substance management fees, providing analysis reports, completing the Toxic Substances and Chemical Substances Management Fund System, and implementing incentive camp. The work was divided into three main aspects, as explained below:
【Regulation】Completed the collection of fee purposes, items, and rates from nine countries, including the European Union, Sweden, Finland, the United States, Canada, Australia, Japan, South Korea, and China. Compared the collected fee items with the substances under management and relevant funding sources. For major domestic and international chemical incidents, gathered financial loss data, incident response handling from publicly available annual reports, financial reports, and corporate social responsibility reports of companies. Compiled penalty records and completed the collection and consolidation of domestic and international incidents, totaling data from 36 manufacturers. To understand the fund size, fee items, fee targets, rates, and thresholds, analyzed operational data of toxic chemicals from 2018 to 2021 and submitted an analysis report for the future establishment and collection of chemical operation fees. Based on different fee collection schemes for chemical operation fees, operational data estimates for the years 2021 to 2022 were completed. This included the operating volume of 10 major toxic chemical substances and the volume of concerned chemical substances. Conducted fee estimates based on their operational behavior, types of chemicals, and reported quantities.
【System】In cooperation with the Chemicals Administration's selection of financial institutions for payment services, the collection of data for payment services from financial institutions has been completed, and priority has been given to establishing the payment system interface. The fee system is adjusted based on the current provisional rates, and subsequent adjustments can be made in accordance with the draft of chemical operation fee collection regulation. Revised the billing conditions of the fee system, such as fee rates, exemption thresholds, refund thresholds, arrears payment thresholds, reduction of fees, or other fee conditions. The website system was adjusted based on the evaluation indicators announced by the Chemicals Administration. As of November 6, 2023, it has obtained the Accessibility AA Level Mark. To maintain the security of the system information, continuous quarterly vulnerability scans, system monitoring, and normal functional operation were conducted.
【Administration】To align with the restructuring of the Executive Yuan, a meeting was conducted. The focus of the meetings included the direction of the fund's subsequent operations, the scale of fund collection, explanations of income and expenditures, subsidies, and the definition of the Chemicals Administration's various business execution and management fund associations. A two-day "Incentive Camp" was held in December 2023 to further explore and discuss these topics. The content and discussions from these meetings will serve as a reference for the subsequent direction of fund collection.
As of December 26, 2023, this project has assisted in completing 33 ad-hoc requests, including accident data statistics, release and operation volume statistics, air pollution, soil pollution, water pollution fee substances, and the comparison of substances announced as toxic and concerned chemical substances. Additionally, it has provided data collection in alignment with the required content for fund background information.